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Annoying Children ...

Paranormal Wolf

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Ok I'll admit I'm not a big fan of children to start with. I don't have kids nor do I particularly want them any time soon. That being said I don't hate kids, at least not the ones who don't act like out right brats! I often sit at out local McDonalds to use their wifi and I can't tell you how many times I just want to pop off at some of these parents. I understand kids will be kids and honestly I don't blame the children because just like with dog ownership it is up to the parents to teach, discipline and control their ill behaved kids. Like right now there is a little boy who just keeps screaming at the top of his lungs, he's counting but goodness what happened to using your inside voice? Then once his sister finishes eating her ice cream they start running around the whole restaurant! All the while the mother is sitting on her arse not doing a darn thing. This is all too common. I've seen kids run wild, scream and scream and even had one little boy keep coming over poking me. Ummm excuse me but I don't know this kid, what if I were a pedophile or something? What happened to don't talk to strangers?

Its not just restaurants either, its everywhere. Once I was in a shop for hair and beauty supplies. Was getting a magazine and a little girl was running around while the mother did nothing. Well when I turned around I accidentally hit the kid in the face with a magazine because she ran right in front of me. Then at the grocery store kids dart out like deer in front of our carts. I've almost hit countless of them. And if I do a dare a parent to say something to me because I'll give them a piece of my mind right quick!

Ok so I'm not trying to offend any parents out there and yes I know I'm not a parent but come on. When I was little I didn't act like that, I wasn't allowed to. If I ever have children they will be taught how to act when in public, just like my parents taught me how to behave. I understand kids will be kids but some of these parents just don't give a rats behind and let their children do as they please....

Ok rant over


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Kids HAVE to get what they want these days or your a bad parent.:rolleyes: And if they want to run around and scream then that's what they get to do. There's also some lazy parents out there. I had a friend who was recently at the grocery store. There was a kid running around actually hitting people. My friend asked the lady if she was going to do something about it. She said he was just being a kid. My friend called her a horrible parent(to put it nice:)) and walked off. I too can't believe how some kids can act without the parents doing a single thing about it.

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I noticed the same thing when i went to the shops the other day. Every kid was messing about! Didn't see a single well behaved kid. When i was a younger i was always 'on lead' to stop me running about and if i did something wrong i KNEW about it! Now if anyone tells a kid off they're a bad parent? Im sorry but kids need rules and manners! Not being allowed to do what they want...

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Kids HAVE to get what they want these days or your a bad parent.:rolleyes: And if they want to run around and scream then that's what they get to do. There's also some lazy parents out there. I had a friend who was recently at the grocery store. There was a kid running around actually hitting people. My friend asked the lady if she was going to do something about it. She said he was just being a kid. My friend called her a horrible parent(to put it nice:)) and walked off. I too can't believe how some kids can act without the parents doing a single thing about it.

Oh if a random kid in the store came up and hit me I have no clue what I would do other than have some choice words with the "parent" hitting people is not just being a kid lol. I also can't imagine how much trouble I would have gotten in if I had ran around hitting someone as a kid.

I noticed the same thing when i went to the shops the other day. Every kid was messing about! Didn't see a single well behaved kid. When i was a younger i was always 'on lead' to stop me running about and if i did something wrong i KNEW about it! Now if anyone tells a kid off they're a bad parent? Im sorry but kids need rules and manners! Not being allowed to do what they want...

That's the biggest problem, people are deemed a bad parent for disciplining their kids. You see the state of the world now so imagine it once these kids grow up, not being taught what to do or how to behave. Then they will have kids, oh the cycle just gets worse and worse.

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I really don't like kids either to be honest. Most parents now days want to be friends with their kids not parents so they do not discipline their kids.

Last night I was volunteering at an event. My job (with several of my friends) was to keep people back from the fences while the Red Bull Moto Cross Jumpers were doing their show. I asked a kid (probably 6 or 7) to step back because he was trying to slip through the fence. His mom glared at me so I explained that she needed to keep her kid back for her kids safety. She said whatever so I walked off (tell them once then leave was our rule). As I walked away the kid screamed at me calling me a b*tch. I turned around and the mother was laughing with her friends and she high fived her kid! Seriously!? I just smiled and said why yes I am...that really confused the kid and p*ssed the mother off lol.

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Does my head in, I was having tea in the cafe in town an a little girl of three was being allowed to run around while the girls waiting on were trying to avoid bumping into her with hot liquids in their hands. I went out to a steak restaurant and there were four children aged between four and seven who were being allowed to occupy themselves by running round the entire restaurant stomping up an down stairs between levels, the place was packed. Every other table who had children had theirs under control except the parents of th four. I ended up complaining to the manager about allowing it to happen as it was so annoying it was spoiling my meal.

