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Get Out Of The Road

Paranormal Wolf

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Grr for the past several weeks we have been having issues with one of the dogs on our road. This dog is one of the many that are not kept in the house, or in a kennel or anything, they are just left to roam free. It looks like a pit/boxer mix and it is getting to be a pain in the butt. Almost every night for the past few weeks as we're driving home, between 1-4am this dog is laying in the middle of the road. some nights it moves, others we have to stop for a few minutes before it finally moves! Last night we came to the spot where the dog usually lies and there he/she was right in the middle of our narrow road and there's no way to go around. So we stop and wait and wait and wait. At first it didn't move at all and we though maybe someone had hit it. Nope not the case the dog is just ornery and it laid there for a good few minuted before it moved and we could pass. It always gives us a look too, as if saying "eh you again huh, you in that blue car always making me move...grumble grumble."

-Would toot the horn to get him to move but again it's 1-4am and people are sleeping. Not to mention this dog most likely belongs to the crotchety old man who was rude to us when we hard car issues there one night.

-Started to get out and check on the dog/get it to move but then the other dogs that hang around would start barking and again wake up the crotchety old man.

-This is in the same part of my road where the other people always get the dogs that disappear so its not the best place to be stopping at or asking questions.

I have nothing against the dog because well its a dog but dag-nab-it he doesn't need to be roaming free and allowed to lay in the road. Obviously the "owner" doesn't care about the dogs safety and I'm surprised someone hasn't ran him/her over on purpose because there are a lot of arse holes that live and drive on my road. These people have a small pack of dogs that just roam free. Ok rant over... :rant:

p.s. could a mod fix the "the" in the title? It says Thr haha

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The thr is now a the.

and well stoopid owners have a stoopid dawg.

Stoopid is as stoopid does.

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Ugh. Isn't there some sort of animal control/humane society that could give this old guy a warning? Maybe a fine?

I wish, we have animal control that's part of the local humane society for the whole county but they don't really do anything when it's in the country/county part vs the city part. Even in the city part they don't do a whole lot other than pick up strays. I actually talked to a local constable I know once or twice about the dog situations and he said basically the same thing, where I live in the country nothing gets enforced :@ Its a load of hooey! We even had a guy that had horse that would always get out in the road at night and we came close to hitting them on more than one occasion, he finally fixed his fence thank goodness.

You would think since I've lived my whole life in the country and on this road, in the same house even, that I would be use to all this by now. I'll admit I wasn't raised with the best dog owner techniques and when I was little we had dogs that were allowed to run loose from time to time and they were always kept chained outside. That's sadly just the way it was/is where I live and no one (other than me) seems to see what's wrong with this. I've grown up, I've learned, and I've become a responsible dog owner but sadly most people on my road are set in their ways and will continue to irresponsibly keep their dogs.

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ugh! Sounds sooooo annoying :S is the dog completely asleep or will he/she react if you throw a tiny (super tiny) piece of cheese to it? You can throw the cheese to another direction and once the dog got up and chase after it you can continue your journey :D

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ugh! Sounds sooooo annoying :S is the dog completely asleep or will he/she react if you throw a tiny (super tiny) piece of cheese to it? You can throw the cheese to another direction and once the dog got up and chase after it you can continue your journey :D

Its usually awake or partly awake. It might move if we threw out a treat but then again I'm not sure and don't usually carry treats on me haha. Plus then he would associate cars with food. This pooch is in the road several nights a week and its really annoying to say the least. Sometimes he'll move when he notices the car coming toward him, other times we have to come to a complete stop and wait for him to move. I kid you not the other night we were stopped between 3-5 minutes just waiting on it to move. It didn't help that it was a night we needed to go home and go to bed early either ...

wow moron! who lets their dogs do that!?

That's my thinking exactly but sadly where I live its not uncommon. I've disliked where I lived for years now and it just seems to get more and more annoying.

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you need this long stick with a rubber finger in the end and poke the pooch with it :P

"come on, Dog! Get up already!" *poke, poke*

LOL could you imagine me sitting in the passengers side with something like that poking a lazy poochie :rofl:

Last night he actually got up and moved before we got close to him. He's a smart dog and has learned but also is ornery like Koopa and sometimes just doesn't give a darn and stays put. I swear I though Koopa was lazy/ornery until I met this pooch!

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If it was me, I'd sound the horn until it moved then drive off. Every time it was in the road, I'd do the same.

If the miserable old basket-case gives you grief, tell him it's simple. Keep your dog off the road!!!

I don't care what time of night it is, if the dog's in the road I'd sound the horn. After all, that's what it's for, a WARNING!

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If it was me, I'd sound the horn until it moved then drive off. Every time it was in the road, I'd do the same.

If the miserable old basket-case gives you grief, tell him it's simple. Keep your dog off the road!!!

I don't care what time of night it is, if the dog's in the road I'd sound the horn. After all, that's what it's for, a WARNING!

You do have a good and valid point there. Luckily he's not been in the road lately but next time he just may get honked at

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