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Adjusting to life with multiple Huskies


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As many of you may or may not know, we recently uped our Husky count to three. So that's exactly where my question comes in. How did you guys adjust to life with more than one Husky? How do you go about training? Feeding? Walking? etc. Any tips would be much appreciated. (I'm really interested in how you guys walk multiple Huskies. LOL)

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We took baby steps. Went from 1 to 2! :D So far its been a challenging ride. Walks haven't changed to much except my wife and I both have a husky to walk now. We used to let Cj graze feed but now we make both dogs lay down while we pour thier kibble. They must have to be calm before they permission to get up and go to thier food dishes. Our biggest challenge to date is Toy aggression with our new addition. We are still working on that daily. I think the biggest change for us has been the extra amount of time it takes to make sure both dogs are given the time they need to adjust to us and each other.

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XD! We only meant to add one Husky, but Dimitri's sister Sasha was in horrible living conditions so that's why we ended up taking her too. But anyway, we've been doing pretty good on feeding. Making them all sit before they can get to the food. Hmmmm, toy aggression. :eek: I hope we don't have too big a problem with that. Time. XD We have nothing but time at the moment.

Walking belt..... That... sounds....like...an...amazing idea! XD

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I use a walking belt and take them out two at a time on the scooter. Feeding time is as you say, sit an wait then they're told they can take it. We tend to avoid toys as there's always trouble. They don't get chews, bones or anything else. At Christmas I got them an antler each which ended up in a fight so they were removed. They all know 'back' 'wait' ''kitchen' 'bed' 'out' 'away' 'leave' the newest one is 'straight down' which is to move them down into the garden and off the decking to relieve themselves as well as the usual sit, down and Peppa does 'roll over' lol They understand hand signals to a degree.

Having four around is quite easy really lol I practiced by having four children first :)

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I walk 4 of mine at a time I do cheat a little by using headcollars as well most of mine are not much less or even weigh more then me. I use a walking belt just incase if I'm walking 2 I don't normally use my belt. I feed my 2 youngest in there crates, bear get feed downstairs on her own but the others get feed together they all are made to sit and wait for the command to eat.

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I walk 4 of mine at a time I do cheat a little by using headcollars as well most of mine are not much less or even weigh more then me. I use a walking belt just incase if I'm walking 2 I don't normally use my belt. I feed my 2 youngest in there crates, bear get feed downstairs on her own but the others get feed together they all are made to sit and wait for the command to eat.

This is the person you wanna speak to regarding LOTS of huskies or huskies/mals or gsds lol i am still amazed at how you can walk 4 at a time when i struggle just with my two lol!

I suggest a walking belt but also take the time to train them to walk nicely :)

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We have 4.Hardest part for me is exercising them all as I believe they should have 2 walks a day.My husband can walk all 4 at a time, he uses a walking belt . I also use a belt but only walk 2 at a time. We have no issues around toys, they are scattered all over the place, none of them are toy aggressive.

Also no issues around food or chews. They all have their own set place to

eat, and are fed at the same time. They respect each others space. We have the odd squabble but that's rare. Generally they get on really well,and are always cuddly together .:)

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Moving from two to three was barely noticeable for us, lol. We stopped the free feeding and feed them only at certain times so that all can be monitored. Wodak was a bit possessive about toys but that's getting much better. Glala and Dana were never that playful with toys so between them that's not a problem. Wodak is an attention demander but we always make sure Glala and Dana get attention first, as well as giving them the equal amount of attention.

Walking three at a time was a breeze as well. We trained Wodak separately to walk on the left side with no pulling and is now walking nicely together with the pack. Took less than a week :eek:

Only other downside I can think of is that the furniture suddenly seems to have shrunken. It has suddenly become a puzzle to sit down! :D

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We have 4.Hardest part for me is exercising them all as I believe they should have 2 walks a day.My husband can walk all 4 at a time, he uses a walking belt . I also use a belt but only walk 2 at a time. We have no issues around toys, they are scattered all over the place, none of them are toy aggressive.

Also no issues around food or chews. They all have their own set place to

eat, and are fed at the same time. They respect each others space. We have the odd squabble but that's rare. Generally they get on really well,and are always cuddly together .:)

Ours like a cuddle and Togo will let the cat take food from him as well as the others, but the other three believe what's theirs is theirs only and they'll have someone else's as well if they can :| I've no idea why the other three are different, as far as Im aware they've all been treated the same. They're not possessive over things with people, just with each other

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I can walk all mine at once, but it does get tricky if they pull. Some days my husband will ride his bike and take one at a time through the neighborhood so they get to just run. Now training them indoors is much harder for me. I usually have to let one in while the others are outside if I want to work on training. Because when I call one, they all come looking for goodies or loving. Its hard to get their focus on me when they think someone is going to steal their treat. I find training with all of them in the house is best done when they are all laying around relaxed. Then I go to one and in that spot give her/him a few commands to reinforce training. But if I keep it up for more than a few minutes the whole pack comes looking for attention.

