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Sigh. I can't control my life ): . (Lengthy rant-ish?)


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I'm the type of person that prefers to keep things pent up but eventually that has to go somewhere :\.

So instead of me ranting to my computer I might as well rant here :\.

So first I'd like to admit that I'm an addict. Game addict. I've been addicted since I was introduced to the computer around 5th grade... Since I did well in school my parents didn't care that I played all the time and I'm not trying to put the blame on them.

But starting high school I did the same thing I've always done -- Go to school, go home, play. I always did everything the night/day before it was due, including most projects.. Even then, I knew it was the wrong thing to do but I couldn't stop myself... Well, now that I'm in college -- here I am, doing the same thing. My first semester I could get off with it but my 2nd semester I started skipping classes because attendance wasn't mandatory... so I made a C in one of my classes and a D... This is very bad, to me as well as my family and a very big drop from A student to C/D student. My parents threatened to take Jelly away or kick me out of the house if I didn't pull up my grades and I had summer school at a community college -- well, summer school wasn't difficult, I easily made A's in those classes so come this Fall, I'm already behind.

So my parent's rules are :

If I don't make A/B at least this Fall then they're taking Jelly away. Then they'll give me one more chance, if I don't make A/B then I get kicked out.

Of course I don't want anything to happen to Jelly... I feel like she is my life. I do stuff for her before my games yet I can't stop playing to prevent her from leaving me...

I don't know what to do... All my classes use the internet to access quizzes and all so I can't turn off my internet and because I'm so addicted to games, basically my social life is online. Since all of my friends are at different colleges, it's much easier to talk online than text or call. I really don't know what to do...

Should I tell my parents that I need help? Because I would like to think that I would do anything to keep Jelly but I can't seem to stop gaming or surfing the webs. I can't get myself to do the right thing no matter how much I want to.

The past few months I've basically given up on school -- knowing that I'm not going to do as well as my parents expect and the only thing I would do would be run away but what good would that do? I would only have a few hundred and no where to live because obviously my mom and dad's sisters and brothers aren't going to let me stay with them.. (Most of my family lives near each other within 1 hr drive)

I've basically grown up with everything I've wanted in life -- your typical spoiled brat.. I don't know what it's like to not have something until it's gone. (What I mean by this is, I can't see a future without Jelly in it.) I really want to change my life. My heart is in it but my mind isn't. I'm just really sad because of the inevitable -- Jelly is going to be taken away unless I can do well in school. Doing well in school = cut down on gaming and start studying. Can I do that? Yes. Will I? Probably not.

I just really don't know what to do at this point... How do you get an addict to stop being an addict? I can't uninstall things because they are so easy to re-install... Sigh. I just don't know what to do anymore ...

Have a test in 8 hours and I "started" to study 12 hours ago and yet I have gotten no where... that's how sad it is...


I took life for granted and now it's about to bite me in the ass.

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Goodness, so sorry to read this. You obviously want and need help, and that is where your parents come in. You have to be honest with them and tell them what is going on. I don't know your parents, so don't know how they will react - they may think it is 'a mind over matter' problem, but you will need to get it across to them, that this is serious. If you can't speak to your parents or they don't take this seriously enough, please speak to a counselor. I wish I could help you, but, I will be thinking of you. Please speak out now.


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Not an easy one to be honest.

I am pretty much the same, always something better to do than what i am supposed to be doing. i havent gotten over it, but i work with a reward based system as in...right i finish this chapter, or i get my work done then i get some play time (i work full time, but hate my job, so i find the internet...HO...a large distraction :D)

you have to learn some self control, i know easier said than done.

I make it into a game, sad i know, but if i didnt i wouldnt get anything done.

what i used to do with study was

say i had a deadline in 1 week, id obviously leave it to last minute, i got the same threat from my mum about my dog, so i started working on the basis of, i knew my dog needed a walk, but before taking the dog for a walk i had to make sure id done an hour or two of study, so in affect if i didnt do it, i was punishing my dog, which hurt more than punishing myself. (dont ask how my brain works lol)

so after walk id do another hour, then spend either half hour playing, or half hour with dog, then back to study. obviously doesnt work when its a next day thing, but if you break it down i felt it was easier to enjoy everything.

