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Outside dogs vs inside dogs

Gideon Cross

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Kai is an outdoor dog, due to cultural reasons and my parents not allowing him in. This is not my choice and if i had it my way, he would totally be indoors with me and even sleep on my bed, when i do move out and get my own place this will be the case but for now, its how it has to be. I hate having him outdoors but hes a good boy and doesn't mind the weather hes a special pup he is, sometimes even though hes got a kennel and a overhead shelter he will just sit out looking up at the rain.He is also a major escape artist and manages to break fences all the time so sadly cant be off lead in the garden when im not there so when i cant be with him he has to be tethered, i hate this but he really is such a free spirit and manages to break out of anything ( i have 6 ft fences and the strongest fence panels you can find but when he wants out, he gets out, such a stubborn boy!) so i feel this is the safest way for him. I understand you may think this is cruel and trust me i would give anything to have it any other way, i love my boy so much but at this moment in time its the best way to keep him safe.

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Kai is an outdoor dog, due to cultural reasons and my parents not allowing him in. This is not my choice and if i had it my way, he would totally be indoors with me and even sleep on my bed, when i do move out and get my own place this will be the case but for now, its how it has to be. I hate having him outdoors but hes a good boy and doesn't mind the weather hes a special pup he is, sometimes even though hes got a kennel and a overhead shelter he will just sit out looking up at the rain.He is also a major escape artist and manages to break fences all the time so sadly cant be off lead in the garden when im not there so when i cant be with him he has to be tethered, i hate this but he really is such a free spirit and manages to break out of anything ( i have 6 ft fences and the strongest fence panels you can find but when he wants out, he gets out, such a stubborn boy!) so i feel this is the safest way for him. I understand you may think this is cruel and trust me i would give anything to have it any other way, i love my boy so much but at this moment in time its the best way to keep him safe.

Why not have your dad build him a kennel? a 15 by 20 foot kennel would suffice. That's how big mine is. He will be safe and you can let him run loose in the yard when you are there to watch him.

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Why not have your dad build him a kennel? a 15 by 20 foot kennel would suffice. That's how big mine is. He will be safe and you can let him run loose in the yard when you are there to watch him.

Yeah he does have a kennel, not exactly sure what size it is but its the biggest they made, i made sure he would have more than enough space and he does as its large enough for both me and him to fit into, i actually tried this once when it was raining and i sat in there with him, my dad came out 2 hours later and found us both asleep in there LOL . :D

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Yeah he does have a kennel, not exactly sure what size it is but its the biggest they made, i made sure he would have more than enough space and he does as its large enough for both me and him to fit into, i actually tried this once when it was raining and i sat in there with him, my dad came out 2 hours later and found us both asleep in there LOL . :D

lol Aww that had to be so adorable :)

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My pups are indoor :) I had two outdoor dogs growing up (my dads decision) and when I got my pups I thought no way! Cloud sleeps in my bed with me at night and Yuki sleeps in a crate in the bedroom. Although some nights she gets special permission to lay in bed with us if shes good ^-^

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My girls stay inside, they don't like to stay outside for long either. If they were left outside they would escape since our fence isn't very high and the gates aren't secure. Maya has already gotten out since the back gate can't lock so it was open and she left. Though she came right back when i called with the happiest look on her face, not like you gave me a heart attack or anything :rolleyes: and her recall sucks so i was surprised she came back.

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Two of ours are inside but I feel sorry for Dozer (rotti/kelpie) were looking after him and I'm under strict instructions not to left him inside as they don't want him to be an inside dog when they get him back (but ssshhh he has come inside a few times for an hour or 2) haha

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Our 2 are mostly outdoors. Whenever we're at work they have the yard to themselves. When we're home, most of the time they're inside with us. They also sleep in kennels on our covered porch most of the time. The other night it got really cold here so we brought their kennels inside so they could sleep somewhere warm. Ten minutes later they were both howling to go back outside!!!

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Our two stay in their kennel during the day and come inside once we both get home from work.

Theft isn't really an issue as we stay in the middle of nowhere. :)

I live in a rural area as well but I have been followed home twice by people who had stopped me in the nearest little town to talk about Sarah. I know they followed me because they don't live around here (everyone knows everyone) and they slowed down to watch us get out of the truck. When they saw Sarah go inside they sped away and haven't been seen since.

