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So worried and scared...


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Hi everyone...

I've been hearing the average lifespan for a husky is around 12 years old, both on the forum and from other husky owners around here, but that's for 'regular sized huskies'.

As many of you know, Suka is not regular sized. He's much bigger. :(

I'm just really worried that I won't have 4 more years with Suka like I had thought. Because he's much bigger than the average husky (77 pounds, 26 inches in height), would that mean he should be expected to not make it up to 12 years or even 10 years? I know there are exceptions to the rule, some huskies living till 15, but Suka isn't exactly in perfect health at the moment. :(

I'm really worried about him, his arthritis has been getting worse (has had a few more flare ups this year than usual) and I suspect it may develop into HD at this rate. :(

We cannot afford hip replacements if he develops HD (even with insurance, because joint problems are counted as a pre-existing condition...), and hydrotherapy wouldn't work because Suka's terrified of water, so at that point I would have to seriously consider letting him go...

Thankfully the vet said he has a good spine, especially for his age, so would that decrease his chances of developing HD? Or does HD have nothing to do with the spine?

He's currently taking glucosamine/MSM supplements, which seem to help a little, but I've noticed he seems to be sensitive about his front legs as well. Developing arthritis there too?? :(

She also said his eyes are showing 'his age' back in April when he had his annual checkup. I wish I could have asked what that meant, but does that mean he's developing cataracts? His vision seems normal. His eyes are a little cloudy, sorta a blueish hue.

But I'm thankful that, so far, the only health problem he has are his hips. It could be much worse, right? At what age do they usually start going blind or deaf??

I'm scared, I don't want to lose him. I know death is a part of life, but why does it have to come so quickly? Why can't our fur babies live longer?? :(

That's my little worry for the day. And it feels so much better to get it out there instead of keeping it bottled up. You guys are like my family, and its such a relief to spill my guts to you guys, knowing that you'd understand.

My actual, real, family knows I love Suka...but I don't think they truly understand like you guys do.

Ugh, I'll wipe away the tears now... :oops

Edited by SolitaryHowl
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My Thunder is a big boy,he's about 82 lbs(but very lean)but I have never thought that he might not live as long because of his size.I think we all wish that they could live longer,as their lives are quite short in comparison to most of ours.Try not to worry,none of us know what's around the corner for any of us,let alone our precious animals.All you can do is take care of him and give him the best possible life(which is what you are already doing).xx

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Elyse I can't advise you on how many years Suka has left and I don't think any of us here can :( what I can tell you is that we can all sympathize with these fears. I loved our 2 previous dogs as much as any one person can and was so scared of getting another when we lost them both. I'll admit to being a little bit paranoid about Kodi's health and well-being when we first got him but I realised worrying about things like that were stopping me enjoying our new baby and I let those negative thoughts go. I'm not saying I don't still get gripped by fear of losing him every now and then but I try to not let it ruin our time together. Kodi is only 7 months old and already weighs 40kg+ so he's a big boy and like you I worry that he won't have an average lifespan for the Mal breed. Suka obviously has his arthritis to contend with but he also has an owner that loves him very much (like we all love our fur-kids) and I think it would be strange if you didn't have these fears. Please don't worry yourself unnecessarily over losing him. The vet sounds like they have a good handle on his current condition and are there if, and it's a big if, anything else turns up. He is a lovely dog and I'm sure if he could speak (like we all wish they could secretly :) ) he would tell you not to worry and enjoy your time together. I guess what I wanted to say is that, yes, we do understand how you feel and are here for you to voice your concerns to. But you knew that anyway :)

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the price we pay for having these.wonderful animals in our lives is almost too unberarable. but would you rather not have had them at all? i know i wouldnt.

I cant think of loosing one of mine, i dont know how id cope i really dont.


