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Greetings from California


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I've been on the internet for some fifteen years, beginning in forums for mental health and only branching out to one other subject, that of a long-dead TV show called Firefly. Been on that forum pretty much exclusively for years, but in the off-topic forum where we discuss politics and real world news. Gets heated there (no sh*t sherlock!), but lately been taken over by some hard-core righties, so it occurred to me to find somewhere I was more comfortable. Given my babies are a main focus of my life, this seemed logical.

Always loved huskies, due to a friend who is now a retired state park ranger in CA. She always had them, but I always took in rescues. I just turned 64, so four years ago decided I may not have another chance, so just this once I'd get myself real huskies from a kennel. I would have gone rescue, but there are few puppies available and given I wanted huskies, starting with a pre-owned dog seemed chancy. Had SOME personal experience as my last (most beloved) dog was a shephard-husky cross, and given some 50 years of loving Paula's dogs, I knew what I was getting into (or thought I did--who ever actually DOES, with Sibes??).

I've always been into hiking and running trails, so I thought (after years of not being able to hike due to aging dog) it would be great to have a husky to hike with. JUST before Tashi arrived, had a bad fall and broke my wrist really badly, so when he arrived, I had a cast. Tough with a puppy, especially since two surgeries ensued...sigh. So a year later my husband was kind enough (dumb enough? courageous enough?) to say I could get a second, and I got Kochak, along with a sulky. Now we sulky several times a week, run them with the bicycles in one "safe" place, do the dog park and hike only two other "safe" places ("safe" meaning they have yet to keep me waiting more than an hour and a half, and there are no roads for them to get in trouble on).

Tashi, who's name is actually Tashakur, which means "thank you" in Dari, the language of Afghanistan, is male and coming up on 4, big lazy galloot who's not too bright. Kochak, which means "Little One" in Dari, our "little" female (at vet's today for booster, she weighed in at 70 lbs! She's not fat, but gonna be losing some weight anyway, little does she know it!), is fast, full of shit and bright as a whip. She'd have made a GREAT lead-dog musher if she'd had the chance. We used to call her our Pocket Rocket; I'm sure there are those here who know what I mean! When we sulky, Kochak chooses the direction (almost psychically, I swear, it takes only a whispered "gee" and touch of the reigns and she takes a 90-degree right!) and Tashi decides the pace (as Kochak can't pull me herself, she has no choice). We've had some great runs, especially when we've been treated to a rabbit, coyote, skunk, etc. on the trail!

They are the center of my life (big surprise!) and the loves of my life (husband doesn't mind, in fact I suspect they are for him, too). Tho' my Jim complains about them endlessly, he lets them get away with FAR more than I do! I sometimes run with a group in the Bay Area known as Bay Area Mushers--all but one of them either scooter or bikejor in the off-season; the only other sulkier is pulled by three Boston Bulldogs! My guys and I sulky many of the local multi-use pathways and I love it; if it were any other breed than Sibes, I'd have gotten rescue huskies all my life, or wish I had! These may be my last two dogs, but if I live long enough to outlive them (may they live forever), I'll get older rescues who won't need as much exercise; I will certainly NEVER have anything but Sibes again!

Looking forward to others who are owned by huskies; they are unquestionably a breed unto themselves, unique and wonderful/terrible!

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Thanx! This IS a lively place, didn't expect to see responses so soon!

Devil, not as much as I'd like...what I didn't mention is right after Tashi got here, my bod fell apart, it wasn't just the wrist. Degenerative disc disorder is the worst of it, but there's much more...so I spend a lot of time in my recliner. Getting out with the guys is about the MOST activity I get, and thank gawd for them, or I'd probably get none!

Now Tracey--YOU must be kept busy, what a pack!!

My profile didn't seem to re-boot right, hopefully it will soon. But my first try did work, so there's my guys on the left...Tashi is the dark red, Kochak the light.

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Welcome, you'll quickly come to realise this is no ordinary forum.

