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Fostering a 2 days old kitten


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I know this is a dog forum with mostly only dog people on it, so I'll keep this and possible any future updates just in this thread. Go away now if you can't stand photos of ​little kittens :D

As of today we are fostering a 2 days old kitten. He, Rambo as he is now called, was found in a wheelie bin together with two others who didn't survived it :( They were put in someone else's wheelie bin so we have no way of tracking down who did it. However, since he is without his mother someone has to take care of him, so that's where me and my mum kicked in :)

He needs to be bottle fed every two hours for the next two/three weeks, including in the middle of the night. Bottle feeding and all the other little things that the mother is normally supposed to do (stimulating bowel movements anyone?). Since he has no mother to rely on we'll have to see if he pulls through it without any issues. I'm able to combine this with a school assignment were I need to gain experience in my free time so that's always a welcom bonus.

So without further ado, let me introduce you to Rambo! :D





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awww so cute, I hand reared baby rabbits and all I did to toilet them was to gently wipe their bottoms with a piece of damp cotton wool. 1 made it to a fair old age and was so very tame. Rabbits didn't need fed just as often as the mum only feeds them once or twice a day, but as we used kitten or puppy food we fed them about every 4 hours.

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awwww how cute! Welcome to the world little Rambo :wub: You're in good hands with Jos and his mum :)

Keep us posted @BlueWolf I hope he pulls through

Are you going to keep him?

No, we won't (and we can't now). We nearly got another 8 eight old kitten from the shelter earlier. With the passing away of Wicca recently we already had a feeling there would be a high chance of keeping him. But sadly (but luckily for him) they found a mother cat we was willing to adopt him, giving him a much higher survival chance. We have since then got a new cat. An old one, the same age as our other cat Semafoor. They get along very good but we know we can't introduce a playful cat between these two oldies now. We will foster this kitten until it's old and healthy enough to be adopted, which is usually around 9 weeks.

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Soooo cute! I fostered two 1 day old kittens and I remember the 20 minute naps for 4wks straight was all I got of sleep LOL. Combine that with work and it was NOT something I want to repeat lol. Was fun though I remember the day they opened those little peepers I was so proud of the munchkins. I did find out the mother most likely abandoned them cause one of the babies had leukemia :( The other was strong and healthy though and my co-worker adopted him :) It really is a unique and wonderful experience isn't it :D

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He's lovely, we had a full tabby called Billy but he went walk about and never returned. We still have his brother George who's now 12. When I was about 5 I had a cat called Snowball who had kittens in a tea chest under our stairs. Unfortunately she went out one day when the kittens were less than a week old and never came back. My mother attempted to save the kittens but they all died one by one :(

It was probably about 25 yrs later my sister told me Snowball had been combined by the harvester. The farmer had brought her back in a box very apologetic as he knew me quite well from playing in the fields behind our cottage. My mother could never bring herself to tell me what happened and thought it better I believed Snowball had just wandered off.

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I don't know anything about cats but I read a bit of a breeder's blog and there's this part that tells the story of a litter of abandoned pups. Not really "abandoned" btw it's just the mother dog refusing to care for 'em =\ what she did to stimulate bowel movements is put the pup on a tissue or something and gently 'massage' the pup's tummy with her fingers. The younger the age, the gentler you've to be because you don't wanna hurt the little poor thing :( if by any chance you accidentally injured the lil' baby the first visible sign is a bloody poo hope that helps :)

P.S: he's sooooo cute :wub:

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Rambo is doing quite well. My mother kept him next to her bed all night, giving him the bottle when needed. Tonight we're going to work in shifts. I stay up late and give him one around 2am and my mother will wake up early so she can give the next one.

[MENTION=2850]mydiamond[/MENTION] That's exactly what we're doing right now. Luckily he's doing everything al right :)

Rambo decided it's about time to start discovering the world. He is hard to keep on one place (WHEN he is awake) and keep crawling around, lol. He can't see, but that doesn't stops him from traveling all over the place.



This is a video of his most recent 'travel', lol.

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Make sure Rambo has a teddy or something to snuggle up to. Rub his scent on it.

He is probably looking for something to snuggle at 3 days old. Just something you said about his moving around alot. Needs lots n lots of sleep :)

We ummm had 21 cats on our farm at one stage. 11 of those were kittens. Who all got that cat flu virus so I was putting drops in 22 eyes twice a day. I wanted to get two of the females desexxed and my ex said no. So thats how we eneded up with so many cats. I found homes for them but Roxy was pregnant again. Cats can come on heat right after a litter. Gob Smacked !! So two litters later while I was trying to get her desexxed because I put my foot down which was a big deal as he was very violent my ex. I was scared but he could see why I wanted it after all these births -sighs-

But the third time I tried, Roxy was in kitten again. I had to say to the vet, just do it. We had loads of strays around the farm, not ours also. Thats how she got in kitten, stray males.

Now I have left him, have one cat ahhhh...peaceful lol...so after all these kittens I watched and studied them. Thats why I made the comment about Rambo.

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His story has appeared in a few newspapers so far but today a local television did an interview with the person who rescued them out of the bin. He's going to take Rambo once he's old/healthy enough :)

It's Dutch though, but if you happen to want to see it (the kitten is in there too): dichtbij player autoplay

They tell the same story as I wrote in the first post so you won't miss too much.

Rambo is a real fighter by the way. As being said in the video, he definitely has a strong will to survive. He keeps trying to crawl all over the place as you can see :lolman:

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Rambo is now 9 days old and is doing fairly well. He started a new phase which means he's drinking A LOT. Up until now it was always a struggle to get him to drink something but now he almost attacks you when he senses you have the bottle in your hand, he gets way too exited :eek:

It's hard to see for us but when comparing today's photos to the first ones in this thread he has grown a lot :)


It won't be too long for his eyes to finally open now! :D


From the beginning he made a weird sound after drinking. It has changed a bit and we finally figured it was actually him purring, and not some breathing issues as what we first though :rolleyes: He does that as soon as he's in contact with someone.

He has also started doing what appears to be grooming/licking himself which is always a good sign :)


And this is just... Aaaah :wub:


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Aww. Rambo's definately a cute little tabby Tom cat! Reminds me of my childhood cat Daisy, well from what I can remember: she ran away/got run over when she was 2. I was only 6/7 at the time! glad he's found a forever home already, he's one lucky kitty!

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