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An elaborate ruse.. But why?


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Ok, please bear with me. This isn't husky related in the slightest except for me having a few. Huskies that is, not pints :/

Its a work collegue who up until 18 mths ago I considered a friend, having worked together for 12 yrs. She's a little younger than me by about 9 yrs an has three children, the oldest being 19, about the same age as my youngest.

She's always been a bit of a story teller, always liked to command attention. All three of her children are little geniuses. I wouldn't know, I only have her word.

It started to escalate when her eldest applied for uni, she began mentioning things that from my own experience didn't quite tally with what I knew about uni applications. His a'levels results apparently weren't as good as predicted which is nothing out of the ordinary for a lot of students. It ended with the few of us who socialise with her wondering if her son really was at uni at all as she didn't know details of his course she'd never done the visits to prospective uni's. if I go into detail I'll be here forever. Things she said just didn't add up.

Fast forward to this year and because of the events 18mths before she and I are now only civil towards one another. In the job I do, in the 20 yrs I've been there, I've never known anyone be able to book holidays at Christmas, but very secretively this year that's exactly what she's managed to do. She's off from dec 21 to jan 6. Which doesn't seem much except when you consider we only get Christmas Day off.

The reason for her getting this time off is her son is going to uni in Connecticut. First off it was a year, leaving August gone and his first trip home would be christmas. Hence the need for time off as she won't have seen her son for 3 months( nor will a majority of parents whose children don't get on a plane to go to uni but that's by the by)

In July it was mentioned he'd failed an exam and unless he could retake and pass he wouldn't be going. So it was deferred to October. So between July and the end of September he retook this exam, it was marked and he passed. Enabling him to go to Connecticut. Does anyone know of any examining boards that do that? I'm not expert but not to my knowledge.

Come forward to 3 weeks ago, if she was asked by anyone about where he was going, where he was staying, what college, what course, the weather, the cost. Any general interested party questions that crop up in conversation her general response was 'oh he's sorted all that out' until the week before he was leaving. When she finally said he'd be going on the Thursday, that would be the 25th of October.

She'd booked off that day and the following week, returning to work last night. On the 30th having seen the news, I text her as I realised he'd be in Connecticut when the storm hit saying I hoped he was safe an well. She responded with he'd been evacuated.

Throughout the whole of this we've all wondered if it was really true, that he was not just going abroad, but actually in uni? But as we had not proof to the contrary aired on the side of belief.

On Wednesday night in work one of the other girls I work with mentioned she was confused as her son had who is friends with a friend of the boy going to America saw that he(Adam) had been tagged in a night out in town on the 27th on Facebook. Curious and cursed with having an iPhone I looked him up on break and saw a post dated the 6th of nov by Adam with his gf about something they'd done that day.

So does this mean he never went? Was it all a huge charade in order to get christmas off? Was it honestly considered but rejected as an option later? What about the text she'd sent me? Had he come back home?

Last night, I was a bad person. I asked her how Adam was getting on. As I'd predicted she said he'd been sent home. But she also said he'd left on the Saturday (27th oct not the 25th as she'd previously maintained) and returned on the following Monday (29th) as the college insurance wouldn't cover him. I added at least he had a return ticket, to which she said no, the college paid as he didn't have a return as he hadn't known when he was returning, whether he would come back for Christmas or not. She then promptly changed the subject to his gf annoying her by never having stopped asking how he was. Except he was gone barely three days with goodness knows how long travelling in between.

I don't know about schools in America, I don't know if there were flights leaving Connecticut on the 29th, I doubt it as the storm hit NY on the Sunday night if memory serves me. If I surance wouldn't cover him surely he'd never have been able to get on the plane to go, as when he landed and was in the care of the college he wouldn't be covered.

You'll probably tell me to leave it, and even if I knew the truth there's nothing I'd do with it, but I'm the kind of person who likes to put the puzzle bits together and have it make sense. Non of it appears to make sense so my brain is working on it in the background.

