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How to stop unwanted behaviors?


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WARNING: Very long story...

Simple version on bottom.

Well ... I love Jelly and all but when you mess with my mornings I get pretty pissed easily. She was doing so well for about a week or a little more than that and then starting yesterday it got really bad.

So I woke up this morning at 7 to hear Jelly barking meaning she wanted to go potty. So I took her out and while she was out I filled her food bowl. I come back to the back door to see if she's done (she usually sits patiently at the door) but she jumps on the door and starts barking like crazy. Not sure what that was for but I ignored it because she went straight to her kennel when I opened the door. I then ran back upstairs to sleep more and I wake up again at 8 to hear barking. I kept hoping if I stayed quiet long enough she'd shut up (which is what she usually does since the only other reason she barks is to get attention or if she sees someone and they walk past her without giving her attention) <- not sure if this is good behavior either not that I mention it...

Well, she didn't and kept barking until about 8:11 when I finally gave up and went downstairs (I was guessing she saw my dad or mom leaving the house but I wasn't sure and usually she'd stop making so much noise in a few minutes when she found out no one is coming. Then I wasn't really sure if she had to use the bathroom or not (because she used to have to go every 15-25 minutes after she ate) so I said heck with it I'm taking her out. I took her out and sat by the door waiting. I'm watching her this whole time and she doesn't even go near the grass. Instead she just walks and sniffs the floor. I'm totally fine with that except she used me in the wrong way and she was out there for 10 minutes before I started to ask her to come in. (I usually don't let Jelly outside often because she always finds something to mess up. Aka my mom's plant or dig a mud hole or something dumb and since I'm going out of town tomorrow I don't want her to get dirty because she was just at the groomers. Usually I'm fine with her getting muddy, just wash it up but yeah since I'm leaving tomorrow and haven't packed I don't really have enough time to bathe her again) Anywho, I call her in and she completely ignores me so I walk calmly to her and try to grab her harness but EVERYTIME I try to do this, she runs. So this gets me kind of frustrated every time. So I storm inside the house and close the door in hopes of her coming to the door and waiting. But no. She doesn't. Goes back to doing her own thing. But yeah how do I fix this? I know the behavior started when she had things she knew I didn't want her to have.

AKA socks. She runs from me because I'm like, "JELLY NO!" -panicked voice- And she runs and it takes forever to catch her. My house is stupid but we don't have any doors for each room. Like I know some people's houses the office has a door, the dining room has a door, the kitchen has doors, etc . My house doesn't have any of that. The only doors the securely close the room are bedrooms and bathrooms. Other than that it's open. Hence, I get aggravated running around the house because I can't freaking catch her unless I trick her which she learns from every time and I have to think of a different way. Blisters on my feet from all the running and scraping my foot along the carpet... So what do I do to fix this?

Should I just go back to putting on a leash when I take her out? Would that even fix the behavior? I have no idea how to go about fixing this behavior of hers. I do give her a little bonk on the nose when she does get in trouble more like a light tap and a stern no. And with that she usually obediently walks back to her kennel.


When your dog runs when s/he's in trouble how do you stop it from happening when they stop responding to commands and think you're playing with him/her?

This is why it's so hard to chase her -_-.


^ There's more grass to the left of this picture


^ And more grass behind the garage and next to it on the other side..

Oh also... Do those fences look tall enough that she can't jump over them? I have to leave her outside once school starts but I'm very skeptical about this. The bottom of the fence we lined with bricks from our house lol.. Not sure if that's enough.

Edited by Tatipu
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Just read your story...she's around 4 months now...right? I think that's about the time they start their teenager phase? That's when they start to become independent, and 'stop' listening to you and do whatever they want. Or, so I've heard.

I don't have any experience with puppies, though, so I'm not much help. Sorry...

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Panda is like this at one point, and at times he still is. First time he barks in the morning it is 100% potty related, but the 2nd time he usually just wants someone to be there or to go out and play. I usually just ignore till i'm done getting ready.

He also didn't like coming in when called, i used a jar and put some treats inside and i shook it, he would always come, id give him a treat when he did, eventually just phase out the jar shaking and treat him each time he responds and comes.

A squeaky toy could work too if she's into those.

When Panda is in trouble and he's running around i just ignore him and go back inside, he will calm down and eventually just wait for me.

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"I call her in and she completely ignores me so I walk calmly to her and try to grab her harness but EVERYTIME I try to do this, she runs."

Looks like she wanted to play, so try playing with her :) get her favorite toy and get her to chase/follow you (toy) to where you want to go when there get her to sit and calm down b4 giving it to her (will show her that you chose play time) praise her when she does what you want her to do (lots of verbal and physical praise as this will show her its worth doing what you tell her) or try bribing her with treats to come in (again lots of praise when she does)

"So this gets me kind of frustrated every time. So I storm inside the house"

I know its easy to say but try to stay calm, dogs want and look for strong leadership, would a good leader wouldnt walk (storm) away after being ignored? Sorry didnt mean to sound mean but the quicker she knows that ur the boss and should do what u say the better, if she gets away with one thing she will try other things

"JELLY NO!" -panicked voice- And she runs and it takes forever to catch her

Again as above stay calm tell her once "NO" in a firm voice and stay/stop whatever u taught her, then go get it off her (teach her drop/let go) and when she does what you want again lots of praise, if she runs don't chase her, follow her calmly till she runs out of room to run then get it off her but tell her drop/let go and when she does praise her (Again I know when you see your possessions being destoyed its hard to stay calm and not chase but if you chase she gets to play and have fun)

"My house is stupid but we don't have any doors for each room"

You could try a child gate to restrict her to certain parts of the house (would be handy for you to protect expensive furniture etc or protect her from chewing cables etc)

"Blisters on my feet from all the running and scraping my foot along the carpet... So what do I do to fix this?"

slippers or indoor socks (:sorry: for that)

"Do those fences look tall enough that she can't jump over them?"

Hard to tell from photo but they should be at least 6 feet high, if you want peace of mind you could try chaining her to somthing solid with a long chain (long enough to get drinks, find shade and poo away from where she would sleep etc but short enough so she wont climb over fence and strangle herself)

"I do give her a little bonk on the nose when she does get in trouble more like a light tap and a stern no"

Personally I dont get physical with my dog (hes 9.5 months old) as I think it teaches them that its ok for them to do it but I have read both sides of the argument and its up to you what you do for your dog and when you do it, but a little bonk wont hurt her so how effective will it be? If someone hit you gently would it teach you anything or make you feel bad? Or if someone told you you were a good girl and scratched your ear (or gave you a hug :grouphug:) would it make you feel good?

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