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Serious help needed please!


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Nick has just been browsing the rspca website and has came across a red 6year old husky with blue eyes...He Is absolutely gorgeous. Nick has instantly fallen in love and wants to go see him this week....

I would really like some sensible advice here, its no good just saying yay go rescue him because I would rescue him in a heartbeat if I thought it was the right thing to do.

We have only had Mollie 3weeks. Although she knows Nick is top dog she is still fighting with me and sees me as her equal or lower down the pack. She is possessive over her toys and food (anything really that she has found) we are still having problems with her taking things that are not hers and upset tummy. But She is doing great on the lead.

This is what it says about Nanook.

Hi, my name is Nanook. I'm a Husky with a beautiful red and white coat and blue eyes to die for! I came into the rescue in October 2011 along with a number of other Huskies. Most of my old friends have found new homes but I'm still looking. As a Husky, I can be pretty independent and a bit aloof. I tend to do things slowly and in my own time (even for a husky!). This has quite endeared me to the staff and volunteers here and my calm 'laid back' approach to life makes me a good friend to have around! You'll find there is a mischievous side to me however and you'd better make sure your gates are locked! I would love to find an experienced owner with a friendly female dog, as this is when I really come alive! A home with cats is not such a good idea however as I might just be tempted to give chase! With a little encouragement, I'm sure I can be housetrained and with a lot of encouragement I'll work on my basic training. (Especially if you reward me with cheese!) I hope this message gets through, because although I'm chilled out here, there is a whole new life out there just waiting for me to discover, in my own laid back way! Love Nanook

My issues are Nanook needs a lot of training and I don't think we have the time to spend with him and Mollie. There is also the chance he is bad on the lead I don't think I have the physical strength to walk both together and I don't have the time to walk them seperatly. Then we have the issue of me still not being top dog in Mollies eyes.

Sorry to go on... I would really appreciate what people think, I have heard mentioned before having two is a lot easier then you think and they learn a lot from each other... And I'm not saying I will never have another husky I am well and truely owned and we will bump our pack up to two but I am not sure if it is the right thing for us to do now...

Thanks everyone


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Nick has just been browsing the rspca website and has came across a red 6year old husky with blue eyes...He Is absolutely gorgeous. Nick has instantly fallen in love and wants to go see him this week....

I would really like some sensible advice here, its no good just saying yay go rescue him because I would rescue him in a heartbeat if I thought it was the right thing to do.

We have only had Mollie 3weeks. Although she knows Nick is top dog she is still fighting with me and sees me as her equal or lower down the pack. She is possessive over her toys and food (anything really that she has found) we are still having problems with her taking things that are not hers and upset tummy. But She is doing great on the lead.

This is what it says about Nanook.

Hi, my name is Nanook. I'm a Husky with a beautiful red and white coat and blue eyes to die for! I came into the rescue in October 2011 along with a number of other Huskies. Most of my old friends have found new homes but I'm still looking. As a Husky, I can be pretty independent and a bit aloof. I tend to do things slowly and in my own time (even for a husky!). This has quite endeared me to the staff and volunteers here and my calm 'laid back' approach to life makes me a good friend to have around! You'll find there is a mischievous side to me however and you'd better make sure your gates are locked! I would love to find an experienced owner with a friendly female dog, as this is when I really come alive! A home with cats is not such a good idea however as I might just be tempted to give chase! With a little encouragement, I'm sure I can be housetrained and with a lot of encouragement I'll work on my basic training. (Especially if you reward me with cheese!) I hope this message gets through, because although I'm chilled out here, there is a whole new life out there just waiting for me to discover, in my own laid back way! Love Nanook

My issues are Nanook needs a lot of training and I don't think we have the time to spend with him and Mollie. There is also the chance he is bad on the lead I don't think I have the physical strength to walk both together and I don't have the time to walk them seperatly. Then we have the issue of me still not being top dog in Mollies eyes.

Sorry to go on... I would really appreciate what people think, I have heard mentioned before having two is a lot easier then you think and they learn a lot from each other... And I'm not saying I will never have another husky I am well and truely owned and we will bump our pack up to two but I am not sure if it is the right thing for us to do now...

Thanks everyone


ok amy. i do worry that it may be too fast, you havent had mollie long.

in the write up it says experienced owner, youve only got 3 weeks experience.

is mollie spayed?? if not having a male poses new challenges.

walking two is awkward at times. ive got stacey coming today to help.with mine.

walking two is easier with a walking.belt.

it seems that you arent convinced this is a good idea.

go with your gut instinct, id hate for you to get him not cope and have to send him back.

dont go see him, if youre like me youll fall in love. x

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Give it 6 months.

Get Mollie settled.

Get Mollie trained to walk nicely etc.

Learn the hard way about Huskies with just the one.

Make all the mistakes with Mollie and then when you've learned what to do with the first think about taking on a 2nd.

THEN when you don't have to try to control 2 untrained dogs.

You can then put all your attention into the new dog.

When we say 2 is better than one it's from the point of view of the Huskies.

They socialise better.

They have a playmate to play with.

They won't be so 'Bored'.

