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To all secret santa participants


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In my 'like/dislikes' post, I wrote 'if you can't get something for Suka (that I listed), than a donation (with mailed proof) to the International Wolf Center or your local animal shelter would be a perfect Christmas gift for me.

But, a little about me anyways...in case my Santa wants to get me something extra.

I don't like pink or purple, I love blue and green.

I'm passionate about animal welfare and conservation (hence the 'donate to the International Wolf Center' request for me), my favourite animal is the wolf so anything 'wolfy' would be awesome (like pillows, blankets, statue, plushie, etc).

I also love werewolves, so anything 'werewolfy' (don't bother with books/movies, I have all the good ones already!) would be nice too. Like a poster, or a statue/figurine, or etc.

Oh, I'm also a girl but I have tomboyish qualities. Like not liking pink. LOL

BUT, in any case...I WOULD PREFER that Suka were to get something instead. Even a gift card to Pet Valu would be helpful, as his medications he gets everyday are starting to burn a hole in my wallet. And I don't have much to begin with!!

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ummm peeps should know a fair bit about me already lol

- 3 sibes, kira (3), Grey (4), keyusha (2)

- engaged and baby due 02/04/13

- life revolves around my dogs, starting training with kira soon and usually work the dogs but cant atm due to baby :(

- run indi-dog

- drink too much coffee

- love anything to do with my sibes, love milk chocolate and comfy pjs

- 30YO in a 22YO body :rolleyes:

thats me in a nutshell lol

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ooh - describe myself .... well:-

I own 2 motorbikes though 1 is in bits in the shed :rolleyes:

I have 3 huskies, 2 beardies & 1 corn snake

I work for the local water board (in the pooh department! :confused: )

I am engaged to Grumpy (that's Steve for those who don't know him, Grumpy by his own admission!)

We have recently started fostering huskies to help rescues out, this is a busy household :bananadance1: and I do homechecks & transport runs for any breed of dog

I love my music, my peace & quiet (when I can snatch 5 mins), my kindle (I read autobiographies), all part of escapism from the mad mad world :D

Favourite colours are black & purple, lucky number is 4, favourite food is cheesecake ;) favourite drink is coffee (I'm not really a drinker), favourite season is winter, prefer dark chocolate to milk, although my favourite sweets are maltesers.

As for the dogs, I have 3 totally different huskies.

Myshka we have had since a pup, she is nearly 7 now; she is snooty & we usually have to apologise for her being rude! She'll just walk off without a second glance while someone is trying to stroke her :rolleyes: She likes to destroy toys, likes pigs ears and rawhide chews.

Diesel (Big D) is our first rescue boy who everyone is drawn to. We have had him 3 yrs now, he was 9 in June. He's doing really well on his diet so very rarely does he have treats but like Myshka, he will destroy a dog toy for pleasure. He will sometimes play tug rope with Kaviq too.

Finally we have Kaviq; he is our 2nd rescue boy. We picked him up aged 10 months old last Christmas so he's 20 months old now. We are training him on the scooter which he loves - he is so fast, we're going to rename him Billy Whizz!! Kav is such a big baby, will curl up next to you for loves, plays for ages with toys, especially rope ones that other dogs / humans can join in with. He has a dicky tum when it comes to things like pigs ears (as we found out yesterday!) but most other treats he's ok with.

If I think of anything else, I'll edit & add! :lolman:

Edited by Val (Zebedee)
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Not quite sure what to put, which doesnt help as we are new here. In my spare time i read, i am currently reading terry pratchetts discworld but love anything fiction (i nearly have enough books to have a library) Nick enjoys riding and fixing his motorbikes we currently have 4 in our garage with 1 more on its way :) We have recently moved into our first house and are settling in nicely. We love rescueing animals and giving them a second chance, we currently have 4 guinea pigs, a cockatiel, fish and Mollie :) we plan on saving another bird shortly. I like anything weird and wonderful :) We have only had Mollie a short while so we havent tried all types of treats and toys yet. She seems to like anything she can get her paws on, so im sure she will be happy with anything she xan chomp on :)

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Ooooh, ok here we go,

I am as some would say a typical teenager, very much into having fun and a little bit of a trouble maker, ive been told thats where kai gets it from! Cheek of it! Lol um, i have two pets kai of course and my 3 year old cat called chandu who are both the loves of my life x I am very passionate about animals especially dogs and cats and of course Huskies :D Im not very girly in that i dont wear make often only on really special occassions and would rather be rocking my jeans and casual t rather than a pretty frilly dress :P Again, animals are my passion and my favourite wild animal would have to be the wolf, i am very much into animal welfare and would love to adopt/foster more animals but sadly cannot at the moment because i still live with my parents and they dont want anymore. I love music and a few of my fave artists/groups include: adam lambert, austin mahone, rihanna, pink etc. Um,,, I love anything to do with huskies and aniamls and kai loves anything that he can play with or eat except for rawhides/tennis balls/pork products so hes not too fussy :) Oh yeah and my favourite colours are blue and yellow...That about it i think, if i remember anything, ill add it in :P x

