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Husky owner stalking!


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Does anyone else go nuts when they see another husky?

My OH and I were en-route to the in-laws in Leicester yesterday, and we pulled into McDonald's drive-though in Stoke-On-Trent to get a coffee. I have to confess that we went crazy with excitement when we noticed a husky owner coming out of Pets at Home! I was desperate to get parked up in time to get the dog out for a husky-meet-husky occasion! Sad, I know. We even drove around the corner to see if they were getting into a car, but sadly they disappeared off on foot.

I was even tempted to shout out of the car, 'Wait! We have a husky too! You have to stop!'.

Does anyone else get like this? There aren't many huskies where we live so it's always a real treat to spot one.

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Yeah, I know. Maybe I get a bit overexcited because I had no success so far, lol.

One has a very beautiful and big coper husky. Owner said she'll check the site out but never joined. Another husky owner I approached pulled a confused face at me and went like "Yeah, I... have to go now. Bye!" :oops I'm still hunting down the third one, I have almost pinpointed his location to his home and know his walking routes by now :P

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I don't get the ones who aren't excited to meet other husky owners... Why do they have a husky then? It's not like they're a very common or 'normal' dog - people tend to have them because they really love the breed.

Although... I've noticed that there is a certain 'shyness' in owners who are (IMO) not the best suited to husky ownership (the most polite way I think I can phrase that). I spotted a husky owner in near Manchester not so long back who pretended not to see me; I had my dog on a walking belt/harness rig and his was off-lead. I've also bumped into an owner with a young husky bought from a BYB who were quite reluctant to discuss husky things. Almost like they new they were doing something wrong so didn't want to speak to another husky owner and admit it. Oh well...

One of these days I'll find my poor pup a husky friend. Until then he'll have to wait until he's a little older and I can re-home a second dog!

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Yes. I feel like that all the time when I see another husky - its only happened a few times in the last 3 years!

Although... I've noticed that there is a certain 'shyness' in owners who are (IMO) not the best suited to husky ownership (the most polite way I think I can phrase that). I spotted a husky owner in near Manchester not so long back who pretended not to see me; I had my dog on a walking belt/harness rig and his was off-lead. I've also bumped into an owner with a young husky bought from a BYB who were quite reluctant to discuss husky things. Almost like they new they were doing something wrong so didn't want to speak to another husky owner and admit it. Oh well...

I don't want to start anything here, but I'm a really shy person when you meet me in person (on the internet, you'd never know as I can "hide" behind my computer!) And I'd like to think I'm a good owner.

Some people are extroverts (like most husky/dog owners I've seen) yet some are introverts like myself. There's nothing wrong with it.

If they were being rude, that's different, but if somebody were to randomly approach me on the street (dog or no!) I would feel pretty defensive and I wouldn't want to talk, I'd rather let them do the talking. It's just my personality...

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I don't get the ones who aren't excited to meet other husky owners... Why do they have a husky then? It's not like they're a very common or 'normal' dog - people tend to have them because they really love the breed.

Although... I've noticed that there is a certain 'shyness' in owners who are (IMO) not the best suited to husky ownership (the most polite way I think I can phrase that). I spotted a husky owner in near Manchester not so long back who pretended not to see me; I had my dog on a walking belt/harness rig and his was off-lead. I've also bumped into an owner with a young husky bought from a BYB who were quite reluctant to discuss husky things. Almost like they new they were doing something wrong so didn't want to speak to another husky owner and admit it. Oh well...

One of these days I'll find my poor pup a husky friend. Until then he'll have to wait until he's a little older and I can re-home a second dog!

Totally understand where you're coming from. I met another husky owner at the dog park, their pup was a week younger than Yuki but Yuki was much fluffier, more muscled, and about 2 inches taller than theirs. Every time Yuki tried to play with the husky, the owners would call their pup away and accused Yuki of being too rough with their puppy (when Yuki was actually being pretty gentle and their pup was obviously enjoying the wrestling). The owner accused Yuki of being an inbred and even said "shes not a -full- siberian is she? shes way too fluffy" when she has AKC registration and I got her from a breeder, and then went on to say "ours is a purebred siberian with registration" and when I asked where they got theirs, they said Fetch, the pet store in the mall, and when I got Cloud from the same place the type of registration I got was APR (when they told me it would be AKC) and as I've been told, you can register your brother as a cocker spaniel on that registry XD It just kind of irritates me how supreme they sounded just because they got their dog from Fetch, it kinda reminded me of a snob. I also felt a bit insulted that they accused Yuki of not being a full sibe, seeing as they were obviously under-educated about Fetch and it's backyard breeders and that Yuki was probably more of a breed-standard sibe than theirs was...