Well that's my tuppence h'a'pennies worth :)

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The "two dogs are easier than one" argument cuts both ways. Yes they will be company for each other (as long as they get on) but they may also conspire together to make life a misery. Twice the dogs means twice the mischief, twice the chewing, twice the stealing etc etc. Having a large pack makes it easier to integrate new dogs - the pack will teach them what is acceptable and what is not. Two untrained dogs together is a recipe for possible disaster which could end up with both being rehomed. Learn everything you can from your first husky before bringing in another. It still won't be easy but you'll be better prepared.


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Could Nick arrange with the rescue that you'll virtually adopt him for the time being and when your girl is settled and you're happy with her, you'll take him?

Other than that, if Mollie doesn't see you as top dog, one of the things you can do is be the food giver. Eat before her (and in front of her) and once you're finished give her her food. Not Nick but you. You can train 'wait' while you give her the food bowl on the ground.

As for strength, buy a walking belt, you can put your whole weight in it and it doesn't pull you as much. A harness that is hooked from the front helps to slow a dog (like the WYDWL harness, but any that has a ring in the front works).

But still unless you are comfortable with it, talk to him. :) Because if you go see him, you'll take him, it's a husky after all. :)

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Thank you for your advice everyone, it has given me different views to think about going to sleep on it tonight and decide tomorrow atm my heart is saying save him but my head is saying we are not the right home just yet :)

I agree with both Andy and Mick; you've only had a little while with yours so far, and having had a pup and then two adult re-homes myself, I can definitely relate to the 'double-edged sword' as it were. Yes, Huskies are pack dogs and will enjoy the company of other dogs over humans at times, but you are the the 'ultimate' pack leader (because if you don't lead, then the most dominant will, and that can be quite stressful for a dog because they look to you as pack leader, so you need to choose a dog that is best suited to your first dog- if that makes sense!)

Before thinking about a companion, perhaps ask yourself these questions (and more besides):

1. What do I want in another dog?

2. How will she/he benefit my existing dog?

3. Is my current dog dominant or submissive? How do I know?

4. What type (personality) of dog will best suit me, my surroundings and my existing dog?

5. Can I manage initial problems such as possession? How will I do it in such a way that helps my dogs establish 'order'?

Dogs have very different personalities and very individual needs. But be prepared to consider the possibility that your new dog will teach the other one 'old tricks' as it were: digging, counter- surfing, snitching on each other: trust me, they learn from one another and you need to be prepared - 'warts and all' as it were!;)

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Oh this is really not an easy decision....when I read this thread my head wins and I think No we are not the right home for him... but then when I just think about him stuck in there and that he has been there for nearly a whole year I feel sad and want to give him a home... yes we have only had Mollie a few weeks but we have both grown up with dogs and have experience training other breads. And if we save him at least he will be loved, get walked at least twice a day, fed, have a friend and wont be stuck in a cage and I know it will be really hard for a while but it will get better and easier...

And just look how gorgeous he is...


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We adopted Ice 3 months after getting Bear and although I love them both dearly, I can't deny that it was extremely hard work! Extremely!!! I was pulling my hair out with them sometimes in the early days. Definately a case of them working together to cause mayhem, it did calm down but it took months of hard work. Training needs to be done seperately and walks were best kept separate to help with Bear's leash training (she's still not exactly loose leash but she's controllable and sometimes even pleasant which is better than she was at christmas! I totally understand where you're coming from, I've given up looking at adoption sites/pre loved etc... as I wanna take them all home! lol.

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Have you made a choice?

If it makes you feel any better we took weeks to decide on getting another one. Now I wished we'd done it sooner but at the time it was the hardest choice in the world.

There is only you who can decide what to do, he is beautiful and I'd get him if I didn't already have 2 but it has to be right for all of you not just cos you want to rescue him.

If you want to chat some more drop me a message and there are plenty of people on here who can help.

i don't post a lot of replies but felt I needed to for you as what you said reminded me of us 12 months ago.

I have a big male and a female and it's hard but they all rank lower than me in our house so don't worry too much about being top dog with a little work you'll get there.

If you need anything else just give me a shout. :confused:

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No, no, no, don't do it!

Having one really well trained dog will help train another. My Deiffen has been a godsend he was that easy to train & is so obedient (Border Collie). :D

Having him helped when training Tango. When I gave a command, Tango watched Deiffen & took the lead from him :) easy!

This in turn helped with Mishka. I've been very lucky & she has been soooo easy, has great recall etc. but I put the time and effort in with all 3 & am reaping the benefits :yahoo:

Yes having 2 (or 3) I have found, is easier but only because I trained the first dog well first ;)

If you're having problems with Mollie not accepting your authority as pack leader now, imagine having twice the trouble 'coz he might not listen either! :oops

He's a handsome boy & you need to be lead by your head, not your heart. You can't rescue them all unfortunately & it is heartbreaking seeing them in rescue. :cry1:

Get yourself sorted with Mollie, get her trained & settled before you bring another in, as has been said, you don't want to rescue him then have to hand him back. How would you feel then? :redface1::cry1::cry1::cry1:

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Would just like to say a big thank you to everyone. After much thought and talking we have decided that getting another dog is not the right thing for us to do. At least not at the moment. We would love to save Nanook and bring him home and know it would be seriously hard for a long time but with work and time we would get there. After reading everyone's comments we did realise that it would be better for Mollie if we let her settle in her home and learn her place in the pack before we introduce another member. So for now we are just going to focus our time and energy on her to make sure she is happy and gets the life she deserves.

She does seem very happy especially after her 5mile walk down the canal this morning :)


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