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hey i know i posted a while back about kira's crazy jumping about when she meets another dog but i have a few updates and questions....

when i took her to the beach with Angel, my friends golden retriever she was a little star, she had about 10-11 ft of lead and she did run up to other dogs but just sniffed/touched noses with them and came back to me when i said :ran_biggrin: obviously much better than when shes at home...

now do you reckon its because she had more freedom or because of being with another dog at the time anyway?? i cant give her that much lead at home when on the path because she just walks out into the the road :scared: (i tried this last night when there were no cars)

and why do you think she does this in the 1st place? on another forum they said she wasnt well socalised... but i'v always allowed her to meet other 'friendly' dogs, and she has her 2 play mates Buster and Yuki who we go to see about once a week...

could it be that we got her at 12 weeks and she didnt know how to walk on the lead so had obviously not been out, so missed out on vital early socalisation??

or because when she sees her 2 playmates they just run around the garden playing? we dont walk with them, we just take her with us when we go to see ricks mum....

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My Odin will not walk on a lead never as no matter what we do, he tries to jump up at other dogs and pull to them, but on a long line with more freedom he as always been a star. he also fights more on a short lead but on a long line no fighting he's a diff dog.

As for socalising well as u know we have 3 so they have each other but we meet others as often as we can and we take them to a large enclosed secure field where they can have off lead time to run around and play with other dogs.

we have done this with Odin since he was a baby but on a short lead he would not play with these other dogs.

we started with puppy classes to socalize him have you been to any it's a great way to start xxx

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are classes expensive?? im struggling with money atm :confused:

i just dunno what to do cuz i cant have her on a long lead when we're anywhere near a road, cuz shes stupid lol. but if shes on a short one she jumps... shes not agressive but she looks it to other owners :o

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mine are on short leads near a road i dont trust them not to run out if they see any thing, do u have a park or any where open u can walk her on a long lead ? on a long lead where she can meat and play with other dogs this will help her socalise the clsses i took Odin to was 90 but we do have one near us that is only 3 u just pay as u go, so is worth looking around xx

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i always find blaze is better behaved if hes actually allowed 2 greet the dog if i hold him back he jumps all over the place n sumtimes growls which makes him seem agressive and hes rly not - tho if its offlead n runs at us then he goes for it - bad experience as a pup - he has NO road sense what so ever either he tried 2 jump infront ov a van the other day :eek:

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well we have yuki and buster but its a case of getting the owners to take them out, they dont get taken out regulary poor buggers, i would take them out myself but i cant hold 3 dogs at once lol. thinking of hooking yuki up to the scooter so he loses some weight tho.

actually do you reckon a running partner might help?? as in on the scooter.

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are classes expensive?? im struggling with money atm :confused:

i just dunno what to do cuz i cant have her on a long lead when we're anywhere near a road, cuz shes stupid lol. but if shes on a short one she jumps... shes not agressive but she looks it to other owners :o

Firstly she's not the stupid one. Sorry i really don't mean that to sound so harsh, and i'm in no way suggesting you are, it's just i can think of no other way, over the internet, to put it:eek: Dogs aren't just born with road sense....if they ever have any at all it's beacuse we teach it to them. Road sense is not an instinct. Even then we are limited to what we can teach them. What do you mean by "road sense"? If you are expecting her to stop and do the green cross code you may have a long wait. Mostly, all we can do is to de-sensitise them to the noises of traffic - which may be freaking her out and causing more stress for her - and teach them to walk "close" to us and stop and wait when we ask them to. All this is very basic training that can be accomplished very quickly. I would definately recommend training classes if you don't know where to start.

As for whether the fact that she wasn't socialised because you didn't get her until 12 weeks...was she still with her litter then? It's taking the puppy away from the litter too early that causes more problems with dog socialisation rather than too late, which is when dog/human socialisation suffers. However, having said that it is true that dogs are best socialised in the first 12 weeks but there are exceptions. I didn't get our rescue girl until she was 4 months and we now foster and she accepts dogs in the house no problem (mostly;)). She does have some problems with some dogs on a short lead though...

Right after all that....

I would start right back at basics with her. Have some treats with you and walk her as normal but everytime another dog approaches or goes by, refocus her attention on you with the treat (ensuring you make her sit and focus on you beofre giving the treat). Give her the treat when she responds to you and ignores the other dog. This will give her the confidence that other dogs mean good things happen to her :) Once she gets the idea that she can look at the dog but then she comes to you for treat you can start to build up to other things such as being closer to other dogs and unltimately meeting other dogs calmly.

