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Do you consider dogs 'dirty'? (long)


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[TD="class: alt1, bgcolor: #F1F1F1"]A lot of you know my background, my culture and my relationship with my dogs. I grew up learning that dogs are dirty in the sense that I need to wash my clothes after they touch me or wash my hands if I pet them. And when I first got Smokey I was very OCD about it. I had 'Smokey clothes' which were basically a long sleeved and pants layer I wore on top of my everyday clothes to prevent my every day clothes from getting 'dirty'. I washed my hands after playing with him, petting him, giving him food water or any kind of interaction with him. If I hugged him my husband would make me shower (still asks me to but I don't) mostly because my husband has allergies and if the doggies get in my hair it induces a an allergic reaction...

Dogs do roll around in a mess of things worst case being poo. They catch a lot of dirt in their fur and their paws leave piddle paddle everywhere. Just the other day Zeeva steeped in her own poo and brought it onto the porch stairs. They don't wipe their private parts after doing their business and then lie on the couch. Does that upset people? It doesn't upset me any more....Plus their fur gets everywhere. Mine at least don't get regular hose downs unless it's warm outside. They've gotten a grooming a couple times. But come home to roll around in dirt immediately after...

I hope this isn't disconcerting to some of you but I share everything so here goes. When Zeeva was a puppy she lived inside with us as we were afraid Smokey would harm her and she wouldn't be able to hold her own. Every time she went outside to go poo or pee, after she was done I would hose her privates to get any left over 'stuff' off. She actually had a command that she knew she had to come to the hose to have herself washed 'there'..It's actually a cultural thing. We wash our privates with water after using the restroom too. So ladies if you've ever seen a girl fill a water bottle in the restroom and then carry it into the stall, you know why now smile.gif It's very cleanly and I highly recommend it even though most of you are probably thinking I'm weird by now. It prevents UTI and other nasty issues down there :c Sowy...I HAVE to share EVERYTHING...if you are angered or upset by this, try thinking of it as educational and honesty. Don't be upset :::whimpers:::

But anyway do you consider dogs dirty? Do you wash your hands after petting them? Do you wash your hand before you eat if you've pet them or can you pet and eat with the same hand? Do you feel that extra cleanliness precautions should be taken when you own an animal? For example: a pregnant lady should be cleaning cat litter due to Toxoplasma? Do you feel like you have to shower more often because of your pets? How about do the laundry more often? I certainly still feel the lingerings of my cultural upbringing but I notice that I'm letting things slide now...Is this ok?



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i don't consider my dog dirty in all honesty. i wash my hands if im about to cook or something after i touch him, but i would do the same regardless if i touched him or not. I have never hosed my dog off after he uses the potty and i don't hose myself off after i go to the restroom either. I find that very unusual (no offense to you) just because no one here does that. I wash my hands constantly because of germs and i shower every day but i did that before i owned Luka.

The only change i've had to live with is the hair. I don't find it "dirty" but it does get on my nerves sometimes. We vacuum and dust a lot more than we used to abut that's really the only change. Also, sorry if this is gross but if i find a piece of hair in my drink or food, i pick it out and keep on going. It's my dog, i feel as though he is clean, probably a lot more clean than you think. Not to mention huskies are very hygenic and lick themselves clean all the time.

Not to mention, humans are pretty dirty as well. I can't tell you how many people don't even bother washing their hands after they use the restroom. Then they continue to touch doorknobs, doors, etc. and then you touch it and the germs spread. Just something to think about...

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i dont consider them to be dirty ok mine like to roll in mud etc but that just like a child playing the mud right ?

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Why must you always ask the real question of your messages at the very end ... it means I either have to ignore the first part to respond, or respond bass-ackwards? << and [MENTION=1531]Smokey[/MENTION] knows I'm teasing! >>

To respond, first to the "Is it okay?" part of your question ... since you acknowledge that it's a social / cultural issue, then whether it's okay depends strictly on your interpretation of "Okay". I believe we have a few other Muslims on the forum who may disagree, but speaking strictly for myself if you're okay with it then it's okay.

As for the rest. As you know from the Koran, there's dirt and then there's dirt (( er, think of what you use before prayer if there's no water available )). My dogs live in a very dusty climate so they're dusty all the time; do I consider them dirty from that dust - honest answer "No".

However ... do I wash my hands after touching them before I eat, almost without exception ( actually, I almost always wash my hands before preparing food or eating anyway ). It's not because they're dirty ( in the sense that I think you're using it - unclean ) but because of the diseases that they might carry because of the "stuff" they can get into.

If my idiot ( Avalanche ) and I have been playing I might change my clothes - but only because of real visible dirt that he has on his paws, then again I might not since I'm not easily offended by a bit of dirt / dust - I have to live with too much of it!

Islam - and other religions - require a state of cleanliness that many of us might find almost OC, but I don't find it needful to be critical of any of them for their observances. It'd be hypocritical to say on the one hand that I often wash my hands after playing with my dogs and to be critical of someone else whose believes require more stringent observances than I choose.

