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I'm Not Sure What To Do Anymore


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As you all know, I have a nine week old siberian Yuki. Although I hate to reveal personal info, please bear with me here, I'm not sure what to do anymore. This is kinda training too I guess, wasn't quite sure which category to put it under. Okay to the point: I lived with my dad for a while. My brothers and I all know with my dad that you have to do things without asking, because his answer is always no. 'Can I eat dinner?' 'No.' Not really, but pretty close. When I got Cloud, the american eskimo, I didn't tell my dad before bringing him home, because he would have said no. I brought Cloud home, and although he was displeased with a dog in the home, he warmed up to him and we didn't have any issues. As I said, its just something you have to do. Anyway when I decided to get Yuki, I dropped little hints to my dad about how lonely Cloud was and how much I wanted to get another dog, which he didn't say no to. Then when I brought Yuki home, it was an explosion. Complete with yelling about how dare I bring a husky into his home and Yuki and Cloud both whimpering at the immense anger. He threatened to take both Cloud and Yuki to the pound if I stayed at his house, so I moved out. The first week I had Yuki, was, well, sad. We stayed in the car the whole day, driving from the dog park to the pet store. They both hate car rides now, can't blame them for it. Anyway my mom offered us her apartment to stay at, but since dogs weren't allowed, we had to sneak in when it got dark. We left around 6am, back to the routine. Into the car, dog park, pet store, dog park, regular park, etc. It was horrible, I think I cried every day because I hated making them live this life without a home. One of the things that got me was I stopped back at my dads house to get some of Cloud's toys, and Cloud immediately knew where he was and started jumping up barking and tried to run out of the car into the house. I don't think I stopped crying for an hour over the fact that I lost Cloud's home. But then my mom cheered me up by saying wherever I was, was their home. So after the first week went by we finally got a doctor's note allowing the dogs to stay at my moms apartment as companion animals. FINALLY I didn't have to pen them up for car rides all day. I know raising a husky in an apartment isn't ideal, but its a roof over our heads. But now here's where the real problem starts. I have a million chew toys, but they will not stop CHEWING on stuff they're not meant to chew on. I have used some kind of bitter gel to stop the chewing, but they just haven't stopped. Well needless to say, one chewed couch, chair, power cord, and carpet later, my mom had had enough. She told me I either had to crate them all day or send them to a dog sitter, or else we can't stay there anymore. T_T not again. At the moment, they share a crate, and they don't always get along. I mean its fine for the nights but for an entire day? I don't think Cloud would stand for it, and I don't think penning them together for 7-13 hours a day is ideal. My shortest work shift is 5 hours, and I have an hour drive to work and from work. My longest shifts can go to 11 hours, not counting the hour drive there and back. But I'm so wary of pet sitters not knowing the breed very well and have nightmares of Yuki being shaved or Cloud being fed purina. So whats your opinion? Should I buy another crate after my next paycheck, and start crating them for god knows how long so I at least still have somewhere to live? Or should I stalk forking out the bucks to hire a pet-sitter? I can't take them to a professional place, they won't take Cloud since he's a 6 month unfixed male, and they won't take Yuki since she doesn't have all her shots, so my best shot is finding some random person on craigslist. :/ The nightmares.. Oh god I just don't know what to do. Suggestions please?

