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I'm Not Sure What To Do Anymore


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Has anyone giving advice noticed that the member in the jam is 18 years old? It's just not worth the forum fighting over it. Just barely legal, so fighting against parents is expected, and maybe being in the jam and figuring out how to get out of it without harming the dogs will be a good thing for her. The key is hoping the dogs are not left kenneled for 13 hours at their very young ages...because they will be covered in urine and feces by the end of the day!

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Has anyone giving advice noticed that the member in the jam is 18 years old? It's just not worth the forum fighting over it. Just barely legal, so fighting against parents is expected, and maybe being in the jam and figuring out how to get out of it without harming the dogs will be a good thing for her. The key is hoping the dogs are not left kenneled for 13 hours at their very young ages...because they will be covered in urine and feces by the end of the day!

i was wondering how old she was, just didn't have the time to do some searching lol

if it were my parents, they would be taking that puppy back themselves and explaining the situation to that breeder.

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I did take the time to read all the comments, but I will not respond to each individually. I will NOT be abandoning Yuki. I will be taking the crate training advice for the shorter days, pet sitters for the longer days. Also just to say - 13 hours is very rare that I'm gone, its WORST case scenario, as I was trying to give the best and worst of the situation. I have only ever had one 13 hour work day in my entire career so far. And 'barely legal' is still legal, I am independent and my dad no longer has a say in my life. I can understand my mom being upset at the chewed up furniture, but I have already agreed to replace everything ONCE the dogs are out of the chewing stage, it's the least I can do as they are my responsibility. I appreciate her letting me stay at her apartment and I do everything I can to show her that, by doing the dishes, vacuuming, etc. I've already replaced some of the more important stuff like a chewed up power cord (oh mom.. leaving the cord out again XD). And yes, although I am tempted to abandon the forum, as I came here for advice and really don't have to take criticism from anyone, I will continue to post pictures on Yuki's progress and the sort. Some of you want Yuki in a new home, some of you just wanted to help. We all have different opinions on what's best. I appreciate the replies and concern, but my mind is made up, and that's the end of it. Thanks again ^-^ See you Monday with the ten week pic.

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I think, that being the supportive forum we are, we should just try to help her. I am sure knows it was her fault, and telling her so isn't helping her situation. It's making it worse.

You would all be devastated if you had to give up any of your dogs, I know I would. So please try to look at it from her point of view. Yes, she made a mistake, but she's willing to go through whatever means to KEEP both of her dogs.

FYI .... I got my dog from the shelter, and I'm sure he's much happier now than he was before. He's taken well care of, and my house certainly isn't infested with fleas/ticks/etc.

EDIT: Whoops, posted a bit late. :P

[MENTION=8679]Mobezilla[/MENTION] , if you need help with crate training, there are helpful threads that are stickied on the forums.

Edited by SolitaryHowl
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Thats completely not true because if you read my posts I AM concerned for her dog,and I DO agree with advice being offered. I however DON'T agree with people putting other people down by sharing their opinion in a not so nice way....PM message the person so they don't feel alienated if you have something that may come off negative, that's ALL I'm saying.

This forum ( from what I understand) is here to support each other and it just seems every other post I read there is always someone with something negative or judgemental and it's getting tiring...

There are hundreds of different people on this forum from all over the world with different opinions on everything from what clothes to wear to how to deal with dogs , not everyone is going to agree and people will have negative things to say about certain things , it's they way ov the world things would be pretty boring if we were all nice n agreed all the time

Anyway to the op

No1 is saying abandon your dog , rehoming is not abandoning there are people on here who have had to rehome their dogs as their situation wasn't in the best interest of the dog and to do what was right to make their dog happy was to find an experienced home for their dog that has the dogs best interest at heart , take Sid_wolf on here for example all 4 ov her dogs are rehomes and all happy healthy very well looked after dogs

Yes what u did was irresponsible your dad says no for a reason I've learnt that myself but now I trust his judgement . I've been very lucky to have been allowed 3 dogs as my mum is not a dog person (she only really likes blaze) but I wouldn't dare push it n bring home another it took me years to persuade them to let me have bings one dog was enough for me I was happy I was given permission for one lol but as that's been drilled into you as it is I won't go on

I just hope u sort out the situation and you should make amends with your dad too , also don't expect the chewing to calm down any time soon my girl chewed till she was nearly a year old

Good luck with it all

Sent from my ST18i using Forum Runner

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As a young adult myself, it never feels good to be told something you don't want to hear. Most often than not it's true, there are many people that have lived longer and experienced much more then we have. Life throws curve balls, while everything may be alright at this point and time, it may not be the next morning.

I rushed into 2 puppies at once, despite being told by parents and friends that one is a handful and being it would be my first dogs would be even more hectic. It was true, having 2 puppies i already feel the financial burden, him having to go to the vets multiple times & neuters etc. Not just money but the time invest on top of having to work is tiresome. I was so tired and frustrated the first 3 weeks that i considered returning Panda to the breeder as i wasn't sure if i could handle it anymore.

Everyone here i'm sure loves dogs and their huskies especially whether it be there own or another forum members. No one wants to see the poor pup go to a shelter when you are unable to care for it( not saying that will happen). Advice was given, even if it was not something you wanted to hear or do but should not be completely crossed out as an option.

Will look forward to the 10 week pics, you will definitely love yuki as much as i've come to love Panda =)

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Sometimes folks, good advice hurts. It's a fact of life. There is no one I respect more on this forum than [MENTION=91]raindog[/MENTION]. He's seen the worst of things and the best of things husky-related. With his years of experience with the breed and being in rescues, I think he knows from what he speaketh.