The most important thing is to reinforce all her good behaviour :D

Work on the recall too, using a long line and treating her everytime she comes back :D

There's lots to do or say, you need to start right at the beginning and take it slowly - it's easy to rush when she does things right once and want to move on to the next thing but try not to!!!

good luck :D

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Firstly she's not the stupid one. Sorry i really don't mean that to sound so harsh, and i'm in no way suggesting you are, it's just i can think of no other way, over the internet, to put it:eek: Dogs aren't just born with road sense....if they ever have any at all it's beacuse we teach it to them. Road sense is not an instinct. Even then we are limited to what we can teach them. What do you mean by "road sense"? If you are expecting her to stop and do the green cross code you may have a long wait. Mostly, all we can do is to de-sensitise them to the noises of traffic - which may be freaking her out and causing more stress for her - and teach them to walk "close" to us and stop and wait when we ask them to. All this is very basic training that can be accomplished very quickly. I would definately recommend training classes if you don't know where to start.

As for whether the fact that she wasn't socialised because you didn't get her until 12 weeks...was she still with her litter then? It's taking the puppy away from the litter too early that causes more problems with dog socialisation rather than too late, which is when dog/human socialisation suffers. However, having said that it is true that dogs are best socialised in the first 12 weeks but there are exceptions. I didn't get our rescue girl until she was 4 months and we now foster and she accepts dogs in the house no problem (mostly;)). She does have some problems with some dogs on a short lead though...

Right after all that....

I would start right back at basics with her. Have some treats with you and walk her as normal but everytime another dog approaches or goes by, refocus her attention on you with the treat (ensuring you make her sit and focus on you beofre giving the treat). Give her the treat when she responds to you and ignores the other dog. This will give her the confidence that other dogs mean good things happen to her :) Once she gets the idea that she can look at the dog but then she comes to you for treat you can start to build up to other things such as being closer to other dogs and unltimately meeting other dogs calmly.

The most important thing is to reinforce all her good behaviour :D

Work on the recall too, using a long line and treating her everytime she comes back :D

There's lots to do or say, you need to start right at the beginning and take it slowly - it's easy to rush when she does things right once and want to move on to the next thing but try not to!!!

good luck :D

lol i know shes not born with road sense, but all the other dog's i'v walked have had the brains not to walk out into it (it was quiet when i tested her on this, no cars lol).

we dunno when she was taken from the litter, we got her as a rehome :confused:

i'll try the treat thing, will have to be something REALLY nice tho, she goes into the zone when she sees another dog (not aggressive, just wants nothing but to get towards them). but i will try it, thanks :)

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lol i know shes not born with road sense, but all the other dog's i'v walked have had the brains not to walk out into it (it was quiet when i tested her on this, no cars lol).

we dunno when she was taken from the litter, we got her as a rehome :confused:

i'll try the treat thing, will have to be something REALLY nice tho, she goes into the zone when she sees another dog (not aggressive, just wants nothing but to get towards them). but i will try it, thanks :)

Most dogs that have not been taught 'road sense' will, indeed, walk out onto a quiet road no problems - my own girl certanly does:mad: Just because you tested her with no cars doesn't mean she would do that when there are cars... and it's the busy roads that are the problem. Mostly - NO dog should ever be allowed offlead/longlead near a busy road no matter how well trained they are as it only takes one simple thing to freak them out and send them running into traffic but i am positive you know that anyway or you wouldn't even be asking.:D

The other thing left to say is just because she doesn't seem aggressive, to you, doesn't mean she isn't being. You say she "'just want's nothing but to get towards them" If she is the one rushing over to the other dog to initiate the 'greeting' this, in dog world, can be seen as being aggressive. Similarly 'over-exciteability' has the same impact!! We ascociate (sp?) agression with growling, barking etc but dogs see it way before any of those signs are omitted and it's important to realise that. What seems as playful behaviour to us can be killer behaviour to dogs, which can, obviously, cause socialisation problems:confused:

Defo go back to basics and don't let her rush over to other dogs without your say-so and stick at this for as long as it takes for her to realise her behaviour is not acceptable :151:

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its not always her, sometimes the other dog will be the same way and they'll meet and have a bounce then we say our goodbyes and go... but to a lot of owners she does look a bit unfriendly, and this is whats really upsetting, because she is absolutely fine with every other dog she's ever met.... will try the positive reinforcement :)

and dont worry about the road thing, i'd never put her at any risk (the road we were on was a dead end so we knew if there were any cars coming :)) i do make her sit and wait at every road unless its one thats usually busy but happens to be quiet and it's the perfect time to cross lol

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in that case try not to worry too much as it's clearly not her with the problems:eek: Try not to let other people who don't understand your dog worry you too much. As long as it's not her being aggressive or confrontational then there's not too much you can do but to try and educate others. :D


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