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As many of you may or may not know, we recently uped our Husky count to three. So that's exactly where my question comes in. How did you guys adjust to life with more than one Husky? How do you go about training? Feeding? Walking? etc. Any tips would be much appreciated. (I'm really interested in how you guys walk multiple Huskies. LOL)

As you know, I upgraded to 2 huskies last August. It got easier in regards to how hyper and destructive Nikko was because now they keep each other company. That is where it ended though LOL. It has definitely become a challenge.

First, feeding:

This was pretty easy. I gave Yukon a separate bowl on the other side of the kitchen. He is a little food aggressive, Nikko is not. I did have a separate water bowl, but gave that up, so they drink out of the same big bowl. It is funny because when Nikko is done eating, puppy will run up and lick his bowl LOL.


This was a challenge at first but it got easier. Nikko doesn’t pull (unless he sees something he wants, like a rabbit or cat!). I tried using a coupler with one leash, and that didn’t work out so well, so I have Nikko on my left, and Yukon on my right with a leash in each hand. It works out pretty well. I don’t know how I would go about walking 3 huskies unless both of us take them for each of their walks!


This was the hardest part. When I tried training Yukon Nikko would try to play with him and got in the way. I would have to have my partner take Nikko for a walk and I would work with Yukon. I have been the only one working with Yukon, whereas both of us trained Nikko, so I don’t think Yukon is as well trained as Nikko is.

Playtime is pretty easy because they get along very well, but both of them have some aggression towards some of their toys. I had to take away rawhides because it caused fights. For the most part I think it is pretty easy adding a second one….now I just need a bigger bed!

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I have 3 of the nutters :) I find it really easy personally, we've had 3 for the last 18 months

Feeding - each time we introduced a dog (we added one, then another, so not 2 at once), the new dog was fed seperately initially. With Grey we fed him next to Kira quite quickly as he didnt seem to have any issues around food. We just stood right next to them for a while at first to make sure they didnt try to steal each others.

With Keyu she was fed seperately for a good month or 2, as she had food aggression (dog and human) due to being starved as a puppy. Once she was ok with us we moved her into the living room then over time brought her bowl closer and closer to the other 2. Now they can eat with their food bowls touching. Sometimes one will get too close for comfort and we have a few growls, but never fights.

I walk all 3 together, I do use a walking belt but it is purely a back up in case I trip (so I dont have 3 loose dogs!) and so I can pick up poo easily without having to juggle leads. All 3 of them walk loose lead on a flat collar, I have the girls in one hand and Grey in the other (because he stops more often to mark). If any of them put tension on the lead I sort of growl their name and give a little tug on their lead and they fall back into line. It has taken a lot of work though!

Training wise they all have basic training, sit, down, paw, wait, get off the sofa, go to beds, get out of the kitchen, leave, walk nicely on a lead, (limited) recall etc etc. And they each have their own little 'tricks' aswell, Grey speaks, Kira poses (sits up on back legs with front paws on my leg) and Keyu gives high 10.

Apart from the sit/down/paw and their tricks all the other stuff they have just picked up over time, as its what I expect of them in every day life, for example if I want to sit on the sofa I ask them to get off, if they dont they are well aware that I will move them. If I tell them to get out of the kitchen and they dont again I will remove them. If they dont recall from the garden I will go and get them, if they dont go to bed I will put them in bed etc etc. They've just learnt over time that life is easier if they do as they're told!

We've been to a training class once, and tbh it wasnt really for us, too much standing around and Kira got bored, so we didnt go back. Everything they know I taught them myself or they picked up over time.

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I can walk all 4 of my dogs on my own. Which is 3 huskies and 1 akita. I can also jog with all 4 if we have a routine...if i tried to do it right now i'd probably be dragged down the street, since they've been cooped up all winter lol

I also got a joring belt for Christmas, and its amazing. Granted I only do one at a time right now since my roads are busy and we haven't found a good spot to run all safely and the towline is long, so maybe once i get a shorter line i'll try multiple dogs.

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Thanks so much for all the advice, stories, and tips guys! :D I enjoyed reading them all. We're definitely going to invest in a walking belt. I'll probably end up walking Niko and Sasha while Vince walks Dimitri. XD

As for feeding, they've all been doing fine, and no signs of toy aggression, and they've been chewing pretty well separately. Hopefully all will stay well. I think we'll do just fine. <3 Thanks again everyone! I can't wait to see how we handle them all when they're older.

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