I realize that for you - and possibly others - that living in a culture where pets are accepted almost as family members and coming from a culture where they're "unclean" must create an awkward philosophical situation - one that I'm glad that I don't have to face.

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Smokey, that is very interesting, I never knew that about your culture :)

I suppose dogs can be considered dirty when you think about it, but it is not something that bothers me too much.

My huskies are not allowed in the bedrooms, but they do have open access to the rest of the house. I keep it clean, but with huskies in the house, a few minutes later, it needs to be cleaned again, so I have learned over the last three years, to let go, just a little :rolleyes:

They share the house with us - they have their furniture and we have ours :D

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i deffo wash my hands before i eat after petting my dogs.... more so now cos im pregnant

i dont normally consider my dogs dirty unless they have visible dirt/ smell dirty.....

different cultures have different views on animals and i find it all quite interesting x

zeeva is a babe and smokey is sooooo cute xxxxx

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Wow,you are very honest,so well done for that,and I for one,will always respect and value someone else's opinion.(I'm guessing it is to do with religion in your case,but don't know for sure)

Do I consider dogs dirty?.No not really,but I am conscious of the fact that they do dirty things.Eg,my lot regularly catch ,kill and eat vermin( mice,voles etc!) so I don't really want them licking my hands just after! .Whilst out walking,they will eat rabbit poo,chicken poo,horse poo,goat poo and sheep poo,if they get the chance ( we have to walk through a farm every day!!) .Again ,not nice.As a rule we all wash our hands before meals,or if they lick them,and I won't let our dogs lick our faces/ mouths etc.I'm not sure if they can pass on anything undesirable that way,so best not to chance it,I don't think I wash our clothes more,only the fact they they get more muddy / dirty from them etc.We do bath our dogs every few months,cos we like them to look and smell nice!.We clean the garden as soon as they do anything,because if not,they might-by accident ,run or walk in it.We check their paws when they come in,especially if its wet and muddy,and they are very used to sitting on the mat inside and having all their paws cleaned.They are not allowed upstairs ,it's a dog free zone,and mostly dog hair free too,and I don't let them on the furniture,Not because they are dirty,more to do with hairs again.

When you have 4 kids and 4 dogs in one house you do have to have rules!.

I think we all need to come into contact with germs/ dirt just for a healthy immune system,and I have actually read somewhere that children who live with dogs or pets actually have less time off school than someone without a pet( fact). We have always had pets and dogs in the house and neither us or our kids seem to have been any worse off for it( last year my youngest daughter was the only one in her class who had 100% attendance for the whole school year!)

As already said,some humans are not too clean either,so If I had to choose between sharing my house with a dirty person,or my dogs,I know who I would choose!!!:D

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Wow,you are very honest,so well done for that,and I for one,will always respect and value someone else's opinion.(I'm guessing it is to do with religion in your case,but don't know for sure)

LOL. Nothing really to do with religion. I'm just honest. I get better answers this way :) <3

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I don't consider Luka to be dirty, even if he rolls in something, I just rinse it off with the hose and we carry on. I don't wash my hands after petting him, or after any interaction for that matter. I actually think he is very clean for the most part... You say they don't wash their private parts... but... after coming in from a walk, mine will lay down and lick everything clean, from his paws, to his private area.

Others in the family will wash their hands after playing with Luka, they just feel more comfortable that way and I have no problem with it!

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I don't consider dogs unclean or dirty. The only time I wash my hands involving the dog is after I poop-scoop. I don't wash them after I feed him (touching the kibble), after I touch his food/water bowls, after I pet him, etc.

I think I read somewhere that if you wash your hands after touching your dog, then you can develop dog-allergies because your body can't build up resistance to it if you're constantly washing away the good bacteria on your hands?

(Besides, if I wash my hands too often...I find I get MORE sick (not placebo), and my hands get all cracked and irritated)

Although, saying that, my Dad hates it when Suka licks him on the face so he washes his face afterward. So does my Grandma, and my uncle. So maybe its a thing that you're taught when your a kid?

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You always bring up such interesting topics for discussion :D and always get the forum talking

I personally don't consider dogs unclean or dirty but they do some things that I think is rather icky lol. I don't usually wash my hands after touching them unless I'm going to cook a meal, but if I'm just grabbing a snack or something I don't bother. I don't really like them licking my but will tolorate it on my hands or arms if its just a like or two but licking around my face and mouth is a no no. On occasion I will ask for 'kisses' and let them lick my cheek. I'll even kiss my dogs on the top of the head from time to time. I hug, cuddle and play with them, sometimes allow them on my furniture and what have you. They do stuff I don't like such as eat nasty things and lick their bums but gotta take the icky stuff along with the good lol.

