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Dog park issues!olpk]0p


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So I absolutely love taking the dogs to the dog park down the street from me. I find it the most fun part about having a dog. Typically the people are awesome, and it's a wonderful tool to get some dogs out of their shell.

But I've encountered a few problems. First off, my puppy isn't spayed yet. Per breeders contract, I can't get her spayed until 10 months. I understand people bringing puppies to the park that aren't fixed, but adult dogs that aren't fixed yet? Seriously?

Twice this week we have had people bring their nasty mixed-breed ugly pit, hound, or lab mixed, un-neutered dogs to the dog park to let them run around.

NO one wants to breed their dog with theirs! WHY would you POSSIBLY think that bringing your nasty dog to the park with other dogs would be a good idea!? Un-neutered males start fights. They are obnoxious dogs that mark all over the place and knock over little kids. They have no lineage, no desirable qualities and no business being completely intact in a group of dogs. They are the reason for the over population in kennels. Their inability to deprive a dog of his "man hood" is a lame excuse for why they allow their dog to go un-snipped. what they are doing is risking unplanned pregnancies and also risking the health of their pet by increasing the chances of cancer.

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Adog misbehaving isnt a ball issue, its a training issue, yes having them lopped off can reduce some behavviours, but it can also highen them.

IMO an unneutered dog has a much right to use the park as aneutered one, providing it isnt agressive.

Some people can be completely responsible even with an entire dog, i have an entire bitch here, will never be bred from but i dont like having them done before 2 years, doesnt make me irrisponsible, if i was to take her to the park while in heat i would be.

Training issue, nout to do with balls ;)

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By you saying that mixed breeds are ugly/undesirable dogs, insults not only me but also many other husky owners on here that have mixed dogs. I have met plenty of mixed-breed dogs, fixed or otherwise, that are very well behaved.

The reason for the overpopulation of kennels/shelters is NOT the dogs' fault, to simply suggest such a thing is arrogant and disgusting. The fault rests entirely on their owners (for not watching them), irresponsible/backyard breeders, and people who get a puppy because it is 'cute', then dump it as soon as it becomes a problem/inconvenience/not cute.

While I do encourage everyone to spay/neuter their dogs if they do not plan on breeding them, there are many reasons for not getting them done. Cost, religious and cultural beliefs to name a few.

A lot of behaviours you described are simply training issues that neutering won't/can't fix. Heck, even getting them fixed will not guarantee they won't mark a lot.

Don't blame the dog. Blame the owner.

It's comments like yours that only support the 'Purebred dog, snob owners' attitude.

Edited by SolitaryHowl
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I'm just going to add my two cents. I agree with everything said above ^. Also I would like to add that at my dog park we have several unfixed dogs that come to the park that are perfectly well behaved and not aggressive at all. My second dog (families dog) is a 3/4 pug 1/4 something else Mix and he is fixed and yet he still marks absolutely everything and he also humps other dogs at the dog park, I've even seen females do so.... that is a huge stereotype to put out there that all unfixed male dogs are aggressive. There should not be a bias about which dogs can and cannot go to the dog park unless they are in fact aggressive... it's a positive outlet for you to get your dogs energy out and it is also the same for them. Once again; training issues... the dog really shouldn't be blamed.... sorry just my opinion.

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Oh my! My Husky girl is fixed. But husbands English Bulldog was not for the longest time. We took him to the park all of the time with no problems. Even with other unaltered males. It's the owners, not the dogs. And kids shouldn't even be at the dog park if parents are worried about their kids getting knocked over. Depending on how many dogs are at the park I bring my kid in sometimes. But I don't blame the dog or the owner for her getting toppled over. Also Our Bulldog marks all on the fence poles. Big deal, he isn't pissing in the house. What you said is pretty offensive here. Mixed breeds aren't "ugly" But I guess everyone has their own opinions.

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Oh i didn't mean that all mixed breeds were ugly, but one of the mixed breeds was a pit great dane and the other was some hound thing. I have another dog at home that is a basset/american eskimo/chow/beauceron mix, and she's beautiful and well behaved. I love her to pieces, and wouldn't change a thing about her. All I'm saying, is that mutts can be great, but they can also have their issues as well as purebreds.

It's just that the irresponsible owners release their dogs and let them go rampant while they're going through their issues.

There was an unfixed german shepherd husky mix that was there and he made good friends with my dog, but he was well behaved and was able to control himself. What annoyed me what having my dog get chased down and cornered three times by un-neutered dogs that were nearly 5 times her size because the owners thought their dogs were just being "friendly." Really, I'm not blaming the dogs at all. I'm ranting over the fact that the owners don't have a clue in the world.

Trust me, I know fixing can't fix all the problems. My male dog was fixed at 6 weeks, but still humped his bed. Un-neutered dogs should be able to use the park as well as neutered dogs, but we have never had any neutered dogs start fights, only un-neutered dogs.

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Yea, but do you ever plan on breeding him? Do his bloodlines include horrible genetic diseases?

I guess I'm also angry at the fact that there is a puppy mill somewhere in my city that constantly breeds huskies. I met a beautiful, sweet female today that has mild hip dysplasia due to careless inbreeding and an easy profit. She's only 2, and it will just get worse for her. By 6 she will have to be put down because she won't be able to walk anymore. It's just careless irresponsible breeding like that which annoys me. it's a heartbreak that never should and wouldn't happen if dog breeding was left to the pros. We have enough dogs coming in off the streets in the country, we don't need even more dogs being bred in peoples back-yard so that they rehome them on craigslist for an extra $10-$50.

But really, having an un-neutered dog, have you ever been in a situation where there is one unfixed female, and two males competing for that female? If you haven't, would you wait around long enough for that to happen? Do you still think your dog would behave the same if that situation were to arise?

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i dunno, id like to see how his pups would turn out and would they be like him, sounds stupid but i dunno, but being from ireland id rather not breed him as this is the puppy farm capital of europe, and there are far too many stray dogs and its just not fair , every dog deserves a loving caring family or owner i think :(

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I agree with people with mixed breeds getting them fixed, if they are not for a purpose it just causes issues with health and unwanted dogs in shelters. I also agree that if a dog isn't clear of genetic health issues it should not be bred and if somebody isn't showing or working their dogs they should not be breeding. Ive run into so many people lately with "but I want then to have at least one litter so I can keep one" or "but he/she is so pretty I would like to see the puppies they produce" or "I could make so much money from puppies" There is so much more to breeding then just shoving 2 opposite sex dogs together even if they are purebred or "pretty". The behavioral issues come down to training but sometimes fixing them helps, my brothers GSD is not fixed and he is harder to train because of it, or so I think at this time because it seemed to help the other hyper dogs Ive had to focus.

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