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My Alpha female is not warming up to me


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Okay so here's my problem. We got purebred husky, the owner told us she is an alpha, and she has warmed up to my husband, never leaves his side. Now she has warmed up to my daughter but wants nothing to do with me no matter what I do. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong because I Love that baby girl more then anything. It is hurting me that's she wants nothing to do with me. HELP!:(

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Yeah, this happens.

Sometimes they bond especially with one person.

Darwin has bonded to me.

Echo (white GSD) has bonded to my daughter kells

Daughtry on the other hand is very aloof from all of us very rarely coming to any of us for affection.

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I wouldn't call her an alpha just for that. Sometimes dogs simply bond better to one person or another, but spending more time with her or starting a type of activity with her should help. I have a friend with a chow/sib cross and she has known me for YEARS and still treats me like the household junk-drawer: occasionally has treats, is rarely useful, and is generally there to be ignored.

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Yeah, this happens.

Sometimes they bond especially with one person.

Darwin has bonded to me.

Echo (white GSD) has bonded to my daughter kells

Daughtry on the other hand is very aloof from all of us very rarely coming to any of us for affection.

At first she was very nervous around everyone, we have only had her for 3 days, but after the first day she instantly warmed up to me(Chris). Mind you we haven't spent much time apart. After 2 days she is slowly warming up to my daughter, but today I decided maybe if I left Samara and Loki together for a little bit maybe the would kind of connect a bit or Samara would feel that she likes her, but she didn't want to spend any time with Samara at all when I left, she sat and howled the whole time I left them together. I personal believe that another day or 2 Loki will warm up to Samara but she is really hurt over it

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At first she was very nervous around everyone, we have only had her for 3 days, but after the first day she instantly warmed up to me(Chris). Mind you we haven't spent much time apart. After 2 days she is slowly warming up to my daughter, but today I decided maybe if I left Samara and Loki together for a little bit maybe the would kind of connect a bit or Samara would feel that she likes her, but she didn't want to spend any time with Samara at all when I left, she sat and howled the whole time I left them together. I personal believe that another day or 2 Loki will warm up to Samara but she is really hurt over it

Don't worry it takes them a few weeks sometimes to find their place in the new household.

In our experience with our rehomes. they are quite meek and mild around the other dogs and people at first.

Then as they become used to their new surroundings they come out of their shell.

After 2-3 months they may then try to become assertive, depending on whether they have a dominant personality.

If not then all should be quiet and peaceful

If they are a dominant type then you may have fights as they sort the pecking order out.

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Oh, I can see we're going to have fun with both of you using the same account :)

Samara ( er, Sam?? ) I'm going to bet on one thing, you're trying too hard. Husky's are people dogs and by and large are going to be friendly with everyone ... sometimes too friendly. Since you've only had her such a short time it's normal for her to feel comfortable with one of you more than anyone else ... think in terms of families you've met and I'll bet that there were people with whom you connected first, easiest - it'll probably be the same way with Loki (( appropriate name! )).

Feed her, take turns feeding her, so she knows that the good stuff comes from all of you and just relax and eventually she'll come around.

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Oh, I can see we're going to have fun with both of you using the same account :)

Samara ( er, Sam?? ) I'm going to bet on one thing, you're trying too hard. Husky's are people dogs and by and large are going to be friendly with everyone ... sometimes too friendly. Since you've only had her such a short time it's normal for her to feel comfortable with one of you more than anyone else ... think in terms of families you've met and I'll bet that there were people with whom you connected first, easiest - it'll probably be the same way with Loki (( appropriate name! )).

Feed her, take turns feeding her, so she knows that the good stuff comes from all of you and just relax and eventually she'll come around.

We have both been wanting a husky together for 9 years, now that we have one we have decide to do ever part of it together :) I think your right with spliting up feedings, that is a really good idea. Ok this is Samaras concern right now, she is curious that we were told Loki is an alpha female and Loki sees Samara as an alpha and that's why she won't warm up? Could that be true?

