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SHCA Top 20 Invitational Gala


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I apologize in advance, these photos were taken with my iPhone so not the best of quality. But I wanted to share with you this year's Top 20 Siberians (not all 20 were in attendance)

GCH Huskavarna's Destined To Win


CH Barynuk's God Of Lightning, CD, RN, AX, AXJ, NF


CH Apache Run's Silver Bullet At Iceburg


GCH Marionhill Morning Frost OA, OAJ, OAP, AJP


GCH Indigo's Synama Wood Imp


GCH Karnovanda's Tenzing


GCH MACH Sumac's That Mr Know-It-All RN, CDX, MXS, MJG, MX


GCH Melrose Walk The Line


CH NorthStar's Vengeance Is Mine, RE


GCH Tovik's Haute Couture


Topaz Silver Lining


GCH Tackora's Cookie Cutter


CH Windswept's Flying Raven CD, RAE, OA, NAJ


GCH Zvezda's Icarus SD


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That is one great group of photos. Was this the event that took place on Saturday?? Are they ranked top to bottom or random? I am new to the world of showing so forgive my questions. What do all the I'm assuming abbreveations mean in the names? Again you'll have to forgive me for being uneducated on this. :D

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That is one great group of photos. Was this the event that took place on Saturday?? Are they ranked top to bottom or random? I am new to the world of showing so forgive my questions. What do all the I'm assuming abbreveations mean in the names? Again you'll have to forgive me for being uneducated on this. :D

This was a special event held on Wednesday night, these are the top 20 by points AKC Siberians in the nation. This is just Catalog Order, which means nothing at this stage, the judges (3) evaluated all dogs and there was a silent ballot for 'People's Choice' both announced at the Banquet Saturday night which I unfortunately was not able to attend.

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That is one great group of photos. Was this the event that took place on Saturday?? Are they ranked top to bottom or random? I am new to the world of showing so forgive my questions. What do all the I'm assuming abbreveations mean in the names? Again you'll have to forgive me for being uneducated on this. :D

Questions are good - how else will you learn??? All of the abbreviations are short for various titles - not all of which I know, any more! Ch = champion, GCh = Grand Champion (a new one since I've been out of showing!), CD = Companion Dog, CDX = Companion Dog Excellent, SD = Sled dog, NAJ = Novice Agility Jumpers... A lot of the agility titles I'm not terribly familiar with...

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Oops! I missed the final question in your list and Sutsibe did a wonderful job answering! To expand-

[TABLE="width: 580"]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Excellent Agility Jumpers With Weaves "A" Preferred:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent A Jumpers With Weaves Preferred class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]


[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Agility Excellent:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent A Agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Excellent Agility Jumper:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent A Jumpers With Weaves class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Agility Excellent "A" Preferred:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Agility Excellent "A" Preferred Class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]


[TABLE="width: 580"]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Companion Dog:

The letters CD may be added after a dog's name when it has been certified by 2 different judges to have received qualifying scores in Novice classes at 3 licensed or member obedience trials.

[ Obedience Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Companion Dog Excellent:

The letters CDX may be added after the name of each dog that has been certified by 2 different judges to have received qualifying scores in Open classes at 3 licensed or member obedience trials.

[ Obedience Trial ][/TD]


[TABLE="width: 580"]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]FAST Century:

Requires the MXF title plus one hundred Excellent B FAST agility class qualifying scores of 60 points or greater. The FTC title initials will be followed by a numeric designation indicating the quantity of times the dog has met the requirements of the FTC title. (e.g. FTC2, FTC3, etc.)

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]FAST Century Preferred:

Requires the MFP title plus one hundred Excellent B FAST agility class qualifying scores of 60 points or greater. The FTCP title initials will be followed by a numeric designation indicating the quantity of times the dog has met the requirements of the FTCP title. (e.g. FTCP2, FTCP3, etc.)

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Graduate Novice

The letters GN may be added after a dog's name when it has been certified by 2 different judges to have received qualifying scores in Graduate Novice classes at 3 licensed or member obedience trials.

[ Obedience Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Graduate Open

The letters GO may be added after a dog's name when it has been certified by 2 different judges to have received qualifying scores in Graduate Open classes at 3 licensed or member obedience trials.

