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SICK Dog, don't know what do...


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Hi all,

New to this forum as I'm reaching out for some help as to how to proceed with one sick Husky. Ajax is an almost-6 year old Husky, black and white, with a rather accident-prone history (broke his leg badly as a pup) but otherwise generally healthy. He was a bit overweight in the past couple years, but as I'll tell you, that's no longer a problem.

Brief history... In June, he had a bad episode of vomitting, diarrhea and lethargy that lasted a few days. He got better, but then went immediately back into another spell of the same. Since then, he's lost weight dramatically, his apetite has gotten selective to the point of anorexia, and he gets sick ALL THE TIME. He has frequent diarrhea, and when it gets worse, he also has vomitting episodes (usually at night). He doesn't seem to be in any pain, but he's definitely got less spring in his step.

His vet, who is currently out of town for a couple weeks, has done several tests and is currently thinking irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As a result, he's advised us to restrict his diet to E/N dog food (easily digestible), with NO other sources of protein allowed. This is a problem. We've tried the E/N, but since we started the regimen, I don't think he's eaten a single bite of food. And it's been DAYS. He hasn't had any bowel movements because he hasn't eaten. I just picked him up to get him outside, and it felt like I was lifting a puppy - truly frightening. He's gone from 85 pounds in June to 70 pounds a week or 2 ago, and I bet he's dropped into the high 60's now. He's wasting away.

The thing is, he has an apetite. I gave him a piece of bread today to test it, and he wolfed it down. And now, from across the room, I can hear his stomach gurgling again, which means he'll probably vomit tonight. Fortunately, he seems to keep water down OK.

The doctor advised us to have an ultrasound done if there was no change with the dog food, so he goes in this week for the ultrasound, after which he will be starting a steroid regimen. I have the strong suspicion the ultrasound won't reveal anything, and the steroids might help but I'm dubious.

Basically, I'm wondering if these symptoms trigger anything in the Husky community that I and my vet haven't thought of, because I'm almost at wit's end. Aside from feeling badly for my poor pup, I'm losing my mind, constantly worried about whether he's coming to my bedside because he's going to have another accident, and then getting flipping mad when he won't go outside to go to the bathroom.

Anyway, sorry to disturb the peace, but I'd really appreciate any information, advice, thoughts!

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I know that most people will NEVER reccommend this as it is something they do only for parvo...which is a huge problem in Hawaii...but in this case it may be a reasonable choice. When a dog is sick with parvo and isnt keeping any food down...they tell you to feed them rice since they are so weak and it helps them too loose less weight so they have a better chance of survival.

If you dont feel right about trying it then dont...but if youre looking to at least give him something that he will likely eat...try rice. Its not high in protiens and will help him regain alittle strength.

at first just try a quarter of a cup of rice...if it stays down and he doesnt get sick from it...give him another quarter cup in four hours or so. Repeat every 4 to 6 hours after that if he's taking it ok.

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hi and welcome to the site...firstly avoid giving him bread! Steer clear of wheat...its not good for sibes! Secondly get yourself a second opionion! A new set of eyes on the situation may just see something that has been missed! Best of luck and please let me know how your getting on!

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It may be best to try "Minute rice" boxed white rice too since most of the starch has already been rinsed off of it...this way he wont have a bunch of starch in his stomach...because that could make him miserable. This should hold him over at least until you can get him to your vet or to another vet.

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Thanks for the responses all... He has not been regularly wormed, and in fact the vet will be doing a stool analysis for parasites. He's currently in getting an ultrasound to inspect his belly a bit more, and we should have some more info tonight. Unfortunately, he can't keep anything down.

This morning at the vet, his weight was down to 67 pounds... At this rate, he'll have lost 20 pounds in under 3 months (the WRONG way). He looks good actually, but that's so unhealthy!

I'll post up the results.

