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Please tell me this gets easier....


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I agree - this does depend on the dog. As for barbaric - that depends how rough you are. I had to roll Niber, but he learnt within a couple of days. I had to stop biting immediately as my four children were so young. He was not hurt, and I held him in a way that he could not hurt me. It allowed me to look into his eyes and make him listen. Just make sure if you absolutely have to resort to this that it is not done in a 'barbaric' nature. You want the dog to respect you, not fear you.

A lot of the "trainers" and people I've seen do it very roughly: like they slam their dog to the floor, go on top of him and hold the dog by its neck until it whines, for example. I'm surprised they haven't been bit yet - I know Suka wouldn't take that kind of crap from me!

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Absolutely agree with you there then... it's difficult in writing to get across what you are tyring to advise. Certainly wouldn't go that far. I don't see why people have dogs if they wanna treat them like that. No point in a dog that obeys through fear...!

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What did you do when he bit you? Guy near me rescued a siberian who, whenever the owners tried to bring him inside, he snarled, so they left him. Therefore he was the dominant one. When Adam rescued him, firt time he went to grab Max by the collar he got a nasty bite - because Max had learnt that if he was aggressive, the collar would not be grabbed. Make sure you stand firm - if you want him in, make sure he comes in, don't let him win.

I stepped back for a moment since it hurt, and then I was so mad that I just plain picked him up and carried him inside and put him in his time out spot for a few minutes. He fell asleep almost immediately after that, so I wasn't sure if he was just cranky or what. :P

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How long do you let him out for potty? Do you watch him when he goes out? Potty should be potty and not playtime.

When Panda was 12 weeks old i went out with him every time to potty, 5 mins max if not he's brought right back in. I had him on a leash up until he was like 16 weeks. Then i let him off leash to go potty but i would still monitor him, right when he was done id call him back, when he came he got a big treat and a lot of praise each time. When he didn't come id try to make noise in the house to get his attention. Now, as the door opens straight to pee & poop 2 mins no nonsense and when he's done and the doors closed he will sit and wait for me to open. Puppies are a lot of work, i was so stressed the first 3 weeks i had him, from potty, to pulling, to mouthing, over excitement, everything needs to be taught. Never ending research even till now i'm still learning, and wish i could have done more.

Things will get better though.

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I know there are pages of responses to this issue for you to read but I wanted to get my input out there. My husky, Jenna, is one year and four months and we've had our share of issues, although biting wasn't one of them. One of the things that attracted me to huskies is the fact they have a very similar personality to mine. Jenna and I are both very active and have high energy, we need lots of love and attention, and are both VERY stubborn. All I can say to you is that at the end of the hard days it is very much worth it and I'm sure I can speak for all of the husky owners on here when I say I wouldn't trade her for an easy puppy any day. It does get easier and it's more rewarding than you can imagine, just hang in there :)

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Yeah, just hang in there! :)

Keep us updated on what's going on, eh?

He's been overall really well behaved this weekend. But his walking is just plain horrendous.

I've tried everything and he just keeps pulling. I've tried regular leash, harness clipped on the back, headcollar, front-leading harness..... NOTHING STOPS THIS DOG FROM PULLING. I've tried stopping in my tracks when he pulls to give him the message that "hey, pulling gets you nowhere" but he just keeps on pulling. :(

I don't know what else to do. Getting this dog to walk at my side seems impossible at this point. I know he's only 12 weeks but still.... you'd think SOMETHING would've helped. :(

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He's been overall really well behaved this weekend. But his walking is just plain horrendous.

I've tried everything and he just keeps pulling. I've tried regular leash, harness clipped on the back, headcollar, front-leading harness..... NOTHING STOPS THIS DOG FROM PULLING. I've tried stopping in my tracks when he pulls to give him the message that "hey, pulling gets you nowhere" but he just keeps on pulling. :(

I don't know what else to do. Getting this dog to walk at my side seems impossible at this point. I know he's only 12 weeks but still.... you'd think SOMETHING would've helped. :(

Kodi did this. I found bribery gets you a long way.

