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Cesar Milan !


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Was just looking through some dog videos on youtube and came across some videos of Cesar Milan the so called 'dog whisperer'. Okay, sorry if i offend anyone but that is the most stupidest thing ive ever seen! What an idiot ! How anyone would trust them near their dogs never mind training them , I find shocking. His methods are discusting, and their soles basis are fear and dominance, sorry but that is no way for a dog to be trained and bought up, the dog should want to do something because they want to please you not because they are so terrified they are in a way forced. That is not respect, it is FEAR. :@:@:@Gosh, he makes me feel sick, the amount of times he has been bitten and the way he reacts by tightened the collar, kicking them etc is horrible. Ive had people tell me that its just a tap but please, a tap wouldnt make some of the dogs react the way they do! Ive seen an episode where a husky attacks him after he has 'tapped' him with his foot and he reacts by grabbing the lead above his head and starngling the poor thing. The dog then lies down completely exhausted and he says 'oh see it has calmed down'! Calmed down? What the fudge?!! Id like to show him how to 'calm down' by doing exactly the same back to him! Ugh he makes me sick, just needed to let it out, rant over..,.and breathe.....

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Very few real world trainers respect Milan.

And rightly so, he doesnt deserve any respect if he cant respect the dogs and treat them appropriately.

His name alone has become a heated topic in the past. So be careful! Lol

But I agree. I much prefer Victoria's methods myself.

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Lol, just getting my point out there, everyones entitled to their own eh?! :P Yeah totally agree Victoria is much better, ive never seen her get bitten by a dog and never seen her use mehtods with so much aggression!

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I believe he is the kind of trainer that can really help people when they have no one else to turn to. He really has helped tons of dogs, but he isn't for everyone. I've read his book on how to raise a puppy, and his methods in the book are very different than his show. Personally, I don't have a beef with the guy. I believe his methods are effective and quick and while he is not as gentle as Victoria, he's not physically abusing the dogs. All I'm saying is that it could be a lot worse

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ive seen that episode with the husky, that husky was very vicious and if not for Cesar milan that husky may have been put to sleep for biting someone, but yeah i suppose its a matter of opinon, i agree with some things he does but not with others, like an episode with two golden retrievers were very hyper on lead so when they went ahead of them he kicked them in the groin, i didn't like that at all

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I've never really liked his methods but I agree that he does a lot to rescue a lot of dogs who would be put to sleep without his intervention. My OH prefers Victoria and the puppy class we have just finished with Kodiak was with a trainer that has trained with Victoria herself. She was very good I must admit but we now have to wait until the middle of November before we can start another class she's that popular!!! :)

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i used to watch his shows religiously, and most of them i thought werent as bad as some, i agreed with some of the stuff he did and some of his methods, but i disagreed with some of it too, i am fortunate enough to have previously owned a dog before watching this program, i knew how my dog would react if i did some of the things he suggested, and knew the end result would be a dog who has fear in me.

Some people dont know enough about dogs and take what he says to heart and then attempt to do it themselves.

Trainers need to make sure they stress that not every method works on every dog, agreed some need a firmer hand (and i dont mean physical) and some people just need the correct guidance.

Training is a touchy subject, as everyone has a different opinion.

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I watched him a lot when I had hulu plus lol. I think the show is amusing and I don't really have an opinion on his methods though. Except maybe the kicking part, it does look painful. lol.

Off topic: Who is Victoria? D: . TV show? :o I wanna watch D: .

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I watched him a lot when I had hulu plus lol. I think the show is amusing and I don't really have an opinion on his methods though. Except maybe the kicking part, it does look painful. lol.

Off topic: Who is Victoria? D: . TV show? :o I wanna watch D: .

Victoria stillwell - it's me or the dog

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On the shows he always seems to provoke a certain (bad) reaction from the dog and then try to correct/punish the dog. I can't see why any trainer would do this other then doing it for the show (making the dog look bad and him great for correcting the dog). I would love to believe that he is better than that when he is not being filmed because I know how badly shows like these can distort the reality. It's on the edge of what I would call a soap. The one thing I do not like is that people actually try to use Cesar's show methods on their or even other dogs, provoking the same bad reaction and potentially making the behaviour even worse without realising.