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Sorry to hear about your dogs problems :(

Firstly, don't read too much into him eating the bread it could just be habbit. Appetite is psychological (dependant on memory & association) which may mean when you offered him the bread he remembered being given a treat and accepted it from memory or because he knows it was a good thing to do - ever had a choccy bar just because you like them ??. Just because he has an appetite doesn't necessarily mean he is hungry, which is when the body has a physiological need for food - a dog can survive for a while without food. (doesn't mean a lot but can probably rule out canine anorexia).

Just to rule out... has there been any change in circumstances during this period? New people in the house? New animals? New home? at all?

Sad to say diseases of anything can cause loss of appetite.... blood, eyes, digestive system, kidneys, skin, brain....

I'm assuming there is nothing obvious like skin problems are there?

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Definately get a second opinion. Also, when Bo is ill, he prefers to be fed by hand. Have you tried this with Ajax just to see if he'd eat the food then? I agree with the rice, but you must do what you feel comfortable doing.

I definately wouldn't wait two weeks for your vet to see him again. Where are you located? That would help other members who may be in your area to recommend another vet for you to visit....

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Well, a little update here...

I got a second opinion (and a third) from 2 vets within the same hospital who saw him on the day of his ultrasound. First off, the ultrasound came back MOSTLY negative. They said the colon appeared slightly enlarged but nothing alarming. However, they observed that his liver is actually somewhat undersized... on the order of about 1/2 to 2/3 of normal size. Strange. They also said his albumin levels are somewhat low of normal, although not critical.

This being the case, they're now operating on the diagnosis of a general malabsorptive disorder, meaning that for whatever reason he's just not digesting his food at all. Personally, I think the liver thing is probaby just a red herring, but they may want to conduct another test or two to see that for certain. They've prescribed Flagil, and a deworming powder (prophylactically) to try and get him to eat better, and also they've advised us to switch to Science Diet I/D food to improve his ability to digest food. Fortunately, he actually eats the I/D (he wouldn't TOUCH the E/N, absolutely hated it). His appetite is pretty much OK, and he seems to be feeling alright. So we'll see what happens here.

Still waiting on lab values and stool sample results, but I have a feeling all that will be normal. So for the time being, we're just limiting his diet to the I/D, and we'll see about doing the liver function test to determine if that might be related.

Oh and by the way... We're in the Westchester County, NY region, and if anyone has any good vet recommendations I'd love to hear 'em. I'm not too thrilled with how this has been handled by our usual vet, who we've been going to for YEARS.

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He would always eat chicken with his regular dog food, which is the only reason he'd even eat his regular dog food. The vet told us no outside protein, so we're not supposed to feed him chicken. Once we've gotten him stabilized a bit, we'll see if he can tolerate the chicken as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kicking this thread back to life maybe... Dog not getting better. Had a brief (3-4 days) period where he was absolutely PUPPY-like - bouncing off the walls practically, big smile on his face, and we were thrilled. Now he's right back to the severe diarrhea, further weight loss, anergic, etc.

At this point, if anyone can recommend a really good vet in the NYC suburbs, please let me know. Otherwise, I think a second opinion will be at the Animal Medical Center. That place is phenomenal, we just hate taking him there because we usually have to leave him overnight and he hates that. All the same though if they can figure out the problem.

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If you are happy wthe the animal medical centre just let him go without any regard to how he feels. I know it's hard to do but saying 'he hates it' is just applying our human emotions to the dogs. Yes he probably doesn't like it as much as what he does at home because he doesn't get his priviledges BUT in reality all that will happen is he will go to sleep overnight then be excited when he sees you collect him the next day :)

I am the same as you, my girl had to have an operation today and i was a complete nightmare but i did leave her with no problems and after picking her up, deep inside, i know she doesn't hate me. Secretly though i was worrying she'd hate me when i left her.

We do tend to apply our own human emotions to our dogs, and that is fine, but when it is in our dogs very best interests to investigate further then we have to.

Please seek further advice. One night away from him is well worth it to find out what is wrong. For you and for Ajax.


