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Think she is gone this time


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Well after the last escape from kids kicking down fence. Laska has done a runner. Where the kids where kicking in the fence which i replaced their was a small hole under a grape vine i didnt notice where a foot had gone through. And she got through it i guess.

We have phoned everyone police dog wardens kennels vets everyone . we placed posters out with a pic etc and put letters through doors but no luck . I just got that feeling she is gone i hate to say it but we have a gypsy site not to far away and i fear that if she has gone there or been picked up by them she wont be coming back.

I feel so gutted im trying to block it out but its starting to sink in now . and why didnt i look harder at all the fence what a twat i am.

Im starting to feel like im not a worthy husky owner . but atleast storm didnt follow her this time she stayed with me asleep all morning. I was just about to take them on a long adventure aswell to tire them out aswell thats how i noticed she wasnt in the garden.

Anyway ill keep you posted i best go out and look again but ive been everywhere.

Speak soon guys

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Don't blame yourself, we've all had them go missing on us at one time or another as they test out new escape methods we hadn't yet thought of. Best wishes for finding her quickly. There's a very good chance she's out sniffing around, tail up and wagging, without a care in the world about the angst and horror she's causing you. I think a lot of us know the feeling. Again, best wishes and hope she's home soon.

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If you only knew how many times Alaska has done a runner, jumped the fence, sprinted out the front door before weve had a chance to take a second breath...she was gone all night once >> she saw a dog and broke her lead and that was that..i was looking for her for ages..turns out she ran back where she had last broke her collar looking for me..luckily that was by our vets and they took her in for the night...was soooo stressed that night. Im sure Laska would stay away from people if she had a bad feeling about them...why dont you go look at where those people are staying and do some snooping?

I really hope you find her, keep looking, im sure you'll find her:)

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You guys must be good luck. everytime i post on here that my dogs gone they turn up.

But im so happy now but as i said before this week has been the most stressfull ever . its one of them weeks where u need to go bed and put covers over your head.

Ive been ripped off 2 times from credit card fraud . the dogs have taken my wallet 2 times and chewed money inside . i got taken to court for forgetting to pay a 60 parking ticket and they billed me for 615 what a rip off. and then to top it off laska runs off today. im going for a beer.

BTW guess where laska was . we have a old coal bunker and she had sneaked inside it through the small crack in the door as its blocked from the stuff inside . and then pushed something agaist the door so she could get out . i went out there so many times and called her . but sshe didnt make a sound no cry nothing.

It wasnt untill i gave up all hope went outside for fresh air and then i saw 2 gangly legs poking out from under the door she was in there hours and hours and must have fell to sleep or something.

Funny end to the stress story lets hope next week brings me some luck or some sort of normal life.

Speak soon Bath and Beer for me ( and ive been on the wagon for 4 weeks now) :D

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Thx for replies guys . i feel like the boy that cried wolf . dont mean to honest i just feel here is the 1st place i can vent my stress and fears.

But ive now been round the closed part of the garden and blocked every hole and gap possible and locked all doors to sheds etc . so fingers crossed it wont happen again.

on a good note the cider is going down well i think i need it . ;)

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awww im glad shes home, and no im glad you came and shared...hey it might just be the husky-owners luck;) Yep make sure your garden is soo bullet proof she cant escape, and i no many around here that would happily steal and sell these 2 ...but Alaska's the type to run off but you know what dogs are like when youve got food so Waynes got a point!! Anyway glad shes home and safe:D

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Have had two of my dogs do that to me. Called Angel many times and could not figure out where she went. Turns out she was under my chair. Princess found a new place to hide where she had never been before and had me scared out of my wits. Silly dogs and they must be laughing while you are panicking.

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Im sorry to hear whats happened! Im glad you have Laska back again.

I had to quote this:

I feel so gutted im trying to block it out but its starting to sink in now . and why didnt i look harder at all the fence what a twat i am.

Im starting to feel like im not a worthy husky owner . but atleast storm didnt follow her this time she stayed with me asleep all morning. I was just about to take them on a long adventure aswell to tire them out aswell thats how i noticed she wasnt in the garden.

We all make mistakes and Im sure we have all had our sibes escape at some point in time. No one can be a perfect dog owner without making mistakes in their time of experince.

Instead of blaming yourself so much and putting yourself down, try looking at it as a learning curve as you now know something else you need to look out for.

If one of your dogs escape again, try to remain as calm as you can (we all know how extremely difficult that is!!!!) and dont put yourself down as you still have the other who will be relying on your confidence and leadership

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