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In the land of pRYNcess Ryn


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How does one get so taken in by a pup? Or more specifically, the Siberian Husky in general? The answer to this is the "$64 million dollar question".....and an answer for which I think I may never find the words to express.

Before we can enter the Land of pRYNcess Ryn, we must first pay homeage to the one who led me on my first steps down this path - my beloved Bo.

Bo came to call me his own at the tender age of 8 weeks of age. Without knowledge of the breed, other than they had eyes so blue you could drown in them, I answered an advertisement in a local paper. My home had been burglarized and all I knew was that I wanted a dog. A big dog. One that would guard my children and everything else I held dear. Don't laugh! That's exactly how I fell into the breed which would then steal my heart away and leave me unable to live in harmony with any other breed.

Those first years were such a challenge. I knew nothing about a Sibe's selective hearing, how stubborn they could be, how they didn't know better than to run - and run, and run, and run. I spent many days crying my eyes out, fully believing that this furry, blue-eyed canine was somehow "special" --- that he couldn't understand me, that he wasn't right....I laugh now as I recall those tears. The very things that made me so upset have become the very things that I love most about this breed.

Some 15 years after he entered my home, my life - and yes, my heart, my precious blue-eyed love boy left me. He had accomplished his life's work with me, patiently teaching me about loving the Siberian. He waits for me - at the Bridge until together we walk through heaven's gates.

I lasted just six months without a Sibe in my life...I couldn't stand not having husky fur everywhere. I couldn't bear to not hear him talking - his 'woo, woo, arroooooo woo's - echoing throughout my home. I had to have another. It didn't matter that my heart was torn into pieces at his leaving. And so, with his blessing - I found Omryn, AKA Rynnie. She had some rather large paw prints to fill........and she's fulfilling her role and continues to teach me about all things Siberian, in her own very special way!

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And it is as it should be. Where one leaves its path, another steps in to pick up the pace. You have truly been blessed, not only having had Bo in your life, but now with Ryn. Never a dull moment I'm sure.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

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So, where did I leave off.......oh yes, I remember!

I took my position as the editor of the paper and one of my first stories was on [MENTION=1869]sutsibe[/MENTION]'s pack. I'd never met her before, but knew that she lived just a few miles from me. That first meeting led to a great friendship and then to my precious Ryn, for whom this story is really about.

After losing Bo, I needed a husky fix and picked up the phone to chat again with Gigi, asking if I could visit her pack so I could be covered in husky fur and smothered in husky kisses. She agreed and I traveled the short two miles to her home to do just that.

A month or so later, she called me up to say she was having a litter. I knew it would be fun to see pups again, but also knew that my other half would not be happy if I brought one home. So I went over for a visit - not intending to ever purchase one, my heart wasn't ready. I spent the next nine weeks, loving up on the bitch (Aurora) and finding out that a pregnant Siberian can be quite demanding! Aurora would curl up beside me and demand that her tummy be rubbed. And rubbed. And rubbed. And, well, you get the picture!

Meanwhile, Gigi had taken her pickup to my husband's shop for repairs. Of course, he knew I'd been visiting Gi and the pack and also knew a litter was on the way. He politely told Gigi that he hoped she didn't have intentions of selling me a pup. She reassured him and we continued through the gestation with Aurora.

Before long, I'd gone from not having another Sibe to 'perhaps' having another. But, who was I kidding??!! I began making payments on a pup without ever telling my husband there would be another Siberian in our life. Bless Gi's heart. She never said a word to him, and never burst my bubble. To be totally honest, she didn't have to 'sell' me a pup, I'd made that decision to purchase one all on my own!

It was great fun and very informative to go through the pregnancy with an experienced breeder and gave both Gi and I time to get to know one another. I knew I could gain a lot of knowledge and she knew that I'd be a good Husky Mom.

I got to experience the mood changes of Aurora, the fun of watching her belly grow with the beautiful pups she carried and even got to experience labor with her (more belly rubs, by the way - lots more belly rubs!)

Finally it was time, but Aurora wasn't able to birth the puppies on her own. A trip to the vet and a c-section later and there were four beautiful Siberian pups to visit, love, cuddle and ooooo over.......and one of them would be mine.

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Lovely story - I hope we don't have to wait so long for the next episode :D I would so love to spend time with Gigi and her pack :) and just talk 'husky'.

We do that quite often. Even after all these years, there is still things that I peck her brain about or we'll sit and laugh at the antics of our fur-kids, sharing stories of the silly things they do. She's always interested in what the pRYNcess is up to and laughs right along with me when she does something entirely goofy.

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:rofl:I had no doubts at all that Becky would want another Siberian - how could she not, after having her wonderful Bo for so long?! Indeed, I also knew that she'd make a wonderful home for the Princess Ryn - which she has! Love having my brain picked - there are lots of bits and pieces rattling around up there, just waiting for a prompt...

Lovely story - I hope we don't have to wait so long for the next episode :D I would so love to spend time with Gigi and her pack :) and just talk 'husky'.

By all means, Rosemary - come for a visit any time!!! :)

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And so there were four little bundles wiggling their way around the whelping pen. Each showing their personality with their wiggles and wimpers. And proud mama 'Rora, showing them off! Part of her hoping you'd take notice, another part wishing you'd leave them alone.

Within a few days of their birth, they were learning lessons. Not only from their bio-mom, but from Gi as well. Picking up a sleeping pup would bring Aurora to the 'rescue'. Her ears tuned to their sweet wimpers given by any disturbance. She'd let us know when enough was enough, but at other times, would find joy in getting a break from the little 'devils'.

A pup picked up and wriggling was promptly given a quiet command of "Settle." And when they'd stop wiggling would be put back in the box where they'd wiggle their way to Aurora and promptly fall back to sleep. It was a lesson that has lasted a lifetime - at least for Ryn. Even today, when she's running around like a wild coyote and you say the word - "Settle" it only takes seconds for her to relax and turn back into the calm joy that she has become.

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  • 9 months later...

From the moment the pups arrived, I'd had my heart set on another blue-eyed boy, but that was not to be. It was my bi-eyed Ryn that stole my heart and just two days before she would make her home with me, I finally told my husband that there would be another Siberian in our lives. "But I don't want another puppy," he scolded. "I won't let it out for you, you're going to have to do it all yourself." But it mattered not. Omryn was coming home and there was nothing he could do to stop it.


Rynnie was a well-behaved pup, (and well-socialized). From the moment she was able, she was out and about in public with me. I remember her first parade. She did a little jig when the fire truck sirens went off as we were watching, but nothing extreme. Today, she sits on the curb, crosses her paws and watches the parades go by....she's amazing. 

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