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What are your pet peeves with other dog owners?


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1. People calling my dog to come to them, I don't care if they want to pet him as he is super friendly but don't call my dog to you when he is walking next to me. I am very cautions of this as someone with bad intentions will steal him, I have read to many times about that.

2. When people think that their dog is allowed off lead but mine is not simply because he is a pitbull.

3. When I am speaking to my dog and someone else tries to speak over me, for example my mom comes to visit and I tell kyser its time to come inside, and my mom just immediately says get in the house boy like some how her voice is more important. It's at that point I stop speaking and just watch as the other person looks like a fool when the dog simply ignores them. One alpha and one alpha only

4. When my dog jumps on someone and I go to correct the behavior and they say its okay and pet him. I mean come one people give a brother a break thats like telling your kids no junk food and then have someone sneak them a candy bar.

5. Last but not least when someone ask me if I can get my dog when he is not doing anything other then running around and they feel their dog should be able to run around without their ill-rational fear that my dog will attack theirs.

It might just be me but I refuse to own or even allow a truly aggressive dog to live, by that I mean if you have worked and got professional help and you still have a fear your dog will bit another dog or person unprovoked. Its not helping anyone to try and control an aggressive dog because plan and simply while it might not be your aggressive dog some aggressive dog owner will make a mistake and cause someone great pain. Look at how hard it is for people with any of the 26 dogs on the cdc list (Rott, Pit, Akita, Shepherd, ect) this is not because the dog its because to many people allowed the truly aggressive ones to live, the choice on its own did no harm, the harm came when that one moment when a mistake happened. Because people raised these dogs like this, or allowed them to live we the owners of the normal non aggressive dogs of the bread pay the price.

I have seen both sides of the coin the person injured and the life time struggle, and the person responsible and the life time financial ruins they are in, so while people may bash me or flame me I tell you the truth I would put down an aggressive dog that was not able to have the aggression curb through training, and understanding.

All of the above.

I'm not against people having their dogs off leash but do expect them to have FULL control of the dog when it is off leash. If you have to call your dog more than twice to recall then IMO it's not under your control and you both would benefit from further training. It's not my responsibility to prevent you're dog from being injured when it's approached my leashed dog in an aggressive manner, even when yours is the smaller dog. To shout over to me that your handbag dog is not aggressive when it's run over to Polee barking and snapping at her is not my idea of a non aggressive dog. Also the reason my dog is on a leash is not because she's aggressive or out of control it's because in my view it's not worth the risk of letting her off in an unenclosed area.

I have mixed feelings here, I have to tell people kyser is non aggressive because people are scared pits reasonable so or not. However I also immediately leash him if we see another dog, not because he is aggressive but because like you say you don't know if the other dog is. I am fearful that my dog almost 90lbs is more then capable of defending himself and regardless of who started it I would be the one blamed.

Now my mixed feelings I had a dog who was aggressive towards other dogs so I never took him where there are other dogs for two reasons one I would be angry if an aggressor hurt my non aggressive dog, and two because even if my dog being the aggressor is on a leash, that doesn't stop another dog leashed or other wise from coming close to him. So respecting my dog and wanting to keep him from a trigger happy police officers I simply walk him in places where other dogs are not around.

Also being around packs of dogs I see how they play and barking and nipping is part of playing and is in no form aggressive, if your dog is aggressive then you know the deference between a dog wanting to play and agression.

Automatically presuming my 'wolf' dogs are aggressive - just because of their looks (?) :(

I own a Pitbull I feel you on this one, I don't care if he is laying on the ground panting and wagging his tail while chewing a bone, if a insane person walks by its like omg you have a pitbull I need to run for my life and yell at you for your dog. I was assulted in my own yard while saving a guy form getting mulled. At this time I had two dogs 1 pitbull friendly as all getout and a pitbull mix who I had to put down because he became hyper agressive. Well my friendly pitbull 90lbs of him was outside saw a guy walking his maybe 8lb puppy and wanted to play. his puppy got scared rightfully so but instead of him seeing what really happend he thought my dog was attacking his puppy. He went to hit my dog so I grabbed my dog this made my wife open the door of the house, now the mix who was my best friend and highly agressive flew throw the door and I barely grabbid him in time. Now mind you I am holding back this dog from what would likely be a mulling as he was foaming at the mouth and very angry that I was in danger. I get him back in the house and come back for kyser and this guy attacks me not for the agressive dog that I put in the house but for kyser, I asked him look at my dog he is 90lbs your dog is 10lbs we do you think that if kyser was attacking your dog would still be alive?

3. People that give me weird looks because i try and STOP my husky pulling. YES he is a husky but that doesn't mean he cant learn lead manners!

