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Getting a second husky?

Zoey's Parents

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Why do you want another husky? Just as a playmate for Zoey (your nine month old?) or...?

2 dogs usually means (and I've never owned 2 dogs at once before, but this is what I've heard...) : Twice the price (food, vet bills, insurance, etc.), twice the work (walking, training, etc.), but also twice the FUN!

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Honestly, I never felt having 2 dogs was that BIG of a difference, going from 2 to 3 dogs was the HUGE difference(you can tell when you're buying a 30lb bag of TOTW every 2 weeks).

After you get past those first couple of months(spay/neuter, puppy shots, basic supplies) you won't be able to tell the difference between 1 and 2 dogs. It would probably be even less of a difference if you decided to adopt.

But before you even think about it...

Is Zoey where you want her to be in her training? Getting another dog that isn't trained could teach Zoey bad habits, and push her training back farther

Do you have the time for a second dog?

Do you have the finances for a second dog?

Do you have the space for a second dog?

Good luck! :)

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Going from 1 to 2 was actually less work - they love having a playmate on call 24/7 :) Financially the cost is double though, and that needs to be a part of the decision.

The biggest thing to take into consideration though is training. If you are happy (100%) that Zoey is where you want her training wise, then a 2nd husky is definitely a good thing. If she is not, then I would complete her training, and then get your 2nd husky.

I know from experience, my Ozzy was just over 5 months old when we got Micah, who was four months old. I am not saying it is impossible, it is just a lot more difficult with a lot of frustration thrown into the mix.

From there on, it is great. I wouldn't change it for the world :D

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getting another one was the best thing we ever did!

But, make sure its the right dog for zoey. That bit is important.

Once you get that right expect your house to be turned into a wrestling arena!! lol

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Personally I recommend a second. I work from home so Maya was never really on her own. but with the best will in the world you can never provide as much fun and companionship as a second husky can. I waited until Maya was a year old and then got Bodhi. I wouldn't say Maya was fully trained, but she does what I want her to most of the time. (if SHE wants to) They get on very well and occupy each other with play and the occasional scrap all day long. Of course the bills potentially double, but if you can afford it I would definitely go for it.

It's also lovely to see how different their personalities are. Very different characters.

To be honest I'd like a third as I want a red, but I think that might be a step too far. Must resist...

Edited by Lightsiber
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I have two I agree with everyone saying make sure your current dog is where you want with training etc as you dont want her to go backwards!!

Moneywise yes its double i dont find it to bad but i get raw food which costs me about 38 a month for two but i also buy extras for treats etc from supermarkets so it probably works out more than that!

Flea and worming doubles.. vaccinations i dont notice to much because they are at different times of the year :)

I find the walking different it can be harder walking two if they want to go towards anything double the strength lol but its not to bad now i have been training them to walk a bit nicer! (i definately advice you to get both of them walking nicely!)

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I was exactly in your shoes just two months ago! I had Nikko since he was 10 weeks old, and I knew that I wanted a second one. I went back and forth between getting an adult or a puppy. I really was not looking forward to going through the puppy stage again, but in the end I decided to go that route.

First, like others have mentioned, make sure you are where you want to be on training. This is the most important thing! When I picked up Yukon we had just finished the advanced training classes so I was confident that we were in a good place. If your dog has some bad habits that you want to correct, I would try and get through that BEFORE getting a second dog. The main reason is the new dog might pick up some of your dog’s bad habits, even more so if it is a puppy. I see it every day, I even caught Yukon trying to hump my older dog, and this was when he was just over 2 months old!

Getting the 2nd puppy was the best thing we did. Nikko seems MUCH happier with a companion. They also tire each other out which is a very good thing! Nikko’s behavior has also improved. He used to try and dominate me by mouthing and mounting, and that has all but stopped.

There are some things to think about too. Obviously you will be going through twice the food, so it can get expensive. If you get a puppy there is the vet cost in addition to the cost of the puppy. Either way you will probably want to do some formal training. There is also twice the fur everywhere!

As far as space, I don’t really notice a difference with 2 of them, and I live in a townhouse without much of a yard! So if you have the time and money I would say go for it!!

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I totally get it! Having one is hard because you have to constantly keep him entertained, either with walks, playing, or toys. Nikko had TONS of toys and would still get bored and cause trouble. Having two helps with that, but is still easy enough to handle. I could not imagine having to walk 3 huskies! Or take them all on a car ride!

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I'm also new at having 2 to care for, but find it much easier to handle. My older Husky seems so much happier having a playmate and companion. They are always together and lot less destruction to our furniture. The cost was an issue at first, but it's now calming down. as far as owning a third, my wife would have no problems moving my butt to the dog house that was built over the summer even though she loves her 2 girls whole heartily. I wouldn't change a thing...:)

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we got two from the start so wouldnt know what the difference are. ive considered, and still do think i want another, although K&P are not quite walking to my standard, i would need to know that i could walk all 3 before i considered getting the 3rd. my two can easierly pull me over if they try, and on some occassions have really hurt my arm when not paying attention yanking it, so a third would not be fun.

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Wow thanks for all the great replies. Zoey definitely is not were we need her in training, so that will have to be worked on more. I think I was considering a second one for the companionship for her. She is alone all day, and I can tell she is bored sometimes. Im worried getting a second one could mean destruction in the house as zoey doesnt destroy anything of ours.