First off, when he starts pulling, just stop until he relaxes. Then start again. Keep repeating this. It Kodi a few days to work this out, but now when we walk him on his own he doesn't pull at all.

To get him to walk by your side, I always have a treat bag with me. For the first few walks have a treat by your side and let him know you've got it. When he starts walking by your side, give him the treat. Keep on doing this, but gradually lower the amount of treats you give him, replacing then with strokes and praise. It took Kodi about a week for this, and now he's brilliant.

One thing to bear in mind, if you walk with other dogs, they will naturally pull. We let Kodi pull a bit when he's with the pack, but on his own, he knows to walk by my side.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It takes time and patience i am still training my almost 8 month old husky cross to walk nicely on the lead (this has taken longer as i walked the two together for so long i now do one on one training) i just use a slip lead or i would also advise the walk your dog with love harness (front leading harness) i know you say you have tried this but have you actually done what you are meant to with it?? You need to be leading him not the other way around.... you need to turn around when he pulls EVERY time..... you will more than likely end up going round in circles for ages but they do get it eventually..... Skye is mega stubborn my 8 month old and she is taking a long long time but i always remain calm and patient and we are getting there and each walk is getting easier... in fact i took them both out together today and she wasn't as mental as normal with shadow so it is an improvement :)

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Kora, who is now a beloved well trained dog, went threw this stage, don't worry. Kora is now 8 months old and actually it didn't last very long, but it was dreadful. It is a dominance/independence thing, but not like an "alpha" dominance. It was so difficult to go through you have to really be patient and do exactly what someone said above. TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY. Then when he is calm start playing with his favorite toy or something he really loves to eat and show its yours and he can't have it. As soon as he calms down (even it is just one second... I really mean none second) Reward him with the toy. DON'T let me have it still keep it in your hand. Take is away as soon as he is doing it again. Always feed him with a bowl and take it away not ever leaving food out. You have to make sure there is no reward in him doing his own thing. This took Kora a few months to understand, while the horrendous parts went away it took her a while to get that she had to follow the house rules.

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I've had my new husky puppy Aries for just about a month now. Overall, I love the little bugger, but there's a few things that are giving me some concern, specifically as it relates to biting and being "alpha" in the house.

My boyfriend doesn't live with me, but he spends a good amount of time at my apartment (he stays on weekends and hangs out every other day or so). I am the primary caregiver of the dog. Feeding him, letting him outside, playing with him, training him, etc...

When I first brought him home, Aries was all eyes for me. He wouldn't really go near my boyfriend a lot. He would follow me everywhere. He was really affectionate and would come and lay down in my lap and overall be a big sweetie. A month later, he's like a nightmare. He's quite the biter--and I don't mean his chewtoys. He is really bad about biting hands, mine in particular. Every time I go to pet him he's turning around with his mouth open ready to bite. I say "no bite!" sternly and pull my hand away, but it just doesn't get through to him.

I've tried yelping, I've tried ignoring, I've tried bitter spray.... NOTHING seems to help. If I yelp, he just bites me harder. If I turn my back to him, he just bites on my legs/shirt/feet/etc. With the bitter spray, he'll back off for a minute or two and then come right back to it. I've even tried short 1-minute time outs in his kennel which were sort of helping, and now it does next to nothing.

Worst of all, now when I tell him "No bite!" his lips curl up and it looks as if he's snarling at me (though he never actually growls).

And here's the thing--Aries is all sugar and honey for my boyfriend now. He still bites him, but not NEARLY as bad as what I have to endure when he's not around. My boyfriend can actually pet and show affection to the dog without him going ballistic. My boyfriend took the dog for a walk yesterday on the standard leash and said he walked with a loose leash the entire time. I can't even keep the dog walking on a loose leash with a head collar! He is all over the place when I walk him.