Obviously, 6 times out of 10 this worked...my mind set was and is still what excuse can i come up with to not do something, and i get distracted soooo easily lol

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We have spoken about my issues before and when my parents first found out about my grades my mom wouldn't speak to me for weeks and she was angry at my dad for letting me get Jelly (I got Jelly a few weeks before school ended). When we did it was always about how stupid I was and how she couldn't believe someone could do as bad as me in school. Basically from then, everything that came from my mouth was a lie and my mom did forgive me eventually... but every now and then she still brings up how stupid I was (and that kind of hurts, coming from your parent)

When we finally talked -- my parents had decided to kick me out of the house unless I promised I would do better (and in my mind I believed I would.. considering my home is the only home I've known) Then I told them (out of rage) that they were horrible parents and that I should just um ... kill myself so I wouldn't have to deal with anything anymore... And at the time, I really did want to just end everything. And understand that this wasn't the first time I felt this way. My parents are very strict unless things are done their way (hence good grades gave me a lot of freedom) but many times since I was little I felt like hurting myself. Some nights I would be so angry or upset that I was just take a knife from the drawers and just imagine how I would do it, how painful it would be... if I would be able to even pull through with it... So yeah, I do have issues but when I told my parents this they did offer help (for my depression or bad thoughts?), I just never told them about my game addiction which I am very sure they know about because my dad has been telling me that he keeps logs of everything I do on the internet and I'm always up until 4 or 5 every day and leave for school at 8.

I don't think I can bring myself to tell my parents that I need help though. It's not something you can calmly tell your parents and for me, I've been yelled at so many times that I have a fear of people yelling at me and end up breaking down :\. I really don't want a replay of what happened when I admitted I had those bad thoughts.. it was a very bad day.

[MENTION=6875]Stranger[/MENTION]: That does seem like a really good idea. I will try that soon and see how it goes. I'm a pessimist and don't see it working (for me) but I will at least give it a try for awhile.

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@Stranger: That does seem like a really good idea. I will try that soon and see how it goes. I'm a pessimist and don't see it working (for me) but I will at least give it a try for awhile.

Yeah i tend to be pessimistic too :D

is it possible for you to find something else to focus on? when i am at work, if i dont have my Ipod it doesnt take long for me to get distracted?

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currently my best mate is planning her wedding and im her maid of honor!

i keep browsing the web looking for things that need to be bought, wedding presents, bridesmaid dresses etc etc, my work has slowly backed up and i know today i need to get on it.

What i tend to do is think, the sooner i can get all this done, the sooner i can get back to my research. So plan is to clear my work so that all day tomorrow i can research, and browse the web. i find that not only does it mean i do better quality of work, rather than 5 mins here and there, but it also means that i can do what i want for a whole day without that niggling feeling that ive forgotten something, need to do something, or could get in trouble for not doing something....in your case you wont have that feeling of here today gone tomorrow in regards to Jelly and your home. further more, without a home, there is no gaming at all!

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Is it not possible for your parents to control your computer/internet access? To be honest, if my son or daughter was in your position, I would rip out the internet and put the computer in the bin, no matter how inconvenient it was for me. Your education is your future and is much more important than computer gaming.

If you really want things to change, YOU have to make the first move. You have to tell your parents that this is more than a "laziness" issue and that you are addicted to these games. Only once you fully admit to the problem can you move forward. One suggestion would be to make your dog part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Instead of playing games, walk the dog. Instead of browsing fora, train the dog. This will help refocus you on reality. Your education is real, your parents are real, your dog is real - the games are just an ultimately pointless and meaningless fantasy world (unless you are one of the rich games company owners making money from addicts like yourself).

You have two choices - either you take control of your life, tell your parents and take steps to fight your addiction - or you carry on pretending to be a helpless victim until someone else makes the decision for you (which won't be pretty!).

Good Luck


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I am kinda the same, I mean im sitting here knowing theres washing up to be done, one dog to walk (the others been done), my bath to have, two dog toys on order to make (for my little dog toy business), two kids rooms to prep ready for the big swap starting tomorrow.

And im sititng on my ass on my computer and probably will be for at least 2 hours. or more....

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Is it not possible for your parents to control your computer/internet access? To be honest, if my son or daughter was in your position, I would rip out the internet and put the computer in the bin, no matter how inconvenient it was for me. Your education is your future and is much more important than computer gaming.

If you really want things to change, YOU have to make the first move. You have to tell your parents that this is more than a "laziness" issue and that you are addicted to these games. Only once you fully admit to the problem can you move forward. One suggestion would be to make your dog part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Instead of playing games, walk the dog. Instead of browsing fora, train the dog. This will help refocus you on reality. Your education is real, your parents are real, your dog is real - the games are just an ultimately pointless and meaningless fantasy world (unless you are one of the rich games company owners making money from addicts like yourself).