You get lots of replies.

Lots of info.

Lots of fun

aaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddd. . . .

best of allll. . . .

we're mostly, slightly.. . . just a tad. . .

Nuts about huskies.

(and there are a few Browncoats lurking in here too.

You can't take the sky from me. . . :))

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Thanx! This IS a lively place, didn't expect to see responses so soon!

Devil, not as much as I'd like...what I didn't mention is right after Tashi got here, my bod fell apart, it wasn't just the wrist. Degenerative disc disorder is the worst of it, but there's much more...so I spend a lot of time in my recliner. Getting out with the guys is about the MOST activity I get, and thank gawd for them, or I'd probably get none!

Now Tracey--YOU must be kept busy, what a pack!!

My profile didn't seem to re-boot right, hopefully it will soon. But my first try did work, so there's my guys on the left...Tashi is the dark red, Kochak the light.

Ha ha yes they keep me very busy!your 2 are gorgeous! look forward to seeing more of them both :)

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Holy sh*t! A Browncoat! We're everywhere, it never ceases to amaze me. Just met a guy who works at my local nursery...shared stories, he buys five box sets every Xmas and gives them to friends, and voila! Immediately five new Browncoats!

Yes, I see this is a busy site, which is great. I need to break away from the only other forum I'm on (which, by the way, is the only fan site I've ever gone to, Andy, and is "Fireflyfans.net"...sigh...obsessions, you know, aren't just about huskies! ;o)

Looking forward muchly to spending time here rather than there, as I'm only in the off-topics forum there and it's gotten way too ugly, what with the election and all. This seems much more healthy--mentally!

Look who's talking, Tra8cey, given the guy just above your 8 could by my Tashi's clone! Not to mention all yours are lookers, too...but then, what husky ISN'T, right?

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I've been on the internet for some fifteen years, beginning in forums for mental health and only branching out to one other subject, that of a long-dead TV show called Firefly. Been on that forum pretty much exclusively for years, but in the off-topic forum where we discuss politics and real world news. Gets heated there (no sh*t sherlock!), but lately been taken over by some hard-core righties, so it occurred to me to find somewhere I was more comfortable. Given my babies are a main focus of my life, this seemed logical.

Always loved huskies, due to a friend who is now a retired state park ranger in CA. She always had them, but I always took in rescues. I just turned 64, so four years ago decided I may not have another chance, so just this once I'd get myself real huskies from a kennel. I would have gone rescue, but there are few puppies available and given I wanted huskies, starting with a pre-owned dog seemed chancy. Had SOME personal experience as my last (most beloved) dog was a shephard-husky cross, and given some 50 years of loving Paula's dogs, I knew what I was getting into (or thought I did--who ever actually DOES, with Sibes??).

I've always been into hiking and running trails, so I thought (after years of not being able to hike due to aging dog) it would be great to have a husky to hike with. JUST before Tashi arrived, had a bad fall and broke my wrist really badly, so when he arrived, I had a cast. Tough with a puppy, especially since two surgeries ensued...sigh. So a year later my husband was kind enough (dumb enough? courageous enough?) to say I could get a second, and I got Kochak, along with a sulky. Now we sulky several times a week, run them with the bicycles in one "safe" place, do the dog park and hike only two other "safe" places ("safe" meaning they have yet to keep me waiting more than an hour and a half, and there are no roads for them to get in trouble on).

Tashi, who's name is actually Tashakur, which means "thank you" in Dari, the language of Afghanistan, is male and coming up on 4, big lazy galloot who's not too bright. Kochak, which means "Little One" in Dari, our "little" female (at vet's today for booster, she weighed in at 70 lbs! She's not fat, but gonna be losing some weight anyway, little does she know it!), is fast, full of shit and bright as a whip. She'd have made a GREAT lead-dog musher if she'd had the chance. We used to call her our Pocket Rocket; I'm sure there are those here who know what I mean! When we sulky, Kochak chooses the direction (almost psychically, I swear, it takes only a whispered "gee" and touch of the reigns and she takes a 90-degree right!) and Tashi decides the pace (as Kochak can't pull me herself, she has no choice). We've had some great runs, especially when we've been treated to a rabbit, coyote, skunk, etc. on the trail!

