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Getting it off my chest


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Hi all

It's been brought to my attention that I was rude and ignored people at the last camp :confused: oh and I "couldn't give a toss" if people turned up or not.

Those that have had the pleasure / misfortune (your call lol) to have met me will will I hope, know that that is furthest from the truth. We had over 100 people at both camps individually this year and I wore a hoody with my name on so hopefully people who haven't been before would know who i was. I met some lovely new faces and had some great chats, and also caught up with people i'd not seen for a while. If i failed to make you feel at home at camp i am truly sorry.

I strive to make camps welcoming for everyone of all ages / gender etc and to hear 3rd hand that I failed this miserably has really upset me. I throw a lot of time, energy and money into this place as do the staff here and our aim is to educate people, offer support and have fun.

If those 3 things are not met then it's a disappointment and gives me cause to think, does the forum still have a place here if we're not achieving our goals.

Some have accused this place of being clicky and bitching being other people's backs, when in short - that's exactly what they're doing but they fail to see this. It causes upset and bad feeling and that's not something we want here - keep it on facebook please guys.

My point to this post? If you don't like it here or don't like the members that's your prerogative but please don't drag others into your shallow poisonous way of thinking that condescends other members and staff.

If anyone would like to discuss this please feel free to message either myself or another member of the admin team.


Sarah xx

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I will add to the above from Sarah.

When there are 100 people about and there is 1 of you, it is hard to ensure you are speaking to all those 100 people. When there is only 1 of you it is easy for you to speak to an individual should you wish to do so.

Just to point out, we set up this forum and go out of our way to organise camps twice every year. We do not ever chose to go on different holidays as we used to do because we organise and attend both camps so this takes up most of our resources and therefore we cannot do both. We do this so that people of like minds can meet each other. We do it so that husky owners can meet other husky owners and this is what the forum was set up for. If somebody would like to speak to Sarah at camp, get up off your backside and do so. We should not be expected to have to go around and try and make people feel welcome at a camp. Join in, its what many many other do!! Contrary to popular belief the organisation of camps can be hard, sorting out the members coming over from overseas is hard, personally ensuring that everyone can get to camp if they really have the desire to be there whether it be picking people up from train stations, from airports, or helping get people lifts it is hard work. I will personally be spending almost 2 days picking people up and dropping people off at camp in May already, and to hear pathetic comments come from people is out of order.

Lets make something clear. If this place didnt exist, you would not be bitching to anyone as you wouldnt even know each other. And another thing very clear, if it wasnt for the fact I have spent the last 4 hours rebuilding my system to get back online you would no longer be a member of this site. You wanna slate me, go ahead Im thick skinned. You upset my wife or any single one of my staff and you will never visit the forum again and you WILL NOT be welcome at any of the camps.

PS: Ironic how the very person you decide to rip into is the very reason you are still members isnt it.

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well what can i say, to start with sarah don't get upset as these people don't deserve your tears. you do a great job all round.

they need to understand without this place they wouldn't have been a camp for them to go to and meet every one, they also need to understand your one person and for one person to get around 100 is not an easy task but for that person to come an introduce them self to you, well maybe that would have been to easy for them who knows, lol i love people some are greatful for the work pt in, some are helpful and friendly but then you get the ignorent, twofaced ones lol your never going to please them all hun.

so to every one this is a friendly place so it's easy if you don't like it of the people on it don't chat and be nice then slag in secret as these always come to lite lol do us all a favour and just leave simple.

i didn't make the last camp but i will be at the next my names on my hoody as is sarah's now in no way am i going to walk around camp to say hi to all, i'm hoping you will make your self known to me.

it's easier for u to come to me than me going to every one.

now if this going to make me ignorent then so be it - i have dogs to look after and jobs to do on camp, you have more time on your hands than we do.

also if you think you can organize a better camp hey go for it in short put p or shut up your chose

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:ditto: In my opinion your 3 aims on H -O are definitely being achieved on here.

I never made it to camp in Oct but I did in April. I went by myself having only ever met 1 or 2 people before that were going to camp and you (Sarah) amongst others made me feel very welcome. You were very busy trying to find people who wanted to go for the doggy photoshoot but it was no trouble for you to take me round with you whilst you searched for people or kept an eye on my girls when I nipped to the loo.