You have two choices - either you take control of your life, tell your parents and take steps to fight your addiction - or you carry on pretending to be a helpless victim until someone else makes the decision for you (which won't be pretty!).

Good Luck


Before I got to your reply you wrote exactly my thoughts why on earth do you still have access to games ?

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I am kinda the same, I mean im sitting here knowing theres washing up to be done, one dog to walk (the others been done), my bath to have, two dog toys on order to make (for my little dog toy business), two kids rooms to prep ready for the big swap starting tomorrow.

And im sititng on my ass on my computer and probably will be for at least 2 hours. or more....

Nar your just idle :D

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For this reason I have my 2 on a seperate wifi connection and timer that goes of and on at a specific time during the week nights (apart from friday/saturday night) they would be online 24/7 otherwise.....and schooling would suffer greatly....not that they like it but there I am paying for the internet tough shoot....

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For this reason I have my 2 on a seperate wifi connection and timer that goes of and on at a specific time during the week nights (apart from friday/saturday night) they would be online 24/7 otherwise.....and schooling would suffer greatly....not that they like it but there I am paying for the internet tough shoot....

What would you do if they was paying for their own ?

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Is it not possible for your parents to control your computer/internet access? To be honest, if my son or daughter was in your position, I would rip out the internet and put the computer in the bin, no matter how inconvenient it was for me. Your education is your future and is much more important than computer gaming.

If you really want things to change, YOU have to make the first move. You have to tell your parents that this is more than a "laziness" issue and that you are addicted to these games. Only once you fully admit to the problem can you move forward. One suggestion would be to make your dog part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Instead of playing games, walk the dog. Instead of browsing fora, train the dog. This will help refocus you on reality. Your education is real, your parents are real, your dog is real - the games are just an ultimately pointless and meaningless fantasy world (unless you are one of the rich games company owners making money from addicts like yourself).

You have two choices - either you take control of your life, tell your parents and take steps to fight your addiction - or you carry on pretending to be a helpless victim until someone else makes the decision for you (which won't be pretty!).

Good Luck


Yup, like Dunc, I was thinking exactly the same thing! Lol! I felt too twitchy to voice it though. I've been down this road before with my 20 year old when he was in his mid teens: I would frequently resort to blocking the internet access. I also seem to recall switching the electricity supply off on one occasion and pretending that we had a black out.

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This is a very tricky situation that I think most students (including me) can relate to. It's always hard to balance school and the fun stuff. I can only give you little bits of advice for the things that helped for me when I had problems with it.

First of all: Don't see games and browsing as a method of curing your boredom or to avoid doing the work you know you HAVE to be doing, but don't want to. Start using your computer only when it's absolutely necessarily. When you don't need it, TURN IT OFF. If you get easily distracted (like me), put some songs on your mp3-player, put on your headphones and start working on your work. If you find that hard, thing of the the idea that once you're done with your work, the time that is left can be used for the things you like. Basically, only game/browse when you have done your work before it. As a reward. The faster you work, the more time your have left :) This greatly helped me doing my homework while still feeling satisfied of the fun things I could do at the end of the day.

Alternatively, if you find it hard doing the above, make the effort of you getting distracted and opening a game/start browsing unimportant sites as big a possible. Yes, you know you can install that game you just uninstalled, but it's an extra action you have to do first. There are plenty of browser plugins available that will block a range of sites you don't need while doing homework. Yes, you can uninstall it too, but again that's extra effort and before you do that you hopefully realise WHY it's there. Don't start any program that can distract you (your mail/MSN/Skype for example) before working on the computer. All of them are a reward for when you're done with your work.

Make a PLAN for your upcoming work. Write done which parts you are going to do on which day. That way you know when you have done your work for the day and it won't become an endless stream of homework. At the end is the reward ;)

ps: I disagree with taking the internet connection/computer away. As tempting as it sounds, as a student in these modern days you're nothing without access to the internet. I know my grades will fall through the floor if I had no computer to do my work on and internet to do my research and stay in contact with my classmates. Even in class you're at a great disadvantages if you don't bring your own laptop with you nowadays. Teachers expect you to have these things available, whether you like it or not.

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At the end of the day only YOU can change things for yourself. I think it was a great suggestion to use Jelly to focus on, instead of playing games online. I'm probably not very sympathetic simply because i don't play online games but i do sometimes go overboard on Husky-Owners. haha. The bottom line is playing on the internet is fun, but my life is way more fun. If i had my eyes glued to a screen all the time i would miss out on the truly wonderful things that happen every day in my life. Take your dog on a walk and give the computer a rest. After awhile i think you will come to realize what you've been missing.

