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What are your pet peeves with other dog owners?


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What are your pet peeves with other dog owners?

Here are some of mine...

-when people don't clean up after their dogs especially at dog parks

-when people automatically assume my dogs are friendly (both with dogs and people). so they come up to me and I have to be somewhat rude and tell them to stay away because Zeeva isn't good with strangers and Smokey isn't good with other dogs. That's not to say I don't want people to socialize with my dog; I most certainly do. But they are MY dogs and it has to be done on MY terms so everyone in the situation is safe.

-obedience is not circus tricks. please train your dog

-when people don't realize that my dogs might EAT their idly biddy dog

-when people don't understand that some people have cultural reasons to stay away from their dog. It's not rude dude...learn (and ask me if this doesn't make sense to you :))

-when other people's dogs are off leash (not at a dog park) and go up to my mom or other people walking around and jump at their ankles or on them not realizing that some people (like my mom) have balance issues (due to diabetes neuropathy/health issues) and WILL fall because your little (or big dog) is being friendly around their ankles

-when people say their dog is friendly and let the dog jump all over someone or even sniff them without an invitation. I know we all want THE WHOLE WORLD to love dogs (me included) but this is more about respect than education :)

-when little dogs bark like crazy at the end of their leash at someone or another dog and the owner thinks it's cute but as soon as my dogs do it people become fearful and my dogs need to be contained :(

I am first to admit that I have accidentally made these mistakes in the past but now, I do my best to learn from them...

Do you have similar feelings? Or others to add to?

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All of the above.

I'm not against people having their dogs off leash but do expect them to have FULL control of the dog when it is off leash. If you have to call your dog more than twice to recall then IMO it's not under your control and you both would benefit from further training. It's not my responsibility to prevent you're dog from being injured when it's approached my leashed dog in an aggressive manner, even when yours is the smaller dog. To shout over to me that your handbag dog is not aggressive when it's run over to Polee barking and snapping at her is not my idea of a non aggressive dog. Also the reason my dog is on a leash is not because she's aggressive or out of control it's because in my view it's not worth the risk of letting her off in an unenclosed area.

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All of the above most definitely! Plus people not treating your dog as you ask- it drives me mad, we may be needing to rehome my baby but it doesn't mean his training has stopped until a suitable home can be found!

If he jumps up turn your back- I thought that was quite a simple rule to follow!

Dont feed him from the table- yet again simple!

Dont play rough with him- we have issues with him biting my daughter for goodness sake so play would not be encouraging biting!

And don't moan at me because he's on a lead not able to run free!! Yes his recall in the house is great, but I'm not risking my boy out in fields full of rabbits next to a road!

moan over:)

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Completely agree with all of the above.......- plus

- dont throw a stick for my dog unless your going to pay the vet bill to dislodge it from their throat (this really boils my widdle, we have kongs for throwing)

- dont encourage my dog to jump up for cuddles if you want a cuddle you ask me first then get down to the dogs level. Its bad enough that bigger dogs have a bad press with out u adding to the cause.

-asking if my dog bites while shoving a hand or face 2 inches from a set of pearly whites (surely you ask this before you aproach the dog)

ok there is my 2 penneth worth

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One thing that has really annoyed me is one day we were at the dog park. The rules are listed at both entrances. There is a playground for children in the same area the dog park is in but it clearly states there should be no children playing and running in the enclosed dog park area. Wizard is very good with kids. The neighborhood kids play with him all the time. But when your child, around 5 or 6 is running through the dog park with a tennis ball in his hand, dogs are going to run after him. The father of this child actually asked me to get my dog and have it stop chasing his kid! His kid started whining and acting scared. I asked him if he would like to walk with me to the door so I can read the rules to him. He got really mad and started telling the other dog owners in the park that my dog bit his kid, which he absolutely did not. Be a responsible father and dog owner, keep your child out of the dog park area. Maybe he was too distracted by the 1 year old baby* he was letting run in the dog park area too...

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-when people don't understand that some people have cultural reasons to stay away from their dog. It's not rude dude...learn (and ask me if this doesn't make sense to you :))

this I dont get.

One of my biggest pet peeves is simply this - People assuming my storm is a dangerous and agressive dog because of his looks or size. It upsets me when people cross the road because of him. Hes a lovely dog, hes not at all dangerous.

offlead dogs - angel is very nervous round strange dogs and she hates her bum being sniffed. Storm loves dogs, so when approached by offlead dogs it it very hard staying on ones feet when you have one who wants to attack and one who wants to say hello! And to add to this its very nice for the owners to yell "its ok my dogs are friendly" but what if mine are not??

and dog poo near the school. really you cant pick it up?

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1. Other owners avoiding D because they think D will eat their little dog

2. Other owners that don't pick up after their dogs!

3. People that give me weird looks because i try and STOP my husky pulling. YES he is a husky but that doesn't mean he cant learn lead manners!

4. People with offlead dogs that run up to D then wonder why D flips out and give me looks like he's aggressive! (I dont mind offlead dogs if they are behaving)

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I don't like dog owners who think they know everything about dogs!

Not cleaning up their dogs poo in my yard!

Letting their dogs run around off leash and not under control!

Letting their dogs rush up to kids they don't know!

People walking dogs that automatically assume I don't mind their dogs rushing up to mine!

Letting kids run around unsupervised in dog parks.

People who give me a dirty look at the vets just because my lab is excited, ok over excited lol! (and no I don't let her rush up to others)

People who ask me if my dog is a wolf.