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I'll try looking around jm, I'd like a sitter maybe twice a week on my longer 13 hour days. I don't really know any trainers or anything around, but I know one really nice lady at petsmart. Although I don't like petsmart a bunch, this trainer is super nice so maybe she can recommend someone not in their daycare (Since their daycare can't take my pups). And yeah solitary, that was my original idea, I just wasn't sure if it was a good idea because then Yuki would HAVE to make a mess in the crate with me being gone so long, and then she might learn to start going in the crate rather than outside. Thanks for the offer Christine, but I'll be buying one next friday when I get my paycheck. I've known that they needed their own space since I got Yuki, but Yuki always cried when she was in the crate alone and immediately calmed down with Cloud in there. Cloud was the one who was never too enthused. So now that Yuki has finally settled into the home and everything I think its due time to get a separate crate. They're always okay together at night, but an entire day in the same crate? Nah, I don't care if the crate's huge I wouldn't like it if I were Cloud. And also, thank you for the support. I've always had to be independent on everything and I thought I had support with the dogs, but apparently I didn't. Just turned out like it always does, but this time it doesn't just effect me, it effects my dogs, which is why I'm trying to do everything I can to make the situation better. I try to give my pups the best, but apparently I've just failed again >< makes me mad. Anyway, crate training it is, so, how should I start? Yuki obviously is attached to Cloud, but because of work I haven't had the time to work with them a bunch separately. About twice a week I do hourly sessions with them separately, but I can hear one whining through the door. Yuki's comfortable enough with the crate, she'll even go in by herself once in a while for naps during the day etc, so how should I transition it over? It was Cloud's crate first, so should I put Yuki in a new crate, thats small for her now or big for her to grow into? Or since the current crate is big for her size, should I get a smaller crate for Cloud's size and put him in the new crate? Gah so many decisions x.x

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check out care.com they hire out pet sitters and are super reliable with the people that work for them

I'm really sorry about your situation, I can't even imagine...I'd definitely get them both their own crates and crate train them, but they definitely need to be let out every two hours, they won't be able to hold their bladders that long..

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Everyone's being really nice, but I'm sorry I need to be a grump. Bringing one home without your parents permission is one things but doing it again with another was extremely irresponsible - I'm not surprised that your dad was annoyed at you - I know my family would be furious if I just bought in another dog. Getting a dog isn't like getting another tv, it effects everyone's lives and that's exactly what is occuring right now.

This lifestyle you are thinking about is not suitable for the dogs and you work up to 13 hour long days :\. I think you either need to find a settle meant and hire someone to care for your dogs or you are going to have to reconsider rehoming your newest as that's what's caused all this problem in the first place with your dad, and with them being a puppy there will be lots of homes willing to take them in, you'd just need to be selective about what home they go to, but all this living with the dogs in the cars and now potentially being chucked out of the appartment is just harmful to their growth.

Sorry if I come across being nasty - I'm just being realistic.

Stacey xxx

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Megan, I have to say I agree with Stacey - you have behaved pretty irresponsibly and I completely understand your dad's annoyance - especially given your work situation which is completely unsuitable for a baby puppy. What you now need to do is to think of the dogs first and yourself second. It will probably be better for the puppy to be rehomed to a more suitable situation while it is still young enough to cope with change. Find a local husky rescue - puppies are always easy to rehome and the rescue will ensure that they find the right home for your youngster.

You sound pretty young and as we all know it is a great temptation to make decisions on emotional grounds rather than logical ones when you are young. Use this situation as a learning experience and wait until you are really ready before you get another puppy.

Sorry to sound harsh, but as you've already discovered, reality can be harsh at times!


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Everyone's being really nice, but I'm sorry I need to be a grump. Bringing one home without your parents permission is one things but doing it again with another was extremely irresponsible - I'm not surprised that your dad was annoyed at you - I know my family would be furious if I just bought in another dog. Getting a dog isn't like getting another tv, it effects everyone's lives and that's exactly what is occuring right now.

This lifestyle you are thinking about is not suitable for the dogs and you work up to 13 hour long days :\. I think you either need to find a settle meant and hire someone to care for your dogs or you are going to have to reconsider rehoming your newest as that's what's caused all this problem in the first place with your dad, and with them being a puppy there will be lots of homes willing to take them in, you'd just need to be selective about what home they go to, but all this living with the dogs in the cars and now potentially being chucked out of the appartment is just harmful to their growth.

Sorry if I come across being nasty - I'm just being realistic.

