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Upsetting puppy sleepover :(


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So I've been looking at getting Juno a friend lately. I wanted to see how she got along with one dog that I wanted to adopt, so my friend who fosters him let him sleep over at my house for one night.

They did pretty well, minus the fact that Juno played really rough, and he was annoyed with her a lot. We ended up not adopting him because he was just too scared, and I was afraid Juno would hurt him.

Well my friend got more fosters in when they were 3 week old mixed breed puppies, and 3 weeks later, they're ready to go back to the shelter to get spayed/neutered (way too young, but we can't decide on that since they belong to the shelter). When Juno played with the young-ins, she did pretty well, but still got rough with them. She would hit them on their backs and make them fall over, but the puppies were tough little ones and would fight back.

Typically I prefer to purchase my puppies from reputable breeders for a number of reasons, so in order for this to work, everything would have to be perfect. My friend let me take home one of the female puppies, because at the park, Juno got along best with her. I figured it was better than nothing, and she was so freaking cute that I couldn't pass up the offer.

I knew that I would have to worry about potty training, and she did have like 6 accidents in the house (She pees like every 15 minutes!) but she's super smart so I'm not worried about that. With supervised play, Juno eventually learned that she was not allow to lay on the baby, bite the baby, pick up the baby up, drag the baby, and hunt the baby. I was so proud of her when she allowed the baby to crawl all over her and bite on her legs just like she did to the puppy earlier. It was awesome watching them play nicely, and so I had hope.

Until last night, when it was bedtime, and Juno refused to come inside the house. I had to pick her up, and carry her in to my room. She sat for 30 minutes after that, staring at me and waiting by the door.

By that time, I had to take the puppy back out, so Juno went with me. Once she was outside, Juno ran to a spot in the grass, and laid down. After the puppy was done, I tried to get Juno back in, but she ran to another part of the yard and laid down. I tried to pick her up and carry her in, but she kind of growled at me. Juno has never growled at me before.

So slept outside most of the night.

I walked downstairs at 5am, and found her asleep on the rug and the back door wide open because I didn't close it hard enough.

Despite all of this, it's safe to say, she's potty trained. She had the run of the house, and yet she chose to sleep on the rug.

Do you guys think she just doesn't like this puppy? Do huskies do better with other huskies? Should I give up with trying to get her a friend for now? :(

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You've introduced a new dog into your household, so things are going to be all up in the air at the moment. there will be an adjustment period no matter what dog you introduce. The question is whether they seem to get along, two dominant dogs may fight. One dominant and one submissive should hopefully be fine, although initially there may be a few arguments. I guess it really depends on what you feel is right, ultimately it's your family and your choice. I hope things work out for you. X

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Juno is dominant, but the puppy has spunk. She will jump all over her and Juno will let her. They both play well together, a lot better than Juno did with the first puppy that was a little older, and he was very submissive.

She didn't act like this with the other puppy, but I didn't follow him around and act like he was a baby, like I have to do with this one, because she is a lot like a baby. It's hard to give Juno more attention because when I do, the puppy will run up all excited like it's a group effort. She's really freaking cute


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When I got Yukon he was only about 10lbs and almost 8 weeks old. Nikko played kind of rough with him but I just supervised them to make sure that he did not hurt the pup. Yukon always fights back and they have been great together ever since. Before getting Yukon I had taken Nikko to meet some other dogs and they did not really get along. I think that as long as you introduce them properly and give them time most dogs can get along well together, and I don't think that Huskies get along better with other Huskies, both of mine get along with all other dogs, but there is always that one they don't get along with, just like people LOL

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Did Nikko ever act strangely when you brought him home? She didn't do this with the other puppy we brought home to spend the night, but they didn't play a lot. He was also older..

Not really, he warmed up to him pretty well, he tried dominating Yukon, but Yukon would give it right back. He did seem to play rough with Yukon but I just watched them closely for awhile.

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Luka was very curious when i brought Knox home. (actually it was a box of three puppies, but i kept them separated till i found the other 2 homes). I have had to work with Luka being too rough with Knox but now i think it's Knox who starts it with Luka. LOL They play together pretty well now, but it will be easier when Knox is not so tiny anymore.

