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What Not To Say To A Husky Owner


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I thought this would be a cute thread, but I don't know, we'll see how it goes. I've had both these - and many other things - said to me about Yuki that just make me laugh at the stupidity of the statement XD

'Your dog looks like a wolf.'

'Is she a mini husky?'

Oh and let's not forget this lovely comment I got on one of Yuki's photos from deviant art XD

"Dawww! I wish huskies had personalities more like goldens xD"

So let's see what others we can get! :D

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So far Maya's got the wolf comment, another one was "look at her eyes, she's evil" (which really annoyed me, they're beautiful) and my personal favourite, "Should you not have a muzzle on that German Shep?" - to which I replied "If she was a German Shep. I would have a muzzle on her"....ye don't want to know what I muttered under my breath ;)

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Hmm... Where's your sled is an age old favourite and beginning to wear a bit thin. I'm even fed up of saying 'its in the garage!' Which technically is true except its a scooter and now its cold its out of the garage on a daily basis :)

Do they bite

Do they howl

Do they all have blue eyes

Ooo is it blind in one eye? (Togo's bi-eyed)

Who's walking who?

Bet they cost a bomb to feed

How much did you pay for them!!??

They're just the ones off the top of my head :$ lol

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Aha lol ive had a lot of those too, the ones i can remember are:

Hes part wolf isnt he?

Is his dad a wolf?

Is his mum a wolf?

Is it a girl?

Will you breed him?

Oh thats sad you got him neutered thats a bit mean (The amount of will power it takes not to smack these people over the head is unbelievable !)

How much did he cost?

Where can i get one?

They need a lot of exercise you know (yes i know, can you not see the lead in my hand and him walking?)

Does he bite?

And the worst one ever was when kai was a 10 week old pup and i was in the park and this chav came upto me and said ... wait for it... 'Did you get him for fighting?!!!' I literally stared at him for a few minutes to try and register what he said and i was like seriously, can you not see the size of him why the hell do you think i would get him for fighting, like seriosuly what is wrong with you?!! Well lo and behold he brings out a very big staffy and starts showing kai to him getting his dog really riled up and he literally was growling, then i heard him tell one of his friends 'ill let him off for a bit and watch hes gonna go after that puppy man its gonna be sick!' At this moment, i saw red! i was furious!!! so i calmly went upto him and told him that if her let his dog off and it attempted to touch my kai, i would rip his head off (the boys not the dogs, i wouldnt hurtthe dog when its the boys fault) I then told him that instead of using his dog to try and make himself look big, he should go home and grow a pair. Lets just say he didnt let the dog off in the end. Lol :)

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I can't believe that happened. Poor baby Kai :( some people are pure scum. Grrrrrrrr!

I know right! But now hes grown up, i dont think anyone would try asking me this again, its weird because what i see as a big cuddly fluffy puppy, others see as a large scary intimidating beast lol :)

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I know right! But now hes grown up, i dont think anyone would try asking me this again, its weird because what i see as a big cuddly fluffy puppy, others see as a large scary intimidating beast lol :)

It's the same with Kodi. People will cross to the other side of the road sometimes when they see him coming and if he 'talks' to them you can see the horror on their face :rofl: I've heard whispered comments like 'can you believe that dog growled at me?' and 'why would you get a dog like that?' Morons!

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Today at the dog park, all these lab owners were talking about how much they shed. I said you think your dog sheds? You ain't seen shedding. I win!

Since she is a malamute I get

why doesn't she have blue eyes

How old is your husky?

Isn't she too short to be a malamute? (she is actually taller than the standard)

My favorite...

What is his name? (ummm he is a girl and her name is maggie)

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It's the same with Kodi. People will cross to the other side of the road sometimes when they see him coming and if he 'talks' to them you can see the horror on their face :rofl: I've heard whispered comments like 'can you believe that dog growled at me?' and 'why would you get a dog like that?' Morons!

Well maggie has her good canine so she is very well-behaved most the time. I getting little dog barking like crazy at her when we walk by. She doesn't pay attention, and those owners get mad and think it is my fault their dog went crazy!

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Today at the dog park, all these lab owners were talking about how much they shed. I said you think your dog sheds? You ain't seen shedding. I win! [...]

My aunt has a Labrador. When I came over one day she apologized for the hair because he was shedding. ... I could count the amount of hairs on my with two hands. That's not shedding, these are just some lost hairs! Mine loose more hair than that when they're NOT shedding, lol.

I'm afraid some people think I'm a creep when I cheer out loud when someone asks "Is that a husky?". Samoyeds, wolves, werewolves(yup) is what people always call them. But huskies? Barely :rolleyes: I should print out a few papers saying "Official certificate for proving that you are able to recognise pure breed Siberian Huskies" and give them out to people who guess it right, just for the laughs :P

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Hmm... Where's your sled is an age old favourite and beginning to wear a bit thin. I'm even fed up of saying 'its in the garage!' Which technically is true except its a scooter and now its cold its out of the garage on a daily basis :)

Do they bite

Do they howl

Do they all have blue eyes

Ooo is it blind in one eye? (Togo's bi-eyed)

Who's walking who?

Bet they cost a bomb to feed

How much did you pay for them!!??

