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Seizures in Sibes


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So Loki had a seizure last night. He's still in the hospital at this time but we should be getting an update (and test results!) soon. When we dropped him off (about 1am), there was no immediate sign of what caused it. Since he's so young though (11 weeks), they're pretty concerned.

I think that was the scariest event of my life. I've never had a pet have that happen before, it was terrifying. Has anyone ever dealt with them before? I don't believe that illnesses associated with seizing are common in sibes, but then again, some people have different ideas of "common". Any insight would be great. My husband and I were up all night worrying about what it could be. Poor thing.

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my old dog (not husky) was epiletic...

belive it or not you "get used to it" its never nice, but it becomes less upsetting i believed.

monty didnt have any drugs and as he got older they were less frequent. dont think we did any tests cant remember was so young.

some times they are just born with it, we think monty's was a breeding line thing, his parents were show dogs and high standard award win etc etc...what with his constand ear problems, we belived it was something to do with that...no real knowledge or understanding of it to be honest, but it is a very managable on both your part and their part....wait to hear what the vet says, i believe it is common practice, depending on how frequent they are to have some for of meds, but again as i said my boy didnt have any meds and he used to have 1 a month, some times more.


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Thanks guys! I just called the vet and they said all his blood work came back fine. As far as they can tell, he's a perfectly happy, normal little tyrant! The doc said he even spent most of the night in her office because she was worried he'd injure himself from trying to hard to escape his cage! Crazy pup. They think it could either be a fluke or he could be showing signs of epilepsy. Apparently epilepsy is rare in pups that young, but it does happen. All we can do now is wait and see and hope he doesn't have any more. He has sooooo much potential. Since he did so well, we get to bring him home this morning and finish his 24 hour observation :) fingers crossed!

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Epilepsy has been found to be an inheritable trait in Sibs, so I would let his breeder know asap.

I was unaware of that! I'm looking for the number now. Thank you!

Hopefully it was a fluke incident and it never happens again but I think we're prepared if it does turn out to be epilepsy.

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Thanks for all the happy thoughts for our little bug, everyone!! We got him home to finish his observation period and he has an appointment with his vet tomorrow. Other than driving the vet staff crazy with all his barking, he's doing great! Very tired little boy - but then who wouldn't be after a night of following doctors around? :)


(Excuse the duct tape, Nikita likes to pull up our speaker cords)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My lovely dog Laska bless her soul, she had a massive seizure that resulted from cancer ( leukemia) spreading to her brain the day she passed away Aug this year. She was healthy all her life no issues at all until towards the end when her poor little old body started slowing down. So I know what a horrible thing you experienced. Your boy is only a baby so hopefully its nothing serious. Laska was diagnosed with leukemia cancer of the blood she was always very tired towards the end.

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That's so sad :( At least she's in a better place now!

We took Loki into the vet for his shots last week and the doc said that we basically have to get him neutered. Apparently, from what they can tell, one of his testicles hasn't dropped yet and they're worried it's stuck up in his abdomen, which makes him very prone to cancer. Even if we wanted to breed him, we couldn't because he has so many potential medical problems :(

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My boyfriend's brother had a husky before we got Cally. Her name was Alpine and she was almost 2 years old.... on October 21, 2011 we had to put her down due to epilepsy. It is a common trait in siberians and can become serious if not caught early on (lucky for you, you did). with the case of Alpine, she started having them once in a while and was put on medication and then one night she had 4 in 24 hours. The vet gave her a 50/50 chance to live through the night and even if she did, the medication would slowly kill her. We made the difficult decision to put her down. I hope that it was just a fluke and is not epilepsy although it can be monitored and maintained and the animal can have a healthy life as I said if caught early on. Keep us posted!

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That's sad :(

I was researching into medications for it a little bit after we got him home and it looks like all the "normally" used meds have terrible effects on the liver. It looked like only 2 or 3 didn't pretty much kill the liver, and those were all like $150+ per month. It's crazy. Especially since he's so young, if he has it and is put on a med, he'd have a short life :(

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That's sad :(

I was researching into medications for it a little bit after we got him home and it looks like all the "normally" used meds have terrible effects on the liver. It looked like only 2 or 3 didn't pretty much kill the liver, and those were all like $150+ per month. It's crazy. Especially since he's so young, if he has it and is put on a med, he'd have a short life :(

It is extremely unfortunate, I really do hope for the best with him! He's such a cute boy :)

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Had he recently been vaccinated? The Lepto vaccine can actually induce seizures in this breed is why I ask. Unless your area has a Lepto problem there is little reason to vaccinate for it- I always opt out on my Siberians and have never had an issue.

Nope. When he got him, he'd only had his first Parvo shot, and that was in mid-October that he received it.

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