Does anyone else have any ideas, or knowledge of how things work. Another thing that was said that come Thanksgiving, the college would pay to send him to Hawaii for a week? Because apparently its cheaper than sending him home as everyone at the college goes home and he can't stay there when there's no one there. This college is a very generous one, I wish my son could go!

Oh and human nature, for someone who likes to be the centre of attention and have the best stories to tell. Totally out of character she's not said a word about him coming back. In fact, she's talked about having fallen down the stairs and being bruised. But not a snippet about her son having travelled to America, being evacuated and experiencing one of the worst and most famous storms on record.. Now what would you chat about on break? Baring in mind we've had stories of her close encounters with mammoth spiders.

Ive waffled enough. Sorry chaps but its a whirling dervish in my head.

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no way that's true. No college is going to send a student to Hawaii for a week just because. That would be left up to the student or they could simply stay on campus.

Also, not sure why he would attend college in the end of october because the semester starts at the end of August/ First of September at the latest....

sounds like a load of crap.

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I would have asked if he was going to be at UCONN (University of Connecticuit)....and maybe asked for favor like a hoodie or something....after all the Mascot of Uconn is the Husky!


See, if I'd only mentioned it sooner lol

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That story stinks to high heaven! I think it's safe to say that at the very least she's exaggerated things pretty strongly.

I understand if he didn't get there, but I don't understand not just being able to say so. People would completely understand her disappointment, but not her lies :/

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no way that's true. No college is going to send a student to Hawaii for a week just because. That would be left up to the student or they could simply stay on campus.

Also, not sure why he would attend college in the end of october because the semester starts at the end of August/ First of September at the latest....

sounds like a load of crap.

I agree totally, it all sounds completely ridiculous.

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Wow yeah alot of it really doesn't make sense. It appears she wants to show off about her son going to uni etc maybe he didnt get in and she felt ashamed so made it all up anyway?

I wonder how she would have explained his return had it not been for a wacking great storm:$

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That story totally smells like a lie. Being a university student myself, I'm amazing on how 'generous' this university seems to be. Universities are basically like companies - out to make money - so why the HECK would they send her son to Hawaii!?

It sounds like it was all made up, perhaps because her son/she was really looking forward to going to the university but couldn't.

Maybe it was because of the cost (tuition and travelling is expensive, I know as I'm at university that's 7+ hours away from home!) or maybe her son didn't have the marks to get in (I know what that feels like...:( )...but I'm guessing it wasn't all intentional to be a 'prick'.

Perhaps she's too ashamed/embarrassed to admit the truth? In my experience, loud-mouthed/bragging people are usually insecure about themselves....so she would probably feel vulnerable if she opened up to you all and told you the truth. Humans, instinctively, hate feeling vulnerable.

I know I felt vulnerable and weak when I told my best friend I didn't make it to the university I really wanted to go to (the one I'm at now was the 'backup' one) because I didn't have the marks.

Also, I believe to get in a university in the states, you have to pass a SAT test. I don't know much about it, but apparently its this HUGE nerve-racking test where they test you on anything and everything. It takes months to prepare for in advance. (maybe he didn't pass the SAT test?)

As to starting in October, I know of a few people who started in October (instead of early September) because they transferred from another university or college.

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There are no universities in the USA that pay for students travel arrangements, even as an exchange student, but after 18, they are no longer part of any program. You've been taken all these years my dear, and as far as airports, i think it was at least 2-3 days before any started travelling again after the storm. Uni's here also don't give anyone 6 months to make up a test. It's just not that way. You fail, you fail, and you have to retake the class, not just an exam. Sorry you were taken, but I wish I could come up with a better name than story teller. Unless you want to call her to the mat at work and get her in trouble for being gone over holidays, I would just mind my own business.

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That story totally smells like a lie. Being a university student myself, I'm amazing on how 'generous' this university seems to be. Universities are basically like companies - out to make money - so why the HECK would they send her son to Hawaii!?

It sounds like it was all made up, perhaps because her son/she was really looking forward to going to the university but couldn't.

Maybe it was because of the cost (tuition and travelling is expensive, I know as I'm at university that's 7+ hours away from home!) or maybe her son didn't have the marks to get in (I know what that feels like...:( )...but I'm guessing it wasn't all intentional to be a 'prick'.