I have four children myself and I can honestly say they've never been allowed to misbehave unchecked in public let alone at home. My granddaughter is 15 months old and understands the meaning of "no". She doesn't like it, because she understands it means she can't have what she wants and kicks up a fuss but still isn't allowed to have her own way. You may wonder what you'd say no to a 15 month old about. "no" she can't play with the remote control, "no" she's not to play with the television, or the stereo, or DVD player. "no" she cant have the door open on the kitchen cupboards. She manages to get the door open as far as the child lock will allow then attempts to reach in an get raisins. And the big one even at 15 months, if she's eating she has to be seated. If she gets up off her chair or down from her high hair, mealtime is over. She can't walk around an come back for a bite.

Just prior to the Olympics I went to see them and we all went to take part in the torch celebrations as it overnighted where they live. There was an obnoxious boy running around with a six foot long garden cane on a crowded field containing 20,000 people, it was dangerous! And nothing was said to him by his parents. The irony is, when something like that goes wrong, it's usually someone else who gets hurt not the one flaying the stick about.

When I was small you knew if you misbehaved while you were out an it got back to your mum or dad you'd get it in the neck from them as well as being told off by whomever it was you were misbehaving to. Now you're more likely to end up in trouble if you highlight bad behaviour to parents. It's madness!

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I think parents in SA are stricter than most places - a lot stricter :oops We do get the occasional two-year-old child throwing a tantrum in a shopping center, but I honestly have to say it is rare. And as for a child back-chatting, or even worse, swearing at a grown up, I have never come across that - maybe it happens, I have just never seen it :confused:

Maybe I am living in a cocoon :rolleyes:

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When I used to work as a waitress we had a kids section in the restaurant (meaning that all families with kids were sat in that area). Working that section on any day was a nightmare... Parents nowadays (there are some good ones still out there, but most aren't!) really don't care about disciplining their kids.

There were kiddies running all over the place (and honestly, as a parent you have to be stupid to let your kid run around in a restaurant where there are people walking around with hot plates ALL THE TIME)... the parents didn't really care but imagine if one of us tripped on one of the kids how the parents would have reacted.

I mentioned the mess they made - that's because the parents could not be bothered to teach their kids table manners, they would just allow them to throw french fries and pizza bits all over the place. Yeah, they just stuck them in their high chairs and left them to their own devices so at the end of their meal I was left picking up chips, carrots and bits of food of the floor. Sometimes (and I was really shocked to see this) they would just allow their kids to eat right off the table, as in having the food straight on the table, not bothering with a plate!!

I generally dislike kids, mostly just because the parents are so oblivious to what discipline means. I think it's unacceptable to let your kids "be kids" in public places, if I go to a restaurant to have a nice meal I don't want to have kids screaming and running around (I remember I was in a restaurant once and a kid started hanging on to my chair repeatedly - the parents said nothing although I was visibly annoyed; I was so glad when somebody tripped on that kid later on during the evening). Anywhere in public, except play areas in parks/malls, children should behave.

In my opinion, not disciplining your kids is very disrespectful to others. We all have to right to have a good time when we go to a public place and not listen to kids screaming or running around uncontrollably. And I am sure those very parents, before they had their kids, would have been very annoyed at that type of behaviour.

And lastly, I would have never been allowed to behave like that at that age. I was taught proper table manners, I was not allowed to run around like crazy unless I was in a play area and if I threw a fit, my parents would get me out of there immediately (as it has happened a number of times).

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This was very interesting - I think .....

A couple of years ago all the parents of the children in my daughters class at school were called into a meeting by the class head teacher. We were told that there were some very disruptive children in the class and all the parents were called in because it would affect all the children.

After about half an hour of her telling us what the problems were, she stood back, folded her arms and just look at the class of 'parents' - we were all asked to sit in our child's specific chair - there were some tight fits :rolleyes:

Anyway, she said that the parents who were talking loudly to be heard, the parents interrupting her while she was talking, the parents staring into the distance, and those who sat and listened to her, was the EXACT way each of their children behaved in class. That is why we were asked to sit in our child's chair, so that she could see how the parents reacted.

We were shocked to say the least ..... our behaviour is reflected in our children. We may not like it if we look at them to see how the world sees us.

