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To get another, or not to get another husky?


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So my family and I are a first-time Husky owner. We have had Juno for 5 days now, and we are just absolutely smitten with her. She's pretty calm for a husky, but very sweet. She destroys a lot of stuff when she's left alone, but that's to be expected since she is a husky, and she's only 4 months old. I keep her in the crate during the day when I'm at work, but sometimes I wish I could let her run around my room with the door closed. I was wondering whether or not if I got another puppy as a friend, whether or not she and the puppy would spend the day playing and forget about destroying things, or if they would destroy things together?

Also, I know it may be too early in the game to decide on whether or not we can handle another husky, I'm just wondering whether or not she will benefit from a friend.

I have another dog at the house, and she's 8, so she's grumpy and won't play with her.

I'm thinking that if I get another, they will both have to be in separate crates all day, so really I don't think it would help much..

I would love to hear some stories about husky friends

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I bought Kara just over a year ago. We bought as my old English Pointer wasnt getting any younger. Ive always had big dogs, I need to know my daughter is protected when here alone through the school holidays. And of course because we love animals. ;)

Husky's are addictive. Doesnt matter what they wreck, chew or break. You just love them to bits. I had my old girl put to sleep in the Summer. :( Kara our Husky missed her. And became very destructive. She just needed a pack member.

Along came Fenton Fudge. He doesnt have as much hair loss as Kara. :) And he is so soppy it is adorable. Kara and Fudge are inseparable.

Best move I ever made. Weve even been talking of having another. LOL What I will say is if you are ok with the work, exercise, vet bills, hair and damage. Go for it.... haha Get through your first "Blow" though. Believe me that is enough to put sane people off having Husky's. Im just not sane. lol

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I would advise waiting and training Juno first, before adding another Siberian - and especially a puppy - to the mix. Especially since it sounds like you are gone for a good chunk of the day! Two bored puppies can get into more than twice as much trouble than one can - they tend to feed off each other, and all too often try to outdo the other, it seems. If you can concentrate on properly training Juno, if at some point in the future you do get a second, Juno is more likely to be a positive influence on the new puppy, helping to train him or her... Be careful of leaving her loose when she's not supervised - there are a lot of things that she could chew and potentially seriously injure herself - electrical cords come immediately to mind, as well as various plants and some human foods that can be toxic to dogs.

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Ooops I didnt read your message properly. Getting another husky would just mean two husky's wrecking and damaging the place. Believe me....I have no kitchen floor and the cupboards are slowing being removed.

Yes I have a crate but I need my kitchen out. They are doing the work for me....roflma

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you are still in the honeymoon period. as she grows, you will see more and more of her personality and i would not add another pup to the mix until you are confident in your ability to deal with one teenage husky. there is a reason there are so many 1-2 year old huskies in pounds, once they start to grow and mature and act like the crazy huskies we all love, most people aren't capable of dealing with them or don't want to deal with them.

and you also need to remember to be honest with yourself when the time comes and you do add another pack member. you think one husky is a lot of work and you promise yourself you will exercise them more and wont mind the added hair and destruction that may come along with it, but in the end you are just blinded by puppy fever. and truely, you barely have time for dealing with one, and the extra hair will drive you crazy and those new chairs/couch/whatever you just bought, you dont want to have to replace them in a year again. i tell that to anyone who wants to get another dog regardless of breed.

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Haha I would def wait. Luka is now 7 months and were just now tryin to rescue a husky that's older than him.

We've been through our fair share of destruction and I wanted him through training first. Not to mention spaying/neutering is a great idea. It can help a lot of issues. I think you should wait in my honest opinion no matter how cute they are. Plus two puppies means double the work.

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I can only echo the others here but I do agree with them. You should definitely wait until you get more experienced :) I mean, Juno's still in her cute-and-sweet period. You need to see the other side of her first :P wait until she's over teenage stage?

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Yea that's what I thought. I did my research and knew what I was getting into with the breed. We drove 2 hours to get her, so it definitely wasn't a snap decision! Lol

I love brushing dogs, so the hair thing I'm not worried about. She's not afraid of vacuums, so I can just suck the hair off of her during that period and then also brush. The destruction part comes with the breed, so when she knocks down my terrarium, I'm not angry because she really doesn't know any better. Plus, it was my fault for leaving it in her line of sight, and my fathers fault for not putting her in the crate. She doesn't destroy stuff when we are here, just when she's left alone. I would leave her outside during the day, but we live in south carolina so I feel that would be cruel. Plus, we have azaleas outside and I've already been through having to induce vomit in a puppy for ripping one to shreds.