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I'm going by he picture on the other thread - at her age, alpha doesn't play much of a role in things. Mama was the alpha to her pups but beyond that it doesn't mean a lot until they get older.

IF Loki saw Samara as the alpha she wouldn't be having the problems she's having with her. At the moment, I suggest that she's just adapting to the idea of having all these two legged beings around where they all did have four legs ( your family compared to her sibling pups ) and learning where everyone fits into the pack.

Some pups will "rule" over their litter mates, but when they hit the real world of other adult dogs - they realize they're no longer "king".

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I'm going by he picture on the other thread - at her age, alpha doesn't play much of a role in things. Mama was the alpha to her pups but beyond that it doesn't mean a lot until they get older.

IF Loki saw Samara as the alpha she wouldn't be having the problems she's having with her. At the moment, I suggest that she's just adapting to the idea of having all these two legged beings around where they all did have four legs ( your family compared to her sibling pups ) and learning where everyone fits into the pack.

Some pups will "rule" over their litter mates, but when they hit the real world of other adult dogs - they realize they're no longer "king".

Thank you, you gave the wife some piece of mind. I personally believe that Loki will warm up to her no problem. When we got her she was very nervous but has quickly gained trust in me, and then my daughter and I am sure Samara will be next. Other then Samaras concern she has been such a perfect addition to our family :)

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Congrats on getting your husky! (After waiting such a long time too!) :)

I adopted my boy from the shelter, and at first he was timid around us. It took him a couple of days to bond to me. As he grew more comfortable with us, I took him to the dog park. That dog is so confident, he struts around like he owns the place whenever he goes! It's amazing...I was told they sometimes compartmentalize relationships... "Well, I can be the king of all dogs, but all humans are over me" kinda thing.

I'm thankful Suka bonded to me, after all I'm the one that wanted a dog in the first place, and also to my Mom. He doesn't think much of my Dad or brother, though. He's still aloof to my Mom and I, that's just his personality....he just doesn't care about much of anything, really. Except for food.

He didn't really bond to my Mom until I went away to university. I wasn't there, so my Mom fed him...took him for walks...basically showed him that she was awesome to be around.

If Samara is the only one that feeds her (preferably out of her hand, but anything will do), and if she spends a lot of time with her, than Loki should warm up to her eventually. It just takes time.

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I wouldnt worry too much about it. She is still new to the house and to everyone. Max was the same way when we first brought him home. Since im at home all the time he grew very attached to me. Following me everywhere i went around the house and he didnt pay much attention to my husband at all. That eventually started to change. He now gets super super excited when my husband gets home. The whole day Max isnt event noticeable in the house. He is quiet and calm. Usually will lay down on his bed and sleep but every now and then get up to stretch and walk around or go out back but soon as my husband comes home he goes from being a calm sweet dog to koojo. He gets super excited starst barking starts howling starts jumping and playing with my husband. Its very cute and funny to watch because the kids do the exact same thing when their dad gets home. He just gets super happy and excited to see daddy comes home which is a big change from what it used to be like when we first brought him home. So dont worry things will change just give it time.

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she is 9 weeks now

I'm not the smartest guy, but I couldn't even tell you if my 7 month old puppy will be dominant or not. I don't know how she will fall in the pack hierarchy.

Is it getting any better?

9 weeks isn't very old. She's probably barely able to navigate around the house. I took Akira (7 month old) to the dog park the other day, and until I called for her, I think she lost track of me. My point is is that it's still a newborn puppy. The world is huge to them and everything is new; that's compounded by a brand new environment. If you had a 6 month old human baby, that "liked" one parent better, you would probably be wise to not make much of it. I think the same logic applies here as well.

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As mentioned, share who feeds her and don't try so hard. You become the aloof one and she will come to you, especially as she's so young. She just a baby :) sit on the floor but don't engage with her, she will come an join you in her own time.

Loki is our big bear. He will separate himself from the others and us, spending most of his time alone in the kitchen while we're all in the lounge, but every so often he'll come an lay under my feet in the lounge but from being a puppy he has always laid on my feet between me an the counter when I cook. He never begs, he just likes to be there. He's three an a half

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