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Two Questions for Husky Owners


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Question #1: What trait or characteristic do you most love about your Husky? In fact, that you love so much you would never want your Husky to be without it.

Question #2: What trait or characteristic to you most dislike about your Husky? In fact, that you dislike so much you would be willing to give me a million dollars to rid your Husky of this trait.

Here's my answers.

For Zoya on question #1, I love her voice. She woo-woos all the time, and I just absolutely love that about her. On question #2, she is a kaniving sneaky little girl, and will steal any food, any where, any time. Now if only I had a million dollars, I could pay myself and Zoya would be rid of her sneaky thievery.

For Eisa on question #1, it's got to be her eyes. They look at you with such love and devotion. She truly is a sweetheart. On question #2, the only thing I can think of is the hair. She sheds like a ginormous amount, moreso than that sneaky Zoya.

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Question #1: What trait or characteristic do you most love about your Husky? In fact, that you love so much you would never want your Husky to be without it.

Blaze : his talking , it never fails to make u smile

Skyla: her clown-like nature , she always does something to make u laugh - such a comedian

Question #2: What trait or characteristic to you most dislike about your Husky? In fact, that you dislike so much you would be willing to give me a million dollars to rid your Husky of this trait.

Blaze: his pulling when he sees other dogs and cats etc

Skyla : her snapping at other dogs when she first meets them

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1. Darwin - His enthusiastic greeting when you come home, tail wagging like crazy, rubbing up against you like a cat. wanting to give you woos and kisses.

Echo - Her enormous devotion.

Daughtry - Her calm quiet nature.

Malaki - His puppy like enthusiasm wanting to play with everyone and everything.

2. Darwin - I wish he would get on with other male dogs better, he'll have a cautious sniff then have a go. . . bad boy !!

Echo - her constant nose whining to have a ball throw, be patient girly every couple of hours really IS enough.

Daughtry - Her timid nature around new people and strange dogs.

Malaki - His possessiveness with us trying to bully the other dogs when he's not getting all the attention. and. . . trying to bite echo when she's running up and down the garden having a ball throw.

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Question #1: What trait or characteristic do you most love about your Husky? In fact, that you love so much you would never want your Husky to be without it.

Question #2: What trait or characteristic to you most dislike about your Husky? In fact, that you dislike so much you would be willing to give me a million dollars to rid your Husky of this trait.


1. He has very good manners, is very gentle around kids and takes food out of your hand so softly. Doesn't pull like other huskies do.

2. He isn't cuddly and he's a confident little sh** with other dogs; causing quite a bit of awkwardness between owners at the dog park. (Humping, etc)

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Kiska #1: Her obedience! She listens to me so well and actually knows what NO means :P

Freya #1: Her cuddly nature and her talking. I looove it :)

Kiska #2: Her dislike of children. She was actually running up to this little kid the other day and full on barking at him. I knew she wouldn't hurt him but it was scary for the poor kid and I was mortified!!

Freya #2: Her need to eat anything and everything! Socks, any food dropped, plastic, etc.

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1) I honestly love almost everything about my girl. She is very smart, has a very relaxed personality, and loves being with her people, We even have to bribe her with treats to bark. :D

2) I wish she didn't have her anxiety issues when we leave. I would love nothing more than to be able to let her relax in the house while we are away. I always feel bad locking her in her crate.

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1-Echo-his coat is beautiful

2-Echo-peeing on everything!!

1-Cherokee-her eyes

2-cherokee-her snapping at every new animal

1-Larka-her voice

2-larka-chewing on everything

1-meeka-her spontaneous bounceing

2-meeka-not listening

Then my past three that family members own now

1-bear-his security

2-bear-his whine when his owner is gone

1-demon-her voice

2-demon-she escapes

1-myia-her quiteness

2-myia-destroys a whole house when left alone for 5 minutes

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'kay, guess it's my turn.


1: His always "Up" personality, he's just a puppy in a big dog suit.

2: His having to sniff everyone - it gets embarrassing when he walks up to someone and stuffs his nose in where it doesn't belong and he's not bashful about it at all!


1: She's a Husky, 'nuff said! Actually, I like her independence and aloofness, she's good company but not pushy.

2: She's a Husky, definitely 'nuff said! In six months she hasn't figured out that the kitchen floor is not the place to go potty - even when the front door is open!!!

I've got two great dogs here, little things like I can let Avalanche off lead to untangle them and he'll stay with me - not pushing my luck with that but he's good about it. Sasha is a great traveling companion, she rides the console of the Jeep but is good about getting down or "in back" when I'm in traffic (anything more than five cars in a couple of miles!) and tell her to.

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1. Kallie is absolutely in love with us, likes lots of cuddles and is so gentle when we give her a treat. When she wants hugs she'll woowoo and lay her head on your knee or arm and gaze up at you. Almost brings tears to your eyes.

2. She will not be friends with our cat, MuuChee... always tries to chase him, even though he has hurt her a couple of times, and she has a pretty good scar from her eye to nose tip because of it. All it has done is make her even a faster dodger, if that makes sense. Both are very dominant and neither will concede ground. We keep a VERY constant eye on them!

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1 love every individual thing about my girls but if i had to pick one thing i love most about each one it would be

Tikaani the way she looks at me the pure love in the eyes

Nikita when she has a mad moment as she is just so cute when beating up nothing on the floor in front of her ..

Macie her pure zest for running and being such a daddys girl

Cheya the way she will just wait and watch for a spot to come empty next to me on the sofa and then seize it like a ninja

Terra just for her craziness that i hope she doesn't loose when she is no longer a puppy

2 only thing i would change would be that they all hassle me at food time ... well thats a lie they start hassling me an hour before and wont leave me alone ..and really make me feel guilty for making them wait till its actually food time..

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Q1: I love Diamond's calmness and intelligence :D ever since I had him, my image of an ideal dog is the one that is calm and smart! ;)

Q2: selective hearing. I dislike this trait not only because it can endanger him when he escapes, but also because it made me feel a little hurt at times =\

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1: - so interested in what you are doing, looks at you as if to say, so what is it, hows it work, can i play with it

2: - If parker is getting attention, he must have it too, so much so that he pushes parker out the way.


1: - will do anything for food

2: - is afraid of everything, and pulling like hell when he sees another dog

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Storm - 1. His happy nature and love for everyone. That smiley face cheers me up no matter what.

2. His constant shedding of hair, he doesnt tuft he sheds!

Angel - 1. Her "mad cowness" I love how she goes nuts and batts around the place!

2. The way she follows me everywhere and nearly trips me up!

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1. Her gentle kind spirit. She loves her people and often gives you "gifts" such as a dirty soggy toy from the garden, or a bit of bone she no longer wants.

2. Her hideous separation anxiety. It's off and on and currently it's on. She drives me mad.


1. He's such an affectionate little boy, a bit of an attention seeker at times but definately cuddly. He makes the funniest noises too.

2. His attitude to bear, he's always biting her back legs and she hates it. His attitude to other dogs, he squeals and bucks and pulls like a train non stop when he sees another dog, he looks and sounds awful, people tend to steer clear of him because of it.

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