If feelings are hurt, that can't be changed at this point.

I, for one, would rather see good solid advice than see someone coddled. Lets just agree to disagree on this one.

I cannot imagine how hard it is for the op to go through this, and I dare say that there is not one of us who wish we couldn't help out.....

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I wish you the best with your puppies! I hope the situation gets better for you !

I woul like to point out although you may be 18 its still considered young. Im 22 about to be 23 and even though I live on my own and have been supporting myself fully for well over a year i no way consider myself as mature or grown up as even a 30 year old. You have no idea how much will change for the next 4 years of your life.

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I would like to echo Nix post my girl also chewed until she was a year old crating isn't going to knock that out though will help control the damage. Does your mom not take them out for exercise while your at work? I realize they are your dogs but in a shared living situation if you trust her with them that may help alot to alleviate the excess energy that is a cause of chewing. Have you also given them kongs or other hearty chew toys and shown in no uncertain terms that those are the only acceptable things for them to chew on? Puppies only learn what you teach them in a repetitive assertive manner. Kiana was a nightmare as a pup I want even sugar coat it. She ate some very important things to me and believe you me I was furious in the heat of the moment. In the end though it was my work schedule and my serious lack of understanding what she needed as a pup to avert those many many disasters. Heck the muppet chewed a hole in two walls >_< I was lucky enough to have a roomate that would take her out but did find out he didn't do it as often as she needed it. Pups need to go out every two hours as they can't control their bowels at such a young age. It may be a contributing factor to the chewing as Kiana gets very destructive if she has to go and i"m not home to take her out. What training have you actually done with the puppy? There's alot of missing info that would help alot toward this problem but getting a sitter isn't a bad idea if you are not able to commit the time needed to train the pup out of this behavior.

I live in an apartment and have Kiana's nearly 3yrs of time here. It's been hell at times I won't lie and I do work the occasional 10hr shift myself being in retail you NEVER have a set schedule to go by it's all fly by the seat of what they want you to do. As a pup it was hard on her but as a full grown, altered adult she's adjusted very well. I don't have anyone else to care for my dogs but I make darned sure they have what they need in terms of food and proper care including training when I'm home. While I don't agree with the choices you've made they are your choices and no one else's the only options now are to learn from them and prove you are worthy of the lives you choose to support. Please understand the only thing we care about are the dog's well being to many people have made the commitment only to find out 4 months down the road they can't handle it. That's not what being a dog owner is about. It's about making the choice to have a life in your hands and making sure, no matter what changes come to yours, that life is your number one responsibility. Even when 4 months or 4 years down the road you find yourself jobless with only a tent to live in the question you have to ask yourself is what will become of your dog given the choices you may have to make. With our ever uncertain futures lately that has been the number one question on my mind all the time. If I loose everything I have what will I do; it's a never ending source of worry and fear for me; knowing one day I will need to answer that question.

Regardless of everything said in this post I hope to see you stay here and thrive with more questions and many more pictures. I often step back from forums when they become so brusk and just lurk until I really need some help or just feel like posting. Forums get like that no matter how good they are there's nothing wrong with lurking and popping on every now and then to let everyone know you and your pack are still doing good. We all worry and wonder what happens to everyone on here no matter the circumstances. Just like in a real family you may not like all your relatives but every now and then you wonder where they are and if they are ok.

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I hope everything for the dogs works out in their best interest either way.

On a note about age, I got Aleu when I was 18, but my circumstances were different, I was living by myself and with a partner at the time so to get a dog was more our household decision rather than being any of my parents input really. The only thing I consider was the gender as my mums dog is male aggressive so I knew I wanted to get a girl to make things easier when I visited my parents.

Stacey xxx

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I'd just like to make one more suggestion. Now that you're settled at your mums, it may be a good time to have a quiet word with your dad. You could apologise for having taken advantage, safe in the knowledge he can't think you're only doing so because you need him to give you a place to stay.

And just to be clear, no one wants yuki in a new home. But there are occasions when circumstances give people no choice but to rehome their dog. Whether it be you or anyone else in a similar situation, the advice would be the same.

The things we do for our furballs never ceases to amaze me

Good luck

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I am 20 years old, just barely and I got Cally when I was 19 years old although there was much thought about it and my she lives at my boyfriends with him and his parents and sometimes at my house. I know it doesn't feel like these people are being helpful but in reality they are. I being a young adult myself can fully see the wrong in the situation, not to blast you anymore but; have you considered the fact that if you can't afford a crate until next paycheck and your dogs haven't been fully vaccinated, are you really the best home for both dogs financially? I know rehoming is hard but sometimes it`s the best thing to do... there are a lot of non-flea infested homes that would care for Yuki well. And what happens if in a month or two you realize you just can't do it?... It's better to rehome as young as possible for the benefit of the dog. Just my two cents.

On the other hand, I hope that you do get a crate as sharing a crate is not ideal for any two dogs. The crate is meant to be a place for them to get away and have their own personal space and with two dogs, that's hard for them to do. Also, for the jumping up and chewing things; everytime you catch them chewing something bad, tell them no firmly and replace the item with a toy, bone etc. Try to get your mom on board for this as well for times you aren't around. Remember that an active husky is a better behaved husky so try in your spare time to do as much playing, walking, running or training with Yuki as possible! Training works really well for both mental and physical stimulation.

Please don't take offense to my post or anyone else's. Most of the people on here are seeing both the pros and cons and from the information all of us have, it seems there are more cons than pros. Please rethink rehoming- there are alot of people at shelters etc. that can help you find the right home for your baby. Good luck and I hope to see/hear updates.

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