On a side note, quite recently she has started yipping at my older dog when she wants me to love on her, and when I show affection to another dog, she gets jealous. I'm sure that will pass when she realizes that I can love on them both. She's very smart, and catches on quickly.

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I can understand why you want another huskie, My two are the best of buddies and completely love each other, but i myself waited until kira was just over a year old, i wanted her to be well trained and hopefully show the puppy how to behave. I also didn't have the time to train/walk two puppies by themselves. I have seen people who have really struggled with two puppies at once and at the same time i have seen others that found it easy. It depends on your lifestyle and if you can cope with two cute/naughty huskie puppies ;)

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It all depends on your lifestyle,and how much time you can really give them.We went from 0 to 4 huskies in less than 2 years.:eek:We had Mystie,who was re homed to us at a year old.Just 3 months later we got Thunder,aged 8 wks.We had Sass less than a year later,and Lycan arrived 7 months after Sass.They have never destroyed anything,the worst they have ever done is gnaw an outside fence post,and put a few teeth marks in one of our kitchen chairs but that is it.However,they are extremely well exercised,that is always our utmost priority.They are rarely left alone ,the most they are left for is a max of 1 or 2 hrs ,twice a week.We are a big family,so someone is always home.They were crated as young puppies but no need to anymore.

tbh,they are our lifestyle,and our way of life !!:rolleyes:

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Yea that's what I thought. I did my research and knew what I was getting into with the breed. We drove 2 hours to get her, so it definitely wasn't a snap decision! Lol

I took a 5 hour long ride by bus to get mine. It was still when I was home for winter holiday, and the next day we underwent a 4 hour long ride to Prague by train. Yes, this was a snap decision. I was lonely, lol.

Other than that, you had her for 5 days. They're all adorable but I think it's really too soon to get another.

The fact that huskies are destroyers is true but were you to get any other breed and it would have to spend a greater part of days alone and be bored, it would do that too. Please, don't take it as given thing just because it's one of their traits. It's something you don't want to happen on daily basis with any dog. I'm not saying you have to punish her (don't) but don't justify her actions. :)

I second the idea to wait till she's older because she might be a great help with training the other chosen one.

P.S.: She knows she's smart too. ;)

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I would yeah if you can cope with it lol

Bear in mind two sibes at similar ages ie under six months is abit of a nightmare IMO at times is like having two teenagers.

our sibe girl is much more chilled now she has a younger playmate our older sibe is grumpy around our youngest girl. They never really fight badly but there sometimes can be some grumpy growls

Is so cute when our young ones lie next to each other and chill out

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i agree with a lot of what people have said .. but having a 2nd does stop some of the boredom. and i dont think that having 2 around the same age would be any more of a problem than having 2 of different ages.. i have 5 ranging from 5 months - 2 n half years - 3 yrs - 4 yrs and 8 yrs old and they can all play just as mad and bad with each other like teenagers as 2 of the same age..

im not a lover of crating / restricting a dog and im also not brave enough to allow my dogs run of the house when not home.. so my suggestion is get an outside kennel give freedom and leave plenty of things to ocuupy the brain.

you have only had yours 5 days so yeh a bit to early to get another. spend time getting this one settled and happy then think of another..i had my 1st from 8 wks old and 3 months later i had taken on a 3yr old private rescue.

so be carefull .. that you dont catch the disease....... M H S ( Multiple Husky Syndrome ) lol

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Well, we've had her for 2 weeks so far, and we are still very smitten with her! The chances of getting another calm husky is slim though, so we are going to try and wait until the breeder has another litter of beauties. By that time, we will know whether or not we can handle two huskies. By that time Juno should be a little older, so she will be a little more mature

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I agree with the others, I would wait until you are where you want to be with training first. It will be much harder to train them when there are 2 of them.

When I got Nikko I wanted another one right away, but I waited until we were done with all of his obedience classes and he was 10 months old when I got a second puppy.

I will say that there are some pros and cons. The will keep each other busy, but it is hard to pay attention to one without the other one wanting in on the fun.

It will NOT prevent destruction. In fact, yesterday Nikko chewed up a $200 universal remote control. It may keep them busy, but keep in mind that means there are two of them to get into mischief.

Overall Nikko seems happier after I got the new puppy, but it is more work, so definatley something to think about before you do it. I would agree that you should wait for several months and get him trained before you get another one.

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Yea I doubt she will have any more puppies in the next few months, so I have a while to wait. We are taking training classes at petsmart currently. While all the other puppies jump around her and bark at her, she just lays there and sleeps. I finally figured out how to stop her from pulling while walking, so I'm very happy about that.

The thing we mostly are working on right now is digging and destroying things. Plus she likes to open mouth hit me with her teeth while she's excited. Other than that, she's awesome.

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