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What Does Christmas Mean to You?


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As Christmas grows closer, and we see all the evil that goes on around the World, I'd like to offer some reflection from the perspective of someone who has never been without, or had to sacrifice, or wanted for anything. That does not mean that I am special or better, just that I am one of the lucky ones.

My parents are gone now, as are Sally's. I never had any issues with my in-laws, and always found them to the kind of people I was proud to know, and always enjoyed their presence at family activities. When each of our parents passed on, Christmas became more important, a time to remember and reflect on those happier times. Until one day, both dads were gone, then both of our mothers were gone. I have no brothers or sisters, and Sally has one sister, who now lives almost 500 miles away. All of our aunts and uncles are now passed as well, and most of our cousins all live out of the area.

So it's down to the two of us, our son, and the three most precious furbabies you could ever hope to have grace your life, to celebrate Christmas with each year. If not for them, life's purpose would be less defined and surely less interesting. Zoya and Eisa are so different in so many ways. I think the best word to describe them is unique. And yet they both seem to try their best to bring joy into our home, not just at this time of year, but every day. Mr. Naughy Boy, as we now call our son's dog Koda, is such a sweet boy. He always picks up a toy in his mouth and greets us when we come home. It's as though he is both happy to see us, and proud to show us what he has picked up.

On Christmas Eve, we usually go out for dinner. Nothing fancy, but gives us an opportunity to get out of the house for a few hours, breathe in some Holiday air, and alleviates the cooking and dish washing chores. I expect this Christmas Eve will be the same.

We will get home, the dogs will all greet us. Koda will do circles around us with a toy in his mouth. Zoya will woo-woo as if to say, "Where have you been?" And Eisa will give us a single WOOOOOO, as if to say, "Hey, here I am!" We'll take them out for some yard sniffing time, come back into the house, and prepare to open our gifts, starting with presents for the dogs. It is so fun to watch them open and tear into their presents.

Sounds kind of boring I suppose, but it's about family. Family is what makes life worthwhile. And Zoya, Eisa, and even Mr. Naughty Boy - Koda - are part of our family.

Let's remember those this Christmas that are less fortunate, those families who have lost loved ones over the years. And give your Husky some Husky Hugs on Christmas morning, to let them know that not only do you love them, but that you realize how blessed you are to have them in your life. They are, after all, part of your family.

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For me Christmas is about with with family.

Ever since i can remember, my grandparents were always around on Christmas - my mums parents celebrated their wedding anniversary xmas eve and my grandma's birthday was on Christmas day so we always had a lot more to celebrate at the holiday time.

My grandad always bought my grandma a lovely flower arrangement for their anniversary, when she passed, he carried on buying one, but gave it to my mum in remembrance When my grandad passed, i decided to carry that on and bought flowers for my mum in remembrance, the first time i did it she had no idea, and when i explained why i had done it she cried.

I think Christmas is a time to spend with family members and to remember those that we've lost

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Christmas is all about the family in our home!

We spend xmas day at home, just me, lynn and the kids - mainly because that's how my xmas' used to be as a kid. Plus the kids get chance to open/ play with the majority of their things. We always buy a few family games and after xmas dinner we spend a few hours as a family playing those games.

Then boxing day is the day we get together with the extended family - lunch at the inlaws and dinner at my parents with my brother/ sister and their kids. It's the only time in the year that we all manage to get together. Rarely see them any other times as my brother lives in Cardiff and works weekends - which would be the only time that we could visit due to my job.

Plenty of family banter - good times!

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Christmas, and most big holidays, never used to be much fun with my own family and unfortunately it's still that way. Having divorced parents that hate each other, and guilt trip me over which one I spend the actual holiday with really kills the spirit -_-. Even now since I've moved away, going back to visit them really just sucks. Plus my dad won't let the dog in his house, then whines because I always stay with my mom .. well duh :duh: lol

However for the past couple years I've had the wonderful pleasure of spending some holidays with my in-laws, and it has given the holiday cheer back to be with people who actually like each other! My SO has an awesome family and I'm super glad we get to spend Christmas with them this year. Even if big family get togethers get a little intimidating to me, it's still so much more enjoyable. Plus they let me bring the pup over :D

This year I might miss out on everything though with work. But this is ok too, since I've been unemployed for the past few months. My bank account needs some xmas love, as does our pantry lol.

Merry Christmas to everyone here!! :)

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Christmas, to me, is all about family.

For the last few years though...my Christmas spirit has been dampened. It's cause of these stupid exams they have before Christmas, so instead of getting into the Christmas mood in December like I always would, I have to study for exams spanning the first 2 or 3 weeks of December...

Almost done though...last one is this Friday and after that I can go home! (finally!)

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I love Christmas - not for its religious significance (being an atheist) but simply because it is Yuletide - a traditional pagan life-affirming festival right in the middle of the darkest time of the year. For me it is a time to be with family and friends and appreciate what we have, rather than what we haven't got. It's also a time when we can put aside differences (whether religious, national, racial or political) and celebrate our humanity. If Christmas/Yule didn't exist, we'd have to invent it!


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I'm not religious.

So the reasons behind the "celebration" are wasted on me.

However it is 'expected' that we participate.

So what does Christmas mean to me. . .


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Looking forward to Christmas because instead of no one here no sound no one to talk to like last year when my two old dogs died within 6 months, ive my furballs Diesal and Topaz. There keeping me busy and have got into looking at clips of Siberian Huskys on youtube. Im trying not to give them too many bad ideas on misbehaving as there are some Sib horror storys in full colour 2d out there.

But the most attentive reaction is to other huskys "talking".

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I use to enjoy Christmas when I was younger but as I get older it has lost its sparkle. My father has been gone for over 7 years and my mother died a few years ago on Christmas morning so its a rather emotional time of year for me. I still go to family dinners but other than getting together and eating good food it has little meaning to me. I don't follow any particular organized religion anymore so there's not really any significant for me. All the hustle and bustle of the people shopping is a bit overwhelming lol.

Now getting past my humbugs about it there are a few things I enjoy during this time of year. I enjoy the good food, the lights (I love various types of lights all throughout the year), the x-mas trees and I do enjoy seeing certain members of my family lol.

I do hope everyone who celebrates has a good holiday and that its spent with those they love and care about!

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I'm not a huge fan of Xmas tbh, i dont really get it... What's the point getting together with "family" you only see once a year... It's all a bit pointless if you ask me.

I don't have a reason to celebrate it really, maybe if I ever have kids it will change, but for now it's a bit crap

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2

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This Christmas is going to be different for me. Its the first Christmas I have been single in a very long time. Im completely ok with this. I have my Wizard to keep me company. I will probably go to my Nana's house as usual. She is my inspiration, and I love her dearly. If I didn't have her in my life, I would be a very different person. My parents divorced when I was in first grade but I have been lucky in the fact that my father still comes to all of my family things on my mothers side. My mother isn't always happy about this, but she tolerates it. It helps that she is now re-married. We always rent out a hall the week after and have all the family from a bit farther away come down. The older kids, like me and my siblings, no longer get gifts. Its all about the kids with us. I go early to set up and stay late to clean. Seems like I am the only one who ever does that, but I don't mind most days. I hope everyone has a great Christmas, and remember to spoil the fur babies!

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Definitely all about family for us, we aren't a small family but I wouldn't say we are a huge one so it's always a nice get together,, however this year isn't gonna be as 'merry' as it should be if mum isn't let out ov hospital :-/ it's gonna suck if she isn't

We aren't really bothering this year

Sent from my ST18i using Forum Runner

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