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Constant headache


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I know alot of you will probably just say go to the doctors! But i am the type who doesnt like to keep going and i find them useless!

Anyway i seem to have a constant headache its more on the left side of my head its manageable but sometimes it gets worse. I dont know if it could be the bed or how i sleep ... getting a new bed when we move so will see!

If it carrys on i will go to the doctors but i have been to them hundreds of times over my head and they seem to always do nothing about it :(

Not much point to my post just feeling sorry for myself really lol

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Do you walk the dogs using normal leads of a walking belt? Hand held can cause neck probs an headaches. You could have neck issues that lead to headaches or plain old anxiety causing tension and again headaches.. There are neck exercises you can try they may help relieve tension

Align you chin properly ( don't extend it forward) relax your shoulders an tip your head left an feel the stretch. Do the same on the right. Bring your head back to centre each time, drop your head on your chest bring to centre then drop it backwards an back to centre. The best stretch is drop your head to the side an bring it as close to your shoulder as you can keeping your shoulders down then take your head forward diagonally so your chin is on your collarbone then back to centre. Repeat on the other side.

Theyre the exercises I was given by my physio therapist. I have terrible neck problems lol they do help an you can do them anywhere an any time

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When I was younger I used to have headaches from the way I had my hair tied up. If this is also your case try and leave your hair free and untied. I used to sleep with my hair tied up so the headache was usually with me all the time. :D Now I do have it tied up sometimes but as soon as I feel a headache coming I untie it.

A stupid question but do you drink at least 2 liters of water a day? Could be low blood pressure too.

I hope you'll feel better soon and don't think too much.

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@Povodny I use a walking belt to walk the dogs :) Ill give those excersizes a try.... i used to see an osteopath regularly but since moving i havnt yet i wouldve been due around now but i have never got headaches like this because of it. Its strange as its just on the one side and slightly down my neck.

@simhauu no i definately dont drink enough water... does it have to be just water though or can i mix it with juice and it still be the same? lol I do have low blood pressure but they tell me that that is normal for my size. I also never tie my hair up :)

Another thing is i am on the Injection (contraceptive) i have changed doctors due to moving and they told me that you are only meant to be on it for 2 years! I have been on it around 5 years! So i need to go the gp to speak about a different method although i dont think this will be the cause of it but you never know!

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It could be your eyes, poor/ failing eyesight or other types of problems with your eyes can cause headaches.

Also teeth and the alignment of your jaw. something simple like you've had a tooth out

and now you chew on the opposite side to which you used to can cause things like that.

Also as has been mentioned the position of your head / neck alignment.

Something simple such as they gave you a different chair to use at work means your posture is now different

throwing the alignment of neck/ head out causing strain.

You could be studying for a new course and putting extra hours in to that.

Stress / lack of sleep / poor nutrition.

Or the way you walk your dogs.

Headaches are funny things they can be caused by so many things.

The headache is simply the symptom not necessarily the cause.

While you hate going to the doctors they are your best bet.

If a headache doesn't clear up after a couple of days using paracetamol / ibuprofen

then it's not "just a headache" and you need to go see the doc'

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I will go in the next couple of days if things dont improve seen as i need to go anyway.

You are right though [MENTION=1354]Andy[/MENTION] it could be all sorts of things for one im not doing hairdressing anymore currently so i am not standing all day like i used to, erm walking the dogs i dont think that is a cause as that hasnt changed much tbh and i dont get dragged down the road.

My neck is very clicky if i turn it it doesnt click properly but you can feel it grinding.

Stress could be a cause due to thinking about having to pack etc to move house maybe although i dont personally feel stressed currently about it.

Eyes i want to get them tested again i had them tested last year and i was slightly long sighted but not enough to need glasses but i find myself straining my eyes sometimes when i have to concentrate for example in a supermarket when looking down the aisles etc.

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It used to be that plain water is the best for you but nowdays it seems to not be the case (only for Japanese it is lol). Anything to drink is fine,. :) Low blood pressure is not good either, you should have been at least told how to increase it a little. I was told that were I an adult (13-15y/o I was) I could be dead. Drink anything you like but should minimally be 2 liters a day - water, juices, tea, blood if you're a vamp, etc. I hope it helps.

The Injection could be a partial cause, check the side-effects somewhere on the internet and you'll know. And do contact some doc about it if you've been using it that long.

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For me, at some point I was on some birth control pills that gave me horrendous headaches, constantly. As soon as I changed them, everything went back to normal.

Also if you grind/clench your teeth at night it can give you headaches next day. And the worst part is you can't find out whether you're doing it or not unless you ask somebody to watch you while you sleep. But apparently, if you're stressed, you can start grinding your teeth so it could give you headaches.

There's nothing wrong with low blood pressure - it's good to know that you won't have too worry about too high blood pressure (and you can enjoy salt and drink as much coffee as you want!)

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I think headaches can be hereditary as well... I know my dad & sister both suffer from migraines... I have headaches almost every day... some worse then others, but generally at the very least a dull ache that just won't go away no matter what meds I take.

It sucks... it's very annoying. I started having them in school, so we figured it was just stress... but they've continued on. (Of course, maybe my life is just very stressfull! I'll know once I get a puppy. :D They will either get a ton worse or a ton better!!! LOL)

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