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Not a husky but a dog in need of help :(


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Hi All

I got a call from my friend earlier just as I came out of the cinema, bit of background...

Her and her husband split up a few months ago and they got a pup called Tyson, he's a rottie - lovely lovely boys, great with kids etc he's now around 3

When they separated, his friend took Tyson in whilst he got his own place etc. The couple he left him with have 2 other dogs (unsure of breed) the female gets on great with him, the male doesn;t and they keep them separate.

Anyway, they called him tonight to say he had bitten the woman and he had to come and get him - he went up and turns out the male dog who doesn't like tyson had gone at him barking etc so tyson grabbed him, there were 4 adults in the house who grabbed tyson and shouted at him and punched / kicked him to get him off the dog (from what i've been told this sounds a bit excessive for 4 people to all do this at once)

Tyson reacted as i think any dog would do - he bit a lady on the arm, nothing too drastic, a 1cm puncture mark, she's gone to the hospital to get it checked out.

When my friends hubby turned up to collect tyson he was shocked, they give money for food and take food up there for him, but he's so thin! He took tyson out of the house and went round to my friends as they have got back together.

I called in to see her on my way home and he came bouncing at me so excited to see me, bless....he jumped up at me paws on my shoulder and covered me in licks :wub: He's a lovely dog and it brought tears to my eyes to see how thin he was :(

I've given my friend advice on what to feed and how often etc to help him gain weight, my question is, mainly for UK peeps, can the police do anything and order the dog to be destroyed? :(

Another issue - she has 3 young children who love him to bits - i've told her to keep them away from him for now just in case, but i think she may have to look at rehoming him to be on the safe side - do you know anywhere that would take on a rottie or of any rottie rescue centres?

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yes, hun, there are a few breed-specific rescues for rotties. As for the police, I had a GSD that a "friend" of mine cornered in my house, she went to grab him to force him outside, he felt threatened & snapped at her causing a small puncture wound, like what you have described. She told me this info voluntarily. Then she realised she might be entitled to some ££ & reported it, but when the whole story came out, she was in the wrong for doing what she did BUT Sabre's "bite" was put on record so that if he did anything else in future, dependant on circumstances, he would then be under a PTS order. Thankfully he never did as the "friend" became an "ex-friend" very quickly!

When you say young children, are they sort of under 10? Can they not be taught how to be responsible around the dog if older than that? Saying that, even though a child should never be left with any dog, family or not, it is hard to manage this 24/7, 365 days a year. Poor Tyson ... he must be wondering what he's done to have gone there & be treated like that :(

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yes, hun, there are a few breed-specific rescues for rotties. As for the police, I had a GSD that a "friend" of mine cornered in my house, she went to grab him to force him outside, he felt threatened & snapped at her causing a small puncture wound, like what you have described. She told me this info voluntarily. Then she realised she might be entitled to some ££ & reported it, but when the whole story came out, she was in the wrong for doing what she did BUT Sabre's "bite" was put on record so that if he did anything else in future, dependant on circumstances, he would then be under a PTS order. Thankfully he never did as the "friend" became an "ex-friend" very quickly!

When you say young children, are they sort of under 10? Can they not be taught how to be responsible around the dog if older than that? Saying that, even though a child should never be left with any dog, family or not, it is hard to manage this 24/7, 365 days a year. Poor Tyson ... he must be wondering what he's done to have gone there & be treated like that :(

They're 8, 5 and 2 - she's had a chat with them and he will be outside a lot when they're there - they're getting him a kennel as well but not sure how her landlord will take it as he has a no dogs policy x

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Sorry Sarah, I've only just spotted this thread. I'm not sure about liability but I think it depends on the situation. Would the citizens advice bureau or RSPCA be able to advice if it looks like things are going to head down that route?

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Hi Sarah,

Sounds like a nightmare, and I know all about them...

However, I might have a glimmer of hope for you? my friend / hairdresser for 5 years, is looking for a rotty, she does have kids but there not really 'kids' anymore and she's had 2 rotties in the past. I believe she might be interested? only thing is, I havent got a number for her, and I work in a different town Monday - Friday? So I could stick my head in the hairdressers on Saturday? and see what she says??? it was only this Saturday gone she mentioned she was looking for one, possibly a rescue - to join her family (Just recently split up with her fella' and he's took the dog) So doubt nothing has happened in these last couple of days. However if you think it sounds like a good idea, and something needs doing sooner rather than later, give me a shout and I could get my misses to walk round to the barbers and get her number for me, i'm pretty sure :up:

Hope this could be of help to you, your friend, and the rotty! :cool:

Edited by s200rey
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pretty sure that she cant order the dog to be put down as it happened on private property (something's happening about this being changed but i dont know if its gone through or not)

TBH any dog will bite in that situation, many will accidently bite a person when they are intervening on a dog fight anyway (i have been bitten by diesel before when I grabbed him when he was trying to attack and both me and stacey have been bitten by getting involved in the girls tiffs)

It doesnt sound like an intended bite as the wound was small and IMO not really much to worry about, stacey's finger was a lot worse when Kira got her but I dont class kira as aggressive AT ALL, stacey just got in the way lol.

I would keep an eye on the dog but dont have it seperated from everyone, this is likely to make it stressed and so more likely to bite if something does happen. Maybe keep him on a lead/behind a gate while re-introducing to the children and of course never leaving him alone with them at all. Maybe a muzzle when he is in the room with them for a while until everyone is comfortable.

TBH no where is going to take a rottie with a bite history, even if it was an accidental bite, i spent months ringing every rescue in the UK trying to get diesel a space and they're all full and no willing to take any 'bully type' breed or one with any ounce of aggression. If he goes into rescue he is likely to get put down :(

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