No real reason for a dog to pull you when walking, completely unacceptable in my dogs, I think you are ahead of the game expecting your dogs to understand whom is the alpha.

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1. People calling my dog to come to them, I don't care if they want to pet him as he is super friendly but don't call my dog to you when he is walking next to me. I am very cautions of this as someone with bad intentions will steal him, I have read to many times about that.

No real reason for a dog to pull you when walking, completely unacceptable in my dogs, I think you are ahead of the game expecting your dogs to understand whom is the alpha.

I unfortunately had this happen to me a few days ago. And i agree, i am always worried someone will want to steal him

And you will have to explain the last part please

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1) (and this is the thing that annoys me most) owners of tiny dogs that pick them up when we pass them. I think that 95% of them will pick up their dog when we pass them, to which the dog starts growling, wriggling out of their arms etc.

2) owners of tiny dogs that cannot control their dogs. I can hold onto a 23 kg dog that was bred to pull. How can it be that difficult to hold a 5 kg dog, even though it's behaving aggressively and trying to get to mine?

3) people that don't bother to clean up after their dogs. I know we have street cleaners, BUT first of all, it's the law and secondly it's very rude to everybody else on the street.

4) parents that do not teach children dog manners - your kids shouldn't just come up to my dog, hand stretched to pet him straight on the head. It's really stressful when kids approach us like that - not because he might bite, but because he'll surely jump if I don't make him sit. Don't even want to think what the parents would say to me if my dog knocked their kids over (even though it would be their own fault!) I have become a bit better at handling kid situations, as if you are a bit more authoritative they will usually listen and wait till I make him sit. And if not, yelling at them will do the trick.

5) owners that don't walk their dogs. I have met several people who were shocked to hear that we walk ours twice daily. We have even been told (by "experienced" dog owners) that we walk ours too much. Ahm... why would you get a dog if you don't want to walk him?

To be honest I really don't mind people letting their dogs run up to mine, as long as they're friendly. I actually prefer it as most dog owners seem to be afraid to let theirs socialise with mine, which is a pity because he is very friendly if the other dog is not outright aggressive.

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I unfortunately had this happen to me a few days ago. And i agree, i am always worried someone will want to steal him

And you will have to explain the last part please

I simply mean I think that a dog pulling you when your walking him/her is not acceptable there should always be slack in the leash, or better yet they should be side by side I personally struggle to keep mine side by side but always have slack.

When I say your a head of the game I am simply giving you a complement , I see far to many allowing their dogs to walk them and then don't want to walk their dogs because of the work involved.

I personally don't think you can simply say this is how my dog is or this is how this breed is, it comes down to training and control pure and simple. If we say oh its husky so its breed to pull, then you are lying to yourself, a pitbull was breed to fight, yet no respectable pitbull owner would allow this type of behavior.

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I simply mean I think that a dog pulling you when your walking him/her is not acceptable there should always be slack in the leash, or better yet they should be side by side I personally struggle to keep mine side by side but always have slack.

When I say your a head of the game I am simply giving you a complement , I see far to many allowing their dogs to walk them and then don't want to walk their dogs because of the work involved.

I personally don't think you can simply say this is how my dog is or this is how this breed is, it comes down to training and control pure and simple. If we say oh its husky so its breed to pull, then you are lying to yourself, a pitbull was breed to fight, yet no respectable pitbull owner would allow this type of behavior.

Ah right thanks for explaining :)

I also struggle with side by side (especially with the thin paths around here) but most of the time i have a slack leash now

Thanks, haven't heard that saying alot so not sure what it meant, but i agree, it is work but at the end of the day it is worth it

And again i agree about that but stereotypes are hard to get rid of and people will think like everyone else because its just what they've heard (which sucks)

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my dogs walk ahead but with slack...on collars and normal leads,

i walk three dogs with all leads in one hand and my arm relaxed...

dont get me wrong it took a while cos 2 are rescues to get them to walk like this but it means my walks are pleasant and comfortable.........

im 7 and a half months pregnant and i can control 3 dogs better than some normal people can control 1

it takes effort and patience but its soooooo worth it....

my huskies pull when allowed i,e attached to the walky dog for a bike ride

i wont allow myself to be hauled around by my dogs....and i dont see why anyone would :/

I simply mean I think that a dog pulling you when your walking him/her is not acceptable there should always be slack in the leash, or better yet they should be side by side I personally struggle to keep mine side by side but always have slack.

When I say your a head of the game I am simply giving you a complement , I see far to many allowing their dogs to walk them and then don't want to walk their dogs because of the work involved.

