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Bring back the death sentence for this kind of scum

brian brown

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It's amazing what stuff you stumble across while reading about something else.

I'm beginning to wonder why we put up with this kind of stuff. Bring back the death sentence for this kind of scum :@

Poor dog Cody, lighter fluid thrown on her in Northern Ireland & set alight. She's fighting but burns are tricky, she still might not make it :(



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WHY? I really don't understand what makes some people do things like this, what do they get out of it. Stupid sick ........., fill in the last bit yourselves.( i didn't count the dots ) I just don't understand. What lovely blue eyes the poor dog has I really hope she makes it through and finds someone to love her.

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WHY? I really don't understand what makes some people do things like this, what do they get out of it. Stupid sick ........., fill in the last bit yourselves.( i didn't count the dots ) I just don't understand. What lovely blue eyes the poor dog has I really hope she makes it through and finds someone to love her.

She has a family, they live on a farm. 2 lads were seen around the area before the incident. It looks like she was taken & then this.... :cry1:

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The punishment should be made to fit the crime. I'm certain most criminals would be too scared to commit crime if they knew that the punishment would be severe. Sadly I can't see things changing in my life time though as there are too many do gooders bleating on about the rights of the criminal and ignoring the rights of the victim

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I don't mind stating publicly that if someone did that to one of mine, I would find them, douse them with petrol & watch them burn!

I'd go down for it but they sure as hell wouldn't ever forget what they did (if they lived)


Edited by brian brown!
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They've arrested one man in connection with this :)

just read they've got 2 men!



Edited by brian brown!
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People who do that to any living thing are simply evil. I hope they get what they deserve, and I hope the poor dog finds an easy life with lots of love and attention.

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At least he looks well prepared for the sea :cool:

Poor dog :@

Death for such a cruel act isn't deserved but maybe a reverse charge, Dog gets to put petrol on them and light it

I'm sorry but I disagree.

People who start by doing things like this to defenceless animals, usually move on to become child killers etc.

Paedos, child killers, rapists and murderers shouldn't have a life of luxury behind bars then released 'coz they're 'rehabilitated'.

They should end their lives and have done with it! This poor dog could have died, instead it's been in agony. The mental scars will probably last a lifetime :@

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I'm sorry but I disagree.

People who start by doing things like this to defenceless animals, usually move on to become child killers etc.

Paedos, child killers, rapists and murderers shouldn't have a life of luxury behind bars then released 'coz they're 'rehabilitated'.

They should end their lives and have done with it! This poor dog could have died, instead it's been in agony. The mental scars will probably last a lifetime :@

Well your allowed your opinion like everyone but thank god your not in charge of the country other wise we would all be doomed. People who do these acts don't become any of the mentioned, Most killers don't even have a criminal records never mind violent acts towards anyone else.

They deserve to be punished but death is not the answer after all we all make mistakes some more stupid than others.

Have you never made a mistake?

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Well your allowed your opinion like everyone but thank god your not in charge of the country other wise we would all be doomed. People who do these acts don't become any of the mentioned, Most killers don't even have a criminal records never mind violent acts towards anyone else.

They deserve to be punished but death is not the answer after all we all make mistakes some more stupid than others.

Have you never made a mistake?

I agree! :) I do believe in punishment, but death...........in some instances i do believe a life for a life and all that though, depending on the crime.

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I dont know how anyone can do this to a defenseless animal...... but i do know that if the death penalty ever came in for animal or child abusers i would gladly volunteer to administer it in any way shape or form.......

i personally think that some of the arab countries have it right in the sense that if you stab someone and they die your form of death penalty will be a stabbing...... there was a serial killer who killed 100 people (cant for the life of me remember where, but it was only a couple of years ago) and chopped them up and disolved their bodies in acid so when he was found quilty he was executed then chopped up into 100 pieces (for the 100 victims) and put in to a vat of acid......

Its about time animals rights were taken into account, not just bloomin human rights xxxx

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Well your allowed your opinion like everyone but thank god your not in charge of the country other wise we would all be doomed. People who do these acts don't become any of the mentioned, Most killers don't even have a criminal records never mind violent acts towards anyone else.

They deserve to be punished but death is not the answer after all we all make mistakes some more stupid than others.

Have you never made a mistake?


