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Huskies with Small Dogs


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I know this has probably been discussed several times so I apologize for adding to the pile. I think I discussed this several months ago but I can't remember the discussion very well.

In short (because I tend to write a lot!)...

My husband is a Maltese man

I'm a Husky woman

Obviously if we ever get out this apartment and into a house, and money allowing, we'll want to adopt dogs. I'm trying to be realistic and sensible about this, and i'm wonder if it'll ever work out to have the two breeds co-exist.

The logic I can remember putting together to make it possible are:

* Never let the dogs be together unsupervised

* Keep the dogs crated when we can't supervise them (and obviously crate train both of them!)

* Possibly adopt the Maltese first, and when it's fully grown adopt the Husky as a puppy to create the possibility of the Maltese being above the Husky respect wise, although i'm not sure how possible that is with this breed. I don't think dogs care a lot about size, seeing how bossy those Chihuahuas can be!

* Obviously be firm and never tolerate any rough playing between the two dogs, cut it off before they get carried away

But what's running though my mind is, am I setting myself up for disaster here? I would feel so horrible and guilty if "my" dog hurt or even killed "my husbands" dog. And it's my responsibility as the more knowledgeable one about the breed to make the right decision. I've even considered giving up on getting a Husky so my husband can be happy.

Thoughts? Feel free to chime in with your experience and opinions!

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Kiska absolutely adores small dogs, but she grew up with them - she grew up with me at university and my housemates had a jack russel and a patterdale cross. Now every time she sees a dog that looks like either of these she gets SO excited! But she knows how to play with them :) Freya on the other hand can be a bit rough; she was an only dog in her first home, and her second home had 3 shih-tzus that she apparently didn't get on with as they got upset when she tried to rough play with them. When my sister got her puppy Freya was very rough with him too, though luckily he's a dobermann cross puppy so he's a tank and can handle it now.

I would say you're planning on doing it the right way. Get the smaller dog first so it has a chance to get as big as possible, and get the husky second so it has a chance to grow up with the small dog. The husky will learn, with the right teaching, that it can't be so rough with such a small dog :)

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Kodi is the same. He likes smaller dogs and considering his eventual size most other dogs will be smaller than him which so it's a blessing he likes them. He's a Malamute and has a lot of similar personality traits to Huskies but I'm a strong believer in socialising any dog you own with as many different breeds as possible. If they get used to other, smaller, breeds from the outset hopefully you won't have a problem in later life. That said you can never predict what will happen and even the most placid dogs can have their off days so it always pays to be vigilante if you own two or more. Don't let a what if situation stop you from getting the dog you've dreamed of. You sound like you will be a wonderful owner and any dog would be lucky to adopted by you. You certainly sound like you have done enough research on the breed which always helps :)

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Thank you for chiming in everyone! That's what I was really hoping to hear!

I was originally planning on rescuing a Husky, but it does sound like raising a Husky pup around small dogs make a wonderful difference. It'll be a handful having a Husky puppy as a first-time Husky owner i'm sure, but hopefully i'll be up to it. Maybe i'll wait until we have children and they're a bit older, that way i'll have the energy for a Husky puppy. I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait, and they can enjoy the Maltese in the mean time. Of course this depends on when we get a house, and goodness it looks impossible right now. But I won't give up as long as the possability is still there.

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If you ask around at the rescues, they can tell you whether a particular Husky is good with small dogs or not.

My two, who are both rescues, are good with small dogs.

Okay, story time. I had to put them up at the vets for three nights while I was getting a cataract taken care of. When I went to get them there was a chihuahua sized dog wrapped in a towel who wasn't feeling too good - and each of mine went over to say Hi! but were very gentle - almost as if they knew they'd upset his momma if they were their normal boisterous selves! Good dogs!!!

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My girls are fine with small dogs pit they do tend to get a bit rough when they play but once they have been told gentle they calm down and usually play nicely with them xx

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If you ask around at the rescues, they can tell you whether a particular Husky is good with small dogs or not.

My two, who are both rescues, are good with small dogs.

Ah yes, you are right! I don't know if i'll even see a Husky at any of the nearby dog shelters here in Japan, but i'll certainly give it a try. But if the dogs they have aren't great with small dogs, or they aren't sure, I might go with a puppy as a back up plan. I'll just have to see how it works out best. As much as I believe in adopting from a shelter, I also have to think what will bring the best chance of harmony for my family. No guarentees of course, but we can only do our best right?

If it was easy to bring a dog over from America to Japan, I bet I could be matched with an absolutely perfect Husky from a shelter. Sometimes I wish I was rich just so I could!

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I haven't rescued any but I've gotten Panda(Husky) and Mason(Yorkshire Terrier) both as puppies on the same day. They get along great, at first you will need to watch them constantly, even as a pup the husky played very rough and often would bulldoze Mason over. I'd also always keep an eye on them whenever they are together. Panda is crated while Mason has roam of the kitchen/living room while i'm away.

Panda love's mason and is also very lenient and gentle towards him, Mason seems to be the one that is bullying Panda(Husky). Whenever Panda grabs a toy, Mason would run up and steal the toy from his mouth. Playtime also seems to be in Mason's hands, when he's had enough he will let you know he's had enough.

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Shadow used to live with two smaller dogs as @cas will tell you he was more scared of them lmao

That's true lol, even my 2 are scared at times of Molly and Rosie in the pic below :D They are left alone together when we are out and get along great.


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Blue was a recuse at the age of 2, so no idea who or whith who he was raised, but he loves small dogs! They are his favorite ppl, especially jack russell, but it might also be the energy lvl. Small animals i cant trust him, but small dogs, they have a blast.

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