There were so many people going to camp and it would be impossible for you to go up to every single person to chat I would think, it works both ways IMO and people could of come up to you first to say hello. You were never rude or unwelcoming in April so can't see that happening in Oct TBH.

Don't let those few people upset you and just rise above their childish behaviour :)

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:ditto: In my opinion your 3 aims on H -O are definitely being achieved on here.

I never made it to camp in Oct but I did in April. I went by myself having only ever met 1 or 2 people before that were going to camp and you (Sarah) amongst others made me feel very welcome. You were very busy trying to find people who wanted to go for the doggy photoshoot but it was no trouble for you to take me round with you whilst you searched for people or kept an eye on my girls when I nipped to the loo.

There were so many people going to camp and it would be impossible for you to go up to every single person to chat I would think, it works both ways IMO and people could of come up to you first to say hello. You were never rude or unwelcoming in April so can't see that happening in Oct TBH.

Don't let those few people upset you and just rise above their childish behaviour :)

Thanks Claire, that really means a lot xx

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May also be a good time to remind people of rules they agreed to:

1.05 – The founders of this site set it up to gain friends of the same interest around the world. Bitchiness between members will not be tolerated.

1.06 – All areas of the site are monitored and recorded for the protection of our site and its members.

2.02 - Messenger may be monitored at any time by site Administrators


Please be civil and polite. Bring up your concerns in a mature and respectful manner. Do not be derogatory or insulting towards us. This will almost certainly get you removed from the site.

All in the rules. Just to note that to slate a set of people for the way they act at camp after some of the discusting ways in which you discuss fellow members is somewhat hypocrytical.

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Camp is a holiday for all that INCLUDES staff! They should be allowed to relax as much as any1 else

They put in a hell ov a lot into this forum n need a break as much as the next person

If u don't like it that's unfortunate I've had the pleasure ov meeting most members on here n they are most caring considerate people I know , they are like a second family to most if not all ov us on here

If u don't like it then why Bitch behind their backs? Bring it up with them n sort it out, or leave? I personally don't see how u can get anywhere by upsetting people ! It's unfair on staff and members, we care A LOT about this place n would be lost without it and without Sarah and Marc!

Sent from my ST18i using Forum Runner

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With so many members here it's unavoidable that sometimes something goes wrong between two members, either due to a certain action or some misunderstanding. We've all been there. However, talk about it to the other, sort the issue out between you two and continue living. Don't be the coward and start gossiping behind the other's back. If there's anything that destroys the friendly mood throughout our community that you apparently like so much, it's not that person you have problems with, it's YOU. Grow up and act your age. If you can't then this is simply not your place. We're a public forum with responsible adults, not a kindergarten.

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I dont usually come on anymore because life is hectic with my little boys problems, setting up a new business and life in general with 4 kids but I have seen someone I class as an extremely good friend upset tonight.

I just wanted to come here and say, when I got my Marley it was scary. I didnt know the breed or anyone who owned one but I found this place. It was scary to not know anybody but everyone, esp Sarah made me feel so welcome.

I got speaking with Sarah and realised that we lived really close. She was lovely enough to come over to my house and pick me up, having NEVER met me before and take me over to Toms to get bones and meat to try my puppy on and we have become firm friends. She goes out of her way to help people, people on her forum and people shes never met. DO YOU REALISE HOW HARD IT IS TO TALK TO SOMEONE YOU HAVE NEVER MET.

Sarah is only human, a lovely human and I hope whoever has said whatever they have said behind her back is proud of themselves.

Camp is full of people that have met for the first time and some that go to camp need to realise that other people there have literally nothing in common with other apart from the fact that they own the same breed of dog.

Of course theres going to be people who see more of each other because they have other things in common or they live close ect...

Anyway ive had my say.........

Sarah, take no notice you are a fantastic person and an amazing friend, people need to realise this !!