[ Obedience Trial ][/TD]


MFP Master Excellent FAST Preferred

Master Excellent FAST Preferred: For a title, dog must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B FAST Preferred agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ]

[TABLE="width: 580"]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves "B" Preferred:

For a title, dog must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B Jumpers With Weaves Preferred Agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]


[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Master Agility Excellent:

For a title, dog must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B Agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Master Excellent FAST

For a title, dog must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B FAST agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves:

For a title, dog must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent B Jumpers With Weaves Agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Master Agility Excellent "B" Preferred:

For a title, dog must earn 10 qualifying scores in Excellent Agility Preferred "B" class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]


[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Novice Agility:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice A and/or B Agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Novice Agility Jumper:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice A and/or B Jumpers With Weaves class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Novice Agility Preferred:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in the Novice Agility Preferred class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ]


[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Novice FAST

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice A and/or B FAST agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Novice FAST Preferred

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Novice A and/or B FAST Preferred agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Novice Jumpers With Weaves Preferred:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in the Novice Jumpers With Weaves Preferred class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Open Agility:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open Agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Open Agility Jumper:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open Jumpers With Weaves class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Open Agility Preferred:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open Agility Preferred class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]




For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open FAST agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Open FAST Preferred

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open FAST Preferred agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Obedience Grand Master

The letters OGM may be added after a dog's name when it has earned the 10th level of the Obedience Master title. Only one OGM title will be awarded.

[ Obedience Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Open Jumpers With Weaves Preferred:

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Open Jumpers With Weaves Preferred class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Obedience Master

The letters OM may be added after a dog's name when it has earned a total of 200 OM points awarded to dogs earning a 190 or better from the Open B and Utility B classes based on the schedule of points established by the AKC Board of Directors. The OM will be followed by a numeric designation indicating the number of times a dog has met the requirements of the OM title up to 10.

[ Obedience Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Preferred Agility Excellent

For a title, a dog must achieve 20 double qualifying scores obtained from the Preferred Excellent B Standard agility class and the Preferred Excellent B Jumpers With Weaves class. Qualifying in both the Preferred Excellent B Standard agility class and the Preferred Excellent B Jumpers With Weaves class on the same day equals one (1) double qualifying score.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]


[TABLE="width: 580"]


[TD]AKC Rally® Novice:

The letters RN may be added after a dog's name when it has been certified by 2 different judges to have received qualifying scores in Novice classes at 3 licensed or member rally trials.

[ Rally Trial ][/TD]


[TD]AKC Rally® Advanced:

The letters RA may be added after a dog's name when it has been certified by 2 different judges to have received qualifying scores in Advanced classes at 3 licensed or member rally trials.

[ Rally Trial ][/TD]


[TD]AKC Rally® Excellent:

The letters RE may be added after a dog's name when it has been certified by 2 different judges to have received qualifying scores in Excellent classes at 3 licensed or member rally trials.

[ Rally Trial ][/TD]


[TD]AKC Rally® Advanced Excellent:

To earn an RAE title, the dog must have earned qualifying scores in both Advanced B and Excellent B classes at 10 separate licensed or member rally trials.

A numeric designation will indicate the number of times the dog has met the RAE requirements, i.e. RAE2, RAE3, etc.

[ Rally Trial ][/TD]


[TABLE="width: 580"]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Time 2 Beat:

To earn the T2B title, the dog must receive 15 qualifying scores from the regular Time 2 Beat class and 100 points based on the Time 2 Beat point schedule listed in the Regulations for Agility Trials.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Time 2 Beat Preferred:

To earn the T2BP title, the dog must receive 15 qualifying scores from the preferred Time 2 Beat class and 100 points based on the Time 2 Beat point schedule listed in the Regulations for Agility Trials.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]



Therapy Dog Title:

Dog must be certified/registered by an AKC recognized therapy dog organization and perform 50 therapy dog visits.

[TABLE="width: 580"]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Utility Dog:

The American Kennel Club will issue a Utility Dog certificate for each registered dog, that has been certified by 2 obedience trial judges as having received qualifying Utility scores at three licensed or member obedience trials.

[ Obedience Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Utility Dog Excellent:

To earn a Utility Dog Excellent title, the dog must have received qualifying scores in both Open B and Utility B at 10 separate licensed or member obedience trials.