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no I dont really, they arent any dirtier than my kids who roll around in the dirt and get dirt under their fingernails. lol

Alex wont let the dogs kiss him on the face, I do. Dont have a choice when storm floors me lol

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Very interesting question, my mums always telling e to wash my hands after doing anything with kai and doesnt like his hair on anyhting (pretty difficult to stop that though). I myself dont think of Kai as dirtyyes, i do wash my hand before preparing/eating food but i do that anyway and that isnt really linked to having him or not and i used to shower daily anyway so that of course hasnt changed since i got him, i might have to chnage clothes more often e.g. ive hes just been on a muddy walk and ive got muddy paw prints on my clothes, but i wouldnt really say thats 'dirty'. i think my view on Kai's cleanliness and my parent view is quite different thoough as i feel kai is just another member of the fasmily but they do consider him slightly more unclean therefire insist i wash my hands everythime i touch him etc. but i guess thats more to do with them being the older generation and the way animals were treated back in their day and the way theyre treated now has changed. So in short, no i dont think dogs are dirty in fact ive seen humans with more hygeine problems :)

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A little bit of filth in your life is never a bad thing ;) Since doing my internships with animals I found I'm ill much less frequently than before I was doing this course. I don't like sharing things like water bottles with others, but absolutely don't mind sharing food with my animals or them licking my face. Not that I believe that dogs are any more 'dirtier' than humans, but even if they were I'd much rather live a short and happy life than a long one and always having to be afraid of the things that could potentially kill me.

I've done a lot of dirty jobs involving animals in the past and petting dogs isn't one of them ;)

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A little bit of filth in your life is never a bad thing ;) Since doing my internships with animals I found I'm ill much less frequently than before I was doing this course. I don't like sharing things like water bottles with others, but absolutely don't mind sharing food with my animals or them licking my face. Not that I believe that dogs are any more 'dirtier' than humans, but even if they were I'd much rather live a short and happy life than a long one and always having to be afraid of the things that could potentially kill me.

I've done a lot of dirty jobs involving animals in the past and petting dogs isn't one of them ;)

nothing wrong with being dirty pmsl

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You know, I think this question can be answered differently if you owned a different breed. I find Smokey to be a pretty clean doggy. He doesn't roll around in the mud, he goes around his poo and pee spots (funny to watch as he will go behind the AC, behind the plants and walk the parameter of the backyard to avoid those spots). He does pee on his own foot but then you know what he does?!? He wipes it one the grass or licks it clean!!!

I posted this same question on my GSD forum and got pretty mixed answers. I'd say about 60% of the people said their dogs ARE dirty and about 40% said they aren't. Most claimed it doesn't bother them at all and as mentioned, a little bit of dirt and uncleanliness is good for the immune system! :)

Fascinating to me, at least! Thanks for your opinions and your responses!

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I don't consider dogs I know, or see clean as dirty. It's different with a homeless dog or cat... Anyway, I've no problem with Ghost licking me (a little when he licks his private part..), the fur I don't mind though it does get stuck in my mouth sometimes. I grew up with animals, and believe that it helps prevent allergies in kids or people. My bf is a little allergic (the fleas and ticks collar made it super apparent but without it he's ok).

Bf's parents on the other hand, however much they like Ghost, being licked is a no-no, and they go yuck don't do it. Bf was like that too the first couple of months, now he doesn't mind.

Ghost would sometimes pee on his legs accidentally or step in his own pee, his legs of course stink then, and my bf is always like He needs a bath. And I usually say no. He stayed at a dog hotel this weekend, and came pretty smelly and grey (he's white) from there but I let Ghost be anyway. Just his mouth needs a toothbrush. :D

As for licking privates, well even if Ghost licks it sometimes, the pillows, blankets, and ground still gets little yellowy stains now and then. Btw, Ghost has a humping pillow too, whenever bf holds it for Ghost, he wears a glove, because Ghost's saliva makes the pillow so sticky. :D

About washing our and dogs' private parts, that's what wet (toilet disposable) tissues are for! If Ghost has dirty bum, or stinky paws, we use them.

I won't lie, my clothes are full of Ghost's fur because my wardrobe is full of black T-shirts but I'm proud of it! :)

And lastly about eating, I do wash my hands before cooking but even then, during a meal or a snack, I sometimes share my fork with Ghost, like when I'm eating a mango I sliced. He gets so overwhelmed sometimes that he makes sounds as if he was a crocodile with his mouth...

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LOL to show how screwed up I am... I do not consider my huskies dirty, but Bear... yucky. He stinks. He licks his butt all the freaking time. His fur feels oily. Makes me feel icky.

The huskies are like total opposites. Dirt just seems to fall out of their fur and they never smell. On an occasion where one has a dirty butt, I'm on top of it with wet wipes immediately. The dogs like to sit on furniture... I do not want poop on my furniture. Other than that, they are clean to me.

After petting Bear, I wash my hands immediately. If I don't, they will stink. The huskies... rarely. I do tend to wash my hands before I eat just because I like to.

I let the huskies lick my face sometimes... even accidentally got a little tongue in my mouth from Viggo once or twice. Oops. Not Bear though. I turn away when he tried to lick my face. I just can't take it, lol.

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