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Just wondering how many forum members have children as well as their huskies. Any problems / stories assocaited with having both.

No point to this thread - just wondering. Done loads of research before getting a husky due to the fact I have four children ranging from 3 months (at the time - now 13 months) to 9 this boxing day. I struggle with the one year old - he loves Niber and since he started crawling does not leave him alone. Pulling, climbing, smacking. Niber puts up with it most of the time, if he's not in the mood he simply walks away.

The four year old says 'No Niber' approximately 50 times a day and usually because he's 'annoying' her. What he's actually doing is sniffing and trying to get attention for a stroke.

Only 'problem' I've had so far is when I was training Niber not to be possessive. I got him trained that I coud take anything but when I asked my oldest to try Niber snatched back and caught his hand. That was when Niber was about 5 months. Since then (he got a real telling off) he has been fine and the baby now steals his chews / toys most of the time. I just feed Niber outside away from the kids as he's raw fed and go out occasionally to take his food away so he remember's not to be possessive.

My troubles now lie with the baby and telling him not to play with Nibers toys and not to keep playing in his drinking bowl.

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I don't have any children, but I can sympathise with your problems as I do have young nieces and nephews. It's always very difficult when they visit as our husky loves children but, like most huskies, just doesn't know when to calm down!

I'm pretty sure most of the rehoming places (SHWA / SHCGB etc) discourage rehoming to people with very young children for this reason. Probably not so much that there is a risk but that the combined stress of looking after young children and a husky becomes too great - and obviously the dog is the easiest variable to remove to solve the problem.

It always helps me to make sure the dog has had a good bit of exercise and a period of one-on-one time prior to being with the kids. It helps to tire them out and makes them less competitive for attention or stimulation.

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I have found the opposite with Niber, I guess because he has been raised with kids. He is so good with children and never jumps. My wife is a childminder too and there are up to 10 kids here at any time, up to age 9. Niber gets over excited when aduts show him attention instead, so I guess he's in reverse.

In fact I would say that having kids, especially the baby, has helped me with Niber. In terms of training with possessiveness, biting, jumping and general over-excitement, I have had no option to crack down on any misbehavious immediately. Perhaps without kids I would have been a bit lazier and lep him get away with more. We have a big garden so he know he can go nuts outside but not inside. The only trouble I have with Niber now is the face licking - and at only 10 months, I see myself as quite lucky.

Even this morning, like always, he has been up a coupe of hours, not yet walked and he will plod around or lay with the kids until I decide it's walk time - he rarely hassles me for a walk. Walks usually come after the school run or in the afternoon when I'm working.

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I dont live with children but Mishka sees my nephew and cousins on daily bases Ages 18 months 3yrs old 4yrs old and 5yrs old.

She is very playfull with them the 18 month old she only licks mainly as he has some kinda food on hes face or hands.

The other 3 she did used try jump on them when they ran in playfull manner of course but she has stopped that and they run togther and play. The only time she jumps on them now is when they wave sleves or gloves or something like that in her face she thinks its play time. Overall Mishka loves thes kids always excited see them and they can walk her fine even thou shes a puller she dont pull for the kids almost like shes knows there children.

Mishka is 11 months old btw

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lol. and none planned by the look of it. Surely I'm not the only one with kids?

i have two. my youngest was 3 nearly 4 when we got storm.

we got him coz i had a dog at 4 (was my birthday present) we were together for 16 years. happiest times ever.

i wanted my kids to have that.

now at 6 and 11 the kids and dogs have a good bond. the eldest is not favoured as hes too loud. lol

puppy nipping was a task. as was no food stealing.

angel a year later as a rescue was a challenge due to posessiveness.

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My Kids are grown up now (youngest is 16)

However we do have a 1 month old granddaughter.

All the dogs are very curious, however they are very gentle when having a sniff.

None seem botthered by the sudden outbursts of crying.

Eden is never left alone with the dogs, but so far they seem to have accepted her as a new pup in the pack :)

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My four children are 19, 22, 25 and 29 but I have a granddaughter who is almost 2. Considering the dogs haven't had much contact with small children since coming to us ( they all came from families) they're really great with Amelia :)

Ha ha, how bad a parent am I. Just remembered my boys Thomas and Connor are 26 and 20 respectively

Oops lol

Edited by Povodny
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I have 2 sons, 15 and 8 years old and 4 year old niece who visits regularly. Visiting children and family children are very different in this household. The dogs get over excited to see both but Ice can sometimes be a sod to my youngest, stealing food from his hand and very occasionally he has growled too when my son has walked past. As they're living together day in day out, i think Ice has formed a heirachy in his head, one that sees him placed higher than my youngest. I'm aware of it and working on it ;)

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We got eika when josh was 1, so luckily she was pulled about and poked and prodded from the beginning, so she got used to it. Now she gets a bit fed up and will walk away from him. He's nearly 5.

shes always been obsessive with toys or food etc and we've never been able to allow him near them, even my husband can't be near it...I'm the only one she will allow! We just used to have a baby gate up on the kitchen door unless we were in there.

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I have an adult child who is 18 now. My sibes have no problems with kids. I have younger nieces and nephews and have never had an issue. I do however give them an escape if they feel that they are stressed. Rusty loves his quiet so when it gets loud he like to lay on my bed alone. Never any aggression.

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I have 3 girls. A set of twins 4 years old and my oldest is 5. When we first brought Max home i was concerned because he gets too excited around new people and jumps and nips. I have taught my kids to ignore his behavour and not give him attention when he is overly excited like that. They also know to stay on the couch when he gets overly excited as he knows not to go on the couch. Max does a lot better with them now. I can trust them to be alone in the room with him and i can trust him with the kids too ( i never do leave them alone with the dog though) I am pregnant and im due in March so we shall see how things go when the new baby comes. I'm pretty sure i will have things under control.

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