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Big hugs hun , wish I had some advice but I don't , I can sympathise tho bings is around 14years old n it terrifies me to think that I might not have very much longer with him I could have another 4year's with him being that he's a very healthy smaller breed but then I could only have another year with him n it's scary just know we are all here for u when u need to talk or when the time eventually comes , I'm sure he'll shock u n be around for a lot longer

Sent from my ST18i using Forum Runner

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Elyse, when I read of Gigi losing one of her much loved huskies, and then Ken and Ralph losing Kayak and so many others who have had to say goodbye to their beloved huskies, my blood runs cold just at the thought of losing either Ozzy or Micah.

I can certainly understand you wondering and worrying about Suka, but we can only do our very best for them, and when something is out of our control, we need to come to terms with it.

Having said that, I too worry about Micah and pray that we will have enough money to help her when the times comes. it is a huge worry at the moment, and every cent we have is being put away for the eventuality of her needing hip replacement surgery :( but I have sleepless nights worrying that we may not have enough, which at this stage looks as if that might be the case as the vet says both her hips are affected.

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it's not some thing i like to think about as my 3 are all around the same age, i don't know whats worse one at a time or all round the same time but at the end of the day we must all live each day as it comes. i have no idea if i have any of mine long term or short as any thing can happen. but then it could be me who will go first who knows, so my advice to all is don't think about it just give them love and happiness every single day your together, this way when the time comes they know they are loved and will be missed xxxxxxxxxxx

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Niber's my first so not been through it, but at only 10 months I've thought about it already. He's gonna be big too, never thought of that affecting life span. I'm a very positive person - think you're best to enjoy his time rather than worrying the whole time. At least then when the time does come you'll know you made the best of it. Easier said than done, I know. Scary thoughts, best at the back of the mind as much as possible...

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I think what Louise said was about the same as what I would have said myself. Unfortunatly its the price we pay for owning huskies' date=' or dogs of any kind for that matter.[/quote']

pets of any kind really ;)

we lost a rabbit yesterday :(

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idk if anyone has recommended this because i havent read all the responses but as far as his hips my mom told me to mix coconut oil with ecko's food she said it works as a natural lubracant for their joints it also has other benefits so i am doing that with ecko he loves it she has used it on all her dogs (shes a health freak even for her pets) maybe try it out if you havent already it might help alleviate some of the pain in his hips and other areas :)

* one tablespoon for every 30 lbs

Edited by Scooke
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I hate when them horrible worries creep into your head :( Try and think positive, life is too short for us and our little howlers to worry about what's around the corner for us, just enjoy and do the best we can health wise. I hope you can stop worrying. I lost a pet rabbit of 5 years 13 months ago and man was I down, it's funny how attached we get to our adoptive family members. At least when they go, I am satisfied they have known nothing but love all their lives.

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This is the first time I have ever heard of anyone replacing hips on a dog, of any kind. I think it's just part of the natural progression. I lost my black lab at about 13 years old, and i know for sure i kept him alive longer than i should have because there was not much we could do for his pain and he had some neurological problems that made him kind of kooky...and uneasy on his feet, up and down the stairs, and vision problems were rampant. My last husky became incontinent and that was that...it just wasn't fair to her, as she did not want to mess her self and did not like having to be cleaned up, and it wasn't the trouble of doing it, but knowing that we could not stay with her all the time to help her avoid it. Sometimes we just have to accept the reality of life and death, they know that. Also, there are still lots of dogs (huskies) that are always going to need a home. As I age, I figure I will continue to adopt older dogs so as not to have them outlive me and worry someone else might not care for them as good as I do. We never know what tomorrow will or will not bring. It's just life.

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Not much help I can give you. According to other pages the average lifespan of a husky is between 12 and 15 years. I'd say don't spent too much time worrying about Suka the coming years. Don't waste it, spent it with being with Suka instead and life the coming years to the fullest.

Glala and Dana are 9 and 10 years old now and we're thinking of the same thing. Glala's a very weak dog and we're noticing a slow increase in problems she's getting. Dana absolutely cannot be alone in the house. We're worried what will happen if Glala happens to pass away before Dana. Although it's not something we like to think about, we might have found a solution for that. I'll post a thread up later today :whistling:

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