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Is my Husky very Skinny?


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I am kind of concerned about my Husky. She is very very skinny. I get comments all of the time about how skinny she is, and was wondering if there is any way I could put a little weight on her. Her birthday is 5/26/11. I think she could use a couple pounds myself. Other than her being skinny she is very healthy. I haven't gotten a weight in a while on her. She is purebred, but also seems to be VERY tall. She towers almost all females at the park. And some males. I will post a few pictures. Sorry if they are blurry. She did not want to sit still long enough.




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She does look a little skinny to me you could try giving her lamb or green tripe this will help her put some weight on but you need to be careful as it's over the next year that she will start to fill out and you don't want to end up with an over weight husky. My girl is quite tall and she used to look skinny she's just reaching 16months and looks ok now xx

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At a year and and 4 months ish she is skinny, but then she is still coming into her body, and until she is fully grown she will look at bit leggy and even skinny. How do her ribs feel, and her spine?

How much do you feed her and how often What do you feed her?

Also how much exercise does she get, if she is very active the ratio maybe a little out.

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She does get walks and taken to the park. She is always pacing the house too. Can never really sit her butt down. I feed her about a cup of Taste of the wild in the morning and one in the evening. She is a year and 4 monthish. That's what I was thinking. She is skinny :( I know she is a lot taller than the average husky. I got her from Dan's Kennels ( I know I know ) And her dad is on the taller side but her mom was an average size girl. Would I give the lamb with her dinner I normally give her?

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How old is she and how much does she weigh also how tall is she?

She does look fairly skinny but I'm used to chunky dogs as mine aren't lean like huskies are supposed to be

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Sorry I don't have anything to measure her with. :(

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almost forgot...is she moulting? my boy looks skinny when he blows his coat, his hip bones feel sharper than usual, but once hes finished he fills out again...strange :S

Yeah she is. But I can feel her spine. In the middle of her back you can really feel it too. Without putting much pressure you can also feel her ribs, and yes hers are sharp too. I wish she would gain some weight. Could it be the place I got her from?

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She does get walks and taken to the park. She is always pacing the house too. Can never really sit her butt down. I feed her about a cup of Taste of the wild in the morning and one in the evening. She is a year and 4 monthish. That's what I was thinking. She is skinny :( I know she is a lot taller than the average husky. I got her from Dan's Kennels ( I know I know ) And her dad is on the taller side but her mom was an average size girl. Would I give the lamb with her dinner I normally give her?

It may be worth adding a little extra, ive found that the guidence on the bags of food are way off for my two we feed ours burns (this is cause their stomachs dont like much else :facepalm:) they recommen 200-220g for my boys once a day, this is WAY under what i give them.

if you feel she needs a little extra just increase her daily amount, but as already said, keep an eye on her weight as she will fill out.

Some huskies are just skinny and some are big boned.

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also dont just double the amount as this could give her the runs, slowly increase...or feed her some raw food which is high in protein and good for her, make sure not to feed her raw and biscuit at the same time as they have different digestion rates

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Ok ok. I won't do that then. Yeah I plan on increasing it a little. But sometimes she only eats half around dinner time. So should I only give her normal amount at that time? Yeah she is definitely not one of the big boned girls. I will try this out and keep an eye on her though. I know she always acts hungry when us people have food. She is a counter surfer, and if not watched will steal food.

I was also told by someone at the dog park that she could be from "racing lines"?? What is a racing lines Husky?

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If she doesnt eat it all then shes not hungry, dogs wont starve themselves :D has she been wormed recently?

I believe, racing lines, a bit like, if you have tall parents your likely to be tall...genetic pool, so for huskies i believe you have various different builds and structures based on their breeding line, for example, show dogs, racing dogs, etc

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Her lanky size is mostly due to the fact that she came from a mill-breeder. Mills grow them skinny and tall. You could increase the amount of food she is getting, but she probably won't fill out much more. A 1 1/2 year old female husky that is a regular at the dog park looks very similar to her, but she gets fed home-cooked meals due to the fact that she's still recovering from a yeast infection, and also has hip problems...

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Her lanky size is mostly due to the fact that she came from a mill-breeder. Mills grow them skinny and tall. You could increase the amount of food she is getting, but she probably won't fill out much more. A 1 1/2 year old female husky that is a regular at the dog park looks very similar to her, but she gets fed home-cooked meals due to the fact that she's still recovering from a yeast infection, and also has hip problems...

Well She is from a Mill. I checked them out online. Dan's Kennels in Western New York. She is very tall. I hope she doesn't get any hip problems, or any other problems. She is pretty long too. Well Good to know I am not starving her I suppose.

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She does seem a little bit skinny, but like others have suggested you could try increasing her food a little bit slowly over time.

Panda seemed skinny to me as well and people kept pointing that out so i was a bit worried, however i've once asked them how much they fed their dogs and the response was 5 cups. He seems to be filling out quite a bit now, he gets 1 cup in the morning and 1 for dinner.

I was also told you could try giving them a spoon of peanut butter a day, or some boiled chicken breast (not too much) mid day if that is possible.

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