I'm going off topic. As always. BUT YES! I stalk every single husky owner I ever see! I have to first comment on how beautiful their husky is, and mention how I have one too XD in December I'm setting up a husky meet, only like three people going so far but its gonna be fun meeting people who actually want to enjoy the company of other huskies :D

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Totally understand where you're coming from. I met another husky owner at the dog park, their pup was a week younger than Yuki but Yuki was much fluffier, more muscled, and about 2 inches taller than theirs. Every time Yuki tried to play with the husky, the owners would call their pup away and accused Yuki of being too rough with their puppy (when Yuki was actually being pretty gentle and their pup was obviously enjoying the wrestling). The owner accused Yuki of being an inbred and even said "shes not a -full- siberian is she? shes way too fluffy" when she has AKC registration and I got her from a breeder, and then went on to say "ours is a purebred siberian with registration" and when I asked where they got theirs, they said Fetch, the pet store in the mall, and when I got Cloud from the same place the type of registration I got was APR (when they told me it would be AKC) and as I've been told, you can register your brother as a cocker spaniel on that registry XD It just kind of irritates me how supreme they sounded just because they got their dog from Fetch, it kinda reminded me of a snob. I also felt a bit insulted that they accused Yuki of not being a full sibe, seeing as they were obviously under-educated about Fetch and it's backyard breeders and that Yuki was probably more of a breed-standard sibe than theirs was...

I'm going off topic. As always. BUT YES! I stalk every single husky owner I ever see! I have to first comment on how beautiful their husky is, and mention how I have one too XD in December I'm setting up a husky meet, only like three people going so far but its gonna be fun meeting people who actually want to enjoy the company of other huskies :D

God can u imagine if they met a wooly husky!?

Sent from my ST18i using Forum Runner

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yes. i was SO EXCITED when i met a girl at the dog park last time we went. unfortunately, she was extremely strange so i didn't bother trying to communicate with her again. i'm a very friendly person and not snobby at all but ya'll this girl was REALLY weird. Her dog also did not look well taken care of which made me sad.

I met another man who had a malamute and i stalked him. haha

also, one night i was waiting tables and a lady at my table was talking about her husky. i automatically (without thinking) launched myself in her conversation because i was so excited. she then informed me her vet told her she should breed her pup with a wolf when he got older. end of conversation. didn't even ask her to join here.

end of story: i have horrible luck with the few husky owners i meet. lol

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I was excited the first few times when i first had Panda and before i had him they seemed rare.

But they are everywhere now!! The dog park that i visit has a total of 26 huskies that visit, realistically 6-9 are always there on most days.

I see so many i dont know how to react anymore haha

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I once accosted some lady and her tiny pup in pets at home one evening. She was pretty snooty and clearly keen to get away but I was feeling a bit mean that night so thought it would be fun to prolong her agony by dragging out the conversation (I know, I'm a bad person!) was trying to talk about things like on lead only, destruction and she seemed horrified, apparently her husky is different and doesn't do things like that. I watched her leave with her dogs thinking to myself, she really hasn't got a clue what she's let herself In for. I did mention the forum but surprise surprise she wasn't interested. After that I tend to avoid husky stalking. Can you blame me? Snooty and ignorant? No thank you!

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Yes. My mom even does it. She was getting out of her car a while back and saw a woman jogging with a husky and ran and caught up to her and said "Hey! My daughter has a husky too. He's a reddish color too. But he has brown eyes".

The women didn't seem as excited as my mom was.

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2

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Yes. I feel like that all the time when I see another husky - its only happened a few times in the last 3 years!

I don't want to start anything here, but I'm a really shy person when you meet me in person (on the internet, you'd never know as I can "hide" behind my computer!) And I'd like to think I'm a good owner.

Some people are extroverts (like most husky/dog owners I've seen) yet some are introverts like myself. There's nothing wrong with it.

If they were being rude, that's different, but if somebody were to randomly approach me on the street (dog or no!) I would feel pretty defensive and I wouldn't want to talk, I'd rather let them do the talking. It's just my personality...

I totally get that. I'm best described as 'having asperger's' so I haven't got the best social skills myself. Perhaps shy wasn't the best adjective to use. It's more the people who will engage in conversation but are totally disinterested (probably a better word) in huskies as a breed. I just don't get it..

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Whenever you are next in Leicester, give me a shout, I will happily meet up with you. We can go to an off-lead area so the dogs can really play.

It's a date! haha. My partners family live in the Wigston area if that's near to your part of Leicester. I'll PM you next time we're around.

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I stalk other husky owners. Not too far from me there is a house with a husky in the back yard. I walk by a lot but I have never seen the owner. There are a few at the dog park I go to, and all of them are super nice. I havent seen any of them join even though I think I mention the site each time I talk to them. I've also mentioned it to my friends wife who just got a husky pup. Don't think she joined either. She was asking for advice on Facebook and I gave he the site.. But still nothing. Oh well, I will continue to stalk other Husky owners. I love seeing Wizard with other huskies.

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There is another furkid in my village that we walk past every other day to check on, he is now 12 months old and spent's most of it's time in a outside pen only seen it in public twice.. and when I talk to other dog owners they do not even know that there are 3 huskies in the village....

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