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My poor Sasha

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We went to the vet today to have her spayed, picked her up about 15:30 and she was not too solid on her legs (( understatement! )) So now we're at home and I have a dog laying behind me who really isn't interested in anything ... "Leave me alone, daddy, I don't feel good!"

She didn't want to get out of the jeep on her own, so I left the back end open for her (and her leash tied so she couldn't get away, even if she tried) finally went back out to lift her down and obviously pinched the incision a bit but all I got was a small yelp and a twist. She walked in to her favourite spot (behind my chair) and hasn't done any more than roll over and back since she got there.

Poor girl ...

(( oh, since we've been comparing notes. $25 for the antibiotics from a couple of weeks ago and $55 for the spay. I do appreciate my vet!! ))

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Actually, he's a retired vet but has a clinic here, I think, as a service to those of us who live here.

My parting comment - from my Jeep was "Have I told you how much I appreciate you?"

His reply: "No, I don't think so."


I hope you send him Christmas cards every year! I know I would!

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Woke up early this morning - well, early for me, it just turned 6ish. Poor girl, she's in the same position she was in when I went to bed. Looks like she just about has the energy to look up at me now and again - she did drink some water last night ( or Avalanche did ... ??? )

You're right, [MENTION=1262]Rosemary[/MENTION], I don't mind getting a male neutered - they seem to be able to handle it a lot easier than the females do and considering what gets done, that's understandable.

When I had Lady spayed (Lab) she did the same thing Sasha's doing, found a comfortable place and stayed there for a couple of days. o the point that I was beginning to get worried. Misty - heck, it didn't even phase her! She's the only dog who was ready to go the day after!

He'll be okay [MENTION=8679]Mobezilla[/MENTION], groggy for a while but he should snap back in a day or two. With the boys it seems to be more of an irritation where with the girls it's pretty major surgery.

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Aww Al, Hugs here from my pack.

We had daughtry "done" a couple of months ago.

she was pretty much the same although she did get up and slowly waddle outside for business.

She'll soon come around, then the trouble is keeping her reigned in so that she doesn't pull open the stitches

by over stretching and pulling at the wound with too much vigorous activity.

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Oh Al, just seen this post. Hope Sasha is feeling a little better today. Poor girl, she feels the need to be close to you.

I know what you mean about the difference tween the girls an the boys and how they handle it. Not a dog, but years ago when I was about 13 we had our cat spayed. She never forgave us the indignity she suffered and treated us with the utmost contempt. She stayed long enough to recover then buggered off an never came back :/ but that's cats for ya

Edited by Povodny
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I just went out to the kitchen and she followed me so I guess she's feeling better - or maybe it's because I pooped the lid on some canned fruit. She doesn't have a cone so I'm getting plenty of practice with "ah ah!" and "No!" .... yep, she's feeling better!! Even though I knew the chances of a problem were slim, I still worry!

Thanks everyone for the good wishes!

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Oh, she's feeling better - enough that she's getting on my nerves *big time*! Avalanche came in, walked over to her (she was laying in the middle of the floor) and she got up and jumped him - sounded like a good dog fight in the middle of the living room - he hadn't even done anything, just carefully walked over toward her! He stayed out last night - on lead, of course - and when he came in this morning he stayed right with me and as far away from her as he could. This is not acceptable!!!!!

She taken to the corner by my couch which is really Avalanches bed and when I went to clip her leash on her to go out last night before bed she snapped at me.

I know she's still probably hurting and uncomfortable but she's playing it for way more than I'm going to put up with for very long. I'm getting *real* tired of having to make excuses for her trying to take a bite out of my hand!!!

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Nope, ain't'agona happen!!! She's completely tor up the pillow that I had for Avalanche - I can't see into that corner unless I look over the arm of the couch - decided that it was going into the trash can ... she wanted otherwise to the point that she didn't bite but wasn't going to let me get near it. Sorry, dog, but you don't run this show!

She came out and wanted out, so I tied her out back and came in and trashed the pillow ... she wasn't happy when she came back in, no bed in site. Too effing bad!!!

After a few minutes, she went to the front door, wanting out again - Avalanche has spent the day on the porch - and she no sooner got through the door and she's jumped on him and he wasn't doing anything except standing on the porch! That ain't a gonna happen, biyetch! Avalanche wasn't even going to get on the porch to come in so I went around the house and brought him in the back door.

She's now on the front porch complaining, but you know what? That's too damn bad! I'll have to put up with her noise tonight, but if she doesn't cut the attitude, I will tie her out back and we'll go into NILF mode for seriously real!

Should be some way to transfer this thread from Well Husky Clinic to the Steam Room because that's what I'm doing now - steaming. This dog does not have any idea how close she is to being put down - I *will not* put up with the biting for much longer and I won't pass her off to someone else as long as she bites at any provocation!

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Hi [MENTION=2703]Staceybob[/MENTION], thanks to @BingBlaze'n'Skyla for tagging you - I tend to be more independent and seldom think about asking for help - but I sure need it now.

Let's see, the primary reason for the spay is that she's a rescue, no papers and no past history - I don't want or need any pups, thank you!

This isn't really anything new, just at the moment a lot more extreme. She's a rescue from the streets, I got her second hand from a girl in San Antonio. We've been having an ongoing disagreement ever since I've had her here. She hasn't taken a chunk out of me since we've gotten back from the vets on Thursday but has:

  • Growled and barred teeth when I've tried to do things around her (remove the pillow that she tore to bits), try to attach a leash to go out with out her request.
  • "Corrected" Avalanche three times now for nothing that I can see. She asked to go out last evening, allowed me to put the leash on her, went out the door and jumped Avalanche for nothing - he was doing nothing but standing on the porch. Avalanche won't approach her, he wasn't even going to come onto the porch to come in, I had to go around the house to get him and bring him in the back way. At that point she spent the next 6 hours on the porch - I was fed up!
  • Is now in the corner beside the couch, doesn't want to come out and when I took the leash (house leash I use on occasion) she barred teeth and growled.

Since Thursday, she's come to me twice <??> for attention but generally wants nothing to do with anything / anyone except on her terms - which isn't going to work for much longer. I know that the spay is going to play some havoc with her - but there is a line and she's getting to it - quickly!

She's gone to a completely dominant mode and after having been bitten three times - once pretty badly, twice a blood drawing nip - she's got the control. I have water down and will put food down again - on my terms! - when she gets over the attitude.

Where the emoticon for 'frustrated'???

Any suggestions??

(( Oh, description - she's laying in the corner, in the normal dog curl, not tight like she was cold but curled. When I walked over she looked up, when I picked up the end of the leash, she dropped her head, barred teeth and gave me what I perceive to be a low warning growl. If I were to pull the leash, she'd be pulled against the book case ( on the other wall - makes a good hidey hole ) and I don't want to hurt her since she is still in recovery. ))

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