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Safi isn't to well


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@Povodny about all I can say is "Ouch!" I don't remember what everyone here has written about their dogs, sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with my two!

Really glad to hear that she's doing better - and I guess with all the internal apparatus, she just might get stressed. My prayers that things keep looking up - and yes, it's amazing what the liver can do for itself, now if the kidneys would just do the same!!

Take care //al

Edited by Al Jones
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On way back from vets. Not good, the ascites is back she's become very vague and her skin is beginning to yellow. Just hoping this batch of meds will show a turn around. I'm worried she's given


Oh no.:(So sorry to just read this Nicola.Must be very worrying for you right now.I hope the new medicine will help,and she will find the strength to fight back.Love and hugs to Safi.x

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Oh no.:(So sorry to just read this Nicola.Must be very worrying for you right now.I hope the new medicine will help,and she will find the strength to fight back.Love and hugs to Safi.x

Thank you. I'd say she's probably as bad or perhaps worse than last September. It's a waiting game, as long as I'm comfortable she's not in pain we can try a while longer. I don't want to appear to be melodramatic but the next few weeks will tell. Assuming we have that long. I had to lift her into the car after we came out of the vets and carry her from the car to the house. She's a very poorly puppy.

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Thank you. I'd say she's probably as bad or perhaps worse than last September. It's a waiting game, as long as I'm comfortable she's not in pain we can try a while longer. I don't want to appear to be melodramatic but the next few weeks will tell. Assuming we have that long. I had to lift her into the car after we came out of the vets and carry her from the car to the house. She's a very poorly puppy.

That is so sad to hear:(.As we both know,it is never easy having 4 but this is an awful reminder to me that no matter how hard it is,we would never wish to be without one of them.Hoping things get better..Karen.x

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Oh, Nic, the last I read she was doing better with the cooler weather, when I saw that you'd made a note today, I was hoping that things were continuing to go well - and I can't even begin to say how I feel that they're not looking up. My sympathy, love and prayer to you both.

May the gods smile upon thee ... //al

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Oh, Nic, the last I read she was doing better with the cooler weather, when I saw that you'd made a note today, I was hoping that things were continuing to go well - and I can't even begin to say how I feel that they're not looking up. My sympathy, love and prayer to you both.

May the gods smile upon thee ... //al

Aww thank you Al, I hope so I really hope so

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Morning Nic,Just wondering how Safi is this morning?...Karen.x

Hi Karen thanks for the enquiry. Without getting ahead of ourselves, she's very much improved this morning. She's more alert, less hostile towards Peppa and doesn't seem to be having as much difficulty focusing and understanding what's going on around her. The fixed staring and swaying has stopped and she's drinking again. Yesterday I was syringing water into her, the vet wanted her in on a drip today if she hadn't begun drinking.

The results of her bloods are actually very encouraging. Her liver hasn't declined any further than her last results. Her kidneys which was a big concern for me because of the strong pee she's had are fine, there's no anaemia but her proteins are low which could be down to the ascites so conversely she needs more meat in her diet even though she needs a low protein diet :/. Basically whatever has caused her decline isn't because her liver has suddenly worsened so hopefully she should recover again. As the vet (Anna) pointed out, we've already got an extra year after being told she had nothing by some of the best experts in the world in veterinary medicine.

Im much more positive today, yesterday was a very dark day. I didn't think she could pull it back again and Felt like I failed her which is silly I know but you always feel you should be doing more. Sorry it was so long winded a response :/

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Hi Karen thanks for the enquiry. Without getting ahead of ourselves, she's very much improved this morning. She's more alert, less hostile towards Peppa and doesn't seem to be having as much difficulty focusing and understanding what's going on around her. The fixed staring and swaying has stopped and she's drinking again. Yesterday I was syringing water into her, the vet wanted her in on a drip today if she hadn't begun drinking.

The results of her bloods are actually very encouraging. Her liver hasn't declined any further than her last results. Her kidneys which was a big concern for me because of the strong pee she's had are fine, there's no anaemia but her proteins are low which could be down to the ascites so conversely she needs more meat in her diet even though she needs a low protein diet :/. Basically whatever has caused her decline isn't because her liver has suddenly worsened so hopefully she should recover again. As the vet (Anna) pointed out, we've already got an extra year after being told she had nothing by some of the best experts in the world in veterinary medicine.

Im much more positive today, yesterday was a very dark day. I didn't think she could pull it back again and Felt like I failed her which is silly I know but you always feel you should be doing more. Sorry it was so long winded a response :/

Aww,that is wonderful news and so nice to hear.!!:)It sounds like she has rallied around again ,bless her.I was once told that dogs have a very high pain threshold,don't know if that's true,but I think they probably cope with far more than we could.I'm so relieved for you ( and her),but you must never feel you aren't doing enough,you most definitely are.Let us hope that she continues fighting back,certainly the blood results are very positive.Just take it one day at a time,cos every day you now get is a bonus don't you agree.Be strong Safi,love Karen and the PPH.x

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Very pleased with the result of the blood work! Also glad to hear that she's more responsive today.

One of the things I've had to deal with is this feeling of failure when I "lose" a friend - whether they're in fur or not. I feel that I've taken on a responsibility for their care - and we have, we know that - and when things go bad it's natural to feel guilty. We who rescue have to realize that no matter how bad things are now, they would have been so extremely worse had we not "interfered". You give her as much love and care as you can - no one, neither she nor you - can ask to do more.

My continued best wishes and prayers for her complete recovery.

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