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That is such a great idea, never even thought of it! I'm going to send it down this week! She'll be moving to their home tomorrow, so it'll be ace if it comforts her! Will be sure to add pics :D

Glad to be of help. I noticed mine liked the smell of my sweatshirt so I eventually left it in his bed. At that time we tried to teach it to stay in the living room because he always disturbed my bf's sleep but eventually just moved the bed and all to our bedroom. :D

Looking forward to the pics. :)

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I really sympathise with you on this:( my baby boy went to a new home 10 days ago and I'm still devistated even though it was a decision I made and had to make as he didn't like hormonal girls which is all I have in my house with my daughter and her new friends in and out all the time:( he would snap at them and had drawn blood a few too many times:(

but I'm lost without him :( he's gone to a fantastic home with a lady we met through having him who already has a sib that gets on well. But every time I think of him im in floods. I keep wanting to ask every am and pm but have to stop myself as I know he's hers now and is doing really well but it's a decision I regret every day but I know I had to as circumstances with the children meant I had to. But it doesn't make it easier and people saying its ok you can get a puppy that is new to you (he was 8months) they just don't get that it's to he same!

I really hope everything works out for you and you get to stayin touch with your baby xxx

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Totally know what you mean about wanting to ask am & pm & being in floods :( - it's driving me mad not being able to ask how she's getting on, evenmore so that housemate hasn't even bothered to let me know :@

That's great that you were able to give him another fantastic home and that he'll have another husky to play with! Does she live close enough for you to see him occasionally? (if she will)

At least they're both in good homes is the best way to think of it xx

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I don't mean to be harsh on you but it very well might be he doesn't care enough to inform you, or I doubt he spends as much time with her (btw she's beatifuuul) as you would. If I missed it, why don't your parents allow her at your/their place? They might come to like her as well. My bf's parents were very much against him having a dog around but then when they saw him his mom fell in love with him, and his father likes him too but still keeps the respected distance. They should at least let you to have her over at weekends (every other, third, fourth..).

About asking, if you get on okay with his parents, try to text the mom, guys are...guys. :<

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Phoned him earlier for an update "Oh shes in the vets today being spayed, was going to text you later" No warning, no double checking, no choice over keyhole etc. My poor girly!! I'm not happy.

On the plus side he's sending me his address so my tshirt and some new toys will be with her tomorrow.

She stayed down this end for 2 weeks with my dads parents, mums parents, my friend and also with my parents. They all really liked her (bearing in mind mum doesn't like animals atall and her mum isn't keen) but they even liked her!

Alas no one would let me have her here :( To quote parents this morn "you need to get over her, she's not yours now and you can't dwell on it" They meant it in a nicer way though...

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I'm really sorry for the situation you're in and hope you'll be able to take her in some time.

I live in Czech rep now but originally am from Slovakia (neighbouring countries), there I, my sis and mom live with my mom's mother. She's not too fond of dogs either but learned to live with my mom's cockerspaniel. Though my grandma doesn't know I have a dog, and a bf, and that we all live together...

At least he updates you some! That's a good improvement, and I bet she'll be very happy to get your T-shirt. :)

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Thats great that she learned to live with your mums spaniel! Its only that my nana hasn't been well that they weren't able to take her there - though think she'd have been a bit high energy for them anyway (their three are docile heinz lab x's)

I keep going "oh seren will love that, that'll be handy" so am going to make a draw full of stuff that can either be sent down for Christmas or be kept here for when she visits. Plus I found teddy husky today (Giant pic sorry)

Constantly checking my phone... its only been a week! ha ha

Even if its constantly going on about her and moaning about housemate on here - its helping, so thanks all! :D


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I feel for you.this is a difficult time for you being parted from Seren after being with her all the time. They slowly creep into your heart and then you adore them!

I hope there is some arrangement made which makes you feel like you are part of her life still.

One consolation with the current situation is that you know where she is and who she is with.

Don't give up,things could still work out and you could have her back in the future,there is always a way.

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Thanks Siberian Shadow :) I hope there's some arrangement made too

Another update yesterday she is healing from her op and loves my tshirt :wub:

Asked when housemate when he was thinking of coming down and he said around Christmas and he would stay in a hotel WITH Seren :@ Soon made him realise that wasn't gonna happen (defeating the point or what!)

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Thanks Siberian Shadow :) I hope there's some arrangement made too

Another update yesterday she is healing from her op and loves my tshirt :wub:

Asked when housemate when he was thinking of coming down and he said around Christmas and he would stay in a hotel WITH Seren :@ Soon made him realise that wasn't gonna happen (defeating the point or what!)

well um no seren should stay with you and he stay in the hotel on his own :D

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Another update - Shes been digging up the garden something rotten (thats my girl) and sleeping on his sisters bed (hopefully not her new mam :()

I've found the KC certificate and phoned them to discover he can't do anything without my signature. Phew. Although he has changed the microchip info to his name etc.

He said she nearly escaped yesterday, off down the road to be grabbed by a lady (one would like to think she was looking for me, but infact she was probably looking for another jack russell to play with ha ha)

Crying again today, but stupidly looking at all her pictures on a slide-show. Good idea... not.

Anyways thanks again to anyone that reads, I would like to comment on other threads - but feels a bit strange now I don't have a husky with me every day

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There is a number of members here who are still at the stage of researching the breed or have questions before they get one or decide not to. So don't be afraid to comment elsewhere!

That's great news to know he can't do much without you. The microchip thing is understandable though.

Haha, good girl digging their garden. Well you never know she might have been looking for you. :)

The more you cry and remind yourself the harder it will be for you but also the stronger you'll get and will enjoy the time spent with her!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, spoken to housemate a couple of times (me texting him) but said shes fine etc. However, texted him 4 days ago (after hadn't spoken for a week and half) to ask about him sending some pics as i've ordered canvas. No reply from him, so phoned today and no reply. I'm panicking (as I do) incase he's changed number or just going to stop contact. :( Do you think i'm just being stupid and leave him alone for a bit. Its been driving me mad today - even dreamt about it last night.

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