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Oh god the Titchmarsh interview <3 So damn funny.

One thing I believe in is how energy can effect your dogs responses - infact I'm forever encouraging clients to build up their confidence with handling their dog and remember that the dog can only go where they go because they're the one holding the lead. So I'm all for energy, but besides that, the rest I don't agree with.

If you watch, Titchmarsh confronts Cesar on the fact that he kicks dogs just behind the rib cage - and unlike his fans - Cesar doesn't deny it. He calls it a "touch" to get away with doing it, but if you listen during the majority of the interview, he doesn't deny the fact that it hurts the dog.

Stacey xxx

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I believe he is the kind of trainer that can really help people when they have no one else to turn to. He really has helped tons of dogs, but he isn't for everyone. I've read his book on how to raise a puppy, and his methods in the book are very different than his show. Personally, I don't have a beef with the guy. I believe his methods are effective and quick and while he is not as gentle as Victoria, he's not physically abusing the dogs. All I'm saying is that it could be a lot worse

Eventhough i see that these methods work, it is the aggressiveness of them that annoys me, the dogs behaviour can still be fixed without all the unneccessary stress and fear he causes the dogs.

ive seen that episode with the husky, that husky was very vicious and if not for Cesar milan that husky may have been put to sleep for biting someone, but yeah i suppose its a matter of opinon, i agree with some things he does but not with others, like an episode with two golden retrievers were very hyper on lead so when they went ahead of them he kicked them in the groin, i didn't like that at all

Yes but still, even with his methods the dog did bite someone and it was cesar milan himself, causing the dog to feel that much fear and stress lead to this so i feel if this was dealt in a different calmer way, this could have been avoided. i agree, when i see him kicking and punching the dogs, its annoys me so much.

I don't really care for his training methods but I do like what he is doing now. He is rescuing dogs on "death row" and giving them a home.

I agree, the rescuing work he is doing is great, got to give him credit for that.

Not my favourite trainer either, but my daughter has his books and she likes his methods. You just have to take the good out of it and leave the bad.

True, unfortunately, there is quite alot that is bad with his methods, i just wish he could transform these to betetr more positive methods.

His books are much better than the television version. People forget that the bottom line of a television show is to earn ratings and entertain people.

yeah that is true, but he is getting these rating for methods i feel are inhumane and unnacceptable eventhough some of this could be to hype the program and get more viewers, his whole training methods are based on the whole old fashined dominance theory.

I'm not a fan at all I saw one where the dog bit him so he punched the dog despite the fact HE made the dog bite him in the first place

Eta I think he kicked it not punched , I'll try n find the link later

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Agree completely unneccesary and disgusting, its silly how he says youve got to roll the dog over to show it who is boss and calm it down reffering to the alpha roll performed by wolves but what hes missing out is that in wolf packs, this submission is given not forced, that is the flaw with his training, i dont think he gets dogs at all!

That brings me to this which was shared on facebook


Lol, well said, go on Alan!

I've never really liked his methods but I agree that he does a lot to rescue a lot of dogs who would be put to sleep without his intervention. My OH prefers Victoria and the puppy class we have just finished with Kodiak was with a trainer that has trained with Victoria herself. She was very good I must admit but we now have to wait until the middle of November before we can start another class she's that popular!!! :)

Lol, shes great isnt she! I agree he does a lot to rescue dogs and stuff but again i think that if he used better methods he could still cure the problems and prevent them beign put down.

not really a fan to be honest xx

Neither am i, really hate teh way he trains, so aggressive!

i used to watch his shows religiously, and most of them i thought werent as bad as some, i agreed with some of the stuff he did and some of his methods, but i disagreed with some of it too, i am fortunate enough to have previously owned a dog before watching this program, i knew how my dog would react if i did some of the things he suggested, and knew the end result would be a dog who has fear in me.

Some people dont know enough about dogs and take what he says to heart and then attempt to do it themselves.