Perhaps she's too ashamed/embarrassed to admit the truth? In my experience, loud-mouthed/bragging people are usually insecure about themselves....so she would probably feel vulnerable if she opened up to you all and told you the truth. Humans, instinctively, hate feeling vulnerable.

I know I felt vulnerable and weak when I told my best friend I didn't make it to the university I really wanted to go to (the one I'm at now was the 'backup' one) because I didn't have the marks.

Also, I believe to get in a university in the states, you have to pass a SAT test. I don't know much about it, but apparently its this HUGE nerve-racking test where they test you on anything and everything. It takes months to prepare for in advance. (maybe he didn't pass the SAT test?)

As to starting in October, I know of a few people who started in October (instead of early September) because they transferred from another university or college.

You don't have to take the SAT you also have the choice of taking the ACT which is another type of standardized test. I took the ACT and by your score they determine if you are accepted and eligible for scholarships. I've gone to the University of Memphis for over 4 years now and i've never seen someone come into one of my classes in the end of October. You would've already missed over half of the course and midterms. Most colleges only allow transfers at the beginning of the semester.

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There are no universities in the USA that pay for students travel arrangements, even as an exchange student, but after 18, they are no longer part of any program. You've been taken all these years my dear, and as far as airports, i think it was at least 2-3 days before any started travelling again after the storm. Uni's here also don't give anyone 6 months to make up a test. It's just not that way. You fail, you fail, and you have to retake the class, not just an exam. Sorry you were taken, but I wish I could come up with a better name than story teller. Unless you want to call her to the mat at work and get her in trouble for being gone over holidays, I would just mind my own business.

I beg to differ, if I was 'taken' I wouldn't be questioning it. As I stated, to my knowledge retakes in September don't happen. As you made mention its either repeat the year or retake at the end of the year, at least in my experience this is what happens. I only have my own experience of having three gone through university here to draw from. As for travelling expenses I agree, as I mentioned. And the Hawaii thing was bollocks but I have no way to disprove her word and why should I. The dates she claims he flew again are dubious as I already said. And as for getting her into trouble at work, I've again already made clear that was never my intention. Regardless of which she only used it as an excuse to legitimately book holidays. Whether circumstances change as to the reason behind why she booked Christmas off doesn't matter. The holidays are approved.

But I appreciate the input :)

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You don't have to take the SAT you also have the choice of taking the ACT which is another type of standardized test. I took the ACT and by your score they determine if you are accepted and eligible for scholarships. I've gone to the University of Memphis for over 4 years now and i've never seen someone come into one of my classes in the end of October. You would've already missed over half of the course and midterms. Most colleges only allow transfers at the beginning of the semester.

This is the thing, I know you'd be highly unlikely to be able to enter a new uni at the end of October here. Which is why non of it makes sense. But the input about the American system is interesting :)

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Yeah, I forgot to mention, if you fail an exam you don't always automatically fail the course. It depends on how much the exam was worth and what your mark was entering the exam...atleast that's how it is up here in Canada.

If you fail a course, though, you have to take the class over again (sometimes they offer the classes during the summer) not just the exam...unless there are medical/compassionate reasons and you weren't able to write the exam, in which case your exam will be rescheduled to a later date (but NOT 6 months later!!!)

In any case, if you don't wish to get her in trouble at work then I don't see any point in worrying about it. It only gives you stress, and that's the last thing anybody needs.

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Maybe you could just ignore her? :D

I can't comment on the US system as I have no experience of it, however I have two BScs and an MSc from the UK system

I know idiots like this & ignoring them doesn't help, they still go on & on as if you're interested.

What difference does that make? :lolman: I haven't got any letters, just my name :redface1::rofl:

I think this woman needs to write down the crap she's spouting & perhaps turn it into a book? To Connecticut & back in 3 days?

Tune in tomorrow peeps for another instalment of "the dopey crap spouting colleague of Nic" (not very catchy but you get the idea :P)

Updates needed!!!!!!

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