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Before wi-fi was an available option and before we had internet at home, I used to go browsing internet through WAP on my phone. Bills were higher and higher each month. Then I accidentally signed for a news info which cost around $40 and that made stop. I reconfigured the phone's setting so that I couldn't get online, changed them a couple times to forget the right setting.

I would be a game addict too but I ban myself from gaming often. Last time I was an addict was when Skyrim came out. My relationship suffered a little too. Wait no, I'm currently a little (now less, as some event is over) to a *drumroll* FB game... Again, my relationship suffered. I don't really play other games. If I started some I know it would be hard for me to give it up.

Anyway, since you yourself offered if you should tell your parents. Send/print out the post you made for us. And surely ask for help. Other things that work at least for me are: make the game unable to run. You can use up the hdd space, lock away a partition. You could ask parents or someone to set up a master account with a password (with you using a general account) that would ask you for the password if you wanted to install something. Just like schools do, or the parent control or what it's called. Or become cut on money from parents for games (unless you download them). I'm still studying. Last finals, D3 came out. But I had exams so I didn't play, I couldn't play because I didn't have the money.

In the end though it's all about self-control. Your attitude is wrong, you think you want to change but really you don't (the I probably won't part). It's right there that you're not counting your last seconds. When will you get serious? I think when your parents will come and try to take Jelly. Sadly.

If you do think that you won't ever be as successful as your parents so you can play. Tell you what, it'll be Jelly who will miss you the most when you play some game instead of spending time with her. When my mom's dog gets fed up with the people around him being on notebooks and not giving him attention, he'll come and sit on the notebook and hug you so that you do pay him an attention. I sort of got out of hand writing this.

What games do you play anyway?

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I read a few responses and decided to post before I read a few more.

The internet thing really isn't a option because like BlueWolf said, everything is online.

I mean, I would love to turn off the internet when I didn't have to use it but you have to understand that all my homework is online (physically, I have to type my homework in) and quizzes as well as powerpoints, notes, etc. Even if I did do the turn it off thing, I'd still need to use the internet for the majority of the time I was home. (Plus I use the internet to help me with my hw :\ )

I did find a solution to not having access to games though: The school library computers...

But the only downside is I'd have to stay at school for long periods of time which means I can't be with Jelly. And considering I'm the only committed family member willing to take her out and potty and walk and socialize, I can't. lol. (I hate that I always find ways to not do things that seem like a good idea x_o) It was pretty selfish of me to get Jelly in the first place knowing that I'm basically the only one in my family willing to wake up at 5 am and take her or play with her and things like that :\.

But... @BlueWolf: My mom says the same exact thing and I think it's great and she's been saying it for a few years now... I just can't do the whole "Work before pleasure"

I have the thought that adults don't get free time. If I were to work hard, go to college, graduate in 4 years, find a job I feel like I would,by that time, not even be interested in games anymore. Which is why games > work for me. I want to play while I can because what adults do you see that still play games? lol.


I do focus on Jelly, a lot. Or do you mean focus more on her -- or focus on her when I'm tempted to play? Either way, games or Jelly is fun time for me and so long as I'm not doing my work and stressing, I'm glad to play with her. Keep in mind I have my lifetime of procrastination so I'm pretty great at not wanting to do things until last second. I think mostly because I've done decently well on things done last minute (of course not tests) but essays and other things which I guess the good grade just lets me know, even if I did the paper a week ahead of time I would have got the same grade, you know what I mean?


very nicely said. I think I could just lock myself out of games but I don't know how lol. I know some games if you're not the master you have to input the password but I don't think all games have that option, do they? Probably locking myself out of those is probably the best thing for me since I already blocked out the option of staying at school if you could kindly tell me how :x ...

Uh I play 2 games a lot atm..

LoL and GW2. Spent over $200 in the past week for both :\. (before you say that it's better to buy things for Jelly, I would, I just don't want to tell explain to my parents that I spent $80 at petsmart for toys and things since they get mad at me for spending large amounts (even if it is my money)) It's a lot easier to buy online since I have a separate scholarship refund card with left over money and my parents won't ever have to know about it. But for physical things, I can't bring them home without my parents saying, where'd you get that from? :P.

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I did find a solution to not having access to games though: The school library computers...