Stacey xxx

I was asking for advice on what to do WITH the dogs, not for advice on how to get rid of them. The entire ordeal was so that I could keep them, I know a lot of people would die for a puppy but I've put a lot of money and work into these guys, I'm not going to let her end up somewhere in a yard covered in fleas and skin problems just because I couldn't better the situation. It EXTREMELY angers me that you would even suggest me to abandon my dog, and grump or not this was not what I was asking for. The above posts were plenty on helping the problem, yours was not needed for my situation and I'm sorry but it has severely pissed me off that you even suggested that I rehome Yuki.

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Any other replies on asking me to rehome Yuki or to find a rescue for her will be ignored for here on out. I was asking for advice on what to do to help my situation, not for people to bash me on what I've done. I will keep Yuki and I will continue to care for her, I will find pet sitters for my longer days (that are only once or twice a week) and I will crate them on my shorter days (that are only twice or thrice a week) and the other two days of the week I am home with them. I apologize if you think I am irresponsible by making sure Yuki stays in a SAFE home, where she will not be abused, has another dog to keep her company, and won't end up in a rescue 5 years later. I've always had to be independent with my life and this is just another step up, and I won't tolerate being bashed like this. Honestly, this has angered me to where I'm on the verge of tears, and Yuki and Cloud are right by my legs trying to comfort me. Tell me to take my dogs to a pound when they're much happier with me? Disgusting.

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Trust me- I'd be pissed Iif someone suggested that as well, but I'm almost positive they meant no harm in it. People are just simply looking out for the best interest of the dog and yourself, because being in a car all day is not ideal. But since rehoming is out of the question lets just focus on how we can help her

Are there any neighbors at your moms apartment that can let the dogs out every couple hours?

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for one, no one here was being rude. they were being honest, which is what you need to hear. yes you may not like, but its the truth. sometimes in life we have to do things we dont want to do for the better of the animals we brought into our lives. if you got yuki from a reputable breeder you should be able to return her to the breeder.

i had to wait until i was moved out on my own and could support myself before i got any dog of my own, and my parents would not have tolerated me just bring dogs home without even talking it over and if they said no, its their house their rules. i understand the puppy fever and how that goes, but you really need to think about things right now

you have no stable place to live, which with a husky is not a good thing. they need balance and routine and a chance to be a husky. you have tension and not much time. yuki and cloud are 2 totally different dogs and totally different breeds. not to mention cloud will remain smaller and is already use to you and seems to be able to handle change a little bit better than a young puppy.

sometimes its hard to do, but you really need to think in whats best right now and when things settle down for you and you are capable and have the time and support, then look into getting another dog.

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I have a husky in a flat. My bf got a depression that an alien has intruded his living space, so he packed his stuff and went to his parents' for a couple of days to calm down but if it wouldn't help him I would look for a temporary home, didn't have to thankfully. A couple of weeks ago he told me that his parents were angry that I brought a pup home, which I forced on him to be honest. Nonetheless they like him now, and his mom loves him.

As for the crates, as you've decided, get another one. The size of it should be the 'future' size I think, no real need to have to buy different sizes, Yuki will grow up in no time (so make sure to take a lot of pictures and videos when she's still small). Place their crates next to each other, sharing one is never too good. But what would I know, I don't crate and only have one dog... so you can ignore me on this. :< We leave Ghost in the hallway where there's never anything we don't want damaged.

About the sitters, you can always look for people who have experience with this and moreover experience with huskies but if you provide the food with your dogs, why would they feed them with something else, and with a husky you'd damn quick find out if she'd been fed something different because of their tummies' sensitivity.

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[MENTION=8679]Mobezilla[/MENTION] as [MENTION=2253]tiffany[/MENTION] said, no one here was trying to hurt your feelings. The fact that the suggestion that you might want to temporarily ( or permanently ) rehome Yuki has upset you so badly suggests that it's something that you've considered and don't like to have to consider - and no, that's not "double think".