I think you're overanalyzing it a bit. Shouldn't be that hard to make it work exp. since one is a puppy. It will take way more than one night to see progress.

The only issue i had is Luka being a jealous brat, because well he is spoiled. ;) At the current moment i have no recommendations if you develop this issue because i just deal with it and give Luka attention as even though Knox is precious and i love him, Luka is my BABY. :D

Good luck, cute puppy, and i'm sure it'll work out!

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Juno is dominant, but the puppy has spunk. She will jump all over her and Juno will let her. They both play well together, a lot better than Juno did with the first puppy that was a little older, and he was very submissive.

She didn't act like this with the other puppy, but I didn't follow him around and act like he was a baby, like I have to do with this one, because she is a lot like a baby. It's hard to give Juno more attention because when I do, the puppy will run up all excited like it's a group effort. She's really freaking cute

<img src="http://www.husky-owners.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=66151"/>

Wow, yes she is. Very cute! And I understand what you're saying about trying to spend time with Juno being hard. We had the same thing when introducing Ice. We used to walk bear on her own and spend some one to one time by shutting off access to the living room fir short periods of time to stop Ice butting in and also to give her a break from his constant mouthing! Juno could be out of sorts if she's fed up with being harassed by pup too much. Might explain why she wanted to be left alone, for some peace and quiet. Lol.

Edited by emma1979
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OMG that's one cute pup :) when I brought my youngest home as a pup of 8 weeks my two girls had a total different reaction to her. Freya who is the oldest and alpha totally ignored her and would growl when she went close. Indi wanted nothing more to mother her and wouldn't leave her alone!! Things took a while to settle down but now they are all the best of friends, no fights just play:).

I don't think it matters on the breed of the puppy her reaction would be the same with any other dog. As others have said give it one they will settle down. Good luck....

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Well, the puppy went home with its foster mother, and I'm more than relieved. I forgot how hard it is to take care of a 6 week old puppy! She peed every 10 minutes, and must have peed like 20 times in the house. She was cute as could be, but sometimes she would randomly cry and I had no idea what she wanted. It was like having a baby, which is what I don't want, so I got a dog instead. NO 6 week old puppies for me again, no way!

I'm thinking she would do better with an older puppy like 4-7 months. Maybe even older. I know a lot of breeders have some older ones that they re-home.

But after Juno throwing her little fit, I doubt my family will want to get another one...

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Theyll get along she just needs to adjust to it. When I brought Talos home raider hated him! they got along great outdoors but the second we came in the house raiders "my territory not yours" attitude kicked in. After some work and consoling of raiders bruised ego they are best buds! took about a week to get him fully adjusted to the change

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I've been set on getting another puppy, and I was all excited but because of Juno's attitude, I doubt I can convince my mother to get back on to the puppy train. So sad, because I wanted either a show husky or an english/olde english/alphalpha blue blooded bulldog.

She was doing the "my ball" thing because a few seconds before that picture, Juno took the ball right out of her mouth and ran. I gave her a new one because I felt bad for my dog being a jerk lol

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Getting another husky was the best thing we ever did for my oldest dog, Troy. The pup was about four months when we got her. Took about a wk or so for things to settle down. I'm no trainer, or expert, but I think a lot of people try to be too involved in forcing their dogs to get along, or to share things. Let them work it out, they will. It might take time. They're not going to bond instantly over night.

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Getting another husky was the best thing we ever did for my oldest dog, Troy. The pup was about four months when we got her. Took about a wk or so for things to settle down. I'm no trainer, or expert, but I think a lot of people try to be too involved in forcing their dogs to get along, or to share things. Let them work it out, they will. It might take time. They're not going to bond instantly over night.

Haha I think I got really lucky then xx Cloud and Yuki have been best friends since the dayI brought Yuki home, they always play together and only have minor arguments from time to time when Yuki tries to resource guard everything. I don't have an issue with them fighting over attention though because neither are cuddle bugs ;)

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