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Letters you'd love to write but won't


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This is a bit personal for me but it doesn't have to be for you :) Is there anything you wish you could say to someone haven't or won't? Rant away here! Mods feel free to move this into the rant section but I felt it more compelling to be here :)

Dear Petco employee,

I apologize for Smokey pooping in your store. I cleaned it for you but I hope you understand.


Your customer

Dear non-immediate family,

You suck. The all of you. Selfish, two-faced, lying, greedy, secretive, apathetic, rude...this list is way too long to describe all of you. I passionately HATE all of you.

The End.

Dear Amah (mom),

I love you so much. Thank you for accepting me and my doggies on your visit.

Thank you for accepting me for who I am.

I know sometimes you can be a pain when nagging to clean my house and give you a grandchild but I understand your concerns. And although I understand them, I am still going to be selfish and steak my claim to never have kids...

I love you so much. Although your blood transfusion HIV has consumed you, you still managed to get up and go about your daily ways. You are strong. And although you can be a hard a$$ a lot, you mean well.

You are so knowledgeable. You read so much; consume material like it is no ones business. You are more knowledgeable than all of your siblings combined despite them being doctors. I love that about you. You care about the world and know what is going on around it. Who does that these days?!?

I wish you would put your knowledge to some use. Please go volunteer. Teach people about your life and how you have lived it without being bitter.

Treat my dad a little better. He is a gem among gravel. I wish you would see in him what everyone else does. He has stuck by you for so many years. Give him some credit and accept him for his flaws.

Thank you for accepting my husband and his family. We are simple people-a rarity in our family and you know it. Continue to love him the way you do.

Your loving daughter

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Dear Dad,

Stop acting like you deserve the father of the year award when you were basically non-existent the majority of my childhood. You will always care more about yourself than anyone else.


your "horrible" Daughter

P.S. I try every day to NOT be like you.

Dear Fellow Drivers on the Interstate Every Morning,

Please stop driving. Your ability to drive way below the speed limit, stop for absolutely no reason, or change lanes and almost hit me is driving me insane. I blame you for the reason i feel like i may explode every morning. I think my blood pressure has increased due to this. I don't mean to sound angry but please just get off the roads if you can't drive.


The crazy woman on i-240

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There aren't many things I've left unsaid. But the things I've never been able to say are all related to my boss, I'll maybe write her a nice letter when I don't work there anymore.

Dear boss,

It is unethical to watch employees on CCTV. It was put in place with the intent of preventing theft, not of checking on employees.

We would all appreciate it if you stopped doing that so that we wouldn't feel like we are being watched all the time!

And please, please try to maintain a lighter atmosphere in the shop! We don't always have to be doing something just for the sake of it, especially when there's nothing to do!


Your annoyed employee

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Dear mum,

After spending the last 16 yrs of my life in and out of shrinks offices I have finally realised, contrary to popular belief mums arent always right. Infact i can quite honestly say you were far from right. I do have re-occurring depression so deal with it, it wont go away because you tell me to pull myself together and I know you mean well but critising everything thing i do does not help the situation. I am 31 yrs old and have finally come to the conclusion its my life and i will live it how i want to live it. So in the nicest possible way back off and butt out (insert apropriate curse words here).

Your daughter that can never do anything right


Dear Ex-Husband,

You are nothing but an A*se. Just because you have OUR children living with you dont get to comfortable. I currently have at my disposal a private investigator tailing your sorry behind and i have a top solicitor working on a case to show you up for what you really are you drug taking, alcoholic, wife beating **** (insert 4 letter expletive here). I believe in a little thing called karma and your arse is gonna get bitten badly.

Have fun while you can

Your, doing much better without you, ex-wife

p.s "Im still a rock star i got my rock moves and i dont need you"

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Dear Mom,

I love you so much. You are one of my best friends. But seriously I am married and I am living my own life. Please let me live my life and stop trying to control my life. Josh and I have no major responsibility in our life like having a kid. We pay our bills and take care of our selves and our dog. If we want to buy a house and can afford it then let us, if I want to get more tattoos or save up money to buy a different car then let me, if Josh wants to spend some of his money on modifying his car then let him. We don't have kids so we want to live our life and have fun as a couple while we can.

Love your very annoyed daughter.

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Dear Freya,

Stop eating my socks and sicking them back up in your crate or I'll make you wear them.


Your mother.

P.S. That goes for my PJs too!

Dear Kiska,

Stop being so well behaved, you're making Freya look bad in front of my parents.

Love you really!

Your mother.

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Dear Freya,

Stop eating my socks and sicking them back up in your crate or I'll make you wear them.


Your mother.

P.S. That goes for my PJs too!

Dear Kiska,

Stop being so well behaved, you're making Freya look bad in front of my parents.

Love you really!

Your mother.

:doglaugh: Luka loves my socks too

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