What you do is obviously your choice; moving yourself and them into a house where you have a five acre fenced back yard is something to consider - but if I'm reading you right, it's not something you can consider for long, it sounds like the finances would prohibit it.

You upset your dad when you brought a dog home without consulting him or considering the rest of the family - I'm afraid I have to understand his being 'displeased'. Then you did it again with Yuki - uh, girl what were you thinking?

Okay, I'm done with that ... you have other problems. Obviously going back to your dads isn't something that you think would work. It's his house, he makes the rules. Though this may sound strange, I'd give him the opportunity to say "no" now. If you can show him that you mean to take care of the dogs at any extreme, you may be able to impress him with that sincerity - it's worth a shot. Can the result be worse than it is now?

Your mom has, as I read it, said that you CAN stay there - but she doesn't want anything else of hers to become a chew toy. Can you blame her, she worked for what she has, it hurts to see it torn up ... hurt often comes out as anger.

You want to keep your dogs, that's commendable - at least you're not someone who's ready to throw in the towel at the first bad thing that goes wrong.

Get the crate, and make sure that you can "resize" it for Yuki, he won't mess in it if he can help it but the crate has to be sized so that he can't think, "this is my sleeping part and that's my 'poo' part." Then go from there - see what mom has to say when you can show her that you will be responsible. (( uh, you have helped, at least, replace what the dogs have chewed, right? ))

I don't know what you're doing for work, the schedule sounds really odd - but given the situation, I'd be looking for something I could afford as quickly as I can.

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Without meaning to sound passive aggressive.. To say you're pissed off at the comments made about being irresponsible is quite arrogant.

I understand you're in a difficult situation, I understand you're stressed, anxious and concerned. But the entire situation was created by one person. And that person was you.

From a parental perspective, you were out of order. Parents say no for a reason and when confronted with a child having brought home a puppy, when they love their child they're willing to give a little even though common sense says they're being taken advantage of. The fact you did the same thing again was totally selfish, self centred immature and taking advantage, or, taking the piss.

I read your plight earlier and decided not to comment as I didn't really have anything constructive to add. But having read your response to what are perfectly legitimate comments I felt compelled to add something.

I don't want to beat you when you're down and I hope you've reached bottom and things will now begin to improve not just for your puppies but you as well. But you really need to take a moment to look at how and why you ended up in such a difficult situation. I don't doubt you're determind to rectify things. But a lesson needs to be learned from this. If you're too busy ranting about being pissed off at people for pointing out the lack of what in the end is common courtesy and forethought, then no lesson has been learned.

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I was asking for advice on what to do WITH the dogs, not for advice on how to get rid of them. The entire ordeal was so that I could keep them, I know a lot of people would die for a puppy but I've put a lot of money and work into these guys, I'm not going to let her end up somewhere in a yard covered in fleas and skin problems just because I couldn't better the situation. It EXTREMELY angers me that you would even suggest me to abandon my dog, and grump or not this was not what I was asking for. The above posts were plenty on helping the problem, yours was not needed for my situation and I'm sorry but it has severely pissed me off that you even suggested that I rehome Yuki.

You're replying to two people that work with rehomed dogs all the time, neither me or [MENTION=91]raindog[/MENTION] are suggesting you abandon your dog, we're asking you to consider their growth and care and that perhaps you may not be the suitable home for two dogs at this moment in time. The fact that you didn't even ask for permission strikes problems.

You asked for advice on what to DO WITH the dogs - and our advice is maybe you could do with rehoming the newest dog you bought in without permission to a good home by being selective with where they go as I mentioned above.

If you want to be angry go ahead and be angry with me, but I would do a hell of a lot for the welfare of the dogs as I go up and down the UK teaching this stuff and in my opinion from how you have described you are not a suitable home at this moment in time. Sometimes you need to step back and think of what's best for the dogs - not all potential rehomed places are flea infested and horrible - infact being rehomed in some cases is some of the best things that could happen to a dog. There are plenty of rehomes here that are much happier because their owners have let them go to where's better for them because the owner isn't in the right circumstances.