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I love this place and I personally would have no social life (real or Internet based) without it. We don't have holidays other than camp because simply we can't afford it. So for us camp is our only chance to get away and have a good time - without it we wouldn't go away (where else can you go with your dogs that has like minded people all there for the se reason as you?) I am a bit shy in the real world and am not always good at meeting new people and at April camp we didn't get as involved as I would have liked (my choice not because we didn't feel welcome) however at October camp I came out of my shell a bit and really truly enjoyed every minute. I have had the misfortune ahem sorry pleasure of sitting with Marc & Sarah and having a really good chat with them (or rather drunkenly forced myself on them lol) we get to as many meets as we can and I can honestly say hand on heart that I have never had such a nice bunch of people to talk to before! This being reinforced by me posting at 1:30am after I have just finished my 10 1/2 hr shift - cant go to bed without going on HO first lol xxxxx

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

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Awh so sorry to hear you're having issues :( I personally love this forum, and I have come here with my worst issues and still continue to come back to this forum every time I need help or to rant, whether husky related (or not!) without feeling like I will be judged or persecuted. Thanks for keeping this site friendly and helpful! :D

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Speaking as a member of the staff, I'm saddened that one or two people feel the need to spread unhappiness about a place where, if it hadn't have existed, they probably wouldn't have ever met to gripe! I would have thought people here would have been adult enough to PM either the staff or the person involved to sort it - seems I was wrong.

Speaking as a member of Husky Owners, I have been here 4 years now, if I didn't think I was happy with how it was run, or what happened in here, or what Admin did for their members, I would have been out of here a LONG time ago! I have much better things to do than waste my time on somewhere that made me bitter & twisted. I have been to every camp (whether for the weekend or made the effort just for a day) just to catch up with those people from around the country that I see once or twice a year or to meet new faces that have joined the community - all down to Husky Owners.

To those who think something is wrong, tell the staff - have an input into how you would like to see things run. Everything is up for debate. How hard can that be? Dunc is right, you can't please everybody all the time, but the Admin & staff here will have a bloody good go if we know about it instead of backbiting & bitching.

(I'll get off my soap box now soapbox.gif )

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i am disgusted to read this.

I did wonder what sarahs status on fb was about last night.

We have been to two camps now, and both times sarah and marc and others have made our experience better!

I class sarah as a great friend and i luv her loads. Marc, not so much as he sets off airhorns in my ears!!

I hope whoever it is realises they could upset a lot of people if this forum is.shut.down!!!

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I must say, having only discovered this website recent, how well run it is, and how great to share thoughts, problems etc. I run a small car club, and know how thankless the task of running this site will be. Keep up the good work, and do not let anybody get you down.

Well done to all the staff.

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Sazzles dont take it to heart hun, if they want to bitch and moan then they're not worth your time. If they were that desperate to speak to you why didnt THEY seek you out? Instead of sitting on their arses expecting you to do the running about!? I've not been to camp but from the activity lists and what i've heard on the forum it sounds like you guys run around like blue arsed flies at the best of times! If people cant appreciate the fact that camp is a busy event then they must not have left their tent!

I've met Saz n Marc twice, and can honestly say I don't know of 2 people more welcoming than they are. They had never met me before, yet Sarah picked me up from a concert in Mancs in the middle of the night, took me into her home and her and Marc produced endless cuppas and ciggys, somewhere to sleep, a day out with the boys and then when I missed my train home Sarah sorted me out with a train ticket!

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I was going to say the same as nix and Marc. It's your holiday too! I've seen the pics and it looks like Harrods on boxing day morning! Lol. Point being the amount of people that attend are proof enough of how successful this forum is. What are you supposed to do with that amount of people? There's only so many hours in the day, you can't do everything all at once! If people expect otherwise, then they're being very unrealistic and unfair!

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newbie here !!

hi all ive only been member for 2 days and seeing this thread thingy "getting off my chest " sounded really meaty but unfortunatly its wasnt :( , BUT how ever sound like the hard working sarah got a little upset (not good) but the ever so cherfull peeps on here hope fully raised that smile :) , thanks folks as this also cheer'd me up knowing theres is nice people out there keep up the good work !! 1 smiling newbie

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This place completely changed my whole life... I have made so many great friends on this forum, none more so than Sarah and Marc

I have stayed at their house a number of times, stayed with them at a number of camps too, and they've made me feel welcome every single time! So for anyone to say a bad word about them is absolutely rubbish!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2

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