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Im going on a diet


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I have been using 'my fitness pal' online since January and tracking what I eat and any exercise I have done and have lost about 3 stone. I was doing really well til I broke my wrist and slowed down a bit but I am now working up on my distance and speed again, especially having an extra dog to walk. Still have a way to go but it helps to stop me cheating as much.

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I have been using 'my fitness pal' online since January and tracking what I eat and any exercise I have done and have lost about 3 stone. I was doing really well til I broke my wrist and slowed down a bit but I am now working up on my distance and speed again, especially having an extra dog to walk. Still have a way to go but it helps to stop me cheating as much.

Just had nosey and signed up! Dear Ive had too much chocolate today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Y'all are gonna hate me! I moved down to the desert two years ago weighing in at about 200lbs - a tad heavy for my 6' but not too bad. I now weigh in at just over 150 - and have stayed there for the past six months. Talked to my medic at the VA and he says there's nothing wrong - I just need to think about eating. If I'm not hungry I don't eat and living by myself I just don't think about it ... Y'all are welcome to come spend a month or five, you may lose some and I may gain some back!

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I've been trying to diet lately and at least change some habits, and well....I've fallen off the wagon, but I have not let myself getting fully left behind, I am holding onto the wagon as it drags me down the road! I have good days and bad days, but I do take in more fresh produce over the last two months and drink less soda during the day and have added more water, and have tried to take walks and park farther away when running errands. I tried to start lap swimming, but it is so hard to fit it into my day when if I am not working I am exhausted, and I work all the time! I have 5 days off in a row, and hope to get motivated long enough to make a change and climb to the back of the wagon.

Need motivation! arrggghhh. Can I buy Motivation with my husky owner dollars $$.

Good Luck and Good for you, everyone deserves to make some healthy changes in life even if they are fit as can be, there is always room to improve.

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You know what, we should all make a Husky Owners Motivation Club or something like that. I've been trying to lose some weight for months now (and mind you, it's just a couple of kilos!) and it's really not working, as I can't find any motivation to go to the gym and I'm usually eating anything I want (at least I've not gained any weight, but not helping with weight loss at all).

But I'm going on holiday soon and I want to look nice for the beach and all.

Ironically, the only times I've actually managed to lose any weight at all were:

a) stomach bug (obviously, could not eat anything without throwing up so weight loss followed)

B) teeth issues (again, it is difficult to eat when you've just had your wisdom tooth extracted)

c) major depression after my boyfriend dumped me (wanted to write "after we broke up", but realised that would not be very accurate).

But I would say all of the above are not very healthy ways to lose weight :rofl: I really need somebody to keep me on track when I am dieting, just like with the gym, I am not motivated enough on my own!

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You know what, we should all make a Husky Owners Motivation Club or something like that. I've been trying to lose some weight for months now (and mind you, it's just a couple of kilos!) and it's really not working, as I can't find any motivation to go to the gym and I'm usually eating anything I want (at least I've not gained any weight, but not helping with weight loss at all).

But I'm going on holiday soon and I want to look nice for the beach and all.

Ironically, the only times I've actually managed to lose any weight at all were:

a) stomach bug (obviously, could not eat anything without throwing up so weight loss followed)

B) teeth issues (again, it is difficult to eat when you've just had your wisdom tooth extracted)

c) major depression after my boyfriend dumped me (wanted to write "after we broke up", but realised that would not be very accurate).

But I would say all of the above are not very healthy ways to lose weight :rofl: I really need somebody to keep me on track when I am dieting, just like with the gym, I am not motivated enough on my own!

Love having the stomach flu and a toothache....its like doing a cleansing ritutal :rofl:

Who's got enough point to have a "sticky" for a thread??? Maybe we can't [MENTION=25]sarah t[/MENTION]o donate us some point for a weight loss and workout check in thread! Or maybe [MENTION=1]Marc[/MENTION] could create us a "point system" !!!! Cracking myself up here, sorry! :P

I say we have to post a thread every time we do a significant work out of some sort, or maintain a routine after a week without cheating or skipping.... Or just checking in on this thread to Motivate ourselves.