Nevertheless, I'm not going to continue to argue about it, I've given my input and I feel my advice is putting the dogs welfare first.

Stacey xxx

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I understand everyone here has opinions and what not but sometimes it just seems to come off judgy. Clearly she is in a bad state, I'm sure she understands it's her fault, but letting her know how Irresponsible she was doesn't rectify the situation! She needs our advice and help, not our Jugdements...

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I understand everyone here has opinions and what not but sometimes it just seems to come off judgy.

I suppose because in some respects, it is a judgement. I have made a judgement to lead to my advice - I'll admit to that. I just couldn't sit here giving full sympathy in this situation, which is why I may sound harsh, but believe me, I'm thinking of the dogs.

Stacey xxx

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I suppose because in some respects, it is a judgement. I have made a judgement to lead to my advice - I'll admit to that. I just couldn't sit here giving full sympathy in this situation, which is why I may sound harsh, but believe me, I'm thinking of the dogs.

Stacey xxx

I know you are :) I just fear that she will no longer come to seek advice and then we have no knowledge of how the pups are doing, and I will be worrying!!

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I understand everyone here has opinions and what not but sometimes it just seems to come off judgy. Clearly she is in a bad state, I'm sure she understands it's her fault, but letting her know how Irresponsible she was doesn't rectify the situation! She needs our advice and help, not our Jugdements...

so far as I understand it, she's had advice, the advice being.

Get a second crate, either rearrange working hours or pay for a dog sitter/walker. Or failing to provide a secure residence outside her fathers home consider rehoming the youngest dog whilst its still so you g and will not notice the change in home as significantly as an older dog.

Also to realise her folly by bringing not one but two dogs into her fathers home without first clearing it with him and engaging his support.

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I understand everyone here has opinions and what not but sometimes it just seems to come off judgy. Clearly she is in a bad state, I'm sure she understands it's her fault, but letting her know how Irresponsible she was doesn't rectify the situation! She needs our advice and help, not our Jugdements...

It seems to me that people only complain about others being "judgemental" when they don't agree with, or don't want to hear the advice being offered. As Stacey says, I work with situations like this 24/7 and was simply replying with the advice that I felt most appropriate to the situation. Also - we all make mistakes all the time, but we can only learn from them if we acknowledge them and, where possible, try to rectify them. As Nicola said, unfortunately this situation was created by Megan and no-one else. Only she can put it right and my comments were my suggestion as to the most appropriate way to do this in the best interests of the dogs.


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It seems to me that people only complain about others being "judgemental" when they don't agree with, or don't want to hear the advice being offered. As Stacey says, I work with situations like this 24/7 and was simply replying with the advice that I felt most appropriate to the situation. Also - we all make mistakes all the time, but we can only learn from them if we acknowledge them and, where possible, try to rectify them. As Nicola said, unfortunately this situation was created by Megan and no-one else. Only she can put it right and my comments were my suggestion as to the most appropriate way to do this in the best interests of the dogs.


Thats completely not true because if you read my posts I AM concerned for her dog,and I DO agree with advice being offered. I however DON'T agree with people putting other people down by sharing their opinion in a not so nice way....PM message the person so they don't feel alienated if you have something that may come off negative, that's ALL I'm saying.

This forum ( from what I understand) is here to support each other and it just seems every other post I read there is always someone with something negative or judgemental and it's getting tiring...

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I am providing support along with advice - sometimes the advice you are going to hear - isn't going to be what you want to hear or necessarily going to be nice sounding but it's all coming with honesty.

None of us have been like "oh my god those poor dogs I can't believe that you did that how could you do that... etc etc" We've just been mature about it and said that was irresponsible, here's some ideas to make it better.

Stacey xxx

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