I personally don't think you can simply say this is how my dog is or this is how this breed is, it comes down to training and control pure and simple. If we say oh its husky so its breed to pull, then you are lying to yourself, a pitbull was breed to fight, yet no respectable pitbull owner would allow this type of behavior.

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I have a few similar peeves when it comes to other dog owners....the not picking up after them being top on my list. Not keeping their dogs properly contained to their properties and/or their dogs coming onto my property to fence fight my properly contained dogs. The ones that think they know more about your breed than you do. The ones that think they are 'wolves'. The ones that try to smother your dog while you are out without asking. The ones that accuse your dog of being mean because of a scar from their past lives without knowing their history.

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Yes, there are cultural differences when it comes to dogs.

Some cultures consider the dog to be an "unclean" animal; it has its uses as a herding or guard animal, but it is not considered appropriate to allow it in the house or as a play-mate.

There are cultures where the dog is considered a food animal and as such is completely "out of bounds" as a friend or house pet.

While we westerners have been, generally, raised with the understanding that dogs are companions and pets, we shouldn't be surprised when someone from an eastern culture isn't as overjoyed at our pets friendliness as we are.

I think I covered that without being offensive to any of the cultures *I* know of. Others????

Yeah, i thought thats what you meant, i completely understand, i myself am from a culture where dogs are considered unclean but obviously i dont agree with this, but am always respectful to people who feel differently. My dogs is like a member of my family and i understand that some people do not feel teh same but it annoys me when some people not always people with cultural reasons tell me that its disgusting that my dog has just licked my hand or that its silly for me to treat my dog as a memebr of the family because its 'just a dog' Grrrr just go away :@ Lol x

And just realised, ur a muslim toO WOOHOOO!!! Great seeing someone else on here who is a muslim :) Sorry for the over excitement im just very happy :D:D :D xxx

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And just realised, ur a muslim toO WOOHOOO!!! Great seeing someone else on here who is a muslim :) Sorry for the over excitement im just very happy :D:D :D xxx

Actually, no I'm not, but at least one of my friends on here is. I've had the honor and privilege of doing quite a bit of traveling, thanks to "Uncle Sam", which has allowed me to learn about how different cultures see things.

... and before you jump on that wagon, no, I haven't had the pleasure of seeing anyone from the recent conflicts; and yes, it is indeed a pleasure to be able to talk with someone - even someone who violently disagrees with you - since only by that conversation do we each have the opportunity to understand the other.

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Actually, no I'm not, but at least one of my friends on here is. I've had the honor and privilege of doing quite a bit of traveling, thanks to "Uncle Sam", which has allowed me to learn about how different cultures see things.

... and before you jump on that wagon, no, I haven't had the pleasure of seeing anyone from the recent conflicts; and yes, it is indeed a pleasure to be able to talk with someone - even someone who violently disagrees with you - since only by that conversation do we each have the opportunity to understand the other.

oops sorry thought i was quoting smokey :), but its great you have the knowledge and experience from many places and people :) x

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I may have missed this but ah well. Here are my peeves:

People who don't ask to pet my dogs.

People who automatically think my dogs want to play with their rat dog (who Fox is generally okay with...but Eponine doesn't seem to tolerate at all), and ignore all warnings to the contrary I give.

People who let their dogs off lead and expect YOU to deal with the consequences

Jerks who have dogs that are aggressive and keep their dogs off lead (see above)

People who don't listen after they've asked a question bout MY dogs and do whatever they were going to do anyway.

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1 - People who dont pick up after there dog(s).

2 - People who ask if my dog is a wolf.

3 - People who say my huskies cant be pure breed because they don't have blue eyes and Angel doesn't look like Scuba or Skie.

4 - people who tell me i should stop my dogs from talking to each other. I do tell them to stop if its at an unreasonable hour of the day but not its it when there sat on the field having a sing along.

5 - people who drag there kids away from my dogs because there parents are scared of dogs. The kids asked me if he could stroke Scuba, so scuba sat down tail wagging and he mouth open with a smile and panting (it was hot). Suddenly parent comes along drags kid away and shouts at him for stroking Scuba and saying he is a dangerous dog!! i was like WTF

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1. People that let their dog shit on the path and don't clean it up, in fact people that don't clean up after.

2. people taking 1 look at spike and just because he is bi eyed they think there is something wrong with him or that its weird and dogs should never have that eye colouring. They also as is he is blind in one eye.

3. Young children that don't have dog manners and just come over, not that spike is aggressive hes good with kids but again id rather people ask to pet him.

4. people think hes a wolf and turn the other way or cross the street just so they don't have to walk past him, yet will quite happily walk past any other dog on the street.

5. dog owners that cant control their dog when it is off lead.

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