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My Girl was on Royal Cannin Large Puppy, she never has been a good eater just seemed to nibble and her weight is an issue for me but everyone says she will fill out when closer to reaching adulthood 1 and half to 2 uyears old. I was away on holiday for 2 weeks and she was in the kennels when i got back she looked great her coat was great really suprised but then they told me that she wasnt eating her cfood i sent in with her (royal cannin) at all and they were getting concerned as she hadnt ate anything for days so they tried her with the food they keep in general and it was the Bakers puppy food he said she wolfed it down and ate every meal til the bowl was empty which isnt like her since being home a week i ought some of this and she seems to like it alot wasnt keen on this as people were saying not to give her this and stick to expensive foods as huskys have sensitive stomachs what should i do? i am at a stick as she is eating it also do you have to soak the dry food in hot w\zater always have but she enjoys it more when not soaked as she eatrs my others dogs when his back is turned before she would eat her soaked stuff.

Any help much appreciated dont no what to do for the best.:S

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We have some semi-purists here - "It's best if you feed BARF" or "You should feed them XZY, since it's so much better for them!" (( I'm not naming names and thankfully no one! here comes across that harshly! ))

Assuming, for the nonce, that she wasn't eating like you'd expect her to; and continuing the assumption that Bakers isn't really a crap food - if she's eating and gaining reasonable weight and not leaking ( from the nether end ) all over the place - what's the harm??

I feed a poor quality food (Purina) but if I give my mutts any of the good stuff they wont stop eating! I free feed and they eat when they want and neither is skinny or fat so I'm satisfied that they and I are doing okay by each other. I've tried better quality foods and in the long run the only difference I've seen is to my wallet.

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As already posted, if your dog is ok on it then I would continue with it. My girl is 9 months and although I had read that husky's are prone to sensitive stomachs it didn't stop me from swapping her food. She now has 3 different sorts a day! James Wellbeloved for breakfast, Pedigree wet stuff for lunch and Bakers Puppy for supper! Out of the 3 its the dried breakfast that she would happily leave and not eat, but she doesn't get lunch until she has eaten her dried stuff.

I have never soaked any of the dried food, is there any particular reason why you soak it?

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Some people soak the kibble for when the pups are small in order not to damage their teeth but at 8 months it's perfectly fine to give it to her without soaking it. If she likes it, why not? The lower cost foods are made to "taste" better with some artificial flavours or chemicals they put in it (my guess).

Have you tried to add something to her current kibble? Like salmon oil, little vegetable stock or cooked and mixed vegetables? (brocolli, pepper, carrots, etc.) She should be able to eat it before the kibble would become wet. Or that's what Ghost did. The appetite for his kibble with the mixed vegs went from 100% to 150%. :D

I noticed with my mom's dog that his appetite goes higher with my Ghost around, just so he doesn't steal his food, so that could be the case with Bakers in the kennel...

[MENTION=5355]Al Jones[/MENTION]: Purina is one of the better foods here I think. :)

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hey something works different for everyone! i love taste of the wild and i will recommend it all day but luka can't eat it. it made him have loose stools and he didn't gain weight as he was growing. i switched him to a food (fromms) that isn't grain free but only has grains like rice and oatmeal and he has done 10 x better.

another example, most will recommend chicken and rice for an upset stomach. last time i gave that to Luka it was HORRIBLE. i'll spare the details. just making my point that you can feed your dog what is best for her and it may not be the most expensive or top quality food but as long as she is healthy who cares?

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I feed my boy Taste of the Wild, too. I've tried numerous different kind of kibbles, but the only one he doesn't turn his nose up at is TOTW. Unfortunately for my wallet...

IMO, if you're going to feed her a 'poorer quality' kibble...then please at least monitor her health closely and maybe supplement her diet with pieces of raw meat every now and then. :)

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Bakers, is 'apparently' of low quality, however, if she's eating it - its better than her NOT eating a more premium brand. Its very trial & error, i'm onto my 3rd brand now and she's loving it (James Wellbeloved) started her on Pedigree Puppy Kibble (as it was on offer @ pets@home) but was advised against it, and the likes of bakers etc. from my Vet. So I tried the one they sold at the vets 'Royal Cannin' and this gave her loose stools, so now i'm onto James Wellbeloved, and she loves it.

I'd say its down to trial & error, with food BUT I would try and stay away from the really cheap brands, as there is a REASON they are really cheap.

Each to their own though :)

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As already posted, if your dog is ok on it then I would continue with it. My girl is 9 months and although I had read that husky's are prone to sensitive stomachs it didn't stop me from swapping her food. She now has 3 different sorts a day! James Wellbeloved for breakfast, Pedigree wet stuff for lunch and Bakers Puppy for supper! Out of the 3 its the dried breakfast that she would happily leave and not eat, but she doesn't get lunch until she has eaten her dried stuff.

I have never soaked any of the dried food, is there any particular reason why you soak it?

I soak it because people say if its soaked it wont bloat up in there stomach? just what i was told but she eats it better when not soaked.

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I soak it because people say if its soaked it wont bloat up in there stomach? just what i was told but she eats it better when not soaked.

Ahh ok thanks for clearing that up, not read about that myself. I think sometimes though reading all the info thats out there and taking it all on can be a real headache. I try and get lots of info, then do things my own way, being aware of things that could possibly happen and deal with any problems if and when they occur.

Good luck with whatever you decide to feed her on. :)

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I've always soaked my puppy food, it softens it for puppy teeth and does make it more appealing, it also slows down the hoovering. I see no issue with the soaking....however it doesn't take an expensive food to raise a Siberian! As long as your pup is thriving on a food and you are getting the results you want from the food stick with it. Yes Siberians are prone to having sensitive stomachs but that does not mean they all have sensitive stomachs. Out of 11 I have 1 with special food needs that are met by the food I have been feeding my pack for years.

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