But the only downside is I'd have to stay at school for long periods of time which means I can't be with Jelly. And considering I'm the only committed family member willing to take her out and potty and walk and socialize, I can't. lol. (I hate that I always find ways to not do things that seem like a good idea x_o) It was pretty selfish of me to get Jelly in the first place knowing that I'm basically the only one in my family willing to wake up at 5 am and take her or play with her and things like that :\.

Do you have a separate laptop you can use? Staying at school is really a good way to catch up on your work as there's nothing to distract you. If you have a laptop you can maybe sit downstairs (not near your computer that has all the games) and work from there. Simply being in a different place can really help getting your focus back on your homework. I've done a lot of my homework in the garden and before I knew it, three hours had passed, lol.

But... @BlueWolf: My mom says the same exact thing and I think it's great and she's been saying it for a few years now... I just can't do the whole "Work before pleasure"

I have the thought that adults don't get free time. If I were to work hard, go to college, graduate in 4 years, find a job I feel like I would,by that time, not even be interested in games anymore. Which is why games > work for me. I want to play while I can because what adults do you see that still play games? lol.

You're quite wrong with that one :P Yes, you'll have a bit less time but I know plenty of adults that are active gamers. Hey, if you have work you don't have homework you know :P Don't give yourself excuses to game. There is nothing lost if don't play a game for a day. They'll be there waiting for you another day just as how you left them.


I do focus on Jelly, a lot. Or do you mean focus more on her -- or focus on her when I'm tempted to play? Either way, games or Jelly is fun time for me and so long as I'm not doing my work and stressing, I'm glad to play with her.

I think it would be a good idea to include Jelly in your work. When you're doing your homework and start to getting stressed or notice your attention is loosening, have a play session with Jelly. Take breaks often. Take Jelly for a small walk. Enjoy the daylight, the breeze on your have and Jelly. Try to forget your homework for a moment. By the time you get home you'll hopefully have your mind freshened up and be able to do some more work.

Keep in mind I have my lifetime of procrastination so I'm pretty great at not wanting to do things until last second. I think mostly because I've done decently well on things done last minute (of course not tests) but essays and other things which I guess the good grade just lets me know, even if I did the paper a week ahead of time I would have got the same grade, you know what I mean?

Yes, the grades may be the same but I'm sure there's a big difference in how you feel when having your paper done one week ahead versus rushing it because it has to be done by tomorrow. Not only that, but this paper will hunt you for the entire week before you actually start working on it. That feeling (which I know all too well) will drain your motivation a lot. It's what keeps you trying to ignore it because you don't have to face the inevitable of having to do it. Even having made a start on it earlier will really help you later on in wanting to finish it later on, trust me on that one.

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I read a few responses and decided to post before I read a few more.

The internet thing really isn't a option because like BlueWolf said, everything is online.

I mean, I would love to turn off the internet when I didn't have to use it but you have to understand that all my homework is online (physically, I have to type my homework in) and quizzes as well as powerpoints, notes, etc. Even if I did do the turn it off thing, I'd still need to use the internet for the majority of the time I was home. (Plus I use the internet to help me with my hw :\ )

I did find a solution to not having access to games though: The school library computers...

But the only downside is I'd have to stay at school for long periods of time which means I can't be with Jelly. And considering I'm the only committed family member willing to take her out and potty and walk and socialize, I can't. lol. (I hate that I always find ways to not do things that seem like a good idea x_o) It was pretty selfish of me to get Jelly in the first place knowing that I'm basically the only one in my family willing to wake up at 5 am and take her or play with her and things like that :\.

But... @BlueWolf: My mom says the same exact thing and I think it's great and she's been saying it for a few years now... I just can't do the whole "Work before pleasure"

I have the thought that adults don't get free time. If I were to work hard, go to college, graduate in 4 years, find a job I feel like I would,by that time, not even be interested in games anymore. Which is why games > work for me. I want to play while I can because what adults do you see that still play games? lol.


I do focus on Jelly, a lot. Or do you mean focus more on her -- or focus on her when I'm tempted to play? Either way, games or Jelly is fun time for me and so long as I'm not doing my work and stressing, I'm glad to play with her. Keep in mind I have my lifetime of procrastination so I'm pretty great at not wanting to do things until last second. I think mostly because I've done decently well on things done last minute (of course not tests) but essays and other things which I guess the good grade just lets me know, even if I did the paper a week ahead of time I would have got the same grade, you know what I mean? p.

