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Had a 30 second scare today


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I had a 30 second scare today. I let the dogs out and was sitting on my computer. I supervise them outside. Don't let them go more than 5 minutes without me keeping an eye on them. I went outside after about a minute and Smokey wasn't there!!! I thought he'd jumped the fence and ran. We have squirrels he likes to stare at from the back gate. I figured he'd gotten riled up over one and simply thought to himself "I am going to get this one today". On top of that I heard a car honking like crazy and thought maybe a car had nearly hit him. Zeeva was looking down the alley and that freaked me out even more. frown.gif I ran inside to put Zeeva away with tears in my eyes.

AND...there he was! Standing near my chair wondering why I was freaking out so much!

Has your dog ever run away?

What have you done?

What would you do if something like this happened?

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God glad he didn't run off , blaze escaped his collar once n ran across a road , luckily behind a car not in front' I chased him n shouted 2 people walking to grab him luckily they did , skyla got out in April but I just called her n she came back after a quick run around on the grass out the front

Sent from my ST18i using Forum Runner

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This is what happened when Kara broke her collar on her outside leash.... :o I went into complete panic mode, jumped into the 4x4 to meet her at the end of the track she had started to go down. Pulled into the field too quickly and hey presto rolled upside down into the dyke. I just cried, I was more worried about Kara than I was the truck.


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Yeah, kais got through a broken fence a few times especially since it was him who broke the fence. I had to get my sister to jump the fence and collar him whilst i grabbed the lead and knocked on the neighbours door to get him back. the other time, he ran into an alleyway that leads onto a main road and i kept calling out to him and searching the alley way until he just caming running towards me when i grabbed him by the collare and dragged him inside. and the other time, he got out whilst i was in college and when i got back i called him and he came running back through that broken fence again. Luckily, ive got him back each time but have made extra precautions to make sure he never gets out again, hes deifnelty got the escape artist in him and i dont know what id do if something was to happen to him.

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This is what happened when Kara broke her collar on her outside leash.... :o I went into complete panic mode, jumped into the 4x4 to meet her at the end of the track she had started to go down. Pulled into the field too quickly and hey presto rolled upside down into the dyke. I just cried, I was more worried about Kara than I was the truck.


wow...that is some story!!! oh what we'd do for our dogs!!!

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My husband walked back from the upside down truck towards the house hoping to see Kara. He got all the way back to the house before he saw her in the field next door. As he walked toward he she walked away. So he went back fetched his car, drove up alongside her, opened his door and called her. She jumped straight in his car.


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Has your dog ever run away?

What have you done?

What would you do if something like this happened?

We adopted our new, loving, lazy, mild mannered, husky on a Saturday. Monday rolled around and it was time to go back to work. I made sure the fully fenced yard was secure and Cj had everything she needed for her first day alone while my wife and I went to work. A few hours later I get a frantic call from my wife. THE DOG GOT OUT!! She continued to tell me that Cj had escaped the yard and a lady had found her. (buying that little engraved plate with her name and phone number is the best purchase I've ever made) Well she tells my wife that she has taken Cj to the animal shelter where they told her if she didn't adopt the dog it would be put down by the end of the day. (total crap) She then proceeds to tell my wife she adopted our dog but she would be willing to give her back if we payed the $200 she was out for the adoption. My wife called me immediately. (I called the shelter while she went to met this lady) She met up with the lady saw Cj in the back of her car grabbed OUR dog and locked her in our car and told her lets see your paperwork from the shelter. Well of course she didn't have any paperwork her husband did. My wife asked if she could settle up with her later. She agreed (didn't really have a choice since my wife already had our dog locked in the car.) Later the lady called saying she wasn't going to worry about the $200 because her husband had a good job and made that in an hour. (stealing dogs I think) She was just glad to see someone cared that much about thier dog!

When I got home I looked around the yard, Cj had been so upset about us leaving that she broke 2 boards in the fence ran through the neighbors yard escaped and escaped through thier chain link gate. We realized at this point we were going to have our hands full!

Edited by Osinn11
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Bo used to escape when we lived in the country by taking advantage of visitors who didn't pay close attention or when the kids were young. He knew immediatly if you were "a weak link". Typically he chose to do so during deer hunting season...........I can't tell you the number of times I wore blaze orange and ran through the woods after him while begging hunters not to shoot him (imagine white tail jumping through the woods!)

Every time that little sh*t would manage to come home eight or more hours later without a scratch....covered in mud and sleep for days.

One time he took off just after we'd moved and ran straight down the middle of the highway. I had to turn back home after following him because he was running in the middle of the road, going up a hill. I just knew he was going to get hit and I couldn't make myself watch. As soon as I turned around I called him one last time...two seconds later he was walking beside me in the ditch like nothing had happened.

