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How often and how long do you walk for ?


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Im just wondering how many times and how long each walk is and your huskys age. I currently have 11 month old she goes out twice a day 1hr-1hr and 30 mins in morning off lead 90% time and then on lead walk for 30-45 mins in evening.

I was informed to only walk her 5 mins per month of her age so she should be walking 55 mins a day but doesnt seem enough she would trash our house and garden if she dont get that amount. Just wanted see what was standard and is it likely will need increase or decrease ?

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Suka only goes for 50 minutes, but that's because he's a senior now.

When he was a little younger, we used to take him out for 1.5 hours.

Yeah, the 5 minutes per month is for each walk...not for the whole day.

Please do not walk your husky off lead. She may listen to you now, but one day there will be something more exciting than you (ie: a squirrel that she wants to chase), and she'll be gone. Most huskies (there are rare exceptions), because of their stubbornness and selective hearing, won't listen to you if you call them back.

My husky was almost ran over because my Dad insisted on walking him off-lead. He was fine for a little while, but as soon as he saw something more interesting (I think it was another dog. This was a few years ago) he took off, didn't listen to my Dad to come back (and he always listens to him!), and almost got hit. Thank goodness the other car swerved out of the way.

There have been a few people on here (like [MENTION=5355]Al Jones[/MENTION]) who have lost their huskies because they were off-lead, thought their husky was one of the 'rare exceptions', and now sorely regrets thinking that because their husky ran away one day and never came back.

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Kodiak goes out first thing before we go to work for about 30 minutes then I take him out more or less as soon as I get in from work and this one lasts about 1hr-1.5hrs, he then goes out again in the evening for about 45 minutes. At the weekend we go for a really long walk on one day and then on the other we just follow the weekday routine :)

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Thanks seems like about the right amount then. I am aware that most people don't agree with off lead but if I didn't do this she would never have the chance to run. I tried long lines and she just tangled in them. I only let her off in one area and with large group dogs 15-20 we have no dog parks here in guernsey.

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I take my boy on two walks. the first is about a mile walk approximately 30 mins in the morning as he likes to stop and smell everything! then I take him on a run in the evenings to the dog park. The run is just under a mile (about .6 miles) and I let him play for an hour. He is five months, I've heard alot about over exercising and under exercising but this routine is what works best for my boy. If its raining and we skip out on the run and drive to the dog park I wake up to something torn up (usually my school books:confused:) The best advice I can give is just do what makes your dog happy because ever dog is different. My husky can go forever where as my friends husky only needs to walk for about thirty minutes a day and is content.

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I've never had a puppy, but if/when I do get one, I'm going to follow the '5 minute per walk per month' rule religiously. Suka was diagnosed arthritis when he was 4 years old, with a pretty good chance of developing HD, most likely because he was exercised too much as a puppy.

I don't want to go through this (all of his early-onset arthritis issues again.) It's heartbreaking, very expensive, and painful for him.

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3-4x a week, Sherlock gets to go out for 6 kms (3.7 miles) which is about an hour walking for us. We use a backpack - so he gets a little more tired. Then on the weekend, he gets usually 2.5-4 hours of getting to run around the dog park - plus play time at home. That's more than enough for him.. He's not as high energy tho as some other huskies.. He can go a full day with no walks and be fine - not destructive at all.. He doesn't become a little stir crazy till the end of the second day.

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My walking schedule during the week is

6:30am – ¾ mile

6:00pm – ¾ mile

8:00pm – 1 ½ miles

Yukon is only 5 months old so he just goes on the first two walks so he gets half the walks, plus he is lower energy than Nikko is. They also have plenty of playtime in the house when I am home, and crated while I am at work.

On the weekend they usually get an extra 1 ½ mile, or we will go to PetSmart or the dog park.

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I've never had a puppy, but if/when I do get one, I'm going to follow the '5 minute per walk per month' rule religiously. Suka was diagnosed arthritis when he was 4 years old, with a pretty good chance of developing HD, most likely because he was exercised too much as a puppy.

I don't want to go through this (all of his early-onset arthritis issues again.) It's heartbreaking, very expensive, and painful for him.

Stupid as I was when I got us Ghost I didn't know about the amount of exercise. And as a pup he walked more than 30 minutes sometimes a walk. And he likes stairs so much too. :( At 4 month he was found something on his front legs, at the knee joints, and the result was "most probably" dysplasia. Hopefully though it was just a misjudgement. So he takes joints nutrition pills to prevent him from developing any of these anytime soon. We're almost entirely avoiding stairs and when it's not rainy even I walk on grass. :D

Otherwise, Ghost gets taken out usually 3 times a day. Morning is about 35-45 minutes, then about an hour, and later either 45 minutes-1h. I bought a scooter so I can tire Ghost more. Or bf runs him on his bike.

I had a tangled line. But I didn't like being pushed around. :D

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depends on where we go

the local canal/horsel common/ chertsey meads is usually 2-3 hours

a park near a hospital that is infested with rabbits up to 5 hours

this is in the morning

in the evening it is 1-1.5 hours down the local park to socialize with all the other dogs and to meet some of their favorite humans

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depends on where we go

the local canal/horsel common/ chertsey meads is usually 2-3 hours

a park near a hospital that is infested with rabbits up to 5 hours

this is in the morning

in the evening it is 1-1.5 hours down the local park to socialize with all the other dogs and to meet some of their favorite humans

Wow Davidjk where do you live? You must be near me cos they are all the places I work dinx :)!

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we live in new haw we have 3 huskies, a white a wolf grey and a red.

you may have met my wife out and about.

We live in Sheerwater it's a small world. Have you always had 3 huskies? We met a lady over a year ago now down the canal I think her names was Lisa not 100% x

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I take mine out about 06:15 for about a mile. After work between 5 and 6pm for about 4 mile or 1hr - 1hr & 1/2. Sometimes between 9 & 10pm for another mile to do their business! ;)

From Tuesday I am getting my Brother to start taking them out for an hour or so 3 days a week while im at work so they it breaks their day up as i hate leaving them in all day.

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Ours get once a day time and distance varies as does mode of transport, sometimes its round the block others a trip out somewhere. Most recently, now its got colder a 20 minute scooter covering approximately 2 miles or 4 depending if we go round twice :)

As for off lead exercising, I appreciate what Elyse says but it's entirely up to the individual if they choose to have their husky off lead.. The term is 'Advised' yes people have lost their dogs exercising off lead, but so have a lot of other owners with other breeds, yes huskies are 'less' reliable but the only person qualified to know how trustworthy their dog is, is the owner. I know I could trust three of mine off lead, but because I can't trust Safi non a allowed off outside a confined area. I think it's great if you can, if you can't, get a scooter :P

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For our 4,it's not a matter of how long or how far.As they are always off lead,they can go out for 30 mins of hard play and that's enough for the day.However,they generally do get a minimum of 1 -2 hrs a day,as their exercise is always priority,and we believe it's the key to their good behaviour.:)

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that would be her. about a year ago we would have have had 2 the white and wolf grey one

Ah that's good tell her we said hi lol. It was ages ago she probably doesn't remember we walked down the canal and let the dogs run in the school field she was the first husky owner we met :) x

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Maya is 28mths and she get a little over an hour in the morning, then two more 20 minute walks later in the day. Weather permitting we have maybe 30 minutes of play time in the back garden off lead, it's all secure so no worries there. She's mad for playing with them rope toys - literally comes up and swings them at me almost daring me to a game of tug of war, lol!

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