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I know how you feel before i had kids they used to annoy the living daylights out of me...... But to put the shoe on the other foot i was out in town with my eldest one day and he started to act up so i took his hand made him look at me and told him off for being a donkey .... i didnt smack him or anything but i did verbally disipline him and some nosey old boot turn round and told me not to be so evil he was only a child and he didnt deserve to be told off as he was only being a kid.... so i verbally told her off too.... the general jist being that i was in a catch 22 situation if i hadnt told him of she would of critisised me saying i should do something about it........ Long story short he never acted up in public again...... if more parents disiplined their children we wouldnt have a society thats heading down the toilet..... and they wouldnt be disrespectful little gits xxx

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i was doing shopping in sainsburys the other day and was on my way out of the shop when a little girl ran up, flung her arms around me and screeched 'hugs and squeezes'

i pushed her away and she did it again!!!!!

i looked at the security guard and said can you get this child off me!!!

he said 'cant love ill get done by the parents'.......

to which i replied 'well where are her parents, i have no idea who this kid is and she shouldnt be hugging random people!!!'

some old bat behind me said the girl was being friendly and i was over reacting!!!

um im just a normal person who isnt particularly fond of strange people/kids touching me..... there are some strange and dangerous people who could harm her!!!

i pushed the kid away again and told her to find her mum....she said no and ran off to hug someone else!!!!

bloody parents should keep an eye on their kids!!!!

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Kids should be seen and not heard (lol)

My brothers 4 children run riot at home but know I will NOT tolerate bad behaviour in my home so they are well behaved when they come to visit. Note I never have or would I physically discipline them.

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Note I never have or would I physically discipline them.

The thing with kids is when they are born they know nothing so if they are brought up understanding right from wrong and they are taught even basic manners like saying please and thank you they dont need to be physically disiplined...... but parents (i dont mean all parents... dont get me wrong) are getting lazy and as pointed out before in a post they try to be friends or they want to be 'cool' but it doesn't work..... im a firm believer in allowing teachers and policemen etc to be able to disipline a badly behaved child if the parent is not around..... i know when i was a kid if i had gone home crying that so-and-so told me off or gave me a clip round the ear my mum would of ripped me a new one not threatened to go round and beat 10 bells out of the person who dared to correct my behaviour xxx

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Kids should be seen and not heard (lol)

Note I never have or would I physically discipline them.

THAT, my dear man is because you have their respect and you dont need to.

lol at the first quote, it must be people of a certain age that use that phrase..

I went to the swimming pool and we we were all waiting to go in, this kid was running around, his mum was telling him off and saying that they would be going home.. They were hollow threats and the kid knew this, i really wanted to tell her to bog off home and then next week when she threatened him again he would know the consequences of ignoring her.

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I wanted to comment on this thread because of some personal things that have happened to me.

As parents we are dammned if we do and dammned if we dont. Tell me honestly [MENTION=4265]Paranormal Wolf[/MENTION] that if you had seen the parent smack the child on the bottom that this thread wouldnt still exist but under the title of parent smacked child in public or something similar?

This is in no way a personal attack, but I wanted to point this out.

We have just been to Asda today and both kids played up but my eldest was the worst, he runs off, spouts abuse etc and when you are trying to try shoes on for school its not fun. I had to hold on to his wrists and he was making me drag him around the supermarket! The looks I got!!! I have gotten to the point I cannot control him and cannot make him do things he doesnt want to. Hes 11 by the way.

Another situation, one day on the way to school he ran over the busy main road without the crossing lights working and I could have actually stood there and watched my son get run over. So I yelled at him and he went mental and he gets in such a mad mood state that he runs off and doesnt look where hes going! So I held his wrists and body blocked him against a wall to wait for my father in law to come and help me.

Anyways, a long story short some busy body nosey person reported the incident to the school. I got a telling off from the deputy head and told if if happened again they would report me to social services. (wouldnt have been the first time, that was when he lied and said I kicked him in the back). So apparently according to the school I was supposed to let him run off across the busy road and that was that.

So you see from personal experience its fine to state parents should discipline their kids, but sometimes when you are out in public its better to just not bother and ground them or something when you get home.

BTW Jordon has been bugging me all day to let him out lol

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i'm sorry, i really feel for you Louise, cos if hes like that now he's going to be a right nob when he gets to my stepsons age:(

I know :( hes a horrible child sometimes he really is,.

Today he hit alex with the old line of "you arent my real father" His "real" father as he puts it, doesnt want anything to do with him and hasnt since he was 6. Alex has been around since he was 3 and Jordon was never forced to call him dad. it was his choice.

I know it upsets alex, it upsets me too

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hit him back with " he may not be your real father but he's your dad" any idiot can be a sperm donor, and for someone to take on someone elses children is a hero in my eyes much love to you both xxxx

I said his real dad isnt exactly beating the door down.

Thanks loopy xxxx

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While I have no kids of my own, I've raised a couple and helped raise a few more.

My gf of the time, her son and I were in a local convenience store getting ready to check out when he asks if he can get a soda - as if he hasn't had time before to ask and get one. I said, yes, but you've got 30 seconds to get it and get back here, at 15 seconds I started the countdown - 15, 10, 5, 4, 3 and here's the soda on the counter! He *knew* that if I'd reached zero my next comment would be - you've had time, you don't get one <period> and that would have been the end of it.