I know when we goto the dog park and another husky is there she is all over it and just has the best time with another husky.

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I first wanted a second husky when Nikko was just about 5-6 months old, but everyone suggested that I wait. My reasoning for a second one was like yours, I wanted Nikko to have a companion. I am SO glad I waited a bit until Nikko was more trained. Now that he is done with his training classes it is much easier, especially when going on walks.

Is your dog crated when he is alone, or does he have free rein of the house? I know many people don’t crate their dogs when they are alone, but I do. I don’t want to think of what my house would look like if Nikko and Yukon had access to it! If you get a second dog or puppy I wouldn’t leave them alone together for awhile until you can trust them. I still supervise both mine so they don’t get out of hand.

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I could not imagine having to walk 3 huskies! Or take them all on a car ride!

As long as the dogs get on then there is no issue with the car ride (as long as you have sufficient space)

and as for the walking I can walk three of mine with the leads loose lead in one hand, how ??? One word. . . training.

malaki is going through his one on one lead training now and will soon be able to join the other three on pack walks.

Put the effort in and you will be rewarded with walks that are great fun for your pooches and you.

You do not need to be dragged and hauled everywhere on walks.

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  • 1 month later...

We have been thinking of getting a second husky as a playmate and companion, especially for the rare occasions she needs to go into kennels (she absolutely hates being separated from the pack).

We have a house and garden plenty big enough and my Ellie gets walked 2 or 3 times every day one of which is a long one. I am lucky enough to work from home so she is never left alone in the house. The odd time I have to go to a meeting my wife is here with her.

Can anyone offer some advice as to where we can find a companion for Ellie? We are looking for either a Male or Female 2 years or over.

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We have been thinking of getting a second husky as a playmate and companion, especially for the rare occasions she needs to go into kennels (she absolutely hates being separated from the pack).

We have a house and garden plenty big enough and my Ellie gets walked 2 or 3 times every day one of which is a long one. I am lucky enough to work from home so she is never left alone in the house. The odd time I have to go to a meeting my wife is here with her.

Can anyone offer some advice as to where we can find a companion for Ellie? We are looking for either a Male or Female 2 years or over.

if your in the uk why not try a rescue like huskies in need, share, sibes and sleg dogs, helping hearts xx

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Ok here is my perspective. But before I tell you about it, I just want to say that I have a GSD (which have VERY VERY VERY different temperaments than a husky) and a husky. Also, I'm not trying to talk you out of getting a 2nd doggie. I just want to share my experience with you...

That said, in my experience having two doggies is more than double the work. My two can't be walked together, let out together, sometimes resource guard and as they say sometimes when you have two doggies the best way to get doggie number 1s attention is by calling doggie number 2 over to you--they just don't listen. They also go into what I've read as being called 'pack mentality' which basically, again, means that if doggie number 1 sees doggie number 2 doing something wrong, he/she will join in and neither will listen no matter how well they are trained to 'drop it' or 'leave it', feeding off of each others negative, not obeying stance. I may be biased in that I get overwhelmed very quickly so that's another disclaimer I'm sorry I have to point out to you...

Either way, that's my experience and I know it has to do a lot with the temperament of my GSD. There are a lot of people here that have 2 or more huskies and will attest to a different experience so I hope you don't mind me sharing mine with you...

I'd also recommend a rescue pup. It's a noble cause.

Lastly, and I'm sure others have more knowledge than me in this realm, but in the GSD realm it's always better to have 2 doggies of the opposite sex. Bitches especially are temperamental and may (or may not) turn on each other. Again, many people live with same sex pairs and will attest differently, but this is the extent of my knowledge and I hope you don't mind me sharing it with you :)

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Ok here is my perspective. But before I tell you about it, I just want to say that I have a GSD (which have VERY VERY VERY different temperaments than a husky) and a husky. Also, I'm not trying to talk you out of getting a 2nd doggie. I just want to share my experience with you...

That said, in my experience having two doggies is more than double the work. My two can't be walked together, let out together, sometimes resource guard and as they say sometimes when you have two doggies the best way to get doggie number 1s attention is by calling doggie number 2 over to you--they just don't listen. They also go into what I've read as being called 'pack mentality' which basically, again, means that if doggie number 1 sees doggie number 2 doing something wrong, he/she will join in and neither will listen no matter how well they are trained to 'drop it' or 'leave it', feeding off of each others negative, not obeying stance. I may be biased in that I get overwhelmed very quickly so that's another disclaimer I'm sorry I have to point out to you...

Either way, that's my experience and I know it has to do a lot with the temperament of my GSD. There are a lot of people here that have 2 or more huskies and will attest to a different experience so I hope you don't mind me sharing mine with you...

I'd also recommend a rescue pup. It's a noble cause.

Lastly, and I'm sure others have more knowledge than me in this realm, but in the GSD realm it's always better to have 2 doggies of the opposite sex. Bitches especially are temperamental and may (or may not) turn on each other. Again, many people live with same sex pairs and will attest differently, but this is the extent of my knowledge and I hope you don't mind me sharing it with you :)

Thank you very much for your comments and insight. I will certainly bear this in mind when selecting a companion for my little girl.

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