The letters UDX will be followed by a numeric designation indicating the number of times a dog has met the requirements of the UDX title as defined in the Regulations. (UDX2 for 20 qualifying scores, UDX3 for 30 qualifying scores, UDX4 for 40 qualifying scores, etc.)

[ Obedience Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD] Versatile Companion Dog 1:

Must complete CD, NA, NAJ, TD


[ Obedience Trial / Agility Trial / Tracking Test ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD] Versatile Companion Dog 2:

Must complete CDX, OA, OAJ, TD


[ Obedience Trial / Agility Trial / Tracking Test ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD] Versatile Companion Dog 3:

Must Complete UD, AX, AXJ, TDX


[ Obedience Trial / Agility Trial / Tracking Test ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD] Versatile Companion Dog 4:

Must complete UDX, MX, MXJ, VST


[ Obedience Trial / Agility Trial / Tracking Test ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]




The letters VER may be added after a dog's name when it has been certified by 2 different judges to have received qualifying scores in Versatility classes at 3 licensed or member obedience trials.

[ Obedience Trial ][/TD]


[TABLE="width: 580"]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Excellent FAST

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent A FAST agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]

[TD="align: center"]



[TD]Excellent FAST Preferred

For a title, dog must earn 3 qualifying scores in Excellent A FAST Preferred agility class under at least 2 different judges.

[ Agility Trial ][/TD]


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Specialized Titles for Siberians-

SD- Sled Dog- This degree recognizes the registered or ILP-registered Siberian Husky who has demonstrated a basic level of proficiency in sled racing by earning a total accumulation of not less than 100 miles in not less than five successfully completed races.

SDX- Sled Dog Excellent- This degree recognizes the registered or ILP-registered Siberian Husky who demonstrated a high level of proficiency in sled dog racing by completing the S.D. degree. The finishing date for this degree is prior the start of a race to accumulate mileage for the S.D.X. degree. Compilation of not less than 150 miles in not less than five successfully completed races is required. Please include a copy of the dog's SD title certificate when applying for an SDX title.

SDO- Sled Dog Outstanding- This degree recognizes the registered or ILP-registered Siberian Husky who demonstrated an outstanding level of proficiency in sled dog racing by completing the S.D.X. degree. The finishing date for S.D.X. is prior to accumulating miles toward the S.D.O. Compilation of not less than 200 miles in not less than five successfully completed races is required. Please include a copy of the dog's SDX title certificate when applying for an SDO title.

Working Pack Dog (W.P.D.)

  • The Siberian Husky travels a minimum of 40 total miles. At least two of the trips must cover a minimum of ten miles per day and no trip may cover less than five miles per day. Only one repeat hike of a trail is allowed.

Working Pack Dog Excellent (W.P.D.X.)

  • The Siberian Husky has previously been awarded the Working Pack Dog Title. A minimum of 120 miles additional pack miles are required to earn the Working Pack Dog Title. Multiple day pack trips and overnight camping are necessary. At least two of the trips must cover a minimum of 40 miles, and no more than one leg may cover less than 10 miles. The remaining trips must cover a minimum of 10 miles.
  • All pack trips must be back country trips. Back country is defined as a remote area, inaccessible and unsuited to vehicular traffic at the time of the trip, where support and aid is generally not available.
  • No repeat trips are allowed.
  • Please include a copy of the WPD certificate in your application for the WPDX title.

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awww they're all lovely :D quite surprised they're actually allowed to step on the expensive-looking carpet tho :P I'm imagining how some parts of the carpet would turn fluffy and white after the event :P :P

You would think! But these dogs aren't shedding and have been highly groomed before the event hardly a loose hair in the bunch!

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Thanks for the lesson. I had no idea how complex the showing world was. All very interesting. :D Is there an age requirement a dog must meet before it can become eligible to start competing?

Conformation starts as early as 6mos competitively, at 4 mos they can start doing puppy fun matches. Agility shouldn't start until they are at least a year because of all the jumping that can hurt their growth plates, and most Obedience Siberians are older more relaxed and listen well. Many of these excellent competitors are 4yrs +

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great photos, and i had to chuckle that all the handlers were in dark clothing, but then like you said, nary a stray hair in site, no doubt!

I wear a dark suit when I show Denali too, since he's a gray light colors wash out his pretty coat color. Obviously I don't groom him in it which keeps me ring presentable too LOL :D

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