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11 dogs- outside is primary home for them. They have 25'x10' kennel runs and a large fully fenced yard for daytime play. Rotating house time for everyone, so they all get some inside time but not all together. Females in season have indoor kennels for the duration of the cycle.

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All ours are inside - I don't see the point in having dogs unless they live with you as part of the family:



Have seen this photo of yours before and it is my absolute favorite. It's sometimes hard to believe that the same 3 crazy running wooing idiots out at the fence are the same 3 fighting for the ideal spot on the sofa or in the bed! Love the photo.

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Most definitely inside dogs here.Maybe if we didn't have non stop rain they might like outside a bit more.As it is now,we literally have to shove them outside to go to toilet etc.:(They even use the stepping stones on the lawn to avoid walking on the muddy grass!!(seriously!)They are such a bunch of pansies!!:rolleyes: Once done,they are straight back to the door,scratching to come back in !!:rolleyes: The great outdoors.........No thank you!!:)

:doglaugh:I'm laughing out loud all by myself reading this. You have described my Stormy girl (RIP) and Andy, the prince. Stormy would hold it for 2 days if we let her to keep from going out in the rain and then would not come in if it were 10 below with gale storm winds. Andy will squint his eyes and tip toe through the yard. Jeff put the patio in more so they didn't have the mudhole at the bottom of the steps than for us...but won't admit it!!! I can just see your pack doing the same, tiptoeing around and then not wanting their little feeties wiped. Here's video of Jessy not wanting her feet wiped:

She always takes it out on Jack after we're done with her!


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Niber was outside but now in. He wanted to be out but once he got to know us all he'd just howl and break out of his run so it was a no-brainer. He still prefers to be out during the day but needs supervising. When I work away he stays out during the day. 4 kids and my wife's a childminder - she don't need Niber to look after too.

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:doglaugh:I'm laughing out loud all by myself reading this. You have described my Stormy girl (RIP) and Andy, the prince. Stormy would hold it for 2 days if we let her to keep from going out in the rain and then would not come in if it were 10 below with gale storm winds. Andy will squint his eyes and tip toe through the yard. Jeff put the patio in more so they didn't have the mudhole at the bottom of the steps than for us...but won't admit it!!! I can just see your pack doing the same, tiptoeing around and then not wanting their little feeties wiped. Here's video of Jessy not wanting her feet wiped:

She always takes it out on Jack after we're done with her!


Thats sooo funny!! Strangely enough,ours don't mind their paws being wiped,probably because I'm a bit obsessed about cleaning them and always have been,so they are used to it. Living in this climate,I am forever cleaning muddy paws. They actually come in and sit on the mat and wait for me to do it!!

As for the great outdoors,Sass is probably a lot like Stormy. She would prefer to cork it ,rather than go out in the rain. I try to let her out when it's raining,she pokes her head outside ,takes one look,and just goes straight back to bed!!. Our back patio door is forever smeared in mud,where they keep pawing it to get let in!! No chance of leaving them outside!

We have had such an awfully wet year,with incessant rain.We have got caught in it countless times,while out walkiing,even in the so called Summer!! You are right describing the squint!! All our 4 do it.! We have learnt that there is no point taking them out in the rain,as they absolutely hate it.

They are not too keen on the cold weather either, and Mystie is a real sun worshipper,sunbathing at every opportunity.....hard to believe they are from Siberia!!!:rolleyes:

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[MENTION=2358]basketcase687[/MENTION] ...Jessy is our sunworshipper. They all hate getting their feet wiped. By end of spring feel like I'm just pushing mud around the floor...pull out the electric floor scrubber and steamer...next house (hopefully in the next couple years) will have NO CARPET whatsoever!!!

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@basketcase687 ...Jessy is our sunworshipper. They all hate getting their feet wiped. By end of spring feel like I'm just pushing mud around the floor...pull out the electric floor scrubber and steamer...next house (hopefully in the next couple years) will have NO CARPET whatsoever!!!

Lol,We got rid of our last downstairs carpet a few months ago! It's all hard floors now,apart from upstairs,but they never go upstairs cos NOT ALLOWED!!:rolleyes:

When I get 5 mins,I will do a little vid of them coming in and getting their paws cleaned,just so you can see how good they are!!:)

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Mine are inside/outside but when we built out house we added a dog room. We wanted it to have nice big french doors for the dog to get plenty of sun so we put a dog door in our brick.... At the time we had 2, 20 pound Mini-Schnauzer so now that we have Aurora we may have to get a bigger dog door.

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