My first resolution, is that I will go lap swim tomorrow morning, and show proof somehow, and post it here! :redface1:

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gonna jump in and give you guys some support from here don't have any tips or suggestions to share tho :oops my body weight is pretty funny it raises (a lot) during holidays and decreases when school starts :S must have something to do with all the stress x)

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Love having the stomach flu and a toothache....its like doing a cleansing ritutal


Who's got enough point to have a "sticky" for a thread??? Maybe we can't @sarah to donate us some point for a weight loss and workout check in thread! Or maybe @Marc could create us a "point system" !!!! Cracking myself up here, sorry! :P

I say we have to post a thread every time we do a significant work out of some sort, or maintain a routine after a week without cheating or skipping.... Or just checking in on this thread to Motivate ourselves.

My first resolution, is that I will go lap swim tomorrow morning, and show proof somehow, and post it here! :redface1:

I wish I could make a better resolution today, but I'm not going to have any time to exercise. So I'll just say I'll have a tomato salad for dinner instead of sandwiches :D

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I wish I could make a better resolution today, but I'm not going to have any time to exercise. So I'll just say I'll have a tomato salad for dinner instead of sandwiches :D

I already goofed, I made 4 pie crust cookies tonight, (all 4 fit in my hand, so it wasn't a big batch,but I ate them all). I did have a salad with some chicken on it for dinner, which I had some tomatoes for it, I only had cucumbers..... and I'm drinking water now:) I have 3 times I can go swimming tomorrow, and I have to pick on of them, as I am home all day, heck maybe load my ipod and take an extra walk with the dogs too.

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I already goofed, I made 4 pie crust cookies tonight, (all 4 fit in my hand, so it wasn't a big batch,but I ate them all). I did have a salad with some chicken on it for dinner, which I had some tomatoes for it, I only had cucumbers..... and I'm drinking water now:) I have 3 times I can go swimming tomorrow, and I have to pick on of them, as I am home all day, heck maybe load my ipod and take an extra walk with the dogs too.

Well I just had some cookies for breakfast... so not the best start of the day! But at least I'll try to stick to the salad tonight. At least I am working today for a few hours - wish that and walking the dog counted as extra exercise, but since I do it every day, probably not...

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Well I just had some cookies for breakfast... so not the best start of the day! But at least I'll try to stick to the salad tonight. At least I am working today for a few hours - wish that and walking the dog counted as extra exercise, but since I do it every day, probably not...

cookies have eggs in them....that counts as protein right?:redface1:

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I don't see why not... but then you'd have to count all the sugar and flour as carbs. And judging by how sweet those things were, probably I'm not allowed to eat any more carbs at all today lol :rofl:

what does that leave you with, celery for the rest of the day?:P

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Lets see if this makes snese to any of you.

I am about a size 10 and border on size 12 clothes at times. I have an underactive thyroid that has caused my weight yo yoing and my ankle being damaged 2 years ago has not helped.

Normally I am a size 8 and it feels better to be this way. Normally 55 kilo. Right now I am 73 kilo.

All my life I was small boned, small frame. I was athletic a long distance runner.

But...even though some of you might not think of me as fat, I look fat for my frame which is the part of explaining some of you might not understand. Not huge fat but I can feel and notice it and it bothers me since I am normally small. No I am not anorexic either and have a body issue. It is very hard to explain to people and so far I have only had one person get what I mean. Cause most say...Ooo I would love to be your size 10 clothes and that is as far as I can get to them not understanding lol.

So I am trying my hardest to cope with the ankle pain and just walk with Luka. I am hoping eventually the complex pain syndrome will heal itself as it can after some years. I want my active life back. Luka is great for getting me to walk.

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Lets see if this makes snese to any of you.

But...even though some of you might not think of me as fat, I look fat for my frame which is the part of explaining some of you might not understand. Not huge fat but I can feel and notice it and it bothers me since I am normally small. No I am not anorexic either and have a body issue. It is very hard to explain to people and so far I have only had one person get what I mean. Cause most say...Ooo I would love to be your size 10 clothes and that is as far as I can get to them not understanding lol.