  • Jeffrey Dahmer is reported to have impaled and killed neighbor’s pets
  • Patrick Sherril stole pets, tied them up and allowed his own dogs to mutilate them – later murdered 14 co-workers before killing himself
  • David Berkowitz (Son of Sam) shot his neighbor’s Labrador retriever
  • Albert DeSalvo (Boston Strangler) shot arrows into boxes of trapped cats and dogs
  • Carroll Edmund Cole claimed his first violent act was strangling a puppy. Later he murdered 35 people
  • Keith Hunter Jesperson (Happy Face Killer) began his life of violence by throwing a cat against the pavement and then strangling it to death






Still think there's no link?!! Animals are defenceless & rely on us to speak out for them.

You're entitled to your opinion but it's weak do gooders that think the criminal has 'rights' that have allowed our society to degenerate into what it has become. If someone commits crimes like these, then they have given up their rights to live amongst a civilized society.

Thank god you're not in power.

If we got rid of all the scum (it's been shown that 'rehabilitation doesn't work), then there'd be a proper deterrent!

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Do you call purposely pouring lighter fuel on a defenceless dog & setting it on fire a mistake?!! :eek:

In that case, NO, I've never made a mistake! :confused:

If you'd call doing what paedos, rapists or killers do a mistake, again NO!

Yes thats correct 10/10 for being able to read :clap:

People make mistakes in life thats a fact no matter how big or small they are still mistakes and people regret them simple as. Its how you get the people to learn from there mistakes are makes them into a better person simply giving a heavy punishment is not the answer.

LOL at the fact you have just 4 out of millions of murders that have been committed and some crappy articles that prove nothing other than less than 0.1% are repeat offenders

People like me are in power and making the country a better place unlike you hittler wannabe

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Yes thats correct 10/10 for being able to read :clap:

People make mistakes in life thats a fact no matter how big or small they are still mistakes and people regret them simple as. Its how you get the people to learn from there mistakes are makes them into a better person simply giving a heavy punishment is not the answer.

LOL at the fact you have just 4 out of millions of murders that have been committed and some crappy articles that prove nothing other than less than 0.1% are repeat offenders

People like me are in power and making the country a better place unlike you hittler wannabe

No, I'm not a Hitler wannabe (spelt with ONE T;)) He advocated genocide & anti-Semitism. I don't believe I have suggested anything of the kind just don't believe, as many in this country, that prison is working.

The number of people who go to prison & re-offend is alarmingly high, whether that is for theft, drug offences or whatever, a lot re-offend http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8575034.stm



This is about animal abuse so I won't digress any further on those points.

Simple fact is, it has been proved that people who commit these kinds of acts (same as rapist, murderers) do it for the power they have over the victim. In this case a defenceless animal.

There is no deterrent at present, 6 months & a fine?

If someone did that to my dog, I'd be on a murder charge & I bet a lot on here feel the same.

A fine that'll be paid by tax payers as the perpetrator is possibly underage or hasn't got a job? Likely.

6 months in jail (if over 18) where they'll learn a new 'skill' & probably come out worse than they went in? Likely.

Sadistic people don't change, they just up their game to bigger things.

Those links were a 2 minute Google, imagine what else is lurking there if you looked hard enough. The world has gone soft & there needs to be proper punishment

Edited by brian brown!
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I think there are discussion points to be made on both sides of the disagreement that's taking place - however, if you'll excuse the interruption, there are some insinuations in both sets of posts that are - for lack of a better word - disturbing. Maybe if the rhetoric were toned down a bit this might be an interesting discussion.

Personally, my thoughts range to "Prison is appropriate for offenders who can't seem to learn." We, here in the US, spend way too much money on incarcerating people who need to be in effective drug and alcohol programs, anger management programs, etc. And yes, I also feel that these are best served in community based but restricted settings.

As for these two "people" while I find their acts abhorrent, and true there is sometimes as degree of escalation, I also think that prison terms are inappropriate for the crime. It's not easy to find that very fine line between correction and punishment ( as most of you who are parents know ) but correction or punishment without education is a farce.

My two cents worth ....

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Once again I find myself speechless, while I could see that the burns were severe I was hoping that the vets could help her. There is nothing that can make me feel good about any of this, she's out of her pain but she shouldn't have been in that kind of pain to begin with.

As you say "RIP Cody!" you've found a place in a lot of peoples hearts ....

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It is unfortunate that such people exist in this world and I do agree that proper punishment should not just be 6months and a fine. However I gotta say if they this to another human being in China they will wish they can eat a bullet before their sentence ends. Some might find this prison sentence rather unique and can be very cruel. Some of the prisons have started to harvest "assets" who are lifers along with 12 hour hard labor.

But for these 2 their crime would fit the punishment

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