I was (and am) enamored to this dog. I love him so much, but I feel as if he hates me or something and I don't know why or what to do. I have tried so hard to be a leader figure to him but I don't think my dog respects me whatsoever. We just got signed up for puppy class but I can't help but be less than optimistic about it. He doesn't listen well at all, and I worry that we're not going to "graduate" the class.

I just need someone to tell me that this gets better. Because it's so depressing. :(

How is Aries getting on? Any improvement yet? You got tons of advice - hope it's going well

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How is Aries getting on? Any improvement yet? You got tons of advice - hope it's going well

It's getting there, slowly but surely. He does great in puppy class but is totally different out in the real world. He walks on loose leash around the house and everything, but pulls like crazy when we're outside. It's not bad normally, but if he hears a dog barking in the distance, he FREAKS OUT and tries to run away in fear. Pulls terribly, nothing I do can calm him down, so I had to pick him up and carry him up the street to keep him from hurting himself with the pulling. :\

I'm also trying to deal with some food aggression issues. If I get close to the bowl he gobbles up all his food in light speed, or barks/growls at me. **sigh** It's always something, I guess....

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It's getting there, slowly but surely. He does great in puppy class but is totally different out in the real world. He walks on loose leash around the house and everything, but pulls like crazy when we're outside. It's not bad normally, but if he hears a dog barking in the distance, he FREAKS OUT and tries to run away in fear. Pulls terribly, nothing I do can calm him down, so I had to pick him up and carry him up the street to keep him from hurting himself with the pulling. :\

I'm also trying to deal with some food aggression issues. If I get close to the bowl he gobbles up all his food in light speed, or barks/growls at me. **sigh** It's always something, I guess....

Flicked through the comments as much as i could so I may repeat what has already been said.

Biting. Ever since i got Zeus as a pup he's had a thing for hands whenever he wanted to play or get your attention. Its never bothered me as when i played with him he would always know his pressure point and never bite too hard....and NEVER has. Hes almost 2 now and has grown out of it a little but still does it when he wants to play. Playfully holding his lower jaw and placing your thumb in the bottom of his mouth prevents him biting and can deter him from biting.

Hades - My other pup has had no interest in the biting/play thing. He, like Zeus did until about 10 - 12 months, eat their food at the speed of light, but has never shown any aggression. i think Zeus may of gave me a little growl ONCE when he was a few months old but being firm but fair with him at that time alleviated another occurrence.

They both (like all huskys) have their own personalities and are very difficult to bring up, but stick with it cos they are totally worth it and change your life for the better.

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Knox, my pitbull puppy is slightly food aggressive. It's important to nip that in the bud. I take his bowl away whenever i please to show him i give the food and i can take it whenever i want. I'm the alpha and that's that. I'm not about to be bitten when he's older and has jaws of steel haha

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's getting there, slowly but surely. He does great in puppy class but is totally different out in the real world. He walks on loose leash around the house and everything, but pulls like crazy when we're outside. It's not bad normally, but if he hears a dog barking in the distance, he FREAKS OUT and tries to run away in fear. Pulls terribly, nothing I do can calm him down, so I had to pick him up and carry him up the street to keep him from hurting himself with the pulling. :\

I'm also trying to deal with some food aggression issues. If I get close to the bowl he gobbles up all his food in light speed, or barks/growls at me. **sigh** It's always something, I guess....

Hey Kerry, what's the latest with Aries? Been busy lately so not had much time to check HO but wanted to know how you both getting on. It's been a while since your last post on this thread but I agree that food aggression needs to be stamped out straight away. My boy got nipped by Niber. I had the 'give' command perfectly with Niber. He'd drop, let me take and then sit for me to give it back (food, bones, treats, dead birds when walking etc) but I then told my eldest to try and before I'd explained to give the command first, he just bent down and grabbed the bone. Niber tried to snatch it back, not aggressively, but in such a rush that he caught his thumb and drew blood. I kept on and now anyone can take anything, which is especially important to me with a young baby who doesn't understand how to behave yet. The pulling is frustrating, but possessiveness can be dangerous. Hope you're both getting on better

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