That's exactly what I meant. I'm not saying you don't spend time with jelly I'm saying when you are tempted to game do something with her instead. I understand about procrastinating I'm the queen of it, just maybe focus some of that time you'd spend gaming on her or something more productive. As hard as it buy a planner and get organized !! It helps load, color code things and know due dates! I promise you even though procrastinating is easy when you finish something early it feels so good ! Just my input because that's what I had to do!

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very nicely said. I think I could just lock myself out of games but I don't know how lol. I know some games if you're not the master you have to input the password but I don't think all games have that option, do they? Probably locking myself out of those is probably the best thing for me since I already blocked out the option of staying at school if you could kindly tell me how :x ...

Uh I play 2 games a lot atm..

LoL and GW2. Spent over $200 in the past week for both :\. (before you say that it's better to buy things for Jelly, I would, I just don't want to tell explain to my parents that I spent $80 at petsmart for toys and things since they get mad at me for spending large amounts (even if it is my money)) It's a lot easier to buy online since I have a separate scholarship refund card with left over money and my parents won't ever have to know about it. But for physical things, I can't bring them home without my parents saying, where'd you get that from? :P.

I meant like to set a master password for the computer itself, like for the administrator account. It's sometimes needed on Windows, the Run as Administrator. Otherwise you could look for some software that could do that. Or make one! :D

I for one am very reluctant about spending my money (as for what), so I have a self-reflex of sort that makes me not spend my money unless I really have to.

About your scholarship. At least here, if you get kicked or fail, you are asked to pay back the money "invested" in you. This could be another factor for you to change things. If I misunderstood the sentence, freely ignore it. Just buy stuff for Jelly on ebay, or look for where they are most cost effective time and price wise. Almost always works for me.

Finally, like with every addiction, it always has to start at source - the person suffering from it. Just tell yourself no at every thought to play a game, just like you do with Jelly doing something she shouldn't. :) It's such a cute name too, Jelly. :D

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Tatipu, I'd echo most of what the others have said, but I'm a computer addict as well. With me it's not games but what I can do with it.

First, I'm going to call a couple of comments you've made: 'I just can't do the whole "Work before pleasure"', nope, it's not that you can't it's that you won't and there's a world of difference in there. You've said that you'll do things so that you can keep Jelly, but then go on to say that you aren't doing them ... are you intentionally setting yourself up so that Jelly gets taken away from you?

Second: You can stay late at school to use the library computer, but you want to get home to Jelly - who isn't going to be there if you don't get your act together. It's your life and your call ... If I knew I could get four hours of good studying / homework done with minimal distraction and then go home and have my free time to play with my dog and my games - I know what I'd do. As I said, it's your life and your call - but maybe it's not just your life, if your folks take Jelly away from you as punishment / incentive will they make sure she has a good home or will it be to the local shelter; and in Houston, almost without exception "shelter" == "death". Your call guy!

Third, adults do often play games, some of us do, some of us don't. It's a call we make. Life really does have a lot going for it and real life, once you have the income to afford it, can be a real blast ... but a decent income today means a degree in something.

So, who's going to take care of Jelly if you lose her? Who do you think is going to take care of you if your parents cut you off? Being blunt, if you want the good things in life, like your dog, then you're going to have to get your head on straight - today! Tomorrow isn't going to make it because there's always tomorrow if you want to keep putting it off...

As I've said a few times, it's your call ... and you know what it has to be, can you do it???

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I just can't do the whole "Work before pleasure"

I have the thought that adults don't get free time. If I were to work hard, go to college, graduate in 4 years, find a job I feel like I would,by that time, not even be interested in games anymore. Which is why games > work for me. I want to play while I can because what adults do you see that still play games? lol.

It totally depends upon the adult - yes, if you've got a responsible job, a mortgage, a family and pets you might not have much free time. On the other hand, young adults with few responsibilities have loads of free time. As Blue Wolf and others pointed out, lots of adults play games. Maybe the difference is that they are able to put the games into perspective and view them as a fun, but basically meaningless, way of spending spare time.

You say, "If I were to work hard, go to college, graduate in 4 years, find a job I feel like I would,by that time, not even be interested in games anymore." - so what is the alternative? You don't work hard, fail to get into college and end up either on the street or in a dead end job - but hey! at least you've spent four years wasting your time in fantasy land - that'll really help your employment prospects! (Still MacDonalds will still be recruiting!).

To be honest, it sounds to me like you have no intention of changing or addressing the problem in a realistic way and that you will likely be on here snivelling and asking for sympathy when your parents lose it and take Jelly away from you. This may sound harsh, but I really think you need to grow up!


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