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Sasha going to the vet today....


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So I'm taking sasha to the vet tonight because isn't herself at all she hasn't eaten much in the last two days she gets like that sometimes but I give her roo steaks and she will eat them no matter what but she only ate not even a quarter of it last night, diaherria (sorry if I spelt it wrong), sleeping a lot more then normally and she's getting snappy which isn't like her she is only like that when she is sick or in pain :( I finally got a photo of her mouth it's not a very good photo as its taken with my phone. They will more then likely have to sedate her to get a look at it if they need too I'm so scared and worried that it will be something bad :( I shouldn't be working myself up about it but I can't help it she's my baby :( any ideas on what it could be? It's getting bigger I'm not sure if it hurt her or she just didnt like my finger in her mouth when I felt it its soft but a little bit hard in some sections.





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We went to the vet and they don't know what it is so sasha has to have surgery next week to remove it and I had a choice to send it to the lab to see what it is or not I am choosing to send it off even though it will cost a couple of hundred to do so but I want to know what it is so if it ever comes back I know what it is my poor baby hates small spaces so she is going to hate me for doing this to her :( I can't help but cry because I know it's going to stress her out and she is going to be so scared :(

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Big hugs, I understand what you're going through to some extent. Bear came to us with huge confinement issues, seriously I can't even begin to fully describe how super sensitive she was. I'll give you a brief example though, If she was standing next to a wall and you approached her she'd flip out, if you tried to clean her paws after coming in from the garden, again she'd feel trapped and flip out. I fretted for over a week about her spay operation but it's something that was neccessary and honestly Sasha's operation will be over and done with before you know it. The waiting is always worse than the actual event! The only good thing I noted about a dog who won't be caged (even sedatives didn't help to get her into it, we had to drag her in and I ended up sitting inside it with her! lol) is that when they come round they generally make a lot of noise and are therefore discharged at the earliest opportunity. I had several phone calls begging me to come and get my dog as she's howling and barking so much. I'd like to point out that I was already on my way but stuck in traffic, they must of called 3 times in 20 minutes or so!

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Sasha had her spay op a week after i got her, she didn't do to bad but she hated being there and was scared so I'm kind of panicing about her maybe biting someone because she's scared when she went in before the vets said she was good but wouldn't go near anyone and snapped at them like a warning bite if they kept trying, I got there to pick her up and she pretty much ran out of the place lol I just hope she will be ok this time round and she will be ok with me when she comes home they said she should only be there for a day so she doesn't she too stressed out so I was happy about that part.

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Yes Bear growls at vets too. I wouldn't worry too much about them getting bitten as if they feel too threatened they can take precautions to prevent it. I'm sure they've been growled and snapped at many times before, when we have to go I'm more nervous than they are! Glad to hear she wasn't too bad with the spay, and good luck with her op. Remember we're here to support you if you need us! :)

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Thanks :) she doesn't normally give a warning when she goes to bite specially when she is scared like she is at the vets she just looks over her shoulder the lunges towards what ever is closest and I'm worried that it might be there face :( all the vets and vet nurses there know what she's like though so hopefully she will be ok I keep being told to take her to the vet that's closer to where I live but I don't know them and sasha has only been there once and that was for her paw when she cut it open. My family have been going to this vet for 15-20yrs now and there awesome there :)

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Would they allow you to send a used shirt in belonging to you for her to sleep on? It may help calm her if she can smell you.

I wouldn't worry too much about the people in the vet. From what you say they know her quite well and will be prepared for the worst, plus she's in pain so its understandable..

Let us know her progress :) and yours. I cried buckets when I had to leave Safi at the veterinary hospital overnight. And she couldn't have anything with her, not even her collar. It was horrible bringing it home without her.

Good luck :)

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I didn't think of that thanks ill ask when I ring up to book her in and I might see if she can take her favourite toy with her she loves laying on her Xmas penguin lol I've had to do that with a family dog a few years ago except we went back to get her and were told the worse news I think I've ever had to hear about an animal we've had :( (our dog had bone cancer and broke her leg and she passed away a week later :( ) it's so different with sasha though as she is my dog and no one else's I'm dreading the day I have to drop her off but I can't let sasha see me cry while there she hates it when I cry :(

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Update on sasha she is booked in next week for her surgery :( soooooo not looking forward to the day I know it's for her own good but that's a whole day without my baby girl :( ill be a mess :( the day can't come quick enough though she is starting to scratch her mouth a lot over the last 2-3 days.

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