They are the center of my life (big surprise!) and the loves of my life (husband doesn't mind, in fact I suspect they are for him, too). Tho' my Jim complains about them endlessly, he lets them get away with FAR more than I do! I sometimes run with a group in the Bay Area known as Bay Area Mushers--all but one of them either scooter or bikejor in the off-season; the only other sulkier is pulled by three Boston Bulldogs! My guys and I sulky many of the local multi-use pathways and I love it; if it were any other breed than Sibes, I'd have gotten rescue huskies all my life, or wish I had! These may be my last two dogs, but if I live long enough to outlive them (may they live forever), I'll get older rescues who won't need as much exercise; I will certainly NEVER have anything but Sibes again!

Looking forward to others who are owned by huskies; they are unquestionably a breed unto themselves, unique and wonderful/terrible!

Hi thanx for the msg it was to hear from you my family love to go on long walks with there dogs i have grown up with them & i have alaways wanted a husky so eventually being with my husband for years lol i got saskia shes a daddies girl
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Thanx for all the lovely welcomes! BlueWolf, you're obviously an artist. Your sig is beautiful enough (and I see the "Blue Wolf Productions"), but that "welcome" is downright impressive! I'm no artist, couldn't draw a straight line to save my life, much less do the things people can do on computers these days, but I was a desktop publisher, so recognize and appreciate excellent work when I see it! I miss it SO--tho' I only worked in a small way with graphics and mostly with fonts, colors, publishing, etc., I sure loved it. So: NICE manipulation, the end result can't HELP but bring a smile, too! I caught it in Andy's "welcome", but the movement....hee, hee, hee!


Edited by Niki
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Thanx for all the lovely welcomes! BlueWolf, you're obviously an artist. Your sig is beautiful enough (and I see the "Blue Wolf Productions"), but that "welcome" is downright impressive! I'm no artist, couldn't draw a straight line to save my life, much less do the things people can do on computers these days, but I was a desktop publisher, so recognize and appreciate excellent work when I see it! I miss it SO--tho' I only worked in a small way with graphics and mostly with fonts, colors, publishing, etc., I sure loved it. So: NICE manipulation, the end result can't HELP but bring a smile, too! I caught it in Andy's "welcome", but the movement....hee, hee, hee!


Thanks. Bringing smilies on people's faces is what it was meant to do so I guess it succeeded :)

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Jos (just realized names are on the left so goodie, I can start remembering people!), it did, it did. And thank you. Given pretty much my only form of enjoyment along those lines now is font face, colors and my beloved emoticons, I should start using them here I guess. Wink3.gif

Kyle: Why on EARTH would you leave there for...IOWA? ShockedSpinHead.gif (Just kidding...mostly!) Usually it's others who move HERE from places like that...you have my sympathy. I'm a born-n-bred NORTHERN California girl (we call everything South of SLO "LaLaLand"), and tho' I've traveled the world, I wouldn't live anywhere else (except maybe Interlaken, Switzerland...). How'd that happen, and how do you feel about it?

Jaimie, naw, it's just at certain times in certain places he has his way with us AngryFire.gif (see? Everyone's got their prejudices!). But it do be brown, and yes, I do hate that. I was in my twenties before anyone explained to me that there are places in America where it's GREEN in Summer--it even... scream3.gif ...RAINS! But then I found out that those places usually have snow in Winter, so I was less envious. I can sleep outside all year here, it never gets super-hot or super-humid, I have mountains (well, A mountain anyway), rolling hills, lakes, the Bay and ocean all within a twenty-minute drive of me, who could ask for more? SmileBounce.gif

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