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Ah you know I just sort of said that without really thinking... Leaving him there overnight is only a part of the problem. The place is also 35-40 minutes away, doesn't have his updated medical records (he was there 5 years ago), and tends to be very expensive. So there's a few reasons I'm saving that for last.

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The low albumin level and scan findings sounds suggestive of inflammatory bowel disease to me: Crohns or colitis.

Low albumin alone can indicate renal failure, but gessing your vet ruled that out in primary bloodwork?

Malabsorption is kind of on the mark, in so much as it is a symptom of IBD, but actual IBD requires a gut biopsy to properly diagnose.

IBD needs steroid treatment. Has your vet tried that yet?

In terms of diet for Canine IBD, I'd be inclined to try an all-natural raw diet and remove all wheat, barley and corn products (including anything containing 'prarie meal' as thats a corn by-product).

I'd personally try a diet of raw chicken, turkey, lamb and tripe, and white + oily fish. Try small amouts of cooked rice, oats and potato and small amounts of pureed fruit and veg. Also add in a daily portion of actimel, yaakult or other probiotic product to help replenish the gut flora.

You would be aiming for a high calorie, high protien, easily digestable diet with dissovable fibre.

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Hi i had a similar problem with my boy. He was always ill sleepy the runs etc. Lost loads of weight and was ill 4 a while. Turned out to be allergic to meat so i put him on a diet of rice and fish. He loved it. They were frozen pollack fillets from Aldi, put them in the microwave with some water til just cooked then let to cool down with white rice. He was on this diet for bout 2 yrs and the weight piled on. He now is ok so u could try that, it worked for mine.

Hope he gets better soon Love Emily, Scooby, Nanook and Mushu x

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Cypra and Kai both went through the same thing but Kai got it the worst. It ended up being a bacterial infection from something he might have gotten into outside (and it could have been anything, bird poop, small animal poop, garbage, etc...) he was sick for 5 days, 2 of which he was hooked up to an IV because he was so dehydrated. I wish your dog all the best wishes to get well soon!

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Do you have a vet college nearby?

We've taken one of the family dogs to the one located within an hour and a half of our home - our vet referred us when the daughter's lhasa was having problems with her liver. Yes, it was very expensive, but it didn't take long for them to figure out exactly what was going on. Daphnie is now three years old and still has occassional bouts, but we now know what to look for and what we need to do.

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The low albumin level and scan findings sounds suggestive of inflammatory bowel disease to me: Crohns or colitis.

Low albumin alone can indicate renal failure, but gessing your vet ruled that out in primary bloodwork?

Malabsorption is kind of on the mark, in so much as it is a symptom of IBD, but actual IBD requires a gut biopsy to properly diagnose.

IBD needs steroid treatment. Has your vet tried that yet?

In terms of diet for Canine IBD, I'd be inclined to try an all-natural raw diet and remove all wheat, barley and corn products (including anything containing 'prarie meal' as thats a corn by-product).

I'd personally try a diet of raw chicken, turkey, lamb and tripe, and white + oily fish. Try small amouts of cooked rice, oats and potato and small amounts of pureed fruit and veg. Also add in a daily portion of actimel, yaakult or other probiotic product to help replenish the gut flora.

You would be aiming for a high calorie, high protien, easily digestable diet with dissovable fibre.

Thanks Lyn... Are there any dog foods that you know of that approximate that diet? As I said, the vet recommended Science Diet I/D, which is supposed to be from this sort of thing. The odd thing is he tolerates it well for a while, then has several days of diarrhea when he's not eating ANYthing, so it's very confusing.

What about the Flagyl? The vet did consider steroids, and then we decided to get the ultrasound so thought it was better to hold off on steroids until that was done (To prevent reducing any lymphoma just in case). Then he was better for a bit, so we stayed off the steroids... maybe we'll have to consider getting that. What about the long term side effects of the steroids?

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