So I am trying my hardest to cope with the ankle pain and just walk with Luka. I am hoping eventually the complex pain syndrome will heal itself as it can after some years. I want my active life back. Luka is great for getting me to walk.

i know where you are coming from. i had malaria and lost 14 lbs in a week, my boobs disappeared and my hips stuck out further!!. after coming out of hospital i had a bottle of cheap baileys or two and i gained more weight than i was originally before being ill. i was not fat in any way, shape or form but i felt it. i got used to it and since gained another 50lbs lol.. i have the house to myself next week so am going to do lots of fitness dvds, if i dont fall over the doofs lol

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I'm a size 8 and have been for a long time now but believe me it's at a cost. When my son was born 8 years ago I had a stomach bug a few days after giving birth. The constant feeling of nausea lasted for 6 months. I didn't leave the house and my gp prescribed tablets that wouldn't work. I still feel sick moderately every single day. At night or early mornings I can wake up with nausea so strong that I sweat and physically shake from the strength of it. It will last for hours, all night usually. This happens at least once a month and is exhausting. Noone knows why it happens but it affects my life heavily. Holidays are a constant Source of stress as I'm always really bad then! Travelling long distances, going out for meals in the evening will set it off. Just getting a cold will usually leave me in bed being sick for a day or two. If I were healthy I wouldn't be this size, I would be more normal.

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How is all our diets and fitness programs going people?

I chopped wood allllllllllllllllll....day yesterday. I am so sore. How much worth do you think I lost for that lol??

Poor Luka had 3 huge leeches sucking on him. Poor lil puppy. I hate them. As we had him outside with us chopping wood.

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How is all our diets and fitness programs going people?

I chopped wood allllllllllllllllll....day yesterday. I am so sore. How much worth do you think I lost for that lol??

Poor Luka had 3 huge leeches sucking on him. Poor lil puppy. I hate them. As we had him outside with us chopping wood.

so far with 5 days in a row off of work, I have not made use of my time well in dieting. I bailed on going lap swimming, I'm such a slack-ass! BUT I have been sure to increase my water in-take (this is hard, as I hate drinking water), and I have not done any sweets except a few caramel candies in about 3 days, and have added a salad to every dinner to replace any starches like potatoes or noodles, in other words, steak and salad instead of potato, or burger and salad instead with no cheese instead of fries or chips.....My lunches have only been vegetables only, and breakfast is a diet coke and fruit or yogurt. I know pathetic, but these changes take time, I have horrid habits.

I have taken Grace on an extra walk everyday, and walked my butt off for 2 hours today at the beach, no match to chopping wood!

Tomorrow I go back to work but only for one of my three jobs, so I should be able to exercise a few days, but the following week I'm back to all three jobs, so I will have to stick to my lunch hour walk plan, cuz there is not enough hours during the day to do it all. At least working so much, I am not sitting 10 feet from a kitchen full of food all day.

Keep it up everybody:cheerleader:

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I've been really fortunate in that I've always been on the lighter side and gone under weight as opposed to over weight.. That was up until I turned 40. Since then I've had a steady gain in weight which increased when I met my partner as he's not a small bloke and loves his food. I now tend to eat almost as much as him resulting in my having gained 2 stone! I'm going on holiday in sept and would love to lose at the very least a stone but have absolutely no motivation lol

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Okay people...How's the summer diet going???

I've walked for 45 minutes every lunch break 5 days last week and started again this week.

Doing all Citrus and Whole Grains in the morning as "fat burning" foods to get metabolism up, having a decently hearty lunch of carbs and fruit and dinners of veggies, turkey or chicken and fruit. Didn't do so well on the water intake today, I will have to change that tomorrow....but only had two diet cokes, and sipped on black coffee most of the day. I am having green tea tonight, which is suppose to be good for dieting....but who knows!

So lets hear more failures and successes.....:popcorn: :cookies:

BTW thanks [MENTION=44]siberian_wolf[/MENTION] for starting this thread!

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My progress so far:

I managed to lose 1kg... in the past two weeks. BUT I realized that I will probably need to lose at least 6 more kilos to get to the shape I want to. So it's going to take a bit of work, however I am really determined to lose my muffin top and to look much slimmer!

Unfortunately, I only managed to drag myself to the gym once in the mean time, but I've got some free weights at home so I am planning to start exercising at home, since it seems I can't be bothered to go to the gym at all. :rolleyes:

My diet is going pretty well, as I managed not to have any chocolate chip cookies in the last week. I've not cut back on sweets completely, but I am only having one Milky way bar a day, which is not too bad in terms of calories. I've also given up pouring tons of milk in my coffee/tea, although I love them really milky, it's no good having 3 or 4 of those a day.

I've been eating only salads for dinner and trying to eat less for lunch and breakfast. And I've stopped having microwave meals (although I'm really struggling with that, I am never in the mood for cooking after I finish work!)

Anyway, we'll see how this goes... I hope I can keep it up! :D

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