Trainers need to make sure they stress that not every method works on every dog, agreed some need a firmer hand (and i dont mean physical) and some people just need the correct guidance.

Training is a touchy subject, as everyone has a different opinion.

Yeah, i agree obviously if some dogs were constantly prasied and didnt see any consequences of bad actions, they would walk all over their owners, all i think is that the dog needs to be trained to do what you say because he wants not because he is scared of you.

I watched him a lot when I had hulu plus lol. I think the show is amusing and I don't really have an opinion on his methods though. Except maybe the kicking part, it does look painful. lol.

Off topic: Who is Victoria? D: . TV show? :o I wanna watch D: .

Yeah very painful, i think in some cases it just makes the behaviour worse e.g. the dog biting back, oh and Victoria Stilwell is a trainer who uses positive reinforcement and her show is Its Me Or The Dog.

I quite like him but there are aspects of his training that i do not like i.e the kicking but then it may be the truth that he is just tapping them!

I doubt it, the reaction that he normally gets by the dogs attacking him shows that it is most likely harder than a tap!

On the shows he always seems to provoke a certain (bad) reaction from the dog and then try to correct/punish the dog. I can't see why any trainer would do this other then doing it for the show (making the dog look bad and him great for correcting the dog). I would love to believe that he is better than that when he is not being filmed because I know how badly shows like these can distort the reality. It's on the edge of what I would call a soap. The one thing I do not like is that people actually try to use Cesar's show methods on their or even other dogs, provoking the same bad reaction and potentially making the behaviour even worse without realising.

Exactly! How does tha makes sense, and i cant believe peopl woyuld actually try to attempt that with their dogs, how many dogs have bitten Cesar and these people try to copy him, if he has trouble stopping these dogs biting, what do they think they will do?

Oh god the Titchmarsh interview <3 So damn funny.

One thing I believe in is how energy can effect your dogs responses - infact I'm forever encouraging clients to build up their confidence with handling their dog and remember that the dog can only go where they go because they're the one holding the lead. So I'm all for energy, but besides that, the rest I don't agree with.

If you watch, Titchmarsh confronts Cesar on the fact that he kicks dogs just behind the rib cage - and unlike his fans - Cesar doesn't deny it. He calls it a "touch" to get away with doing it, but if you listen during the majority of the interview, he doesn't deny the fact that it hurts the dog.

Stacey xxx

Yeah i completely agree with that point ive noticed it myself like when im un well or a little down, kai sometimes tries to do things he normally isnt allowed and when im more confident, hes better behaved but again that is ALL i agree with, he completely doesnt try to deny it and i cant believe he calles it a tap, thats like calling a bite a lick!

I think the fact he said he was the most complained about guest on the show - before he had even appeared on it - speaks volumes

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Hell yeah, just shows what people really think of him and his barbaric 'training' methods.

Thanks guys for your responses, liek hearing other people views on this :)

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I will say I've never honestly seen a full episode. I've seen clips when his name is brought up here, and that is it. It boggles my mind how some people watch it for the drama of the show, when some the drama is of the dog being riled up purposely and then put back in its place violently.

Victoria's show has its drama no doubt. But its always with the humans; are they going to be willing to let go of old habits to keep their dog? One episode is about how this girl doesn't go anywhere her dog can't because it has SA. Another is about this woman's husband who rejects their dog because they got it too soon after their last one who he loved dearly that died. She down right has to chew some people out.

I could go on and on comparing their dramas to each other. And please don't let what I'm saying cause an argument. I'm just saying I don't get it.

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I watched him a lot when I had hulu plus lol. I think the show is amusing and I don't really have an opinion on his methods though. Except maybe the kicking part, it does look painful. lol.

Off topic: Who is Victoria? D: . TV show? :o I wanna watch D: .

theres an English dog trainer called Victoria Stilwell who has similar show to Cesar

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I've listened to some audio books, and I'd have to say they are a lot better than the show. The show, imo, is probably there for entertainment and 'advertising'. The actual books/audio books he sells are great, IMO, and they've helped Suka overcome a lot when we first brought him home from the shelter.

But, I hate his show. I hate how he treats the dogs on his show.

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