Thank God he survived to the ripe old age of nearly 15 years. And 90 percent of any gray hair I have, I attribute to his 'adventures'!

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I found out how FAST Juno was soon after I picked her up from her foster care, I had her in my backyard with a 6 ft fence, and she is just checking things out at the other end, about 90 ft away, I turned my back to her to open my gate to take the trash can out front for the next pick up and I see a FLASH of husky blur going pass me as Im holding this trash can, I tossed the can and dove and just caught her tail and that was enough to get her attention to turn back to me, but I was not letting go, lol my heart stopped for a few that day! .........and Im sure there will be more like this down the road. I think her tail maybe longer after that day too, lol

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When Logan escaped (when i didnt have him he was at my ex's) he ran across a main road i ran into that road and stopped a car (dangerous i know)

When Shadow and Skye escaped the house i tried to keep calm and came back in got some tasty snacks got shadow back quickly with said snacks couldnt find skye got really upset then shut shadow in and walked around calling her she came trotting down the path with a face to say what?? lol

It is a horrible feeling when they get out though!

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Darwin is a MASTER escape artist.

He's opened windows, shot through legs, or slipped his lead/harness.

We've probably had to chase him half a dozen times.

Once you've caught up with them, DON'T chase them.

They turn it into a "chase me" game.

What you do once you've caught up with them.

Call to them to get their attention.

Sit on the floor and pretend that you are eating something really tasty.

Make loud. . . "Mmmmmm, NOM" type noises.

The thought of food will draw them to you and. . voila snagged.

Works every time.

However you might still have a 5 mile run to catch up with them first.

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my 3 shot after a friends little boy left the door open - most horrible ten mins of my life!

i remember that! first time you met louises boyfriend (at the time)wasnt it? lmfao was it a towel on your head or did you just look too much of a mess to be meeting people for the first time ?

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when Storm was about 6 months old my sister-in-law accidentally let him escape out the gate.

we live in a cul-de-sac but if you get out and go right theres a main road there!

So alex went to the bottom to block it and keep him in our street. he was going nuts, running everywhere!

I came back in and got a tub of mini sausages and knelt down and said "stormy mummys got sausages!!!"

He came running straight back!

here i found the original thread!http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/showthread.php/19930-STORM-HAD-HIS-FIRST-ESCAPE

Edited by Storm & Angels Mum
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Ice has managed to get out of his harness a couple of times recently. Somehow he's managed to loosen the front adjuster and step out. Thankfully, I just stood still and called him and he responded by coming back to see if I was going to give him a treat. Thank god for emergency recall training!

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Mine took off on the beach today, scared me senseless! The fog was incredibly heavy and he chased a gull down the beach and into the water and disappeared! I was terrified he'd gone too deep but I couldn't see anything, like standing on a patch of sand surrounded by grey. I ran a good half mile down the shoreline searching and snivelling till he came trotting back. He never runs off out of eyesight if I'm walking alone with him, but the boyfriend was with us today. I could have screamed like I was being attacked he would have come running, but crying wolf is asking for trouble! Walks will be one-on-one from now on.:oops

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Jake has escaped a few times now we had a broken gate that wouldn't close properly so we replaced it with a big iron gate that locks but he quickly relised how to open the gate with his mouth if you don't lock it quickly enough behind you. One day my son who is 17 and should know better left it wide open and went out and the dog was in the garden 10 mins after he had gone out I realised after 20 mins of frantically searching we found him in the next door neighbours garden playing with there dogs toys lol

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This is what happened when Kara broke her collar on her outside leash.... :o I went into complete panic mode, jumped into the 4x4 to meet her at the end of the track she had started to go down. Pulled into the field too quickly and hey presto rolled upside down into the dyke. I just cried, I was more worried about Kara than I was the truck.



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Once we had a scare, Broder couldn't be found everywhere and after 5 mins of looking and getting ready to go outside looking for him (he was inside beforehand, doors closed but windows open) when we heard a whining sound.... Turned out he snook into the downstairs toilet/storeroom and I closed it behind me not seeing him there.

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Molly - managed to slip past Moll's dad early one morning and she ran off down the road. Both he and my 12 year old had to go after her in bare feet! She gave up and lay on her back in the road when she realised he was hot on her heels.

Timber - Split lead wasn't functioning properly and he became detatched on the high street. I had to grab his tail as he trotted off without me.

Mya - as above. Not happy with my splitter and need a different make I think.:S

Molly - handed my daughter the flexi lead when she asked if she could walk Molly for a while and she dropped it on the floor. To make matters worse, she ran after Molly screaming at the top of her voice. :facepalm:

Molly - reversed out of her harness while out and about.

Timber - barged past me a few days ago while I was trying to take Mya out on her own. Caught up with him at the bottom of the drive and hooked him up on Mya's lead as it is double ended. (That lead definitely came in very handy.)

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