When he was with me ( or me and her ) he knew, without a shadow of doubt, that I dealt in absolutes; if I said "No" then no amount of discussion was going to change my mind.

I, like the rest of you, see kids today whose parents should not have been allowed to be "parents" because they have no more idea how to be a parent than the man in the moon!

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While I have no kids of my own, I've raised a couple and helped raise a few more.

My gf of the time, her son and I were in a local convenience store getting ready to check out when he asks if he can get a soda - as if he hasn't had time before to ask and get one. I said, yes, but you've got 30 seconds to get it and get back here, at 15 seconds I started the countdown - 15, 10, 5, 4, 3 and here's the soda on the counter! He *knew* that if I'd reached zero my next comment would be - you've had time, you don't get one <period> and that would have been the end of it.

When he was with me ( or me and her ) he knew, without a shadow of doubt, that I dealt in absolutes; if I said "No" then no amount of discussion was going to change my mind.

I, like the rest of you, see kids today whose parents should not have been allowed to be "parents" because they have no more idea how to be a parent than the man in the moon!

Ah but you forget you dont get manuals on having kids.

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we were raised to be quiet in public and to politely refuse sweets and money

we stayed near our parents when we were out and didnt do anything to cause a fuss/scene....

that is how my children will be raised....

my parents still get complimented on our manners and the way we have always behaved in public......

some parents are lazy and some children are just unruly....

thats life

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I wanted to comment on this thread because of some personal things that have happened to me.

As parents we are dammned if we do and dammned if we dont. Tell me honestly @Paranormal Wolf that if you had seen the parent smack the child on the bottom that this thread wouldnt still exist but under the title of parent smacked child in public or something similar?

This is in no way a personal attack, but I wanted to point this out.

We have just been to Asda today and both kids played up but my eldest was the worst, he runs off, spouts abuse etc and when you are trying to try shoes on for school its not fun. I had to hold on to his wrists and he was making me drag him around the supermarket! The looks I got!!! I have gotten to the point I cannot control him and cannot make him do things he doesnt want to. Hes 11 by the way.

Another situation, one day on the way to school he ran over the busy main road without the crossing lights working and I could have actually stood there and watched my son get run over. So I yelled at him and he went mental and he gets in such a mad mood state that he runs off and doesnt look where hes going! So I held his wrists and body blocked him against a wall to wait for my father in law to come and help me.

Anyways, a long story short some busy body nosey person reported the incident to the school. I got a telling off from the deputy head and told if if happened again they would report me to social services. (wouldnt have been the first time, that was when he lied and said I kicked him in the back). So apparently according to the school I was supposed to let him run off across the busy road and that was that.

So you see from personal experience its fine to state parents should discipline their kids, but sometimes when you are out in public its better to just not bother and ground them or something when you get home.

BTW Jordon has been bugging me all day to let him out lol

Actually seeing a child get a spanking on the bottom in public would not bother me at all as I don't find it wrong. There is a difference between a spanking and abuse and I was brought up this way. I got spankings when I was little, not many because a few spankings went a long way with me. I also understand that with the way things are now you barley even look at a child the wrong way and someone wants to slap the parent with some form of abuse. This is a huge problem and in my opinion the biggest reason we have such ill behaved children. Parents are afraid or can't discipline their kids without the fear of social services getting involved. I obviously don't agree with beating a child but a spanking on the bottom to me is perfectly fine. Its getting to the point now that even raising your voice at your child is a form of verbal or emotional abuse and that's just crazy. And kids know this and if a parent does spank or yell a lot of kids will threaten to tell on the parent. I've witnessed this myself. As I don't have children I can only imagine how hard of a job parents have these days. But I just wish more parents would at least try to correct their children instead of just letting them continue the bad behavior.

I also want to thank everyone for the replies, a lot of stories and different views have been shared.

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I wish I had the time to write properly in this thread but sadly it would take me a lifetime! Josh is 4 & 1/2 and he is a handful, doesn't listen, no matter what you take away from him/put him in the naughty corner/spank his bum etc... I have tried to be calm and not to lose my temper, I have tried shouting, I have tried everything but he will just ignore me if he wants. When we're out we try our best to control him and most of the time he is well behaved but once he has his mind set on something that's it, he will do everything in his power to get it.

I was brought up much the same as you lot, minded my p's and q's was quiet etc when out and I have tried my hardest to bring Joshua up the same way, but everyone is different...including kids. Stuff that worked with me to behave doesn't work on him. I am still trying to work out what his trigger is.

It's hard being a parent.

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