People who ask me if my lab is a purebred simply because she is petite. (yes she is AKC)

I could go on!

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My BIGGEST pet peeve is people allowing their dog to come to mine then telling me "oh leave them to it" when things start to get heated.You WILL be paying my vet bills if your dog causes damage!!!!!!

Also people allowing their dogs to drag them around and then scream in the middle of the street because they aren't doing what they ask...

Oh and people feeling the need, when petting the dogs, to pull their heads/noses up in order to look into their eyes!!!! Don't touch the thing that can bite your face off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, there are cultural differences when it comes to dogs.

Some cultures consider the dog to be an "unclean" animal; it has its uses as a herding or guard animal, but it is not considered appropriate to allow it in the house or as a play-mate.

There are cultures where the dog is considered a food animal and as such is completely "out of bounds" as a friend or house pet.

While we westerners have been, generally, raised with the understanding that dogs are companions and pets, we shouldn't be surprised when someone from an eastern culture isn't as overjoyed at our pets friendliness as we are.

I think I covered that without being offensive to any of the cultures *I* know of. Others????

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I agree with what everyone else has put, but there's on that it my BIGGEST complaint....

Kodi likes to talk to people....don't tell me that he's dangerous because you think he's growling, when he isn't...

I hate it when people don't understand, or tell me i'm wrong when i explain that these types of breeds like to be vocal, and it's not him being aggressive...if my Mal is dangerous, do you really think i would let people near him???????

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1, people who don't pick up their dog's crap. I have 3 & pick up after them yet I can come out of my flat onto the street to a pile of crap right outside my gate. Really?! Is it that hard to pick it up!!!!? :@ I swear if I find out who's dog it is, I'm going to post it through their letterbox!

2, people who walk their dogs off-lead but walk miles in front of them. They obviously don't care what their dog is getting up-to & have no intention of picking up it's crap! (see 1)

3, people with small dogs that are off-lead then shout when my off-lead dogs walk past, ignoring theirs, and theirs goes nuts barking & growling?! Suddenly it's my fault & my dogs should be on-lead!

4, people who have small dogs & despite mine being on lead, insist on picking them up when you walk past. Then their dog goes bananas because it's not been socialized or it's picking up the owner's insecurity & guarding!

5, people who walk dogs on the cycle-path part of the promenade, why they insist on walking on that part I'll never know, it's clearly marked (although it actually runs along the pavement/promenade).

6, Likewise, cyclists who don't use the cycle-path & ride at you & your dogs (on-lead) on the promenade & expect you to move. Look mate, it's NOT going to happen, use the right part & I'll stay out of your way as long as you stay out of mine :@

7, people who say 'oh look, it's a Wolf' or 'isn't she small'. Erm, No, actually, she's breed standard height for a Sibe. They see Malamutes & think they're Huskies :S

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Just experienced a new one....... people with small lap dogs on retractable leads that think its funny when their dog runs round and round your ankles tangling you up whilst your trying to control a bigger dog that doesnt like bloomin rats on ropes (appologies for anyone who owns one) only to have them tell me if i cant control it i should have it (pot, kettle,black).... those leads have a button on that u press to stop the dog taking up to much line..... USE IT:@

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Just experienced a new one....... people with small lap dogs on retractable leads that think its funny when their dog runs round and round your ankles tangling you up whilst your trying to control a bigger dog that doesnt like bloomin rats on ropes (appologies for anyone who owns one) only to have them tell me if i cant control it i should have it (pot, kettle,black).... those leads have a button on that u press to stop the dog taking up to much line..... USE IT:@

It's not just small dogs, idiots with big dogs do that too :rolleyes:.

Another pet peeve of mine to! ;)

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this I dont get.

One of my biggest pet peeves is simply this - People assuming my storm is a dangerous and agressive dog because of his looks or size. It upsets me when people cross the road because of him. Hes a lovely dog, hes not at all dangerous.

No it's not necessarily because they think he's aggressive, or has a certain 'look' or 'size'. In the muslim faith we perform ablution before we pray and it is 'claimed' that if a dog sniffs you (some even say if a dog touches you) it breaks your ablution. Some even say you have to change your clothes. Makes it an inconvenience if a dog comes to close, right? :) Check out this old post of mine for my views http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/showthread.php/11757-Am-having-cultural-dilemma-O(?highlight=dilema. Also, simply googling muslims and dogs will give you wealth of knowledge (not all true so take with a grain of salt). But LEARN my husky loving friend! :)

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Drive-by dog strokers. You know, those ones that hold out their hands to brush along the dog as they walk past. No asking, no wondering if the dog is aggressive, head shy, scared of strangers, etc.

People who let their dogs get fat.

People who criticize me for the choices I make regarding my dogs, especially if their opinions on how my dogs should be treated are based on complete ball-hooks. This is basically my parents. "OMG why are you feeding them THAT? Why haven't they been for a walk yet? Aww they hate those harnesses, they need different ones! Wow they're soooo skinny, you're starving them!", etc.

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This really boils my blood! People who take their dogs to a place that is KNOWN as a dog walkers area & then scream at you to put your dog on a lead because their child is frightened of dogs!!

Another is people who walk their dog off-lead & complain that their dog won't come back because it wants to follow & play with your off-lead dogs :rofl:. Sorry, perhaps you'd better teach your dog re-call ;). I always stop mine & make them wait until they have got their dog, then they let it off again :rolleyes:

People who follow you, with a child that is frightened of dogs, when you've gone out of your way to avoid them for this very reason?!

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