They're just the ones off the top of my head :$ lol

I get the blind comment all the time because Yuki is bi-eyed too, and I always get the 'it must cost a lot to feed her!' followed by 'how much did you pay?'. When annoying or ignorant people ask me where I got her from, I avoid the question because I don't want a husky homed with someone who doesn't understand the amount of work that comes with them XD Am I a terrible human being for this? :P

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"Did your dog just growl at me?" or "Your dog growled at me!"

- When Suka really didn't, he just 'wooed' and people are stupid. :P

"Is he a wolf-dog?"

"Is he a wolf!" "But he looks like a wolf!"

"He's not a real husky cause he doesn't have blue eyes"

"He's fixed!? I bet you could have made tons off of his puppies!"

"He's so beautiful, is he for sale?" (You won't believe how many times I've gotten that one!)

"What's her name?" or "She's a good girl!"


"How much did he cost and where can I get one?"

- He was $150. Head down to your local shelter and have a look, but do your research first because [insert 'speech to discourage husky ownership' here]

"He looks deadly!"


"He's definitely a wolf! Look at his coat!"

" You shouldn't have gotten him fixed, its cruel!"

- *smack*. First of all, I didn't have a choice cause he came from the shelter. And second, even if he didn't 'come' fixed, I would have fixed him anyways.

"You should let him offlead. He won't run away. I do it with my [golden, border collie, GSD, etc] all the time!"

"Why is his tail not curly? He's not a real husky!"

(It doesn't curl all the time, only when he's excited/being dominant)

and the latest one:

"You must be an irresponsible owner because I never see him off of his leash. You're being cruel, he wants to run!"

(Actually, no. But you keep telling yourself that.)

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Now I feel bad, I don't have any good ones ... since I have two who look entirely different I do get the "What breed are they?"

Sasha is an intact ( for about another 36 hours! ) female, so I do get the occasional "Are you going to breed them?" ... "Well, no, if you've looked enough to realize that they are male and female, you should probably have noticed that he doesn't have the ( and thank you, [MENTION=3404]SolitaryHowl[/MENTION], I loved this ) undercarriage to do anything!" (( Ignoring the fact that he's an Alaskan and she's a Siberian! ))

"But you are going to breed her?" ... "Uh, no, she's a rescue and doesn't have an papers and I don't see any other reason to breed her!"

Most of the questions / comments I get down here tend to be real civil!

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I've gotten all of these!

the most recent once that have really gotten to me are:

-"thats not a husky he isnt furry enough" Dont people understand that husky arent always fur balls !!

-"your malamute is too small you need to take care of him better"

first he is NOT a malamute and he is five months old! people should know what their talking about before they give out their two cense.

-at the dog park a dog really got on talos and was being mean the owner said "well if he didnt look so mean this wouldnt happen" that guy does not belong owning a dog, especially an aggressive one!

-and my favorite which I get from everyone when I explain the meaning of his name "oh so he must be mean" the best part is their petting him while saying this!

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wheres your sled? (seriously if one more person asks me i will say its at santas home in lapland!)

are they friendly? or are they dangerous? (yeah coz if they werent i would bring them out in public)

(about storm) - Is it a wolf? (firstly hes a he not an it, secondly of course he isnt a blooming wolf!!!)

and the crossing the road really bothers me, I mean anyone whos met storm knows hes the most friendly dog you will meet, in fact hes too friendly!!!

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Oh another one I remembered.. Regarding Togo, I get the "what's his name?" I respond "Togo" and they come back with.. " you should have called him Bowie!"

and like Al because we have a few of them we're always asked if we breed. They're constantly referred to as Akitas as well :( or that they're too small for siberians :/

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we get

-do you want to breed?

-what is that, is it a wolf

- are they expensive

- bet they fight loads

- have you had puppies can i have one.... (they think daughtry is echo and darwins pup)

- is that one blind (daughtry is bi-eyed)

- wow is a werewolf

- who is walking who

-you should proper breed em.... id have one!!!! (face palm)

- that fing is well agressive.... where did you get it!!! ( darwin and malaki like to woo at strangers)

my responses are.... yes its a wolf.... no i thought it was a chihuahua.... its hungry thats all i can say

for the cost my response is normally... more than your mum earns on her back!!!! cheeky but quick

if people want to ask serious/valid questions then ill stand and chat all day but when silly chavs ask then my patience wears thin

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It's the same with Kodi. People will cross to the other side of the road sometimes when they see him coming and if he 'talks' to them you can see the horror on their face :rofl: I've heard whispered comments like 'can you believe that dog growled at me?' and 'why would you get a dog like that?' Morons!

Aww poor Kodi, in the end its them i feel sorry for lol, it must be hard being that stupid :P

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My aunt has a Labrador. When I came over one day she apologized for the hair because he was shedding. ... I could count the amount of hairs on my with two hands. That's not shedding, these are just some lost hairs! Mine loose more hair than that when they're NOT shedding, lol.

i will say Labs do shed a lot. Obviously not as much as Luka but the hair texture is very different. i find it harder to get my mom's lab's hair off of my clothes than i do my husky. it weaves into the fabric and sticks because it's so course. i let their lab Cody ride in my car a few times and it took me months to get the hair out.

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