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Ok here goes,

I'm Cherrie (said like the drink lol), I am 25 years old, I am married to a ginger haha, we have 2 dogs, Nanook & Indy, Nanook is 2 and Indy is approx 16 months, I am a simple kind of person, I like reading- mainly chick lit like Marian Keyes, Sophie Kinsella and the like, I love autobiographies one that I would really like is Alan Sugar. I love chick flicks, I also love theTV programme Charmed (I wish I was them lol) I work in a hotel in Lancaster and I live in pub run by my mother in Penrith so I commute 55miles to work:( I love my job as guest services manager, if I was the ruler of the world I would invent more time- days would be 48 hours long and we would all be able to just need 8 hours sleep still lol. I like funny things I'm a bit childish sometimes, i don't understand the game cludo and my friends and family are my world. Nanook & Indy spend their time playing like loons, in the house, in the park, in the car and on the street. They love all chews and toys. Nanook always eats her chews faster but Indy always finishes his meals fastest (so he can eat anything Nanook doesn't eat)

Hope this helps ♥

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

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My name is Storm (real name) I am 23 years old :) Im not a major chocolate fan! I enjoy comedy films and horror films! I love pretty things and my favourite colour is purple! I've just moved back home to the parents unfortunately lol and i am probably going to be retraining in another proffession so that i can build a good life for me and the dogs :) I am into Japanese cars to which i own a honda crx del sol turbo but am having to get rid of this again because i need a fur mobile for the doglets! I LOVE dancing! I also love food which is surprising to some as i am tiny haha

I own two dogs, Shadow (male) is 2 :) he is a very chilled calm husky and loved to laze about his favourite toys are Teddys even though they may get de stuffed slightly some he wont as he likes to carry them around! He also loves playing fetch :)

Skye (female) is 7 months old she loves things she can chew lol i.e stag bars, bones etc! She also loves nothing more than to chase shadow around and chew on him to lol

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hey. *waves*

ok, Im a girly girl I love purple and any shade of it.

I love jewellery, especially wolf and husky jewellery and purple.

Anything that has my babies on it (although not a mug as i got one last year lol).

Anything that has huskies or wolves on it.

Im quite outragous and loud lol. Most of my clothes etc reflect this lol.

Storm well hes my husky x gsd and hes laid back and relaxed. He likes to have a good tug on rope toys although we do have loads of these already. He has a cast Iron stomach and not much makes him runny, although I prefer to stay clear of the rawhide knot bones and dog chocolate. He loves fishy things like the fish 4 dogs treats.

Angel she loves tennis balls and squeaky toys things she can chase and knock around like a looney lol. She does not have a cast Iron stomach and also likes the fish 4 dogs treats.

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I suppose I should put a bit about OH lol,

He is 25 and loves anything husky, he is a chef by trade so loves cookery books etc, his fave chef is Gordon Ramsey, he is also very into true crime books and DVDs, he is dairy free so can't have any chocolates :( he absolutely loves real ale and his fav is hobgoblin, he is a big kid at heart so loves games too,

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My name is Storm (real name) I am 23 years old :) Im not a major chocolate fan! I enjoy comedy films and horror films! I love pretty things and my favourite colour is purple! I've just moved back home to the parents unfortunately lol and i am probably going to be retraining in another proffession so that i can build a good life for me and the dogs :) I am into Japanese cars to which i own a honda crx del sol turbo but am having to get rid of this again because i need a fur mobile for the doglets! I LOVE dancing! I also love food which is surprising to some as i am tiny haha

I own two dogs, Shadow (male) is 2 :) he is a very chilled calm husky and loved to laze about his favourite toys are Teddys even though they may get de stuffed slightly some he wont as he likes to carry them around! He also loves playing fetch :)

Skye (female) is 7 months old she loves things she can chew lol i.e stag bars, bones etc! She also loves nothing more than to chase shadow around and chew on him to lol

Your real name is Storm?!!?! Thats awesome! :D

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my name is Alex and i'm not a man. (just clarifying) i'm 22, soon to be 23 in about a month. i live with my boyfriend Josh and our sweet insane dog Luka. We plan on adding to our pack very soon. I like to read books (die hard HP fan), drink anything with vodka, and play with Luka. I'm not a girlygirl either and my favorite color is green or blue. I like to cuddle up and watch old movies (gone with the wind, casablanca) or anything scary.

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Hi everyone, I'm 22 I live with 8 dogs 2 huskies, 2 husky x mals, husky x gsd 2 mals and a gsd my life involves around the pack apart from when I'm at work I also foster for hin. My ss santa I like anything milk chocolate, husky, mal or gsd related. The pack love anything and everything they aren't allowed dog chocolates as don't agree with them bear my mal is lamb and beef intolerant. I have 2 aged 6 months and 10 months so love toys and sweeties. I'm also showing them so anything show related. We aren't fussy lol

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hey all

i like anything husky/wolf related,i like milk chocolate but dont really eat alot of it so thats me (easily pleased) lol as for leyka and diva they like there toys balls squeakies tug toys, they also love there treat and will eat any are offered the only thing i dont like them to have are raw hide treats xx

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man i dont even know what to say aha i'm 20 years young, love anything to do with huskies or paramore, my sibes are my world, they love chews, rawhides, anything they can get their paws on, wether they're allowed to or not. Me i'm pretty simple and happy with anything cept really girly cuz...no just no aha. i dno i'm never any good at this stuff.

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